
Aquaworld Revealing the secrets of aquatic lives

Earth Day was founded in 1970 to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and promoting sustainab...

Earth Day was founded in 1970 to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices, today it is now observed by over 192 countries around the world. Since then, it has become a global movement, with people all over the world coming together to promote, publicise and take action to protect our planet with various events including educational programs, community cleanups and tree planting.

Plastic pollution is one of the most serious environmental challenges of our time. Plastic waste is now found in our oceans, lakes, and rivers, and it’s having a devastating impact on wildlife and ecosystems. It’s time for us to take action and fight back against this scourge of plastic waste.This year’s theme is “planet vs plastic,” focusing on ways we can restore and protect our planet’s ecosystems against plastic pollution.

Today, 22nd of April as the usual practices is. Let’s remember that we all have a role to play in protecting our planet by commit to reducing our use of single-use plastics and finding alternatives to this damaging material. Let’s also support efforts to clean up our waterways and create a more sustainable future for our generation to come

Happy World Earth day.

9 days to go to our anniversary event in IBADAN!

9 days to go to our anniversary event in IBADAN!

Welcome to April 🤗

Welcome to April 🤗

Christ is risen for everyone

Christ is risen for everyone

WORLD WATER DAY CELEBRATION, 2024 Globally, over 3 billion people depend on waters that cross their national borders. Sa...


Globally, over 3 billion people depend on waters that cross their national borders. Sadly, only 24 countries have been recorded to have agreements to cooperate together in sharing their waters.
See here (

This depicts the disunity and tensions that scarcity, pollution and unequal access to water can cause between countries and communities. To promote and publicise the need for unity and cooperation on the use of global waters, the 2024 World Water Day celebration has been themed - Water for Peace and we go all out to celebrate today, 22nd of March as the usual practice is.

This theme has come to be with the aim of emphasising that we can all foster global prosperity and harmony when we cooperate on Water. The theme also buttresses that we all should see Water as a resource that everyone is entitled to and not one to be competed over.

As we celebrate the World Water Day today, make conscious effort at:
* avoiding Water wastage henceforth
* quenching someone’s thirst today.

Happy World Water Day!

©️  Esther Oluwagbemisola Olufade for Aquaworld

The pervasive issue of marine plastic pollution poses a critical threat to marine ecosystems, endangering wildlife, and ...

The pervasive issue of marine plastic pollution poses a critical threat to marine ecosystems, endangering wildlife, and human sustainability.

Addressing this global challenge is imperative to restore our ocean health, safeguard aquatic biodiversity, and ensure the sustainability of marine resources for present and future generations.

Join us as we explore the current findings on the impact of plastic debris in our oceans, and innovative solutions and strategies to mitigate this escalating environmental challenge.
Sign up here Or use the link in the bio

The journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with a step. Having begun with baby steps towards achieving the giant ...

The journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with a step.

Having begun with baby steps towards achieving the giant goal of improving the ocean health through impactful exercises and programmes targeted at every individual and groups in the society, Aquaworld now applauds the great achievements that have been recorded since her launch.

Aquaworld’s activities and programmes have impacted several legend communities in Nigeria,  most especially in the South-Western parts of the country.

Some Northern Nigerian states (emphasis on Kaduna and the FCT) have also been impacted by different programmes organised by Aquaworld representatives in the states.

This map indicates that there are still more grounds to cover and Aquaworld will not relent in reaching out to the Unreached for greater impact.

Check the detailed map for more details on the impact of Aquaworld in different locations in Nigeria.

©️ Esther Oluwagbemisola Olufade for AQUAWORLD

There’s no us without our women in it. #

There’s no us without our women in it.

Several hazardous activities that have left a great impact on our planet were mostly done out of ignorance and lack of i...

Several hazardous activities that have left a great impact on our planet were mostly done out of ignorance and lack of information. This has exposed a huge gap that needs to be bridged.

For this reason, Aquaworld projects this course through various educative programmes; one of which is the ‘Let’s Discuss’. The programme connects young and inquisitive minds with verified and most recent informations on issues that affect our planet.

The first edition of the ‘Let’s Discuss’ programme took place on the 10th of February, 2024 at around 10:00am in the morning across 3 of our hubs (Akure, Ibadan and Lagos). The topic of discussion was “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP)”. It was an expository and interactive session as the impact as well as the mitigating measures of the GPGP were discussed.

Endowed with a wide variety of water bodies and aquatic resources, Africa is a wealthy continent. Making good use of the...

Endowed with a wide variety of water bodies and aquatic resources, Africa is a wealthy continent. Making good use of the resources that the African waters provide in a way that is sustainable is therefore, of utmost importance. Here is where the knowledge of the Blue Economy comes in.

Join us on the 27th of February as we interact on Navigating Our Waters, understanding the Blue Economy and its Prospects for the Development of Africa.

Our Guest Speaker is ready!
Are you ready?

Save the date and sign up here Or visit the link in the bio

It’s World Wetlands Day Celebration 🎊Wetland ecosystem is a network of environmental interaction where water is the main...

It’s World Wetlands Day Celebration 🎊

Wetland ecosystem is a network of environmental interaction where water is the main factor controlling the environment and the life (both animal and plant) in it. (

Wetland Ecosystems contribute immensely to our planet and her inhabitants. The contributions of wetlands to biodiversity,  world economies, the climate and more, cannot be overemphasized. Sadly, wetlands are being lost three times faster than our forests and thus, puts our planet at a huge risk.

In order to create awareness (at a global standpoint) about wetlands and how they can be restored and conserved, the World Wetlands Day is celebrated.

The World Wetlands Day celebration takes place on the 2nd of February, every year. The Day also marks the Day The Convention of Wetlands was adopted in Ramsar City, Iran.

For the year 2024, the World Wetlands Day celebration will focus on the theme: “Wetlands and Human Wellbeing”. The theme showcases the value of Wetland Ecosystems and their contributions to the sustainable development and well-being of humans and their environment.

The Day’s celebration is open to all individuals, government bodies, institutions, Non-governmental Organisations and more, since wetland Ecosystems are important to us all. (
Be a part of the celebration by being informed!

Happy World Wetlands Day!

By: Esther Oluwagbemisola for Aquaworld

Hi there🙋🏽‍♂️Did you know that the tide of ocean conservation is turning, and Web3 potential is one of the gateways to o...

Hi there🙋🏽‍♂️
Did you know that the tide of ocean conservation is turning, and Web3 potential is one of the gateways to ocean conservation and sustainability?😮

You don’t? Worry no more 😁

Join our next training series and discover how Web3 tech is shaping the forefront of ocean conservation.
Sign up here:

Creating an avenue for the emergence of great leadership skills among the executive team members of the Non-governmental...

Creating an avenue for the emergence of great leadership skills among the executive team members of the Non-governmental Organization.

The 3- day forum aims at developing the capacity of each participating executive member, fostering better performance and delivery in them.

The forum will be facilitated by three seasoned Leaders who have been recorded to be top performers in their fields and career.

All things are apparently ready and it is certain that each participant will have a wonderful time at the forum.

2024 is the year we are empowering change! 🌍 Join us on a journey of impact as we unveil our exciting lineup of activiti...

2024 is the year we are empowering change! 🌍

Join us on a journey of impact as we unveil our exciting lineup of activities for the year ahead.

Together, let’s make a difference that lasts a lifetime.

TIPS ON NAVIGATING THE NEW YEAR (Part 2)Hello, Friends!As promised yesterday, we are here with the concluding part of th...


Hello, Friends!

As promised yesterday, we are here with the concluding part of the tips on how to navigate through the new year. Here are the tips: 

Tip 4: Do not trade Shark fins and sharks: Whether as a buyer or seller, do not be involved in trading of shark fins and sharks in 2024. Many shark populations are decreasing because of fishing(Worm et al., 2013). It is therefore expedient that you stay clear of any activity that would further pose a threat to these fish species.

Tip 5: Gain Knowledge!
Be resolute this year to add more knowledge to what you already know. An aspect of sustainable living that you would love to know more about is The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red list. The list supplies detailed information on the conservation status of all species of life. It acts as an indicator of how healthy or not our world’s biodiversity is.
When you read, you’ll get to see a list of species that are categorised as: Not Evaluated, Data Deficient, Least Concern, Near Threatened, Vulnerable, Endangered, Critically Endangered, Extinct in the Wild and Extinct. ( 

Tip 6: Avoid water wastage: You’d agree with me that not much explanation is needed on this tip. Water they say, is life. Research shows that only about 2.5% of the world’s water is available and we depend on a minute fragment of that percentage, as freshwater for our consumption. It is very expedient we use water wisely. Among many other practices, you can avoid water wastage by; turning off your taps/showers when it’s not in use and save up your used clothes to be washed singly par time; as you save more water than when you wash every single time you have a dirty cloth to wash. ( 

And there you have it! Remember, you must be intentional about practising each tip we have discussed. 

Which of the tips seem to be a bother to you? 

Would you love to share other tips with other readers? 

We’d love to hear your opinions in the comment section! 

Don’t forget to like, comment and share for others to read and learn. 

Happy New year once again!

Hello, Friends. Happy New year to you! It’s the first Friday in the year 2024 and you’d agree with me that it isn’t too ...

Hello, Friends. 

Happy New year to you! It’s the first Friday in the year 2024 and you’d agree with me that it isn’t too late nor too early to plan how to sustainably scale through 2024. 

Sit close and tight as we delve into simple yet fun tips on starting and staying through the year sustainably. 

Tip 1: Refuse Single-use plastics(e.g straws, plastic bags, candy wrapping, etc): Just as they are named, single-use plastics are made to be disposed right after use. ( We discard them without much thought but in the long run contribute to the environmental challenge we face and might still face in future.  Say NO to them in 2024.

Alternative? Choose to shop with reusable bags, you could take your drink without straws. 

Tip 2: Say NO to Styrofoams: As you know, styrofoams are non-biodegradable and so, stay for a long time in the environment. They occupying our landfills and pose a treat to the environment and organisms living there. Styrofoams are so commonly used in our disposable cups, take-out containers and some other items that come mind, yeah? Be intentional about avoiding them this year!(.com) 

Tip 3: Have a nice time at the beach BUT keep the beach clean: you most certainly have plans to go to the beach this year and most likely not alone, yeah? In 2024, make up your mind to avoid littering the beach. You would much on goods, take a drink and have so much fun. However,  make sure to leave the beach unlittered. 

There are more tips to discuss and they will be made available tomorrow for your reading. Stay tuned.

Did you find these tips interesting and engaging? 

Which of the tips seem to be a bother to you? 

Would you love to share other tips with other readers? 

We’d love to hear your opinions in the comment section! 

Don’t forget to like, comment and share for others to read and learn. 

Happy New year once again!


Welcome to 2023

Welcome to 2023

2023 had been an amazing year for us and we won’t have been able to achieve all we had without the support of our sponso...

2023 had been an amazing year for us and we won’t have been able to achieve all we had without the support of our sponsors.

As we close the curtain for the year, we are taking the opportunity to day a very big thank you to all our sponsors for the year 2023.

Compliment of the season to you our dear friends

Compliment of the season to you our dear friends

Empowering children and teenager to become ocean armies  The Ocean Champions project by Aquawold came around once again,...

Empowering children and teenager to become ocean armies

The Ocean Champions project by Aquawold came around once again, but this time bigger and better. Phase II of the project cut across Oyo and Ondo State, Nigeria. The programme cut across both the training of pupils in Olufunmilayo groups of schools, Akure (Ondo state) and an open ground sensitization at Bodija International College, Ibadan (Oyo state).

The awareness at Bodija college focused on enlightening the students on the adverse effect of plastic pollution and climate change on our environment, thereafter introducing them to actions that can be taken to address these issues.

At Olufunmilayo group of schools , we trained selected group of children and teenagers on championing the cause of environmental sustainability. Through this initiative, we equipped the participants with applicable knowledge and skills addressing climate change and plastic pollution to create a sustainable future for our blue planet.

With this brought to an end the 2nd cohort of the Ocean champions project. A hug thanks to our sponsor and our partner institutions: Telnet International college, Bodija International College and Olufunmilayo group of schools.

Teaching Climate Resilience to Fishing Communities.In the last days of September, the Fishers Prep project team executed...

Teaching Climate Resilience to Fishing Communities.

In the last days of September, the Fishers Prep project team executed our series of fishers prep community workshops, engaging fisherfolks from 8 landing sites in Lagos (3) and Ondo (5) states.

The introductory workshops helped the team familiarize ourselves with our target audience who we will be working with throughout the project till next year March, as well as introduce the project goals and objectives to the fishers engaged.

Major highlights of the workshops included an introduction to Climate-Resilience Fisheries (in a local context) and problem analysis - splitting the fishers into groups according to their landing sites to derive brief information on relevant issues they require regarding fishing activities in their respective landing sites/fishing grounds.

In our next post, we will brief you about our 2nd workshop where we trained the fishers on specific pointers to promote sustainable fishing in coastal communities.

The Fishersprep project is fully sponsored through the Leaderhip for global climate resilient fisheries fellowship by and

Today we celebrate our Timeout members who were selected as fellows for the recent   Keep up with the excellent represen...

Today we celebrate our Timeout members who were selected as fellows for the recent

Keep up with the excellent representation.
are rooting for you all🥰

Empowering Nigerian Youth to Improve Climate Resilient Fisheries in Nigeria: Meet the Fisher's Prep Activators!In Septem...

Empowering Nigerian Youth to Improve Climate Resilient Fisheries in Nigeria: Meet the Fisher's Prep Activators!

In September, four bright young minds were selected to be part of the Fisher’s Prep team as Project Activators.
Sohfiyyah Murtadho - Female (Lagos State)
Gbadamosi Folashade - Female (Lagos State)
Victoria Ololade-Demehin - Female (Ondo State)
Ogunyemi Kolawole - Male (Ondo State)

These individuals took part in a series of trainings through the Fishers Prep Activators Workshop that armed them with a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to change. They were all trained in data analysis, scientific writing skills, and the art of community engagement.
Equipped with their newfound expertise, the project activators hit the field, where they will be engaging local fisherfolks in Lagos and Ondo states, exchanging significant information and enhancing the capacity of specified fishing communities to adopt sustainable fishing practices.

Through the fieldwork, the project team will also be focused on building connections and understanding the underlying issues affecting these fishing communities and empower them with applicable informaion to improve the resilience of fisheries in these two states against climate change.

This field exercise will include every aspect of their training cycle, from data collection and interpretation to monitoring, reporting, and post-project engagement.

In our next post on the project, we wil share updates about our first community workshop in Ondo and Lagos states.

The Fishersprep project is sponsored through the Leadership for Global Climate Resilient Fisheries Fellowship by and

Aquaworld retrieves about 300 kilogrammes of waste in celebration of  the World Clean up Day, 2023 In adherence to what ...

Aquaworld retrieves about 300 kilogrammes of waste in celebration of the World Clean up Day, 2023

In adherence to what the organisation stands for, Aquaworld celebrated the World Clean up Day across different states in Nigeria. The Clean up exercises were carried out on three different days in three different states of the country in partnership with Wasset.

On the 16th of September, a Clean up exercise was carried out in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo state. The exercise began from the gate of the prestigious University of Ibadan up to Bodija market.

The 23rd of the same month, a similar exercise was carried out in Lagos State. The Lafiaji bridge was the point of call and the Aquaworld team turned up to make the exercise an effective yet eventful one.

Akure, the capital of Ondo state was not left out as Owena river; one of the popular water bodies in the state was cleaned up.

The whole exercise brought together about fifty Youths who saw the need for a cleaner environment and who put the need into action.

Recording a laudable success, the Aquaworld team retreat about 300 kilograms of waste from all the areas visited.

Hello, ocean enthusiasts! We're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest initiative, "The Fisher's Prep," powered b...

Hello, ocean enthusiasts!

We're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest initiative, "The Fisher's Prep," powered by AquaWorld and sponsored by with the through the Leadership for Climate Resilient Fisheries Fellowship.

This youth-led project is on a mission to bolster the resilience of fisheries against climate change in Nigeria. We're putting the focus on education—educating fishermen about the profound impacts of overfishing and illegal practices on fish populations, aquatic ecosystems, and their capacity to adapt to climate change.

The Plan: We're gearing up to train four passionate youths from Ondo and Lagos States as Fishers Prep Activators. These young leaders will play a pivotal role in driving sustainable fishing practices in their states.

This program would involve:
Youth Empowerment: We're training four dynamic young individuals from Ondo and Lagos States as Fishers Prep Activators. They're the future leaders who will drive sustainable fishing practices in their communities.

Data Collection: Our team is hitting the shores to gather crucial data on fish landing sites in Lagos and Ondo States. This information will be our guiding star for future conservation efforts.

Education: We're not stopping there! We're reaching out to artisanal fishermen, equipping them with the tools and knowledge to fish sustainably, ensuring the health of our aquatic ecosystems.

Sustainable Practices: It's all about action! We're training selected fishermen in some fishing communities to apply innovative and sustainable fishing methods, safeguarding our oceans' future.

We are joining other frontliners to ensure a brighter, more resilient future for Nigeria's fisheries.

*Women Only* ‼️Did you know that women hold a unique role in promoting ocean conservation?And there are multiple skills ...

*Women Only* ‼️
Did you know that women hold a unique role in promoting ocean conservation?

And there are multiple skills available for women to drive extraordinary impact in this field?

Join us next training dedicated to harnessing the potential of women in safeguarding our ocean.

Sign up here:
Or use the link in our bio

Are you in Lagos or Ibadan?Join our Clean Up event on Saturday in commemoration of the   2023!  together 💪🏾

Are you in Lagos or Ibadan?

Join our Clean Up event on Saturday in commemoration of the 2023!
together 💪🏾



Every year, the Nigerian Network of Youth for Sustainable Initiative (NGYouthSDGs) and Oxfam in Nigeria would organise the Youths Day spotlight Awards to recognize young Nigerians (from ages 18 to 29) making remarkable impacts towards sustainable development. In the month of August, 2023, about 300 nominations were made across the nation with about 10 nominees scaling through to the topmost part of the list. Amongst these 10 is the founder of Aquaworld, Paul Eweola.

Paul Eweola, whose SDGs' focus area is -Life below water launched Aquaworld over four years ago with the passion and vision to ensure that the general public, most especially the Youths, are educated and impacted on sustainable ocean Practices. In pursuit of this, he has carried out several exercises and programmes that have earned himself and the organisation he represents, the recognition we now celebrate. The impact of the exercises and programmes Paul had put together with his team include the extension of ocean literacy to over 10,000 school children across the nation, training of hundreds of Youths in plastic upcycling and engagement of over 10,000 African Youths on becoming sustainability leaders in their communities.

Currently, Paul is a Young National Geographic Explorer, an Earthday Ambassador and an alumnus of World Ocean Day Youth Advisory Council - all indicating paths that show his passion.

Hello, Blue Ambassadors! We bring to you the first and newest chapter of captivating and educative series on matters tha...

Hello, Blue Ambassadors! We bring to you the first and newest chapter of captivating and educative series on matters that relate to the Marine environment.

This week's series is on Plastic Pollution and the Ocean focusing on what plastic pollution is and the parts of plastics that cause pollution. Enjoy the read!

The concluding part of the series will be available next week as we discuss the receiving ends as well as the detrimental effects of plastic pollution. Stay tuned!

Don't forget to like, share and air your thoughts and contributions in the comment section. We'll be glad to follow through.


Celebrating the recent   Our dedicated Hub in Akure carried out a plastic mop-up exercise at the Federal University of T...

Celebrating the recent

Our dedicated Hub in Akure carried out a plastic mop-up exercise at the Federal University of Technology, Akure Campus, involving students from the university in retrieving discarded plastic materials and promoting youth action to lessen impact of plastic pollution our community.



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