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In Nigeria's heart, a leader bold and true,General Christopher Gwabin Musa, we salute you.As Chief of Defence Staff, you...

In Nigeria's heart, a leader bold and true,
General Christopher Gwabin Musa, we salute you.
As Chief of Defence Staff, your valor shines bright,
Guiding our forces through the darkest of night.

With courage unwavering, you stand at the helm,
Protecting our nation, steering with wisdom's realm.
Through trials and triumphs, you lead with grace,
Inspiring our troops to conquer any space.

From the plains of battle to the skies above,
Your leadership echoes, a beacon of love.
In the face of adversity, you remain steadfast,
A symbol of strength, in every blast.

Your dedication to duty, a testament strong,
To safeguard our people, you've labored long.
With honor and integrity, you've forged your path,
General Musa, our nation's steadfast mast.

In every challenge, you've risen high,
With honor and valor, you've touched the sky.
As Nigeria's Chief Of Defence Staff, you'll ever stand tall,
General Christopher Gwabin Musa, our hero, our all.


This second language, "body language" reveal a lot about our emotions,understanding these body signals can help you decipher what people are really thinking and feeling, even before they say a word.

1. Hand rubbing: When someone rubs their hands together, it signals nervousness, anxiety, or anticipation.

2. Rapid blinking: Blinking more than usual might indicate discomfort or stress.

3. Dilated pupils: Linked to interest, excitement, or attraction.

4. Sustained eye contact: Can show engagement, confidence, or even a challenge, depending on the context.

5. Avoiding eye contact: This signals shyness, discomfort, or even guilt. It can also be a sign of submission or a lack of confidence in that situation.

6. Nodding: Slow, steady nodding shows agreement and understanding. Rapid, jerky nods might indicate anxiety or excitement.

7. Crossed arms: This can be a defensive posture, indicating disagreement, disapproval, or even a closed-off attitude.

8. Open palms facing up: This is seen as a gesture of trust, honesty, and openness.

9. Mirroring movements: Mirroring, where someone mimics your movements, is a strong signal of rapport and connection. It indicates that the person is comfortable and aligned with your energy.

10. Fidgeting or playing with hair: This signals nervousness, boredom, or even excitement.

11. Steepling fingers: Can indicate confidence, authority, or even critical thinking

12. Ankle crossing: Sometimes a sign of relaxation, but it can also indicate nervousness or boredom.

13. Pointing the foot towards someone: This could signify interest, attraction, or even possessiveness. If their feet point away from you, it may suggest a desire to leave or disengage from the conversation.

14. Spreading legs while sitting: This is interpreted as confidence or dominance, but can also be simply comfortable.

15. Shifting weight from foot to foot: This indicates restlessness, impatience, or even uncertainty


Winners Never Quit And Quitters Never Win..



Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!Ella John, Khadijah Muhammad, Peace Tranquil Rpn

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!

Ella John, Khadijah Muhammad, Peace Tranquil Rpn




I welcome the verdict of the Justice John I. Okoro-led Panel of the Supreme Court on the Presidential Election petitions filed by the candidates of the Peoples Democratic Party and the Labour Party, challenging the ruling of the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.

The court has done justice to all issues put up for consideration in the petitions on the merits of the law, without fear or favour.

There is no doubt, with the profound judgment of today, that our electoral jurisprudence and constitutional democracy are further consolidated and embedded more indelibly in our national identity because of the diligence and undaunted professionalism of the Honourable Justices who presided over the matter.

While the verdict of today has laid to rest the agitating discourse over who truly won the 2023 Presidential election and met the constitutional requirements as laid out by law, I want to reiterate that my faith in our nation's judiciary has never been shaken, not even for a moment, because I know that our hallowed courts of law will not fail to administer justice to all Nigerians in all matters and at all times. Despite the fusillade of pressure and attempts at intimidation by some political actors, the judiciary demonstrated its unequivocal commitment to upholding the rule of law for the upliftment and defense of humanity.

It was affirmed once more today, that my party, the governing All Progressives' Congress, had freely and fairly won the popular mandate of Nigerians, which has since given rise to my leadership of this great nation at a tumultuous period of unprecedented reforms in our history as a nation.

With deep gratitude to God Almighty, I solemnly and humbly accept today's judicial victory with an intense sense of responsibility and a burning desire to meet the great challenges confronting our people.

The victory of today has further energised and strengthened my commitment to continue to serve all Nigerians of all political persuasions, tribes, and faiths, with honour and total respect for the diverse opinions and uniting values of our citizens.

Our Renewed Hope agenda for a greater and prosperous Nigeria has further gained momentum and I will continue to work from morning to night, every single day, to build a country that meets our collective yearnings and aspirations.

We are all members of one household, and this moment demands that we continue to work and build our country together. The strength of our diversity and the great citizenship that binds us must now compel us forward in directing the energy of our people towards building a virile, stronger, united, and more prosperous country.

In the days and months ahead, I trust that the spirit of patriotism will be elevated into supporting our administration to improve the living conditions of Nigerians. I am prepared to welcome the contributions of all Nigerians to foster and strengthen our collective progress.

I send my immense gratitude to all Nigerians for the mandate to serve our country. I promise again to meet and exceed your expectations in service delivery and good governance, working with my team and trusting in the grace of God.

May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President and Commander-in-Chief, Federal Republic of Nigeria

National Policy Dialogue On Public Service Ethics values and integrity in Nigeria–in Perspective.-Prof.Lamela L.Silaskey...

National Policy Dialogue On Public Service Ethics values and integrity in Nigeria–in Perspective.-Prof.Lamela L.Silas

key words: ethics , values, integrity, public service


The conversations around Ethics and Ethical conducts, values and integrity in the public service, has over the years inundated the media, both print and TV as well as social media in Nigeria. It has remained a subject of deliberations at different fora: at workshops, seminars, training and campaigns and public functions with opinions expressed along conflicting and sometimes contradictory divide. some of the description of the role of civil servants in particular in promoting corruption being the highest level of unethical conduct defined in the service is found in the words of Goke Adegoroye, in his book titled Restoring Good Governance In Nigeria: The Civil Service Pathway said"…the focus had to be on the civil service because in the kitchen of public sector corruption , the civil servant is the cook that carefully selects all the ingredients and bakes them into an appetizing "cake" ; the steward that takes the ready product to the laps of the politicians; and the cleaner that ensures that any fall-out is so carefully tidied up that whosoever comes into government later would not see a sign that anyone had eaten anything therefrom".(2015,38).

It appears the more they discuss on the updated version of ethical misconduct trending ,( and as we all get deeply engrossed in the discussion proffering feasible solutions), the messier the succeeding case, defying all reasonable justifications. This premise goes to affirm the fears of stakeholders and promoters in the field of ethics, values and integrity, who, out of utter frustration, grimly concluded that, “the end of the tunnel remains dark still”.

To put the discussion in perspective it is necessary we define the terms in use for proper understanding of the subject matter of ethics values and integrity.
Ethics is defined as the basic concept and fundamental principle of decent conduct/rules of behavior based on ideas about is morally good or bad.
Values are our fundamental beliefs; the principles /rules we use to define and/or make decisions about right, good and unjust.
Integrity is defined as a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles expectations and outcomes(Wikipedia).

Frauds, corruptions and several other acts of gross misconduct, as defined by public service rules, litter both the civil service and the public service domain. unethical conducts such certificate scandals, fraudulent acts, outright theft to several other acts of gross misconduct including alleged NYSC certificate forgery remain unresolved over the years. Even some members of the National Assembly, our Presidents, present and former, are not spared the agony of certificate tales.
Recently, the case of Ms. Mmesoma Ejikeme and JAMB, since it came to the public realm, has remained a perpetually cited incident of the lowest level of unethical conduct committed by a 16 or rather 19 years old affirming the level of moral and ethical predicament our country has descended to. This, unfortunately, has polarize the country along ethnical and sectional divide as well as several other mundane considerations far above the prime of moral and ethical considerations. (I salute the courage of those that opted to side with ethics in that case including her state government).
While Conversations center mainly around the evil of that act with public desperately seeking ways out of such national predicament, suddenly with a heave of relief the attention of Nigerians was pleasantly drawn to the commendable and unprecedented act of the former governor of Ondo state, His Excellency, Sen. Dr. Gbenga Daniel who, for conscience sake, opted to have his pension suspended as former governor and now a serving senator representing Ondo west. He cannot be drawing from pension after retiring as well as draw accept another remuneration from the same government coffers.

This fundamental principle of transformational leadership demonstrated by His Excellency is primarily anchored on ethics, values integrity an ethical model worthy of emulation by leaders, captains of industries, technocrats and bureaucrats as well as managers at the helm of affairs and ordinary citizens alike, whether in the public or the private sector.

Good ethical conduct is naturally envisioned of Leaders who setting the tone at the top, resonates in the organization or nation at large. Ethics, once conceded at the top, consequentially divest the leader the moral rights to lead. That in itself creates an ethical dilemma occasioning trust deficit, ultimately social and moral anarchy in the system. We can say, therefore without equivocation, where there is No ethics, there is No leadership.

Let the press and the general public focus attention more on heartwarming reports on the likes of Gbenga Daniel, the police officer who refused to be bribed to compromise the public trust; the cleaner who returned lost but found dollars. this gives hope and inspiration to the next generation who are likely to operate under severe pressure and uncertainty capable of tempting them to compromise ethical values. This exemplary case of His Excellency, Sen. Dr. Gbenga Daniel, who cited good conscience as his basis for requesting the state to suspend his pension in the state are worthy of public applause and emulation by the youths, his contemporary, public servants in particular, and the general public as a whole.

It is saddening to observe how unashamedly polarized some enlighten few could be along myopic and worrisome definition of constitute good or evil good or bad conducts even when the issue involved is as clear as night and day to the utter neglect of the main issue on the table. I am, however, pleased to announce to you that it is not totally bad after all given the many unknown cases stocked in the archives of Nigerian history who belong to the army of the “unknown soldiers” celebrated but unidentified. Meanwhile, as a firm believer in the destiny of our nation I can see light at the end of the tunnel. All hope is not lost, if and only if the national dialogue as well as the campaign for ethical revolution is mounted, sustained and enhanced driven by the moral leaders entrusted with our collective destiny.

Please note the growing realization to step up the ethical conduct of particularly our public servants nationally as echoed by the public outcry and massive condemnation of unethical conduct anytime and anywhere it happens is instructive as the tsunami ethical rebirth building up can only be ignored to our peril as a nation. This, I consider, is a sign of national consensus for the promotion of ethics values and integrity in a country where, hitherto, is said to be a country where anything goes.

I insist on a National Policy dialogue/ discussions to initiate a re-engineering process of scrutinizing all options and exploit all avenues to promote ethics values and integrity through a homegrown solution. It is an earnest and urgent demand on us now moving forward. To set the ball rolling, a code of conduct training be organized for the ministers as a way of setting the tone at the top. We call for the re-introduction of a national dialogue and open discussions on how to implement practical initiatives toward promoting sound ethical principles values and integrity beyond rhetoric’s. This is in the spirit of moving our country forward. I am aware of and acknowledge several endeavor to do so under different auspices. that has moved us from where we were to now. Agencies such as the defunct MAMSER and NOA retain the mandate and should be re-enforced to fully deploy a machinery and move to site. our firm collective believe in the fundamental principle of ethics and its enthronement should sustain the energy and fire despite the challenges we may encounter. our value systems should be reviewed from time to time to bring new and improved standards of behavior to the fore in line with globally acceptable standards beginning with the public servants on the one hand and the Nigerian youth on the other. Public servants should be inspired to higher levels of ethical conducts in both public and private life by emotional intelligence of the type demonstrated by authentic leaders like gbenga daniel . The only ubiquitous legacy we can ever bequeath to the next generation is ethics values and integrity. no more no less or else we are doomed as a nation.

There must be an active role of federal state and local governments in the national dialogues as well as private sector and civil society group. Ethics promoted as a science of moral values and norm and as part of the process of national growth and development will go a long way to advance our human course. It is true that success stories of good ethical conduct awash the Nigerian landscape over the years and remains a reference point our predecessors recall with nostalgia, the re-modeled soft tool kits of moral suasion approach are required to enthrone ethics value and integrity as a deliberate and purposeful act. Where it becomes extremely necessary the hard and the soft alike should be deployed. enthroned ethics shall go a long way to restore the pride and prestige of the public service and by extension our beloved nations image abroad. Answers must be provided to specific questions such as to why and where we all got it wrong given the celebrated historic ethical conduct of the public sector in the 70s and 80s barely 10 to 20 years after independence. This will take us to the what and how to do a reverse engineering. The deterioration is so rapid for a growing nation like us with all the potentials to be great. The promotion of ethics, values and integrity will enable us command global respect for which we were hitherto known for in the committee of nations. This must be engrafted in the youth early enough to enable them catch the vision( now that we have opened up to them with the doctrine of not too young to rule). The crusade is an urgent national project that should take the Centre stage of our polity and pre occupy us now. The battle of enthroning ethics values and integrity is a war between the extreme right and extreme wrong. the media is indispensably in the forefront of this movement. the press should remove biases posture, detoxify itself from impunity, and roll their sleeves for action. The impotence or rather indifference of the society exhibited in our inability to create adequate instruments of ethics values and integrity and condemn unethical conduct our forefathers did even through lyrics poetry and poems be promoted as societal internal controls on unethical conducts. We should intensify public national debate about ethics citizenship and values. the inquisitional culture of the press should be sustained until new model of the state that will regulate ethical standards of the public service emerges and subsist.

the inadequate existing institutional controls should be to re-jigged to assist mount the crusade. This immediately calls for a well defined and enlarged institutions. and sufficient investment in education and awareness campaign. political patronage that has replaced merit and competence should be jettisoned. meritocracy ideas must be given its rightful place among men and women of integrity and high moral ethics. Please note that there are men of value out there!

The Head of Service must own the process by introducing ethics as a subject of discussion in all training calendar of all MDAs for the next four years. As a matter of emergency, Year 2024 should be declared as a year of ethics, ethical values and integrity campaign series in Nigeria, launched by our president-president Bola Ahmed Tinubu. The message on ethical policy and values should be very clear and unambiguous to all arms of government as no arm of government is spared the agony of unethical conduct. It should be free from legal norms and implementation encumbrances.

I am aware that all professional bodies have booklets on professional ethics although hardly invoked or enforced except to address too glaring cases. Channel of communication of society to government on complaints of ethical violation as whistleblowers should be defined and the whistle blower be protected. We must rethink tomorrow if tomorrow must be significantly different from today. prof. Gerald carden stated rather succinctly that “narrow mindedness is a luxury of the past”. now a broad shared vision of the future is necessary if mankind is to improve the condition… a different future requires a new thinking, new design, new capacities and new measures of performance”.

The celebrated case of former governor Gbenga Daniel in line with “the fifth schedule of the 1999 constitution was only a lone voice in the wilderness exercising his right of free conscience but has not broken any law if he has remained on the pension list of his state.( my apologies as I am not a constitutional lawyer) the part 1 (4) of the constitution states a public officer shall not, after retirement from public service and while receiving pension from public funds, accept more than one remuneration position as chairman, director or employees of. paragraph 11. In continuation of that provision,
Paragraph 14 said, in its application to public officers (a) members of legislative houses shall be exempt from the provision of paragraph (4) of this code; and (B) the National Assembly may by law exempt any cadre of public officers from the provisions of paragraph 4 and 11 of this code if it appears to it that their position in the public service is below the rank which it considers appropriate for the application of those provisions.


His Excellency Sen. Dr. Gbenga Daniel could not quote any law to back his actions because he is shielded by law and so is all member of the National Assembly. This is to assist put the record straight as there was loud calls on the former governors in the NASS to follow suit. This however does not in any way suggest I am on their side .it is to say we can only change the narratives through a process including appealing to their consciences through ethical revolution and several others in similar privileges that cannot be taken away by law.

Religious and community leaders should lead the discus to stir up the conscience of the society to act in an ethical manner as custodians of public
The National Assembly should immediately sponsor a bill for the establishment of an agency for national ethics. In other jurisdictions office of ethics update the p***c on latest laws on ethics as part of annual briefing and reminders to the public.
Government should take time to update the public as part of the ethics program on the reviewed ethical laws all ethical misconducts conflict of interest nepotism and related laws and penalties of ethical infraction.
the highest law above all laws is the law of conscience . let us appeal to it , it will succumb.

Prof. Lamela L. Silas
Vice President Institute of leadership Assessment and Development Nigeria
ABUJA, Nigeria

The Speech of the Director General Institute of Leadership Assessment and Development on the Conference, Investiture and...

The Speech of the Director General Institute of Leadership Assessment and Development on the Conference, Investiture and Award of Fellowship of the Institute at Nigeria Institute of International Affairs, Victoria Island, Lagos on the 30th of September, 2023 by 10am

Ladies and gentlemen,

Distinguished guests, esteemed fellows, conference participants, and friends,
I stand before you today with immense pride and gratitude as we come together to celebrate a momentous occasion: the Investiture, Conference, and Fellowship Award event of the Institute of Leadership Assessment and Development. This gathering represents the convergence of leadership, knowledge, and camaraderie, and I am thrilled to welcome each and every one of you to this prestigious occasion.

Investiture ceremonies are moments of great significance, where we honour and recognize individuals who have displayed exceptional leadership qualities, unwavering commitment, and a dedication to furthering the principles of leadership assessment and development. These honourees have demonstrated not only their expertise but also their passion for inspiring positive change, both within our institute and in the broader community.

Moreover, today's event is not just about celebrating individual accomplishments. It is an opportunity for us to engage in meaningful discussions, share insights, and forge new connections. This conference serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices in leadership assessment and development. The Institute of Leadership Assessment and Development is not just an organization; it is a community of thought leaders, practitioners, and learners committed to shaping the future of leadership.

As we gather here, we also emphasize the importance of fellowship—the sense of unity, support, and shared purpose that binds us together. Our institute is not merely a collection of like-minded professionals; it is a family that thrives on collaboration, mentorship, and the pursuit of excellence. It is through our collective efforts that we have made significant strides in the field of leadership development.
In our pursuit of excellence, let us not forget the core values that define our institute: integrity, innovation, inclusivity, and a relentless dedication to growth. These values are the pillars upon which our organization stands, and they guide us as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of leadership.

Before we embark on this inspiring journey of recognition, learning, and collaboration, I extend my deepest appreciation to each member of our institute for their unwavering dedication. Your commitment has been instrumental in propelling our organization to new heights, and I am confident that together, we will continue to drive positive change and foster leadership excellence.
Let me comment on the current development in the country under the leadership of His Excellency President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR). Nigeria's President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has made significant strides in rebuilding the country's economy in the last 100 days.

The government removed the fuel subsidy to avoid a national economic catastrophe, a decision that was described as a "Sword of Damocles" that stunted the country's growth. Tinubu also unified multiple foreign exchange markets and implemented intervention programs to cushion the negative impacts of the reforms. These include a minimum wage and salary increase, support for vulnerable states and local governments, and plans to roll out over 11,000 CNG buses for affordable public transportation.

The government has also set up a Tax and Fiscal Reforms Committee to deepen the ongoing reforms and reposition the national economy for long-term sustainability. Tinubu has also worked to promote political stability in Nigeria, manage ethnic and religious tensions, and ensured appointments into key government positions.

We also want to commend the federal government for the proposed 470-kilometre Abuja-Lagos greenfield superhighway, which would be completed in four years and would be built by a private sector consortium at no cost to the government since the road will be tolled and that would last 100yrs. And the construction of Lagos -Calabar super highway.

Again, Ari Aisen, IMF Resident Representative to Nigeria said on Tuesday that the administration should also focus on reducing the number of naira in the economy. On Tuesday, the naira traded at N1,000 per dollar at the unofficial market and N773.25 at the Nigerian Foreign Exchange Market. Money Supply (M1) declined from N24.02trn in August 2023 to N24.16trn in July, according to official data. The IMF representative acknowledged the efforts from the government in the past months trying to bring more supply of foreign exchange into the market.

He said there are too many Naira chasing yet too few dollars, as he alluded before in previous conversations. It’s very important to reduce the amount of Naira, reduce the growth rate of money supply domestically in Nigeria.

In conclusion, I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to all of you. Let us seize this moment to celebrate the achievements of our distinguished awardees, to share our knowledge and insights, and to strengthen the bonds of fellowship that unite us as a community.
Thank you, and let the Investiture, Conference, and Fellowship Award event of the Institute of Leadership Assessment and Development begin!


Check out Babs's video.

Qatar begins construction of 500,000 housing units in Kaduna Mega Economic CityThe ambitious project extends beyond hous...

Qatar begins construction of 500,000 housing units in Kaduna Mega Economic City

The ambitious project extends beyond housing, encompassing provisions for clinics, shops, poultry farms, and farmlands for rainy season and irrigation farming.

Qatar has commenced the construction of 500,000 housing units in Nigeria’s Kaduna State, marking a significant move to bolster the living conditions for underprivileged families in the country.

The Mega Economic City project was officially inaugurated by Qatar’s Ambassador to Nigeria Dr. Ali Bin Ghanem Al-Hajri on Wednesday in kaduna.

Situated in the northwestern part of Nigeria, Kaduna is a prominent trade and transportation hub with a diverse and rich cultural heritage. Its economy thrives on agriculture, manufacturing and retail.

However, the region has been grappling with challenges related to poverty, unemployment, and social inequality.

Dr. Al-Hajiri praised Governor Uba Sani for his instrumental support for the successful launch of the Qatar Sanabil Project within the state.

In addition to the housing units, Qatar Charity has also pledged an array of interventions and empowerment programmes for the less-privileged across Kaduna.

Qatar and UN discuss Afghanistan amid warnings of ‘deeply troubling’ conditions two years on

“These include scholarships for orphans and children of the poor, distribution of sewing machines, welding machines, irrigation pumping machines, salon kits, and drilling of hundreds of boreholes across the 23 local government areas of Kaduna State,” the envoy detailed.

The inauguration ceremony took place at the Millennium City Kaduna, where Governor Sani applauded the Embassy of Qatar in Nigeria and the Qatari-owned Sanabil Project for aligning with Kaduna’s “business-friendly environment.”

The Economic City will provide world-class infrastructure and make Kaduna a reference point in modern and affordable accommodation with adequate security and a conducive atmosphere for business activities,” he said.

It will facilitate international trade while serving as a platform for local entrepreneurs and traders. It will also harness product value chain opportunities and improve economic growth,” Governor Sani added.

The ambitious project extends beyond housing, encompassing provisions for clinics, shops, poultry farms, and farmlands for rainy season and irrigation farming.

The mass housing project initiated by the Qatar, as well as other development schemes, is part of an ongoing effort to address the challenges of poverty, unemployment, and inadequate housing that many in Kaduna State face.


Empowering Your Financial Journey:
12 Rules Of Money To Unlock Your Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is a dream many of us share, and achieving it often seems daunting. I have achieved this for myself and will teach you the rules to unlock your financial freedom. I will share 12 essential rules of money that, when followed, can unlock the door to a financially stable and prosperous life that leads first to financial peace and then finally to becoming financially free. Let’s dive into these valuable lessons that can transform your financial situation and help you maximize your hard-earned cash.

1. Put Your Money To Work
Don’t let your money sit idly in a savings account or a safe. Invest in assets such as stocks, real estate, or a business that can generate passive income and grow in value over time. For instance, putting your savings into a diverse stock portfolio could lead to significant growth, allowing you to benefit from the power of compound returns. Any asset you can buy that pays you to own is a possible place to put your money to work. You want your money invested in something that increases in value or pays you in cash flow.

2. Skills Attract Money
Investing in yourself and building valuable skills can lead to higher-paying job opportunities, free-lance work, or starting your own business and increased earning potential. For example, mastering a new programming language can open doors to high-demand tech positions, while honing your leadership abilities can help you climb the corporate ladder. The more skilled you become, the more financial opportunities you’ll attract. The higher the value of the skills you attain with market demand, the more money will flow.

3. Money Flows To Intelligent Risk-Takers
Taking calculated risks is crucial for financial success. Consider the story of a successful entrepreneur who started their business with limited resources but a great idea. They could grow their company and achieve financial success by taking calculated risks. So, be bold, analyze the potential rewards and risks, and leap when the odds are in your favor. Money is a reward for taking intelligent risks.

4. Money Leaves Big Spenders
It’s no secret that living beyond your means can quickly lead to financial ruin. Avoid overspending by creating a budget, tracking expenses, and prioritizing saving and investing over frivolous purchases. Remember, it’s not about how much you earn but how much you keep. It doesn’t matter how much money you make. If you continue to spend more than you make, you will still be broke.

5. Big Money Is Made Or Lost During A Crisis
Economic downturns and crises can create opportunities for those who are prepared. Look at Warren Buffett, who famously invests in undervalued companies during tough times. Conversely, those who panic and make rash decisions can lose a significant portion of their wealth. Stay calm, research, and seize opportunities that arise during turbulent times. There is both the risk of ruin and the opportunity to make a lot of money during a financial crisis; choose carefully.

6. Money Is Easy To Get But Difficult To Keep
Earning money is only the first step on the path to financial freedom. The real challenge lies in managing and growing your wealth over time. Develop a solid financial plan, stay disciplined, and avoid reckless spending to ensure your money stays with you and continues growing. Spending money is the easiest thing to do. It would be best to have a plan to direct your money to a different place than consumer goods, debt, and vacations.

7. Money Grows In Secrecy
Being discreet about your financial success can help protect your wealth. Boasting about your riches may attract unwanted attention, such as thieves, opportunists, or even friends and family looking for handouts. Keep your financial achievements under wraps to maintain the privacy of your assets and net worth. Most millionaires next door are very secretive about their money, and most don’t even know they have a high net worth, as they don’t show off by buying expensive things or talking about it.

8. Held Money Depreciates In Buying Power
Inflation is the silent enemy of your money’s purchasing power. Simply holding onto your cash will cause it to lose value over time. To combat this, invest in assets that can outpace inflation, such as stocks, real estate, businesses, digital assets, or even certain types of bonds.

9. Money Is A Game Of Value Exchange
To make money, you must provide value to others. Whether through a product, service, or investment, always focus on delivering value and meeting the needs of your target market. In return, the money will follow. This also applies to employees at their jobs; you make more money based on the value you provide to your employer.

10. Money Loves To Be Managed
Managing your finances effectively is vital to achieving financial freedom. Create a budget, monitor your expenses, and set realistic goals for saving and investing. A well-managed financial life can lead to long-term stability and prosperity. Money flows to those who manage it and away from those who don’t.

11. Money Loves To Grow
Like a garden, your money thrives when nurtured and cultivated. By consistently investing in assets that appreciate over time or cash flow, you can harness the power of compounding gains and grow your wealth exponentially. Adopt a long-term mindset and remain patient as your money multiplies. Compounding growth through increasing value or reinvesting dividends is one of the most powerful money rules.

12. Money Makes You More Of What You Already Are
Money amplifies your personality traits and habits. If you’re generous and compassionate, having more money will likely lead you to help others even more. However, if you’re irresponsible or selfish, money can exacerbate those negative qualities. Use your wealth wisely and strive to be a positive force worldwide. Money doesn’t change you; it makes you more of what you already are. It allows you to be your true self, good or bad.

Key Takeaways
Invest your money in assets for growth and passive income
Develop valuable skills to increase earning potential
Take calculated risks for financial rewards
Be disciplined in spending and focus on saving
Capitalize on opportunities during crises
Manage and grow your wealth consistently
Practice discretion regarding your financial success
Invest in assets that outpace inflation
Deliver value to others to earn money
Manage your finances effectively for stability
Cultivate a long-term mindset for wealth growth
Money amplifies your inherent qualities

Financial freedom requires discipline, dedication, and the willingness to learn from these 12 money rules. By putting your money to work, investing in yourself, taking intelligent risks, and managing your finances effectively, you can unlock the door to a prosperous future. Remember, money is a tool that can be used for both good and bad, so always strive to be a positive force as you accumulate wealth. By following these principles, you’ll be well on your way to financial success and the freedom that comes with it.

Culled:New trader U

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