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Frank Spartts, Paradoxical Hardtalk My product is THE WORD OF GOD. Without money with price. It's a FREE GIFT from GOD. Do you want IT?

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revised edition

¶¶¶ Am emphatically grateful to THE ALMIGHTY OMNIPOTENT GOD, being back again to expound THE unsearchable riches of HIS WORD to you all my precious Friends, and Readers waaaay out yonder.

THE BIBLE is truly a remarkable BOOK with DIVINE commands and tremendous achievements, constantly consistent with GOD'S character that justly holds every person accountable for one's action. Huh❗Sadly, many choose to disobey GOD'S injunctions, and for that reason LOOSE the prospect of ETERNAL LIFE due to REBELLION. GOD does not understand the language of speculative mischievousness that inadvertently spreading concocted interpretation as mistrust innuendos farce in trying to notch a win against HIS WORD.

Falsehood is being defined as "always adding your opinion and making stuff up to fit your narrative, and not minding the facts, but conjecture in odd euphemism." Absolutely despicable. There are lots of people with no conscience like a snake 🐍 having fangs. We find out THE SUPERNATURAL description of CONSCIENCE is as "A LAW, written in our hearts that bears witness to our behaviours either right or wrong."

🎯🙏ROMANS 2🙏🎯

15. "Which shew the work of the LAW written in their hearts, their CONSCIENCE also bearing WITNESS and their THOUGHTS the mean while accusing or else excusing one another."

Friends, how're you going to escape THE WRATH OF GOD in your unbelief. Notice, GOD doesn't change HIS PROGRAM. It will only take a VINDICATED PROPHET for THE WORD OF GOD to come to, and he also will give the correct interpretation of THE WRITTEN WORD OF THE BIBLE through VISIONS in touching such aspects. ¶¶¶

Brother Branham's Cerebral Uppercut

48. Noah. It was hard for the people to understand Noah in his days. He heard GOD spoke. He knew it was THE WORD, because he was GOD'S Prophet. GOD sent him forth, to claim, "A great FLOOD coming❗" He built away on the ark, in the time of criticism. Make no difference to Noah, how many criticized. He was the LIGHT of that DAY. He was THE WORD of GOD manifested for that DAY; for, GOD DESTROYED THE PEOPLE.

49. Moses, a great, highly polished theologian, great man, born to be a Prophet; yet, in all of his theology and his book knowledge of GOD, could not deliver the children of ISRAEL 🇮🇱 by knowledge.

50. You see, the Prophet cannot go by knowledge. He got to go by inspiration. INSPIRATION❗

51. And when THE WORD OF THE LORD came to him in the wilderness, in a burning bush, and told him and revealed to him THE WORDS that HE spoke to Abraham. And what was HE doing❓ 👉Showing him THE WRITTEN WORD OF THE HOUR,👈 and then called Moses to work. And he was afraid, with an ARMY, to try to deliver ISRAEL 🇮🇱; and then went down with a STICK in his hand, and delivered ISRAEL 🇮🇱.

52. GOD does it so mysteriously, that just simply set the carnal mind plum out of its orbit. It can't think no more. Did you ever notice❓

John the Baptist, standing in the water, he was a Prophet, the forerunner, between the Prophets and the coming SON OF GOD. John walked out into the water, and he said❗He wasn't afraid to tell the people, "There is standing SOMEBODY among you now❗" Just think of the assurance that he had❗"There standing ONE among you right now, WHOM you know not. HIS shoes I am not worthy to bear. HE will be the ONE that will baptize you with HOLY GHOST and FIRE 🔥."

54. HE was in the MIDST of the people then. John knew HE had to come in his generation, because he seen his position in THE SCRIPTURE, seen THE SPIRIT OF GOD upon HIM. "I send MY MESSENGER before MY face, to prepare the way." And he knew the COMING OF THE MESSIAH was at hand.

55. So while the Prophet was standing in the water, prophesying, THE WORD came to him. JESUS was THE WORD❗That's how the Prophet knew HIM, for IT was THE WORD, with SIGN that had been given him. "l knew HIM, because HE told me, in the wilderness, 'Go, Baptize with water,' said, 'Upon WHOM thou shall see THE SPIRIT descending, and remaining on, HE will baptize with THE HOLY GHOST and FIRE 🔥.' " And when THE WORD came, the SIGN came with THE WORD, into the water.


¶¶¶ Always THE WORD will come to the Prophet. Why❓ Because, that's the unchangeable pattern of THE UNCHANGEABLE GOD throughout THE BIBLE. THE WRITTEN WORD OF GOD has not ever been given to the FIVEFOLD MINISTERS to interpret. Yes❗I can hear some say, "What about Saint Paul❓" Paul was a Prophet, sent by THE PILLAR OF FIRE 🔥WHO is JESUS CHRIST, as a Missionary or (Apostle: means one sent) to open the GENTILE CHURCH and introduce THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to we heathens called GENTILES with clubs on our backs and bones hanging down our necks, worshipping the unknown gods that the witch native doctors pointed us to. ¶¶¶

👊👊👊 56. JESUS HIMSELF, when HE came, HE knew HE was THE WORD. HE was positive of that. For, HE was just twelve years old, a little BOY, we find HIM (like l was speaking yesterday) in the temple, debating with the priests. HIS knowledge could surpass their traditions, and HE was teaching them, them man. And when HIS OWN mother came to HIM, and said a word that was wrong, watch THE WORD corrected the error.

57. THE WORD always corrects the error. And if the people could only see it today, THE WORD corrects the error❗The whole thing is becoming an ERROR. But GOD'S WORD is what is RIGHT. HE said, "HEAVENS and earth 🌍 will pass away, but MY WORD shall not pass away."

58. AND THE WORD that's prophesied for THIS DAY, CORRECTS THE ERROR OF THE DAY. You understand❓THE WORD ITSELF corrects THE ERROR. The people today, say, "Oh, let's join this. Let's go to the COUNCIL. Let's do all these things." THAT'S AN ERROR, by identifying ITSELF, THE HOUR, AND THE TIME OF THE HOUR. Now we know those things are true.


¶¶¶ Friends, here we are. Let no man deceive you with enticing words of man's wisdom, with conning sledge of pretty misinterpretations as creeds. Who is that who will say that GOD sends him to lead HIS BRIDE❓With what sign and vindication❓If you say, "l am the one," then produce THE MESSIANIC SUPERNATURAL SIGN or forever shut up❗

Pretty rough and tumble, great❗Ain't it❓ Repent‼️And get right with GOD, or you might not know the day that your SOUL will be summoned up into the PRESENCE OF GOD to hear these WORDS, "DEPART INTO THE OUTER DARKNESS. . . DOWN TO THE PIT OF HELL FILLED WITH FIRE 🔥 AND BRIMSTONES YOU FALSE ANOINTED ONE."

Think of it, as l slam the curtain down. Till we meet again THE LORD willing. Great BLESSINGS and beautiful SHALOM. 🔥🌪️ 💜 💕 👀 👏 ☘️💈🙏🦅🍁⚓🎯😁 ¶¶¶

A word is enough for the WISE, but my words ain't enough for the stupid, and a bloody su***de idiot. 🤣😛.

A word is enough for the WISE, but my words ain't enough for the stupid, and a bloody su***de idiot. 🤣😛.

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has raised the alarm that danger is lurking around the country over the alleged compromise of the ongoing election process.


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.   🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘         THOSE THAT ARE EDUCATED                   SHALL BE SAVE❓   🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘¶¶¶ Hi out waaay out y...

. 🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘 THOSE THAT ARE EDUCATED SHALL BE SAVE❓ 🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘

¶¶¶ Hi out waaay out yonder to my handsome and beautiful Friends and Readers.

Today we'll be cruising on the events made clear by the psychosis of the world travelers on the foothills of insanity, irretrievably hopelessness. Oh yeah❗ That's as a result of holding the WORD OF GOD in perpetual unbelief. Sure, the reprobate mind is a worthless person with the siren to charin you with insistent jabs focusing on easy agains with the cult of physical wellness of entertainment at all costs that flame-up like fire-works🔥but turned in smoke in the mid-air on the altar of hypocrisy and kangaroo revelation against the TRUTH and JUSTICE of GOD. People love to follow the course of the least resistance, going by the tide down to the cataract. Sure ‼️ that's self destruction.

🎯🙏MATTHEW 16🙏🎯

24. Then said JESUS unto HIS disciples, If any man will come after ME, let him deny himself, and take up his cross ➕, and follow ME.

Now to disown oneself indicates the willingness to say no against the WORD OF GOD. That does not mean you become ascetic or self destructive. It means we willingly surrender our lives to GOD'S injunctions. Disowning ourselves imply the determination to do the WILL of GOD regardless of IT going against our own imperfect inclinations. Madness has taken over the entire world 🗺 of humanity. All the happenings in the world 🗺 have been predicted by the WORD OF GOD. Now therefore let's take a look at what's happening today has been well spoken of.

🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️               THERE IS A CHRISTIAN                         PROFESSED               TO BE A CHRISTI...


¶¶¶ Hi, my precious Friends and Readers waaay out yonder. It's another time being out with you pretty beautiful and handsome folks on this podium today with the HOLY SPIRIT topic. Praise THE LORD and a big Hallelujah out there‼️

Now, everything in the NATURAL is typical of the SPIRITUAL. The word MARRIAGE means two opposite s*x in a union to form a family 👪. There and then THE ALMIGHTY GOD instituted the first marriage in the GARDEN OF EDEN between the man 👨 ADAM and the woman 👩 EVE to bring forth offsprings and for their pleasure. Am not being here for any weird argument of any body's thinking, but what can be seen by nature is that there is no reproduction without these two opposite components, that's the male 👨 and the female 🚺 to bring forth LIFE. Nothing else here can hold forth and bring offsprings. Our dear ALMIGHTY CREATOR OF THE HEAVEN and the entire universe makes it pretty so without any controversy.

Ultimately, THE ALMIGHTY instituted MARRIAGE for man to have pleasure with his wife here on EARTH 🌎 by sticking to HIS plan and design it to be enjoyable and to impact also the larger society. If you go out to buy a product, you must definitely comply to the producer's and manufacturer's Manuel for safety and smooth operation or you run your production with your own thoughts incorrectly which will cost you repairable damage, when you abuse the manual there you're on your own. This is in the physical realm, then what about the Spiritual application of the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD in the human heart❓

Same process is applicable with the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD if you want to be filled with. Uh-huh❗The problem with mankind is that they have abandoned the CREATOR'S manual and plaque themselves into so many distortions and abnormalities to their own peril. You must nip the nestles in the bud before the DEVIL'S 👹 spirit gets into you. Yeah❗ Nestle will definitely strangulate the joy 😂 of your salvation without THE HOLY SPIRIT. The sooner you uproot them as soon as they sprout out, the better for you. And the nestle is the UNBELIEF in the WORD OF GOD. They're dangerous creepers that will overpower you and distort your growth by bending you to it's stock and make a caricature out of you. Praise GOD‼️Glory. When you purposely refuse to be filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT you're doom eternally. Time to make your choice. ¶¶¶

🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️🛐✝️            THERE'S A CHRISTIAN TO                          PROFESSED              TO BE A CHRISTIA...


¶¶¶ Greetings to my precious Friends and Readers waaay out yonder. Great to be with you all today on the podium this weekend. Have been waiting for your response but none came up👆. Maybe I've been pretty bit paradoxical 😁, isn't it Friends❓

It's strategically foolish, and profoundly un-Christian-like for one to deliberately and brazenly disregard GOD'S WORD by the misinterpretation of the BIBLE to suit one's self with EVIL 😈 underlying ulterior motives. A person without the HOLY GHOST will sit in judgment over life actions of other people by seeing their short comings and condemn others in what they definitely excuse themselves. It's completely nightmarish drop off and not from the BIBLE and a wrinkle red-hot deceit and lies 🤥. The WORD OF GOD stands impervious to the incessant onslaught without any harm or damage. See❓The TRUTH of GOD'S WORD can never be broken. Soooo, when it comes to GOD'S tolerance, it is zero to any man 👨 made creeds. Zero TOLERANCE is the essence with no other interpretation that can survive the TRUTH which knows no other opinions. Let's hear what happens to Peter's opinion before proceeding off the Cornelius house for ministration.

🎯🙏ACTS 4🙏🎯

9. On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour.

10. And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,

11. And saw HEAVEN for, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth 🌍:

12. Wherein were all manner of four footed beast, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.

13. And there came a VOICE to him, Rise Peter; kill, and eat.

14. But Peter said, not so LORD; for I have never eaten any thing that's common and unclean.

15. Unto the VOICE spake unto him the second time, What GOD hath cleansed, that call not thou common.

16. This was done thrice: and the power of vessel was received up again into HEAVEN.

See❓Our opinions have nothing to do with GOD if it's contrary to THE WORD OF GOD. If you read that passage down you will come to the understanding that GOD does not mice with HIS WORD whether you understand IT or not because that is a DIVINE instruction and ever remains sacrosanct.

We see here that GOD'S FORGIVENESS is misunderstood with TOLERANCE. HE forgives those who believe the TRUTH and the saving GRACE of the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. Therefore forgiveness is not TOLERANCE. You have to go the way of repentance and be born again the second time in other to see or understand the KINGDOM OF GOD.

🎯🙏JOHN 8🙏🎯

31. Then said JESUS to those Jews which believed on HIM, "If ye continue in MY WORD, then are ye MY disciples indeed.

32. And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you free.

🎯🙏MARK 5🙏🎯

12. And the DEVIL 👹 besought HIM, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.

13. And forthwith JESUS gave them leave. And the unclear spirits went out, and enter into the swine: and the heads ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea.

Take note that SPIRITS are real entities and can enter into any human being who open up. SPIRITS also have members whether good or bad. THE HOLY SPIRIT is GOD. SATAN also is an EVIL 😈 SPIRIT. All are identified by their characteristics. We have pretty outlines in THE WRITTEN WORD. GOD'S Angels are ministering SPIRITS and they're not abstract. They've hands 👐, feet, lips 💋 and so on.

Also the DEVIL'S 👹 possessions are also outlined in the BIBLE. They feature exactly according to the SCRIPTURES below.


16. This I say then, Walk in the SPIRIT, and ye shall not fulfill the LUST of the FLESH.

17. For the FLESH lusteth against the SPIRIT, and the SPIRIT against the FLESH: and this are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

18. But if ye be let of the SPIRIT, ye are not under the law.

19. Now the work of the FLESH are manifested, which are these; Adultery, fornication, unclearness, lasciviousness,

20. Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, sedition, heresies,

21. Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of which I tell you tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the KINGDOM OF GOD.

♨️You can also read that in Ephesians♨️

SATAN's door to damnation is wide opened and the DEVIL 👹 take those who enter by their own free will. GOD will never force anyone against his will. You either come in and receive HIS GRACE and be filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT or be damned Eternally and Condemn to HELL with no other remedy. ¶¶¶






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