The hidden pain
Mr and Mrs Smith have been married for fifteen years.They are blessed with three beautiful girls, Bianca, Jenner and victoria.A very happy home.
Mrs Smith was in the kitchen cooking, where is your dad?she ask Bianca the elderly one, daddy went out just now... Oh really, let him come back quickly the food will soon be ready, said Mrs Smith. Mummy is the food not ready am famished my intestines are not smiling with me now said Victoria the last born, aren't you supposed to be helping me out here, anyways the food will soon be ready okay said Mrs Smith.
Mr Smith went out to meet his friends, why are you coming now we have been waiting for you since, don't tell us is your wife again because you are not the only one with a wife said Mr Anthony to Mr Smith, well am so sorry for coming late my good friends, I need to attend to some family essentials before coming... You know? Said Mr Smith. We don't know anything all this years you have been attending to your family essentials tell your wife to also do the essential, said Mr Anthony, and what do you mean by that? answer me.! Said Mr Smith with a anger tune.Have said my own use your tongue and count your teeth said Mr Anthony. Mr Smith was pi**ed he stood up and left.
To be continued soon.....