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STOP ROMANTIC BLUNDERS NOW!Most men are guilty of committing romantic blunders when trying to gain a woman’s love and ac...


Most men are guilty of committing romantic blunders when trying to gain a woman’s love and acceptance. The reason is often because they have been starved of love, and it has crushed their self-esteem into nonexistence. They have no other choice but to beg for love.

One of the worst forms of romantic blunders ever invented is men kneeling to beg women to marry them. Not only is it a romantic blunder, but it is also a way to unintentionally hand over the leadership of the family to the woman. Men who do this are pathetic and suffer from a lack of self-esteem! They need to be saved from themselves.

Quite a large number of people do not know what being romantic means, and they go ahead to commit romantic blunders and induce others to do it too. Below are some of the most popular romantic blunders.

1. A man kneeling to propose marriage to a woman.
2. A man opening doors for his woman.
3. A man carrying his woman’s handbag.
4. A man who agrees to his woman’s ways all the time without objections just to please her.
5. A man attempting to buy a woman’s love with gifts and money.

There may be many more, but these are some of the most popular ones, and all of them have one thing in common: MAN! It is safe to say that in this part of the world, romance is only about a man doing his best for the woman he loves, expecting nothing in return to avoid appearing lazy, weak, and less ambitious.

In Nigeria, a man is only considered romantic if he gives and does all that the woman he loves wants and demands, but demands nothing in return. If he demands anything in return for all he gives, the least of which is s*x within the premises of a romantic relationship, he is a misogynist. In reality, that is a romantic blunder!

Romance is not the story of a certain poor Tolu, a victim of low self-esteem who is chasing Esther, who does not even care about his existence and will not fight for his love. Romance is about fighting for the love of someone who is willing to do the same for you.

Romeo and Juliet’s story of love was a great story of romance because Romeo and Juliet were willing to fight for each other’s love despite their families’ oppositions. When they could not live to be with each other, they decided to die to be with each other.

It was not a case of Romeo fighting for the love of Juliet, who did not give a hoot about him; they both fought for a chance to express the love they had for each other. That is what romance is about, and on no other foundation than this should marriage be built!

In a romantic relationship such as dating, courtship, or marriage, being romantic is the act of giving as much as one receives or expects to receive from one’s partner. Outside romantic relationships’, being romantic is to apply the golden rule of life: ‘Do unto others, as you will have them do unto you’.

Romance, whether in a romantic relationship or not, is the beauty of life; however, being romantic to a person who is not romantic towards you is a romantic blunder. It is wise for one to stop immediately when one realizes it.

Anyone who wishes to get married and enjoy marital bliss must be willing to be romantic (give as much as he or she receives or expects to receive), or he or she should forget about marriage. No one-sided romance can long endure or survive the huddles and tribulations expected in marriage. The foregoing statement may explain why marriages rarely last nowadays.

A word, they say, is enough for the wise, but these are more than a word.

Written by ’e Rhymez

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When I arrived in Lagos, the first thing I realized was that things were not the same as I thought they would be. None o...

When I arrived in Lagos, the first thing I realized was that things were not the same as I thought they would be. None of my family members was rich. Not even any of them were rich enough to take me with them. I knew eventually that their refusal to take me in was because they did not have enough money to take care of my bills.

I was simply another burden that they did not plan for, and for them to keep their feet on the ground in Lagos, they had better not add me to their bills. They all made a smart decision for themselves not to take me in. If I were in their position, I would perhaps do the same.

The fact that I did not have anyone in Lagos rich enough to take me in with them caused me to think about my life and put my face down. It caused me to analyze every decision I made in Lagos very carefully.

Culled from LAGOS IS OVERRATED by Soul'e Rhymez

Click the link below to pre-order it.

Lagos is Overrated is a memoir written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez. In the book, Soul’e Rhymez exposes many reasons why living in Lagos is overrated. He backed his reasons with real-life events and experiences that show that Lagos is overrated.  In t...

DID YOU KNOW 1 DOLLAR IS NOW 1400 NAIRA?It is still a new year, but the economic situation of the country remains the sa...


It is still a new year, but the economic situation of the country remains the same and even tougher for the majority of people. 1 dollar is now 1400 Naira.

How do you survive this inflation? The answer is simple: earn Dollars and Spend Naira. Living in Nigeria helps you do that. It gives you an advantage over those who are abroad because the reason they travel is to earn dollars.

How do you intend to do this?
To help you do this, I have created a PDF titled EARN DOLLAR, SPEND NAIRA. It contains
12 opportunities, with direct links to them, on how to earn dollars in Nigeria. With these opportunities, the more the naira is devalued, the more money people make.

Imagine that you earn a minimum of 5 dollars daily in Nigeria when 1 dollar is 1400 naira. That is 7 thousand Naira daily, and if you multiply that by 30 days, that is N210, 000.00.

Only a few people earn that amount as salaries in Nigeria. You cannot ignore these opportunities. You can take at least 2 out of the 12 and earn some good dollars without traveling out of the country.

If the people who sold their properties and traveled out of the country for economic reasons knew about the opportunities in this PDF, they would stay back. Why travel to live in the cold when you can make the same amount of money here or more?

The PDF was released last year and sold for 5000 Naira. However, for the sake of the New Year, which leaves people broke in January, I will sell for just N1000 for the entire month of January 2024.
You can take advantage of this PDF and start earning Dollars in Nigeria.

Click the link below to grab a copy of it.

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EARN DOLLAR, SPEND NAIRA is a self-help PDF put together by Eneji Stephen Toluwalashe, popularly known as Soul’e Rhymez.It contains 12 opportunities, with links to them, on how to earn dollars in Nigeria. With these opportunities, the more the Naira is devalue...

GO AND MARRY!In Nigeria, if you are a man in your 30s, whether you have a place to live or not, the thing people tell yo...


In Nigeria, if you are a man in your 30s, whether you have a place to live or not, the thing people tell you when they see you is GO AND MARRY!

They do not even care how you do it; just GO AND MARRY!
One thing they do not know is that wives are scarce in Nigeria.

Nearly all the single men in Nigeria have engaged the service of commercial svx workers at one time or another, whether professional ones or disguises.

The most reasonable and responsible of these men know that it is not the best part of their lives and hope to outgrow it. This is why they look for wives.

However, all they see in their searches are prostitutes disguising themselves as wives. They are everywhere, in mosques, churches and every other place you can think of.

Their experiences with several prost.itutes have sharpened their ability to recognize prosti.tutes, but those who want them married do not care; they just want them to GO AND MARRY!

Having seen that prost.itutes do not care about you until they see money, these men know that getting married to a pro.stitute is going to be a depressing experience, especially because no one is financially stable forever.

However, nearly all the wvmen in Nigeria are prostit.utes. Some of our cultures are to blame too. And what about single mothers? They raise prostitu.tes more than other parents, and they are intentional about it.

If you doubt that this is true, read this book.


LAGOS IS OVERRATED Lagos is Overrated is a memoir written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez. In the book...


Lagos is Overrated is a memoir written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez. In the book, Soul’e Rhymez exposes many reasons why living in Lagos is overrated. He backed his reasons with real-life events and experiences that show that Lagos is overrated.

In the book, the author explains how he achieved his childhood dream of living in Lagos, how hard it was for him to find a place to live when he arrived in Lagos, and the lessons he learned from seeing that none of his family members could take him in because they were not rich enough to do so, even though many of them have lived in Lagos for more than 15 years.

He talks about the decisions that shaped his existence in Lagos for the past 16 years. He also exposed the reason why people spend most of their lives in Lagos and return to their villages at old age with nothing to show for their years in Lagos.

According to the author, Lagos often gives people the chance to choose between poverty and riches within their first two years in Lagos, but many people choose poverty without knowing they did.

The book exposes the hidden truth about living in Lagos: the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of living in Lagos. It reveals the fact that many people living in Lagos would have fared better in their towns and villages than in the city of Lagos. This is a book that everyone in Lagos and those who wish to travel to hustle in Lagos must read.

Click on the link below to pre-order it.

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The typical life of a person pushed by Lagos is usually like this: go to work as early as 05:00 am and return as late as...

The typical life of a person pushed by Lagos is usually like this: go to work as early as 05:00 am and return as late as 09.00 pm from Monday to Friday. This has its rewards—menstrual bucks.

If saved wisely, it is enough to afford the opportunity to travel back to their hometowns occasionally to show off how big they have become in Lagos, but the punishments are fatal.

Even if they spend 100 years in Lagos, they are most likely to return to their hometowns empty-handed when they become old or die broke in Lagos to avoid the shame of returning to their hometowns poor.

They eventually become his slaves; they do everything he requires of them, and he rewards them with a façade of financial stability—a few bucks that are big enough to only keep them with him. This is why people say “Lagos money lives in Lagos”.

Excerpt from LAGOS IS OVERRATED, a memoir written by Soul'e Rhymez

Click the link below to pre-order it.

Lagos is Overrated is a memoir written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez. In the book, Soul’e Rhymez exposes many reasons why living in Lagos is overrated. He backed his reasons with real-life events and experiences that show that Lagos is overrated.  In t...

Lagos is a commercial city, and everyone wants to make something out of their lives and go back to their villages to sho...

Lagos is a commercial city, and everyone wants to make something out of their lives and go back to their villages to show off what they have achieved in Lagos. However, when you arrive at Lagos, and about to start a life in it, you are faced with two choices as follows:
1. Let Lagos Push You
2. Push Lagos.

Choosing whether to push Lagos or be pushed by it is a crucial decision that everyone who comes to live in Lagos must make whether they like it or not. In fact, you face this decision within two years of getting to Lagos, as you cannot live in Lagos without having a job to survive on. If you live in Lagos without a job, it means you have automatically chosen to let Lagos push you.

Excerpt from LAGOS IS OVERRATED a memoir written by Soul'e Rhymez

Click the link below to pre-order it.

Lagos is Overrated is a memoir written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez. In the book, Soul’e Rhymez exposes many reasons why living in Lagos is overrated. He backed his reasons with real-life events and experiences that show that Lagos is overrated.  In t...

Excerpt from LAGOS IS OVERRATEDOf all things, I was grateful to Uncle and always will be for giving me a chance to remai...


Of all things, I was grateful to Uncle and always will be for giving me a chance to remain in Lagos when no one else in the family wanted me.

It was as if I had a deadly communicable disease that every other member of the family was avoiding.

If not for him, I would have no other choice but to go back to Kogi State, and only God knows what my life would have turned out to be if that had happened.


Excerpts from LAGOS IS OVERRATED by Soul'e Rhymez  I got to Lagos, and none of the family members wanted me to live with...

Excerpts from LAGOS IS OVERRATED by Soul'e Rhymez

I got to Lagos, and none of the family members wanted me to live with them. A decision was reached for me to live in Mushin with Uncle Muyiwa’s father. It was hell living with him, but I had no other choices. In addition to living with an old man full of troubles, I had to watch my back as I walked on the streets lest I get hit by stray bullets from the trigger-happy street urchins. There was no week that a street fight did not break out in Mushin; everyone had to be careful. For me, it was a welcome to Lagos.

Tired of my troubles, the principal of the school, Teacher Dele Dada, once looked at me and said, “I will not be surpris...

Tired of my troubles, the principal of the school, Teacher Dele Dada, once looked at me and said, “I will not be surprised if you fail.” Guess what? I failed my WAEC. That marked the end of my dream of living in Lagos, but it was not because I was not brilliant. I just had too many troubles to deal with as a student, and they took a huge toll on my psyche.

Failing WAEC meant that I was not good for anything. The only thing that would make any of my extended family members take an interest in me and invite me to live in Lagos was passing WAEC, but I failed. With that, I hit rock bottom again. It was crystal clear that I would never live in Lagos, but I was not prepared to live in the town either.

Excerpt from LAGOS IS OVERRATED, written by Soul'e Rhymez

It will be available for pre-order soon.

To be admitted to study at UNILAG from Kogi state was a dream that not too many kids dared to dream because, to them, it...

To be admitted to study at UNILAG from Kogi state was a dream that not too many kids dared to dream because, to them, it was simply impossible.

For me, I felt it was a way to leave my extended family members in Lagos with no other choice than to support my dream of living in Lagos.

If I got admission to study at UNILAG, I knew they would find a way to make me stay in Lagos, so I pursued that dream even though I did not know what I needed to make it a reality.

Adapted from LAGOS IS OVERRATED by Soul'e Rhymez


Growing up, if you asked me what I wanted to be, I would probably respond by saying “Lagosian.” SR

Growing up, if you asked me what I wanted to be, I would probably respond by saying “Lagosian.”


Excerpt from LAGOS IS OVERRATEDMushin was a rough place, just like Oshodi, Ikotun, Idimu, iJesha, Ikorodu, Abule Ebira, ...


Mushin was a rough place, just like Oshodi, Ikotun, Idimu, iJesha, Ikorodu, Abule Ebira, Igando, Ojuelegba and the like. Those are not the eyebrows of Lagos, but those are the places that my family members reside in Lagos.

That should have exposed me to the reality of living in Lagos, but I was new and excited about Lagos. I just wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

Being taken to Lagos to see things by myself, I just wanted to stay, even though I knew the chances were slim. Whatever the case was, I enjoyed the treatment I got whenever I returned to Kogi state.

Before the welcome was overdue, another third-term holiday would have come, and I would be back in Lagos. I was happy to be closing in on my big dream of living in Lagos, but I did not know how it was going to happen.

However, visiting Lagos for holidays and living in Lagos were two different things. I was going to find out later, and so will you.

STANDOUT MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue 2 is still available for FREE download!This edition of STANDOUT MAGAZINE contains the ...

STANDOUT MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue 2 is still available for FREE download!

This edition of STANDOUT MAGAZINE contains the following content that will inspire you:

1. An exclusive interview with MR. ERIATA ORHIBABOR, a poet and frontline promoter of Naija pidgin and the founder of PIN - POETS IN NIGERIA, an NGO that promotes humanitarian service through poetry.

2. An article titled “MEN: PROVIDING FOR THE FAMILY DOES NOT MAKE YOU THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY" written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez.

3. STANDOUT HUMANITARIAN: THE ETI-OSA'S MOTHER OF MANY CHILDREN - an interview with Ms. Frlorence Ijeoma Adachukwu, the founder of MY CHILD MY TREASURE FOUNDATION.

4. 7 THINGS TO DO TO SUCCEED AS AN ENTREPRENEUR IN NIGERIA by Mr. Timmy Timayi, a professional barber with over 30 years of experience who cut hair for the Super Eagles 96 to 98 sets and has worked with current celebrities such as Sabinus, Seyi Law, and many more.

5. It features also, BBCM ANNUAL CONVENTION.

6. BIOGRAPHIES: The Life & Legacies of Henry Ford.

Click on the link below to download your copy of the magazine.

Follow our WhatsApp Channel for more information.

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Wisdom of Davido I Have Been Thinking About This Book For More Than A Year Now.  Should I Put It Out Or Not? I Have Been...

Wisdom of Davido

I Have Been Thinking About This Book For More Than A Year Now. Should I Put It Out Or Not? I Have Been Skeptical About it, And Nothing Against David.

I like Davido More For his personality Than For His music. There is A lot That Can Be Learned From His Personality and How it Contributes To His Career Success.

I want his attention too, but I did feel like writing this might be a waste of effort anyway because I am not big enough to be impressive and I might never just do enough to get his attention.

Soul'e Rhymez? I know who I am, but who knows me?
Does my ring a bell?
I have only 5k followers on Facebook and less than 1k followers on Instagram.
How can I get Davido's attention?

Are you asking if I want Davido's attention? Yes, I want it!
I know what it will do to my career even though I am not a musician, especially if Davido confirms what I wrote in the book as true.

What if I write it and it brings no result? Another failed attempt, as I have had it many times in my career. Some will call it clout-chasing for nothing. All of these thoughts have a reason in my mind as I contemplate whether to proceed with the book or not.

However, I do not care now! I am a writer, and it is my job to write. It does not matter what result it brings; I will derive joy from writing about one of Africa's finest artists to teach people great lessons in a positive way.

My career will take a new turn if Davido loves this, but I am just not big enough to reach him.

However, you can help draw his attention to it by tagging him on this post and sharing it to make it go viral.

Written by our author, Soul'e Rhymez

Thank you.

LAGOS IS OVERRATED!I have been in Lagos for more than 15 years, so if there is anyone qualified to tell you if Lagos is ...


I have been in Lagos for more than 15 years, so if there is anyone qualified to tell you if Lagos is overrated or not, then it is me.

If you are somewhere in your village planning to relocate to Lagos, read this book first.

This is a memoir you should read. All my life, I have been writing self-help books. This is a year of memoirs.

You will enjoy them.

Before you ask a man like me why I am not married in my 30s, you need to read this book. Sometimes, if you do not see th...

Before you ask a man like me why I am not married in my 30s, you need to read this book.

Sometimes, if you do not see things from people's perspectives, you will not understand what they are going through.

I love women; I love to be married, but nearly ALL THE WOMEN IN NIGERIA ARE PROSTI.TUTES.

I have had prostitutes in my life, and I consider the experience a wilderness experience.

Getting married to another one will not be a good thing; it will be a continuation of a wilderness life. It will be nothing to celebrate, but 95% of the women in Nigeria are prostitu.tes.

How will I meet the 5% that aren't prostitutes, out of which 3% are currently in a relationship?


This is a book you did not expect; even Bobrisky did not see it coming. There are a lot that you do not know. There are ...

This is a book you did not expect; even Bobrisky did not see it coming.

There are a lot that you do not know. There are more things to what you see on the internet, but it is my job to do research for you and bring you the truth.

There is a lot to be revealed in this book, and it will be good for you if you are a Christian.

Last year, it seems I was paid by him, and this year, I wrote what you did not expect.

You cannot predict me, can you?

This is a book you should read.

WHY YOU SHOULD EARN DOLLARS AND SPEND NAIRAIt is a new year, but the economic situation of the country remains the same ...


It is a new year, but the economic situation of the country remains the same and is even tougher for the majority of people. Dollar is 1220 Naira, and a litter of fuel now sells for 1200 Naira from the initial 500 Naira. The bad news is that your salary remains the same.

The best thing you can do to leverage this situation is to learn to earn Dollars, and spend naira. This will leave you with a lot of money to save and invest.

How do you intend to do this?
The process is simple: earn dollars while living in Nigeria. This allows you to earn dollars, and you have no choice but to spend naira. What this means is that you will be making more money than you spend.

To help you do this, I have created a PDF titled EARN DOLLAR, SPEND NAIRA. It contains
12 opportunities, with direct links to them, on how to earn dollars in Nigeria. With these opportunities, the more the naira is devalued, the more money people make.

Imagine that you earn 5 dollars daily in Nigeria when the dollar is 1200 naira. That is 6 thousand Naira daily, and if you multiply that by 30 days, that is N180, 000.00.

Only a few people earn that amount as salaries in Nigeria. You cannot ignore these opportunities. You can take at least 2 out of the 12 and earn some good dollars without traveling out of the country.

If the people who sold their properties and traveled out of the country for economic reasons knew about the opportunities in this PDF, they would stay back. Why travel to live in the cold when you can make the same amount of money here or more?

With the Government seemingly blocking Nigerians’ JAPA possibilities, this is the best option for you to catch up financially. If you leverage these opportunities, when others are crying, you will be smiling at the bank. Many of these opportunities cost you nothing to begin with, yet they will earn you a lot of money.

The PDF was released last year and sold for 5000 Naira. However, for the sake of the new year, which leaves people broke in January, I will sell for just N1000 for the entire month of January 2024. You can take advantage of this PDF and start earning Dollars in Nigeria.

Click the link below to grab a copy of it.

Share, please.

Things Are Going Great For StandOut Magazine and I hope you will love to see more from us, especially now that you know ...

Things Are Going Great For StandOut Magazine and I hope you will love to see more from us, especially now that you know what we are set out to achieve.

Meanwhile, the last edition for this year is still available for download for free. It contains the following content that will inspire you:

1. An exclusive interview with MR. Eriata Oribhabor, a poet and frontline promoter of Naija languej and the founder of PIN - POETS IN NIGERIA, an NGO that promotes humanitarian service through poetry.

2. An article titled “MEN: PROVIDING FOR THE FAMILY DOES NOT MAKE YOU THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY" written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul'e Rhymez.

3. STANDOUT HUMANITARIAN: THE ETI-OSA'S MOTHER OF MANY CHILDREN - an interview with Ms. Florence Ijeoma Adachukwu, the founder of MY CHILD MY TREASURE FOUNDATION.

4. 7 THINGS TO DO TO SUCCEED AS AN ENTREPRENEUR IN NIGERIA by Mr. Timmy Abede, a professional barber with over 30 years of experience who cut hair for the Super Eagles 96 to 98 sets and has worked with current celebrities such as Sabinus, Seyi Law, and many more.

5. It features also, BBCM ANNUAL CONVENTION.

6. BIOGRAPHIES: The Life & Legacies of Henry Ford.

Click on the link below to download your copy of the magazine.

Follow our WhatsApp Channel for more information.

STANDOUT MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue 2 is Out!This edition of STANDOUT MAGAZINE contains the following content that will in...

STANDOUT MAGAZINE Volume 1, Issue 2 is Out!

This edition of STANDOUT MAGAZINE contains the following content that will inspire you:

1. An exclusive interview with MR. ERIATA ORHIBABOR, a poet and frontline promoter of Naija languej and the founder of PIN - POETS IN NIGERIA, an NGO that promotes humanitarian service through poetry.

2. An article titled “MEN: PROVIDING FOR THE FAMILY DOES NOT MAKE YOU THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY" written by one of Nigeria’s finest writers, Soul’e Rhymez.

3. STANDOUT HUMANITARIAN: THE ETI-OSA'S MOTHER OF MANY CHILDREN - an interview with Ms. Frlorence Ijeoma Adachukwu, the founder of MY CHILD MY TREASURE FOUNDATION.

4. 7 THINGS TO DO TO SUCCEED AS AN ENTREPRENEUR IN NIGERIA by Mr. Timmy Timayi, a professional barber with over 30 years of experience who cut hair for the Super Eagles 96 to 98 sets and has worked with current celebrities such as Sabinus, Seyi Law, and many more.

5. It features also, BBCM ANNUAL CONVENTION.

6. BIOGRAPHIES: The Life & Legacies of Henry Ford.

Click on the link below to download your copy of the magazine.

Follow our WhatsApp Channel for more information.



STANDOUT MAGAZINE,* volume 1, issue 2, will launch on December 14, 2023, and you are invited.

The magazine contains a lot worth looking forward to. Ranging from leadership, and humanitarian service to business. Our contributors did a fantastic job that will definitely please you. This edition of the magazine features the following great personalities:

MR. ERIATA ORIBHABOR is a prominent Nigerian poet, literary activist, and publisher passionate about positive change for his country. A former Chairman, Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Abuja Chapter, he is the founder of the Poets In Nigeria (PIN) Initiative and manages the Nigerian Students Poetry Prize, Festival Poetry Calabar, ArtHub, Food Poetry Prize, the PIN Quarterly Journal among other literary ventures, and supports several other literary organizations and initiatives in the country.

MR. TIMMY TIMAYI, known as Timmynaija, is a professional barber with over 30 years’ of experience. He is the CEO of Official Timmynaija. He cut hair for the Super Eagles 96 to 98 sets and has worked with current celebrities such as Sabinus, Seyi Law, and many more.

Ms. Florence Ijeoma Chukwura is the founder of My Child My Treasure Foundation. She is a child advocate, child protection officer, Founder of Treasure Seed bible club initiative, and Founder/Proprietress of Treasure Seed School. She is passionate about children and their overall well-being.

By joining, you can download the magazine for free. NO PAYMENT IS INVOLVED!

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The PDF version of my book, BLUEPRINT FOR PROFESSIONAL WRITING, will be launched on the 30th of November 2023.

The event, which will take place in a closed WhatsApp group, is strictly by invitation.

BLUEPRINT FOR PROFESSIONAL WRITING contains the 10 steps to becoming a successful professional writer. If you wish to become a professional writer, this is the book to read.

BLUEPRINT FOR PROFESSIONAL WRITING is a book to read for anyone who wishes to venture into professional writing.

It will cost N5000 after the launch, but you can still get it now for just N2000 before that time.

Click the link below to preorder the book

HOW TO MAKE MEN BEG YOU TO COLLECT THEIR MONEYYou might not know this, but the most important thing most men want to do ...


You might not know this, but the most important thing most men want to do with their money is give it to women. The good thing about it is that these men have no particular woman in mind to give the money to.

Any woman can get it without having to beg for it or do what she does not wish to do if she knows how to make men empty their wallets for her.

One of the most degrading things that young women in Nigeria do is beg men for money. The moment a woman does that, the respect a man has for her drops drastically.

So, what should a woman do when she needs a man’s help? Beg them for more than 2k? That's even more ridiculous. What she needs to do is apply the secret codes of making men empty their wallets for women.

Not long ago, I was watching a live video made by a lady that I secretly crush on and wishing I had money to give to her. While the video was on, a man notified her that he had sent her some 100s of Dollars as a gift. This man was not even a millionaire after I checked.

Why give out such an amount of money to a woman he has never met in his life?

It is the same reason why I was crushing on her and wishing I had the money to give her even though she was not begging - she's applying the secret codes to make men empty their wallets for her. Even though I knew these codes, I was falling under its spells. If I can fall, any man can.

You do not need to have s*x with a man or do many other things you do not wish to do before you can get him to support you financially when you need it, all you need to do is learn and apply these secret codes.

Would you not like to learn these secret codes too?

If you wish to learn about these secret codes, then you need to read my book titled HOW TO MAKE ANY MAN EMPTY HIS WALLET FOR YOU. This book (PDF) is now available and sells for 15,000. 00.

However, I will let 50 women have it for just N1000.00 if they pay between now and 9th December 2023.

If you wish to take advantage of this offer, click the link below to talk to me on WhatsApp.

Written by Soul'e Rhymez

Make sure you share this post.


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