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The Fault in our Romance
(He's a human, She's a troll)
Episode 5
Written by Johnny Patel
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(Silvania sees the car tumbling into the river and falling inside)

Silvania: What is that?

(Her curiosity drives her to go to the river, She peeps into the river and sees the car sinking into it. She then jumps into water and swims to the car, She manages to get the car door open and sees Alex and Bethany then she carries them out of the car to the surface)

Silvania: They must be the humans Mother always talks about. (She carries them to the riverbank and examines them) Their skin is so smooth and their teeth is different too.... Oh no, There's still one more human in the river.

(She jumps into the water and swims back to the car and when she sets her eyes on Stephen, She falls hopelessly in love with him. She removes his seatbelt then carries him out of the car, taking him to the riverbank)

Silvania: (smiling) Wow, He's so handsome....

(She sees two men approaching the riverbank and hides behind a large boulder)

Man 1: I'm glad we caught enough fish today.

Man 2: Yeah, Most of the fishes have migrated towards our area that's why.

Man 1: (grins happily) We're back in business!

(They see two figures lying lifelessly at the riverbank)

Man 1: Hold on, Who are those people lying over there?

Man 2: I don't know...

(They run to Alex and Bethany)

Man 1: (he shakes Alex and Bethany) They're unconscious. (He checks their pulse) But they're still alive... We have to call the ambulance quickly.

Man 2: Ok. Let's first of all get them away from the riverbank.

Man 1: Okay

Silvania: (she overhears them) Ambulance? That sounds dangerous.

(When the men carry an unconscious Alex and Bethany away from the riverbank, Silvania comes out of her hiding and carries an unconscious Stephen away)

Man 1: (he returns back) Wait a minute, Where did the other one go?

Man 2: (surprised) I don't know, He was here just now....

Man 1: We have to look for him!

(Silvania takes Stephen to a nearby bush close to the Troll Kingdom and examines him thoroughly)

Silvania: He doesn't seem dangerous at all (she glances at the sack and remembers she was sent on an errand) Oh s**t, I have to get back to Princess Marianna (To an unconscious Stephen) I'll be back...

(She covers his body with large leaves then returns to the Troll kingdom)

(Hillwood City)
(At the foster home)

Bobby: Hey Lucas. Where're you going?

Lucas: I'm going to Mr Felix's. To walk his dogs.

Bobby: Just be home early today.

Lucas: No worries...

(Lucas leaves the house. Just then, Mr Blackwell enters their room)

Thompson, Patrick, Williams & Bobby: Good morning Mr Blackwell.

Mr Blackwell: Morning!

Thompson: Why're you all jittery?

Mr Blackwell: There's a lady coming here to inspect the foster home so I want you all to be on your best behavior. Is that understood?

Thompson, Patrick, Williams & Bobby: Yes Mr Blackwell.

Mr Blackwell: Where's Lucas?

Thompson: He went out.

Mr Blackwell: Argh! That boy!

(Just then, The doorbell rings )

Mr Blackwell: She's here! Okay, I want you all to behave prim and proper and act like you've been having the best time of your lives here.

Thompson, Patrick, Williams & Bobby: (excitedly) YES MR BLACKWELL!!!!

Mr Blackwell: Take it down a notch. Nobody's gonna believe that.

(He goes to open the door)

Mr Blackwell: Good day Miss.

Miss Elyse: You must be Mr Judas Blackwell. I'm here to inspect the foster home that's been put under your care.

Mr Blackwell: Go ahead. I assure you, The kids here have been enjoying their lives here.

Miss Elyse: I'll see for myself.

(Later on)

Mr Blackwell: So....?

Mrs Elyse: Apparently, You've been taking really good care of the kids. (smiles) I'll make sure to give your foster home a good review.

Mr Blackwell: Thank you very much

Miss Elyse: You're welcome.

(She leaves the house)

(Later that evening)
(Lucas returns to the foster home)
(He attempts to sneak back into his room when Mr Blackwell appears behind him)

Mr Blackwell: Lucas.

Lucas: (frightened) Ah! (He turns around to see him) Mr Blackwell?

Mr Blackwell: Where were you since? Do you know an inspector came here for a survey? What if she had given me a bad review because of your disappearance?

Lucas: I'm sorry Mr Blackwell. I went out to walk Mr Felix's dogs so I can get paid and start saving up some money.

Mr Blackwell: I'm gonna pardon you this time but next time, I won't be so lenient. I mean, You can't just be sneaking out of the foster home like that. What if something bad happens to you or you get kidnapped?

Lucas: I'm really sorry sir.

Mr Blackwell: It's alright. Go to your room.

(Lucas enters the room)

Bobby: Welcome back. Hope Mr Blackwell didn't see you?

Lucas: He did.

Thompson: I told you you're gonna get in trouble with Mr Blackwell one day and today's that day.

Lucas: I didn't get in trouble. I explained what happened to him and luckily he understood.

Thompson: Well, Next time.... You might not be so lucky!

Bobby: Ignore him. Are you going out to see the fireworks today? I was planning on coming with you.

Lucas: I don't think I can. I'm really exhausted, Maybe tomorrow

Bobby: Alright then.

(At Sir Griffin's mansion)

Veronica: Honey! I just got a call from Hillwood Central Hospital, Bethany and Alex just got admitted there. They were on their way back when their car crashed into a river. The locals said they found Bethany and Alex's body

Sir Griffin: Oh no... What about Stephen?

Veronica: That's the problem. His body was nowhere to be found.

Sir Griffin: (worried) No, This can't be... We have to head to the police station right away!

Veronica: Okay, I'll go get the car keys.

(The Troll Kingdom)
(Silvania returns to the castle)

Prince Erik: Silvania, Where're you coming from?

Silvania: Your sister sent me on an errand to collect some blueberries.

Prince Erik: And why're you wet?

Silvania: It's a long story. I have to go meet the princess now...

Prince Erik: Hmm, Ok then.

(Silvania rushes back to Princess Marianna's chambers)

Silvania: My princess.... I'm back

Princess Marianna: (enraged) Where have you been?

Silvania: Umm.... I was out collecting the blueberries that you asked me to go get.

Princess Marianna: Liar!

(Princess Marianna furiously slaps her)

Princess Marianna: Do you know how long I've been waiting for you? You left me hungry!

Silvania: (she rubs her cheeks) I'm really sorry my princess...

Princess Marianna: You won't get away with this. I promise you.

(A guard enters her room)

Guard: My princess....

Princess Marianna: (furiously) What is it? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?!!!

Guard: The King ordered me to send for you. He wants to see everyone in the throne room.

Princess Marianna: Fine. (To Silvania) You're coming with me!

Silvania: (nods her head) Yes my princess.

(In the throne room)

King Jerod: (he addresses everyone) I want you all listen... My guards just reported that there's a troll who snuck out of our Kingdom to the outside world.... Whoever that troll is should better watch out because if that troll is caught, I'll have him/her put to death! I can't afford to have any troll endanger the rest of us!!!

(Silvania stares at King Jerod in fear)

The Fault in our Romance
(He's a human, She's a mermaid)
Episode 6
Written by Johnny Patel
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(At the castle)
(In Princess Marianna's room)
(Silvania polishes Princess Marianna's tail)

Silvania: How is it my princess?

Princess Marianna: It's good, Keep going. (She stares at Silvania for a moment) I heard some merfolks discussing about the mermaid that went up to the surface. They said she had black hair, silver eyes, a golden-orange tail.... That kinda describes you, Don't you think?

Silvania: I don't know.

Princess Marianna: Maybe you're the mermaid who went up to the surface. (She stares at Silvania with narrowed eyes)

Silvania: (nervously) Princess Marianna, It's can't be me. I wouldn't dare disobey the King's orders.

Princess Marianna: (suspiciously) Hmmm, Okay fine... (She collects the polish from her) You're finished for today, You may go now.

Silvania: Okay. (bows) Thank you my princess.

(She leaves the room)

Princess Marianna: I'm suspecting that girl.

Suzanne: We're gonna follow her, Aren't we?

Princess Marianna: (smirks) Oh yeah, Big time.

(Princess Marianna and Suzanne sneaks out of the castle and follows Silvania)

(Silvania swims to the borders of the Mer kingdom, She looks around to see if anyone's watching)

Silvania: (sighs) I have to see that human again. No matter what it takes.

(Silvania swims out of the Mer Kingdom. Unknown to her, Princess Marianna and Suzanne, Who's been following her, come out of their hiding)

Suzanne: I wonder where she's going.

Princess Marianna: That's what we are going to find out. Come on!

(Princess Marianna and Suzanne keep on following Silvania and sees her going up to the surface)

Suzanne: (points) There she is!

Princess Marianna: I knew it! She's the mermaid that went up to the surface!

Suzanne: Are you going back now to report her to your father?

Princess Marianna: I definitely will. But first, I wanna find out why she's been sneaking up to the surface.

(At the cave)
(Silvania goes to where she hid Stephen)

Silvania: I'm back... (She stares at him) I wonder what's happening to him, He looks so sick and pale. (She checks his body and sees injuries all over him) Oh no, He's been injured badly. No wonder he's been unconscious. (She checks if he's breathing) Oh good, He's still alive. (She looks around) Mother told me about some herbs that can help to cure injuries.... I have to look for some (to Stephen) I'll be back.

(Silvania jumps back into the water and swims out of the cave to look for some herbs)

(Few minutes later)
(Princess Marianna and Suzanne arrive at the surface and looks around)

Princess Marianna: The world up here looks so distinct from our world. But anyways, There's not much to see here, My father's kingdom is much more beautiful than this place.

Suzanne: That's true. But I wonder where Silvania is.

Princess Marianna: We'll find her, Come on...

(Princess Marianna and Suzanne search around for Silvania and goes to the cave where she hid Stephen)

Princess Marianna: So far we've traced her to this place.

Suzanne: What's that thing covered with seaweeds?

Princess Marianna: I don't know....

(Princess Marianna goes closer and removes the seaweeds that Silvania used to cover Stephen and sees him)

Princess Marianna: (amazed) Oh my goodness....

Suzanne: He must be a human.

Princess Marianna: Yes. And he's so handsome, He must be the reason why Silvania sneaks up to the surface.

Suzanne: Marianna, We've already confirmed that Silvania's the mermaid that's been coming up to the surface. Let's go back.

Princess Marianna: Suzanne, Aren't you seeing how beautiful he is?

Suzanne: (worriedly) Yes i can see that. But we're way beyond the Mer kingdom. We have to get back before the King notices anything or we might get in trouble. The King will pardon you but he definitely won't pardon me.... I don't wanna get killed!

Princess Marianna: Alright, Fine... (To Stephen) Goodbye human.

(Princess Marianna and Suzanne enter into the water go back to the Mer kingdom)

(Hillwood City)
(At the police station)

Police 1: Good evening sir, How may we help you?

Sir Griffin: I'm here to file a report. It's about my son, He got involved in an accident along with his friends, Some men found his friend's bodies but did not find his. (He shows them a picture of Stephen) Here's a picture him, His name is Stephen.

Police officer 1: (he writes its down) It's alright sir, I'll alert the other officers. We'll go look for him

Veronica: (To Sir Griffin) Don't worry, Everything will be okay.

Sir Griffin: (worriedly) I really hope so.

(Silvania returns back to Stephen with the herbs)

Silvania: Wow, These herbs are REALLY hard to find... (To Stephen) But don't worry human, You're gonna get better very soon.

(She places the herbs on his injuries)

Silvania: This should help....

(Just then, Someone taps her from behind and she turns around in fright)

Silvania: (frightened) Ah! (She breathes a sigh of relief when she sees it's her brother, Simon) What the.... How'd you know I'd be here?

Simon: I'm your brother. And I figured you're the mermaid that went up to the surface because you're always talking about knowing what lies above the waters. Look, We need to get back to the Mer Kingdom right away.

Silvania: Hold on, What about him? (She points at Stephen)

Simon: Is that a human?

Silvania: Yeah. I saved him from drowning yesterday. Can't you see how gorgeous he is? (blushes) I think I'm in love.

Simon: Don't be silly. You can't possibly fall in love with him. He's a human and you're a mermaid.... You're from two different worlds.

Silvania: (disappointedly) I know...

Simon: Silvania, You can't keep him here forever. You have to get him back to where he belongs.

Silvania: (sighs) Okay.

Simon: Just get him back, I'll be waiting for you over here.

Silvania: Alright.

(Silvania carries an unconscious Stephen and takes him back to the seashore)

Silvania: It'll be easier for the other humans to find him here.

(Just then, Stephen weakly opens his eyes)

Silvania: The herbs, They worked! (she waves at him) Hi. My name is Silvania.

Stephen: (weakly) Uhhh.... (Stephen catches a glimpse of Silvania and is mesmerized by her grace and beauty, But he's unaware that she's a mermaid) Are you an angel?

Silvania: (chuckles) I don't know....(she smiles at him, revealing her sparkling white teeth) What is your name?

Stephen: (faintly) Stephen.

Silvania: (she sings to him)🎵 My heart is pierced by Cupid. I disdain all glittering gold... There is nothing can console me, But my jolly sailor bold 🎵

Stephen: You have a beautiful voice.

Silvania: (blushes) Thank you.

Stephen: (he closes his eyes) Uhhh....

(Stephen goes unconscious once again)

Silvania: (taps him) Stephen? Stephen?

(Silvania sees some men coming)

Silvania: This is where we say goodbye, Goodbye Stephen.

(She kisses Stephen on the lips before she goes back into the sea)

Man 1: (points) Wait... Isn't that the man that disappeared yesterday?

Man 2: Yes! Looks like he's the one, We have to get him to the hospital...

(Silvania watches from afar as the men carry Stephen away from the riverbank)

To be Continued.


Episode 3 & 4

The Fault in our Romance episode 3
Written by Johnny Patel
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(Next Morning)
(Hillwood City)
(At Sir Griffin's mansion)

Veronica: Good morning my love

Sir Griffin: Morning. Did you sleep well?

Veronica: I did, How're you feeling?

Sir Griffin: I'm okay my dear... Thanks to you

Veronica: Awwwnnn...

(Sir Griffin and Veronica kiss until someone calls his phone)

Veronica: You should get that.

Sir Griffin: Okay. (He checks his phone and sees it's Stephen calling, He picks it) Hello....

(In Hawaii)

Stephen: Hello Dad. I just called to let you know that I'll be retuning home tomorrow. I've already booked my flight.

Sir Griffin: (over the phone) Okay son. We'll be expecting you.

Stephen: We?

Sir Griffin: Yeah, I and your step mom.

Stephen: (annoyed) Bye Dad. (He hangs up)

Bethany: An estranged relationship with your father?

Stephen: (sighs) Yeah.

Bethany: When are you gonna work things out with him?

Stephen: I don't wanna talk about it.

Bethany: We're going to get married soon, Stephen. You shouldn't be keeping things like this, a secret from me. (she pecks him on the cheek)

Stephen: I know, I know. Look, Let's just pack our things and get ready for our flight back to Hillwood.

Bethany: Okay.

(The hidden valley)
(The Troll Kingdom)

Silvania: Good morning Mom, Good morning Dad.

Donald: Morning honey.

Beatrice: Silvania, Where're you going to this early?

Silvania: To the castle. The King said his daughter will be needing my services very often.

Beatrice: Okay but aren't you going to have breakfast first before leaving.

Silvania: It's alright, I'll eat at the castle. See you all later. (She leaves the house)

Donald: I have a feeling she's not gonna be around frequently from now on.

Beatrice: Well, It's as she said. She'll be too busy working at the castle.

(At the castle)

Silvania: (bows) Good morning my King...

King Jerod: Morning.

Silvania: You said the princess will be needing my services...

King Jerod: I did. (To a guard) Take her to my daughter's chambers.

(The guard takes Silvania to Princess Marianna's room and she sees her checking herself in the mirror )

Silvania: Good morning my princess...

Princess Marianna: (she checks who it is from the mirror) Oh it's you.

Silvania: (bows) How may I serve you my princess?

Princess Marianna: Enough with the groveling. (She turns to face Silvania) I know you don't like me, I know most people in this kingdom don't like me but i don't care. According to my Dad, It's better to be feared than to be loved. Anyways, I want you to take that polish and furbish my skin.... The polish is over there (points)

(Silvania does as instructed)

Princess Marianna: Can't you go any faster?

Silvania: I'm sorry my princess, But I don't want to make a mistake or apply too much polish.

Princess Marianna: Whatever. Just hurry up. I want my skin to be the shiniest in the kingdom, It has to befit my royal status.

Silvania: Okay.

(Princess Marianna strikes Silvania across the face)

Princess Marianna: Okay? What else are you supposed to say?

Silvania: (she rubs her cheeks) Okay.... My princess

Princess Marianna: Good. (eyes Silvania) Worthless troll. You should be happy i picked you as my maid, Do you know how many people would die for this opportunity?

Silvania: Forgive me my princess.

Princess Marianna: (hisses at her) When you're done, I'll need you to go fetch me some blue berries which grows at the center of our kingdom, When you get back, You'll clean my all mirrors... I need them to be sparkling clean. Next you'll look for some ornaments for me to decorate my room. Oh yeah, You'll also clean my dresses and shoes....

Silvania: Sorry my princess but umm... How many things am I going to be doing for you today?

Princess Marianna: A lot of things! As I was saying, You'll clean my dresses and shoes then you'll go to the kitchen to fetch my lunch and don't even think about poisoning me....

Silvania: (she stares at Princess Marianna in disgust as she keeps on talking)

(At the beach house)

Alex: I'm really gonna miss this place. This was the best vacation I've ever had.

Stephen: Too bad it had be over. There's a reason why we have to get back to Hillwood City. There's another company who wants to make a deal with my Dad's company and we're short of models, We'll need to campaign for more models

Alex: Bethany's a model.

Stephen: We'll need more, To promote the business, sales and all.

Alex: You told the right person. I can get more models.

Stephen: Ok cool...

(The Troll Kingdom)
(At the castle)
(Princess Marianna's best friend, Suzanne visits her)

Princess Marianna: Finally you're here. I thought you wouldn't come.

Suzanne: Sorry. I was kinda busy at home, Papa needed me to run some errands.

Princess Marianna: Alright. Fine.

Suzanne: (gazes at her) Wow, Your skin looks so flawless.

Princess Marianna: Thank you. I was born this way.

Suzanne: I can tell.

Princess Marianna: Yeah. I wanna tell you something, Do you know that other creatures exists beyond our valley.

Suzanne: Really?

Princess Marianna: Yes. My father told me. He called them "Humans"

(Silvania eavesdrop on their conversation)

Suzanne: Humans?

Princess Marianna: Yes. Humans.

Suzanne: I wonder what they look like.

Princess Marianna: Me too.

Suzanne: Well, It wouldn't hurt to explore beyond the valley.

Princess Marianna: I wish we could but my father forbids it and anyone found guilty of trespassing would be punished severely, Me inclusive.

Suzanne: (she looks to where Silvania is) What is she doing?

Princess Marianna: Oh, I asked her to clean my dresses and shoes. (To Silvania) Hey you! Scummy maid!

Silvania: (she turns to look at them) Yes my princess?

Princess Marianna: Don't act oblivious. I know you've been eavesdropping.

Silvania: No I wasn't.

Princess Marianna: Just hurry up with what I asked you to do.

Suzanne: Where did you even find this girl?

Princess Marianna: She's the one I picked as my handmaid. There we're many other options but the role kinda befits her. Don't you think?

(Princess Marianna and Suzanne laugh mockingly at Silvania)

Silvania: (To Princess Marianna) I'm done cleaning your dresses and shoes.

Princess Marianna: Good, Keep them over there. (points)

Silvania: (she does as instructed) Anything else?

Princess Marianna: No. You're done for today, You may go now

Silvania: (bows) Yes my princess

(Later on)
(Silvania returns home)

Simon: Welcome back sis.

Beatrice: Welcome back honey. How was working at the castle like?

Silvania: Stressful.

Beatrice: Awwnn, What happened?

Silvania: A lot! I don't wanna go back to that castle anymore.

Beatrice: Why? Is the princess giving you a hard time..

Silvania: Yes, She's everything I imagined her to be. Annoying, rude, uncouth, snobbish and she thinks she's better than everyone else just because she's a princess (sighs) She's despicable.

Beatrice: Don't worry my dear, You'll be fine. I'll go make you your favorite meal okay?

Silvania: Okay.

(She leaves)

Simon: Anything interesting happen at the castle?

Silvania: None that I can remember. (She looks around to see if her Mom or Dad are in sight) There's something I want to tell you, The princess and her friend were discussing about the humans. She also wants to go beyond the valley.

Simon: So?

Silvania: Aren't you curious to see what lies outside our kingdom?

Simon: Look, Mom told us that it's not safe out there any troll who leaves the valley is doomed, it'll be wrong for us to go against her instructions and stupid for anyone who attempts to leave the valley. (He stands up from the chair) I'll be right back...

(Silvania watches him as he leaves)

Silvania: (adamantly) I have to know what lies beyond our valley....

The Fault in our Romance
(He's a human, She's a troll)
Episode 4
Written by Johnny Patel
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(Hillwood City)
(At Sir Griffin's mansion)

Sir Griffin: (he sniffs the air) Mmmm.... What's that smell?

Veronica: I made some delicacies in honor of Stephen's return. I made Mac and cheese, chicken soup noodles, gravy, corn dogs and few other meals.

Sir Griffin: Wow. You made them all?

Veronica: Yeah. (sighs) I just want Stephen to accept me.

Sir Griffin: Don't worry, He's going to accept you.

(He pulls her into a hug)

Veronica: Hold on. I need to go check if the waffles are done.

Sir Griffin: (amazed) You're making waffles too?

Veronica: Yup. (She goes into the kitchen)

Sir Griffin: (smiles) I don't even regret divorcing Stephen's mother to marry her.... I made the right choice.

(The Troll Kingdom)
(At Donald's house)

Simon: Good morning Mom.

Beatrice: Good morning honey. Did you sleep well?

Simon: Yeah I did

Beatrice: Your father's still sleeping?

Simon: Yes Mother..... (He looks around) Where's Silvania?

Beatrice: She's at the royal castle.

Simon: Oh yeah. I forgot

Beatrice: You know, I wanted to suggest to her that if she doesn't want to work for the princess, She should just tell the King.

Simon: And risk the King throwing all of us in the dungeon for opposing him? I don't think so.

Beatrice: (sighs) Her well-being is my utmost priority. Anyways, I'll need you to collect some apples, I want to prepare apple sauce for lunch.

Simon: Okay Mom.

(At the castle)
(Princess Marianna speaks to her father while Silvania combs her hair)

Princess Marianna: Daddy, Why do you forbid all trolls from going beyond our valley?

King Jerod: Because they'll endanger themselves. The humans are dangerous and will capture us if they see us

Princess Marianna: Oh...

King Jerod: Yes my daughter.

(Just then, Two guards bring in two trolls)

Guard 1: My King, We caught these two attempting to leave the valley.

King Jerod: (to the trolls) Why did you try to leave the valley? You know the law!

Troll 1: Yes my king, I aware of the law... But I only left the valley because I was trying to get my brother to return back. He's always wanted to see what beyond the valley looks like but I usually warned him against it.

King Jerod: Do you know the punishment for your crimes?

Troll 1: Please forgive us my King, We won't do it again....

King Jerod: It's too late for you...

(King Jerod points his scepter at the two trolls and a powerful blast emerges from it towards the trolls, killing them. Silvania and Princess Marianna watches in horror)

King Jerod: (to the guards) Take their bodies away.

Guard: (bows) Yes my King.

Princess Marianna: (to King Jerod) So you're going to kill anyone who trespasses and breaks the law?

King Jerod: Precisely.

(Later day)
(In Princess Marianna's room)

Princess Marianna: My Dad really scared me today. He killed those two brothers right before my very eyes.

Suzanne: The King must be extremely serious about the law. We can't ever go beyond the valley for the sake of our lives.

Princess Marianna: I know. I can't even step out of the castle without guards following me everywhere I go let alone leave the valley.

Suzanne: I'm hungry.

Princess Marianna: Okay, I'll have my handmaid get something for us. (To Silvania) Hey! Scummy maid!

Silvania: (bows) My princess?

Princess Marianna: Go get us some blueberries from the kitchen.

(Silvania leaves her room and returns a few seconds subsequently)

Silvania: There's none in the kitchen.

Princess Marianna: Did you check the stocks?

Silvania: Yes my princess.

Princess Marianna: Maybe we're all out. You know what, Take that sack and go and collect some from the center of the kingdom.

Silvania: (she takes the sack) Yes my princess. (She bows as she leaves)

(At the Center of The Troll Kingdom)

Silvania: (she finishes collecting the blueberries) This should be enough.

(Just then, She sees a large door from a distance)

Silvania: That must be the door that seperates our valley from the outside world... (She carries the sack and heads to the gigantic door) There's no guard around, That's weird.

(Silvania looks around to see if anyone's there. Then she opens the door, leaving the Troll Kingdom )

Silvania: Whoa, The world out here is so so different. (looks around) And I don't see any humans....Mother was wrong after all.

(She ventures further away from the Troll Kingdom)

(Stephen, Alex and Bethany return to Hillwood City and are on their way to their house)

Stephen: Finally! We're back in Hillwood City!

Alex: Yea. That was a LONG flight.

Bethany: This is so exciting. I can't wait to resume my modeling career, The company's going to earn so much money especially now that I'm Stephen's fianceé (giggles)

Alex: (To Stephen) How many companies does your Dad own?

Stephen: Two. The first one is the modeling company which we all work at and the second one is a business company.

Bethany: Yeah, I'm the top model at the modeling company, Thanks to Stephen.

Stephen: You're welcome babe.

Bethany: I love you.

Stephen: I love....

(Before he completes his sentence, Bethany pulls Stephen into a kiss)

Alex: Can't you guys just hold on till later. (To Stephen) Don't forget you're driving.

Stephen: (he breaks the kiss) Oh yeah...

Bethany: (To Alex) Don't be a glitch.

Alex: Hey I'm just worried about our safety...

(Just then, Stephen lets go of the steering wheel and clutches onto his head in pain)

Stephen: (groans) Argh! My head!

Bethany: (worriedly) Stephen, What's wrong?

(A truck approaches their car with full speed)

Bethany: (shouts) STEPHEN! LOOK OUT!

Stephen: NO!!!!

(In order to avoid colliding with the truck, Stephen turns the steering wheel the opposite way but his car goes out of the road and falls into the river below with him, Bethany and Alex inside it)



I Am In A State Of Shock – Kemi Afolabi Cries Out After Surviving Armed Robbery


The Fault in our Romance Episode 2
Written by Johnny Patel
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(In Hawaii)
(Stephen and Bethany watch the sunset together)

Bethany: I hate how everywhere looks when the sun sets.

Stephen: How could you possibly hate it? It's beautiful

Bethany: It's bleak.

Stephen: It's funny how you hate almost everything about the world.

Bethany: I don't hate you.

Stephen: I don't hate you too.

(Stephen pulls Bethany into a kiss. He breaks the kiss and stands up)

Bethany: Where're you going?

Stephen: I'll be right back.

(Stephen goes into the beach house)

Stephen: Okay Alex, Give me the ring.

Alex: Where is she?

Stephen: She's still outside.

Alex: Okay (he gives him a ring case) Are you sure this is the perfect time for this?

Stephen: Of course. Bethany and I have been dating for over a year now, We know each other well so what else am I waiting for?

Alex: Okay. Congratulations in advance.

Stephen: Thanks bro.

(Stephen returns to Bethany)

Bethany: You're back.

Stephen: Yeah, I went to take a whizz. (He hands her a coconut drink)

Bethany: Hmm... Could this day get any better?

(Just then, Stephen goes down on his knees)

Stephen: Bethany.... You're one of the best things that's ever made me truly happy, When I look into your eyes, I can only see a reflection of the two of us, And when I met you two years ago, I knew I'd met my match and it was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment, I knew life would never be complete without you beside me and I can't imagine growing old with anyone else because I want us to spend the rest of our lives together... Bethany, Will you marry me?

Bethany: (squeals excitedly) Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!!!

(Stephen wears the ring on her finger and she hugs him)

Bethany: I love you so much, Stephen.

Stephen: I love you more, Bethany.

(They kiss passionately)

(In Hillwood City)
(At Sir Griffin's mansion)
(Sir Griffin and Veronica are sleeping when suddenly, Sir Griffin jerks up)

Veronica: My love, What's wrong?

Sir Griffin: (sighs) It's nothing. I just had a bad dream (he attempts to get up from the bed) I should go get my pills.

Veronica: No don't worry, I'll get it for you.

(She leaves the room and returns a few seconds later with his drugs and a glass of water)

Veronica: Here... (She hands it to him)

Sir Griffin: Thank you. (He takes his drugs)

Veronica: Are you ok now?

Sir Griffin: Yeah. Sorry for disturbing your sleep.

Veronica: It's alright my love, Health is wealth. And your health is my utmost priority. You should get some rest.

(Next Day)

Mr Felix: Thanks for walking my dogs, Lucas. (He pays him)

Lucas: You're welcome. I'll come back tomorrow so be expecting me

Mr Felix: I sure will.

(Lucas returns to the foster home)

Thompson: Where have you been? Let me guess, You went to see the fireworks? It's not even 8:00pm.

Lucas: I didn't go out to see the fireworks, I went out to walk Mr Felix's dogs.

Thompson: Who's Mr Felix?

Lucas: You wouldn't know him.

Thompson: Why do you even help him walk his dogs?

Lucas: So I can earn some money. I wanna start saving up. Soon I'll be in high school, Hillwood City High to be specific.

Bobby: That's if you don't get adopted.

Patrick: Or if your adopted parents aren't outsiders.

Lucas: No one's gonna adopt me cause my parents are gonna come for me soon.

Bobby: What makes you so sure?

Lucas: (he shows them a locket) This locket has been with me since I can remember and it has a picture of my parents in it and it also has a note saying "We'll meet again one day"

Thompson: And how're you sure it's your parents that's in that picture in the locket, It could be some other people. And how're you sure they're the ones who dropped the note in it?

Lucas: I'm sure. And I have hope that one day, They'll come for me.

Bobby: Sounds good. I want my adopted family to live in a giant luxurious house.

Patrick: You mean a mansion?

Bobby: Yeah yeah

Thompson: Lucky for you guys. I'm almost 17, No one would want to adopt me.

Williams: You're always perssimistic, It's never gonna help.

Thompson: Well maybe I'm the only one living in the real world with no fantasties or happily ever afters. Face it guys, No one's gonna adopt us or come for us.

(He backs them and covers himself with a blanket)

Lucas: (To Bobby, Patrick & Williams) Don't listen to him. There's always light at the end of the tunnel.

(The Hidden Valley)
(The Troll Kingdom)

Donald: What're we eating this afternoon?

Beatrice: Broccoli.

Silvania: Vegetables again? Why can't we have something meaty?

Beatrice: Vegetables are good and healthy and you're all gonna have some.

Silvania: (groans) Uhhh...

(Just then, A castle guard enters their house)

Donald: Good day, What brings you to my home?

Castle guard: The King wants to see your daughter, Silvania at the castle right away.

Silvania: Huh?

Donald: Why? What's the matter?

Castle guard: She'll know when she gets there.

Donald: Well then... (to Silvania) I'll go with you.

(Silvania and her father leave the house along with the castle guard)

(At the castle)
(Silvania and Donald enter the castle)

Silvania: (thinks) I wonder why I was called to the castle? But I've never been in the castle before, It's so luxurious and gigantic.

Donald: Yeah

(Prince Erik approaches them)

Prince Erik: Good day.

Donald: (bows) Good day my prince.

Silvania: Hi

Prince Erik: (stares at her for a moment) You're really pretty...

Silvania: Thanks, I'm Silvania.

Prince Erik: Charming name. What brings you to the castle?

Silvania: Actually we came here to see the King.

Prince Erik: Okay. This way.....

(Prince Erik takes them to the throne room, They enter and see some girl trolls lined up)

Silvania & Donald: (bows) Good afternoon my King...

King Jerod: (he ignores their greetings and looks at Silvania) Stand there...

(Silvania stands where the other girl trolls are)

King Jerod: (he addresses them) My daughter, Marianna is in need of a handmaid and I'm hoping one of you could be of help (To Marianna) Choose your pick.

Princess Marianna: (she scans through all the trolls then points at Silvania) This one.

King Jerod: Very well. (To Silvania) As from tomorrow, My daughter will be needing your services regularly.

Silvania: (feigns happiness) If that is your wish my king... (bows)

King Jerod: It is. (To all them) You may now go.

(They all leave the castle)

(Later on)
(Silvania and her father return home)

Donald: We're back!

Beatrice: Wow. So soon?

Donald: Yeah.

Beatrice: So what did the King want?

Silvania: It's not the King. It's the princess, She was in need of a handmaid and she picked me, So now, I'll have to be at the castle frequently, serving her.

Simon: It's not a really bad thing. I mean, You get to stay at the castle all day, eating different kinds of delicious foods.....

Silvania: Asides that, Princess Marianna is very cruel, She has no tolerance for anyone who disappoints her. I was really annoyed when she picked me. Who knows the torture and hurdles that awaits me.

Simon: Just don't get on her bad side.

Beatrice: (pats her) Don't worry my dear. You'll be fine.
Silvania: (worriedly) I hope...

To be Continued



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