Ayanfe Ayomide Emmanuel

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Ayanfe Ayomide Emmanuel If You Ain't Serving God, You are Serving Dog.. Who You serve is what You Are. Gen 1:26... Ps 82:6.....



Been a while

Been a while

“ When I lost my last match , Nigerians were the highest people that trolled me and make mockery of me “ Joshua Anthony ...

“ When I lost my last match , Nigerians were the highest people that trolled me and make mockery of me “ Joshua Anthony

“ learn to show love to those losing not only those winning , those at the bottom need love , care and support more than those at the top , When someone is falling , hold them , don’t wait to make a mockery of them . They are my people and I love them still “ Anthony Joshua

But this is true , you saw what they did to Iwobi last time ? Bullied him till he deleted all his pictures from Instagram .

If Joshua lose he could have been from UK , they could have trolled him all round

Let’s learn to really show love to those at the bottom , they need it .

A guy posted on his timeline saying he needs 7k urgently.People were just observing the post without saying anything.The...

A guy posted on his timeline saying he needs 7k urgently.
People were just observing the post without saying anything.

Then a lady commented and said DM.

He DM and the lady asked for his acct details and sent him 10k and told him to use the remaining 3k for himself.
The guy thanked her.

One day the guy called the lady and asked for a date, she agreed and they went out.

They started having feelings for each other.
Then the guy surprised her with a brand new Lexus, and he took the girl to canada and they got married.

MORAL LESSON: I need 50k urgently.

According to Calendar settings, it's a New Month today... I therefore decree that the New things that worth your status,...

According to Calendar settings, it's a New Month today... I therefore decree that the New things that worth your status, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Financially, Academically, Maritally shall set-in into your life in all ramifications.
It doesn't matter the status of the economy, because there is a God Almighty that runs the affairs of this Earth without any currency. By His Power I decree and declare it.

This month of march, goodness, greatness, Success shall match in to your life.

Happy New Month 💋❤️🥰


WHAT WILL YOU DO???You loaned your friend ₦4,000,000.00 last year and since then, he has refused to pay back, which has ...


You loaned your friend ₦4,000,000.00 last year and since then, he has refused to pay back, which has deteriorated the friendship.

You beg him to just pay you ₦2,000,000.00 and forget the rest because you are in a financial crisis.

Your friend then says he can only get you ₦1,500,000.00 since that's all he has.

You feel like you have no option but to accept.

You eventually give him your account details to send the amount directly to your bank.

You wake up the next morning, checked your account and there is ₦15,000,000.00 in it.

You kept staring at the screen in disbelief but it is indeed ₦15M.

You grab your phone and find 53 missed calls from him and an additional 27 text messages begging you to transfer back ₦13,500,000.00 since he only meant to send ₦1,500,000.00 and mistakenly added an extra "0."

As a well-brought-up person, what are you supposed to do:

1. Send back ₦13,500,000.00
2. Take your full ₦4,000,000.00
3. Keep the entire ₦15,000,000.00
4. Switch off your phone and relocate

Let's see some Options.

In Tinubu voice 😂😂😂😂😂.... Enjoy your weekend.

Do not allow satan, devil tells you that there is something you unique or special that prompt God Almighty mercy or favo...

Do not allow satan, devil tells you that there is something you unique or special that prompt God Almighty mercy or favor on you.. it's a way of luring you into a naked environment where God's Almighty absolute Grace is not supernaturally active.... From Job 1:9, verse 9 to be specific, the same satan confirmed it that it's God Almighty involved in God Almighty blessings upon Job.. in the same manner applicable to everyone living on earth regardless of the position or situation.

Psalm 127:1.... Gives a clue of the secret behind every Success in life.

Isaiah 64:6... Tells us that regardless of our Righteousness, we are as dirty as filthy garments..

Jn 3:16-19 is one scriptural chapter and verses satan will not wants anyone to totally rely and depends on. Simply because it's a secret code to be free from all his threats...

Revelation 12 : 11 also is the founder of all victories God Almighty gave in Heavens before that of the Earth via the blood of Jesus Christ.

Ecclesiastes 3:14... Shows that the Perfection Doings of God Almighty needs no Alterations or corrections.

Honor God Almighty with all what you posess including your living.

Preach Gospel
Pray for Souls to be Liberate
Sponsor Evangelism in your given Ability

Any church, whether Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, or Independent, that gets involved with marriage will a...

Any church, whether Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, or Independent, that gets involved with marriage will always get it wrong because marriage is a family affair, not a church or religious matter.

First of all, marriage predates any church or organised religion. God instituted it in Genesis 2:24, which says:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Secondly, there is no Scriptural basis for a church or priest getting involved in marriage. Scripture has no instance of a wedding being done in a church, temple, or synagogue.

Isaac married at home (Gen 24:67). Christ attended a wedding at HOME (John 2:2-10). Isaiah was a prophet. When he wanted to marry a fellow prophetess, all he did was invite two witnesses. And immediately, the woman moved into his home (Isaiah 8:2-3). No ceremony at all. Are you holier than Isaiah? Hosea’s marriage was captured in only one verse-Hosea 1:3.

God made marriage EASY. It is humans who made it complicated.

There are those who would want to manipulate the minds of gullible people by telling them Yeshua was at a wedding in Cana. That is true. But He was there purely as a guest. He played absolutely no role.

And even when His mother appealed to Him to intervene when the wedding feast ran out of wine, He was reluctant to. After her request, He said:

“Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.”

Yeshua was clearly telling her that He was not "involved" in the ceremony.

And even governments have no role to play in marriage beyond registering a marriage or civil union. That is why there is NOTHING like Marriage Law. Please assume I am lying and fact-check me. The laws for marriage fall under the legal code, Family Law.

In conclusion, the power a priest or pastor has to say, ‘I now pronounce you man and wife’, comes from man, not God. There is no Scriptural authority for that. God Himself pronounces you married once your parents consent to your union. It is a family affair!

So, ignore anybody anywhere and in whatever manmade office telling you to bless people involved in any type of marriage or union. The man making such a policy and the priests choosing to obey him rather than God are not holier than you. Their ability to determine your salvation or destination after death is zero. Let them keep using Latin to deceive themselves and those who allow themselves to be hypnotised by a dead language!


Do you know that the car's, houses, clothes , shoes, golds, diamonds etc are not PROPERTY????THEY ARE POSSESSIONS... YOU...

Do you know that the car's, houses, clothes , shoes, golds, diamonds etc are not PROPERTY????










Waking up this morning, I was listening to 2Face song titled "E be like sey".
And I was like, All politicians, Minister's and leaders needs to listen to it 🥺


In life, the people who deserves your best are those who values your feelings and living. They might not have things to give you. But the care they offer, is PRICELESS

Just as the Word's of God Almighty is sent through Jesus Christ to save mankind from the danger of God Almighty judgment...

Just as the Word's of God Almighty is sent through Jesus Christ to save mankind from the danger of God Almighty judgment ahead "second judgement", in the same manner satan has his demons with words that Engage people into cage and makes the victim slave's for eternal gnashing of teeth and agony.
God Almighty is the reason behind the suffering of mankind via the judgement placed on mankind through Adam and eve disobedience. And the same God Almighty by His Nature "Mercy" made an eternal attornment via the blood of Jesus Christ for restoration of mankind into eternal happiness and Glorious destination.

But, Satan uses ignorance and unbelief to entangle mankind minds into not to be able to get access to the platform which is"Salvation via Crucification and resurrection of Christ Jesus".

God Almighty made everything and Everything he made were made good. But, out of fear, worries, anxiety, accusations and deception of the devil, many are still living under the cage.

The purpose of Jesus Christ coming into this planet earth is not really to perform miracles, miracles are the outcome of Spiritual activities and Engagements. Which any spirit can do. But, the coming of Jesus Christ is to make Man "Human" the real God Almighty Identity on Earth. Just as it was Originally planned by the Creator... Let us make Man in our own Image, after Our own Likeness .... Gen 1:26 .
Having access to this, would make one a Miracle not a Miracle seekers anymore...

But, God Almighty won't force anyone into this but you have to make your choice and your choice is what your Faith and obedience would operate through...


It is destruction when one is practicing deception before the Creator of all Creations.Devil manipulate people's mind to...

It is destruction when one is practicing deception before the Creator of all Creations.
Devil manipulate people's mind to deceive God with full intention to destroy them but wouldn't tell them. he is a liar from inception.
God Almighty is a Spirit, He knows the secret of the Earth and Heavens. The will of God Almighty for all Creation is to make them live safe and saved. On the contrary, devil despise this by deceiving people that they can outsmart their maker, giving them another to plan and way aside of God Almighty plans and way. knowing that God Almighty will not Force anyone to follow his Ways but Judge EVERYONE'S way of life.

God Almighty is not the operator of Heavens and Earth, He is the Creator of Heavens and Earth. No Creation is, can, will, shall never outsmart the Creator...

Move Closer to God Almighty not because He wants you but He needs you.... Devil does not want you or needs you, he only wants to Use you, abuse you and make you a victim of God's Judgement which leads to destruction..

Your existence in Life is a Fulfilment of God's Prophecy.To survive in Life, you have to live by His "God's" Word which ...

Your existence in Life is a Fulfilment of God's Prophecy.
To survive in Life, you have to live by His "God's" Word which is also a Prophecy..
Although, it's not Force but by Choice. At the same time, living by God's Word or not is not a Plus to God neither a loss. But, the OUTCOME of it is a MUST.


God Almighty was, is and the reason for every or Any Living on Earth.
Will determine the End of Every or any Living.
Been with God is not a Loss.

Laughter does not connotes Happiness...Shedding tears does not mean sadness...There are TEARS OF JOY.God Almighty will t...

Laughter does not connotes Happiness...
Shedding tears does not mean sadness...
There are TEARS OF JOY.
God Almighty will turn your tears into tears of Joy.
And those who are mocking you will disguisingly cover their shame with fake laughter...

Marriage is not an escape route from Poverty. It's a place of taking Responsibility. So, if you are interested in marria...

Marriage is not an escape route from Poverty. It's a place of taking Responsibility. So, if you are interested in marriage because you think it's a place where you can eradicate poverty lack or desires of wants, well, I'm glad to announce to you that you are making the wrong choice and you might end up disappointed.

That's why God Almighty said in Amos 3:3; that can two works, Walk or live together except they agree?
Agreement or understanding here simply means having a vivid knowledge of the person you are tending to walk, work or live with capacities or capabilities.

Knowing the background of your future husband or wife is not what guarantee your happy marriage or happy home. Simply because, Human and Situations are liable for CHANGE!
Although, Past they Say determines the future, but the truth is.... It's your HEART that determines the future.
If a Heart or Mind of a person change, the Earth or life of the person is automatically gonna change.
So therefore, what you need to know is the heart of the Man. How do you do that? When God Almighty Himself is not certain about the stability state of a man's heart?🤔
Well, I think I have a good answer to that question!

You committing your heart to God Almighty will constantly expose and reveal the state of anyone's heart you encounter.
God Almighty says... If Our ways are pleasing to Him, He Will make us safe even in the midst of the Enemies "wrong or negative hearted people".

Marriage Raises Destinies also Marriage Breaks Destinies. If, it's not been properly stipulate or define.

Marriage is not a must if the Purpose is Wrong.

That's why, the first and only person you should get married to is Jesus Christ via His Word's. Not just Nominally but Practically, Physically, Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally.
Jesus Christ Becomes Spirit in your Life if you genuinely accept Him as your personal LORD and SAVIOR.. with this, you are good to go!!

Just as  "Proprietor and Proprietress" do sets examinations for students, so God Almighty do  allow Life challenges on o...

Just as "Proprietor and Proprietress" do sets examinations for students, so God Almighty do allow Life challenges on our ways most times in other to promote us to another better level in life.
The purpose of the examination is not to pressure the students or to humiliate them.
The examination is to appreciate and exhibit what they've been taught in the class.
So in the same manner, God Almighty allows challenges in our ways, not to break us down but to raise us up through the challenges.

Therefore, the issue is not really the exam, but, the preparation we've had.
One of the best ways to prepare for the examinations of Life is to read and know what God Almighty has in His Ability and Capability. By this, we can get to move closer and rely on Him. Doing this will not let us alone whenever we are facing those challenges "examinations".
Just as He said to Isaiah in Isaiah 43:1-9...


Don't argue your identity with anyone who doubted it. You are not design to please or convince anyone's choice or opinio...

Don't argue your identity with anyone who doubted it. You are not design to please or convince anyone's choice or opinion.
You are designed and destined to please the interest of God Almighty and fulfill a given purpose.
No one exist for you, they can only assist you and be rewarded by God Almighty the great rewarder.
In Christ, you are divinely enthrone on the throne of Authority for positivity.
No one, I mean, no one will determine your longevity on the throne except by your obedience and Faith in God Almighty Himself.

Don't give in room for doubt and negativity either from devil or people. Whatever or whoever tries to limit your mindset should not be welcome.

Be Positive in everything you do, because that is what will determine and attracts God Mercy or Judgement.

..................The Irony of Life is.............."The Losers finds hope while the Winner's looses Hope".Regardless of...

..................The Irony of Life is..............
"The Losers finds hope while the Winner's looses Hope".

Regardless of what you are going through in Life, Once you have God Almighty with you is an automatic ticket of been a winner. But, most times, even the Winner's looses Hope because, despite the fact that they have God Almighty by their side, yet, they Fail to trust and look unto that GOD.

How?.... Ofcourse, whoever calls on God Almighty via prayer and don't listen to God Almighty via His Word's is an example of having God and not trusting God Almighty.

Whereas, devil, the looser, keep prevailing over them simply because they chose not to submit to God.. they keep fighting the conquered battle.
No victory for one who is fighting a conquered battle. Because, the Victory and Accolades had been given to one who fought the battle first and Conquered it. And that is JESUS CHRIST.

Follow JESUS CHRIST and you will experience the TRUE MEANING OF VICTORY...
Signs that you are following Jesus Christ are ..

1, you personally confess and possess Him Alone as your LORD and SAVIOR.
2, You don't lean on your self wisdom, righteousness, self ability but on His Wisdom, Righteousness and Ability.
3, You genuinely Love God Almighty Alone and stay away from Idolatry or demonic doctrines.
4, You always Thank, Praise God in every situations you finds yourself, knowing fully that God Almighty is ever Faithful and will not Fail you.
5, Make Gospel of Salvation and Liberation your must duty in any of your given Ability.
6, Love sacrificially.
7, Always seek for Peace and Pray for others...

Celebrate her with me, my friend, my baby, my mummy, my wife Wich I Never had chance of marrying but hoping to marry her...

Celebrate her with me, my friend, my baby, my mummy, my wife Wich I Never had chance of marrying but hoping to marry her if she agree 🤭🤭😂🤣🥰🥰 and my help meet when I needed help most on earth during my curious stage of missing it or getting it right in life and Ministry.
I remembered then, I was going around with no place to lay down my head to sleep.
I met with her despite a long time of separation as friends back then. She fed me and paid for the accomodations where I stayed back then.

I know God Almighty is the reason for any or every assist anyone could get but I salute her submissiveness to God Almighty to use her as an angel for me back then.... 2016.

People I committed my entire body and energy to forsook me then, but from no where, she emerge.
Very industrious lady as I do call her..

Yetunde Ayoade Olajide I don't know how you will feel reading this. Even me, remembering those days now makes me feel emotional 🥺🥺🥺.

There are 3 people I will never forget in haste in my life... A time is coming that I will speak more of this... But know that, out of the 3 people, you are one of them..

Happy Birthday to is what I can say for Now...

I don't care what people say, all I care to know is that... You are a gem!

Don't accept or follow advice from someone because he or she is old or Aged. Listen and accept advice because the advice...

Don't accept or follow advice from someone because he or she is old or Aged.
Listen and accept advice because the advice is GOOD.
Remember, Satan was older than Jesus Christ on the planet earth. Devil tried advising Jesus Christ with intention of making Him loose His Glorious purpose on the planet earth.

Ancient of Days, Rock of Ages has His Advice which by Privilege, you can possess via the Bible. Search for it, Pray with it and seek for those who will justifyingly dispense the truth in it to you. And if you can't find such, pray for The Spirit of TRUTH, HOLY SPIRIT to visit you and guide you.

The Word's of God Almighty is for Justifications not Condemnations

Minister's of God.Know for the fact that, God Almighty, who sent you is Greater than the people He sent you to. Therefor...

Minister's of God.
Know for the fact that, God Almighty, who sent you is Greater than the people He sent you to. Therefore, be careful not to offend God Almighty who sent you all in the name of pleasing the people.
Pleasing the interest of the people at the expense of contradicting the interest of God is as leading the people into the wrath or anger of God and which you're gonna be responsible and accountable for it.
The best way to please people is by telling them the TRUE Will and Mind of God Almighty. Then, committing their own mind into the hands of God Almighty through the prayer of supplication and Intercession. This would make it easier for you to freely and boldly stand fit anytime.
Devil, who doesn't want the people you are sent to will castigate, accuse, oppose and persecute you before the people just to shift their attention away from what God Almighty, their Creator sent you to them. This you should know and that's why, you must be very careful of going their way. Not going their way is not a sign that you hated them though. But, devil will definitely make it looks that way to the people.
So, what matters most is, your right standing before God Almighty.


No be sey I like food ooo 🤣🤣🤣.Just that I decree that the fruit of your labor on any area you have channeled your effort...

No be sey I like food ooo 🤣🤣🤣.

Just that I decree that the fruit of your labor on any area you have channeled your efforts to, will not be wasted or given to an undeserved person.
It PAYS to serve God Almighty.... Just learn and know how to wait for God's Almighty timing.

If your good works seems as if it's not bringing you the reward you deserve, it means that your good works has not reach the point of getting you the reward you deserve. Stopping the good works is never the Best or right option.

If people rubbish your good works, then it means the people don't deserve the good works. Channel it to God Almighty, who will never rubbish you and your good works, remember, God Almighty Alone is Able to reward every works. Either good or bad. And God Almighty will never be bias with the principle of rewarding.... Therefore, DON'T STOP THE GOOD WORKS.

There are many people that uses you and dump you when they think they've gotten the best out of you. They give excuses when you are set to be rewarded. These people are called SLAVE MASTERS in disguise of so called FATHERS. If paradventure you find, you've found yourself in such people's hand, don't be disappointed for any experience you had with them. Move on with your good works, your efforts for them is not wasted but invested. Sooner or later, you will surely have the dividends of your good works or labor.

Seeking for the Success of others is termed foolishness by the fool's. Simply because, they don't know or understand the principle of Sowing and reaping... Whatever you do, wish, say to other's comes back to you in Multiple folds... Either on Earth or after Earth.

If you think you don't have anything to offer, my dear your wish and prayers are the greatest things or gifts you can ever give.. remember God Almighty See's first from the HEART first. Unlike men that See's only the ACTS which can be manipulated or deceptively Presented..

Stay Positive 🔥❤️ and move on.. the GOOD GOD IS LOOKING AT YOUR GOOD WORKS.

Lesson to learn from here."Daughter suspected that Daddy was cheating on Mummy, she snitched on Daddy, got his password,...

Lesson to learn from here.

"Daughter suspected that Daddy was cheating on Mummy, she snitched on Daddy, got his password, opened his phone while he was sleeping and handed the phone to Mummy. Mummy thanked her, locked the phone, woke Daddy up and told him to change his password because Daughter already knew it"

"Daddy was disappointed in Daughter. Daughter was disappointed in Mummy. Mummy was very proud of herself. She told Daughter "You see this Man? I have known him for several years before you were born and when you leave for your own husband's house I will be the one with him and vice versa. I will never look for something that will make me see him different from the good man that he has been"

I personally believe that Mummy is a wise woman. What do you think?

Most times, it's not really about been with the perfect person that will make you experience or enjoy a perfect home or marriage. But, it's by having a perfect understanding about life, your spouse and human nature.

Marriage is about building. In building, there are always try and error till it's completed.

Choose your spouse for whom you think you are not what you expect him or her to be......

You don't have to offend anybody before you start having Enemy or Enemies.Destiny itself attracts Enemies.But, to secure...

You don't have to offend anybody before you start having Enemy or Enemies.

Destiny itself attracts Enemies.

But, to secure your Destiny, you have to make sure that, You keep the fulfilment or the realization of the Destiny under the custody of God Almighty.

Doing that will make anyone trying to stand against the Destiny a Direct enemy of God Almighty Himself. Simply because, whatever you keep with God Almighty, is Automatically Anointed. And remember, touch not my Anointed "Destiny" and do no harm to my Prophet "YOU".

Now, how do you keep your Destiny in God Almighty custody.

1... Accept and Personally confess Jesus Christ as your only personal Lord and Savior.

2..... Abstain from any form of Idolatry. God is a Jealous God. He will not share His Glory with anything in Heavens, on Earth and underneath the earth. Sea or Ocean. He created all Creatures and Him Alone is Able to Make you fulfil what He, the Creator formed and designed you to be.

3.... Take His Word's for His Word's without any components of doubts or worries.

4.... Know that nothing values more than Your Soul, Peace and Living.

Last but not the least..... Praise God Almighty for Who, Where and How He Is. And Thank Him continually for His Endless and Unfailing love over You. Regardless of any Situations you are either pleasant or otherwise. Because, with God Almighty, it will all turns out for the BEST...

Your EXPERIENCES in Life are results from your ENGAGEMENTS in life.To change what you EXPERIENCE, then you must change w...

Your EXPERIENCES in Life are results from your ENGAGEMENTS in life.
To change what you EXPERIENCE, then you must change what you ENGAGE in.

Our Father is a Consuming fire 🔥 that consumes whatever that does not Glorify His Glory and We are seated on throne of G...

Our Father is a Consuming fire 🔥 that consumes whatever that does not Glorify His Glory and We are seated on throne of God Almighty as well to dispense the authority here on earth... Christ Jesus is the one who enthrone. Are you ready for your enthronement??






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