Nelson Edeh

Nelson Edeh • Premium Crypto Strategist & Mentor
• A Thought Leader
• Highly Innovative Being


How to reprogram your Subconscious Mind

__Make Clear decisions
__Embrace the unknown
__Create Art
__Repetition + Affirmations
__New Experiences
__Seed new beliefs


Good morning great minds.

Happy Sunday

Seize this opportunity to learn a digital skill for free.NITDA is partnering with Coursera for the second batch of this ...

Seize this opportunity to learn a digital skill for free.

NITDA is partnering with Coursera for the second batch of this IT scholarship. ✨

A total of 19 Courses to choose from & you'll be trained with certification for 6 months, FOR FREE.

If you apply today, you'll have an extra skill in the bag by December -

👉Stop slacking, if you don't understand any of these Skills, just do a Google search to understand what it means and how you can use the skill to better your future.

Take your time to Apply here:👇


Welcome to JUNE

This month has a lot of good things for you and I ❤️

Have a blessed June


How much money do you need to change your life ❓



There comes a point in your Crypto journey, where too much information hurts your progress. This is not only in Crypto space but in everything you do in this life.

Learning: gathering more information without application or taking actions with the knowledge and information you have is the fastest road to complete mental confusion and high level of indecisiveness on what to do.

You must put what you know into practice, draft a plan, something concrete you can test, verify, and validate.

If you're not getting the results you want, take a step back and work with what you have learned—not add more till you thoroughly test out all the information you already have.

In this Crypto space, most people keep looking for a coin that will do 1000x while they already have a list of such coins in their notepads.

Moreover, All they needed was just to position themselves in those coins and wait for their profits but NO, they will continue searching for more coins with 1000x potential.

The more coins you discover, the more confused you become : the more confused you are, the higher chances of you missing out on potential coins entirely.

Ask yourself:

How many coins have I discovered before they had massive price pump ? yet I missed out even after finding that coin early.

How many coins have I procrastinated to buy?, And finally I missed out on that coin.

This is to call your attention to what you have lying on your bed but you are busy searching for it outside.

What you are looking for on top the mountain might just be down in the valley.

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• Financial Education

Congratulations to me. I just hit 3000 subscribers on YouTube.Next Target is 10,000 Subscribers Milestone.

Congratulations to me. I just hit 3000 subscribers on YouTube.

Next Target is 10,000 Subscribers Milestone.


5 Coins with 10x - 100x potential. You need to pay attention to these coins Now.

Positioning yourself in crypto cannot be over emphasized. You can easily go from $100 to $100,000 in crypto if you do it carefully and manage your risk.

This doesn't mean you will be a millionaire overnight, it will take time, a series of learning and intentionally positioning yourself to achieve success in crypto.

We are currently in a Bear market and it's the best time to position yourself for a tsunami of wealth.

Here are five coins/ tokens I think you should position yourself before the next Bull Market.

1. $OP 👉 $1.68 (Current price)

Optimism is an L2 protocol to help reduce the load on ethereum Blockchain. This coin has huge potential.

2. $ARB 👉 $1.7 (Current price)

Arbitrum is another powerful L2 solution for the Ethereum Blockchain, scaling and reducing the load on ethereum. This coin is yet to see the Bull Market for the first time. You know what that means 😂.

3. $APT 👉 $8.42 (Current price)

Aptos is a high performance L1 Blockchain and was launched recently. They are more on scalability and were built with Move programming languages.

This coin hasn't seen Bull Market before. More reason to get in before the next Bull Market.

4. $SUI 👉 $1.15 (Current price)

Sui is an L1 Blockchain optimizing for low latency Blockchain transfers. Sui focuses on instant transactions and high speed transactions through put.

Sui just launched recently and is yet to see the Bull Market.

5. $ID 👉 $0.47 (Current price)

Space ID is a universal name service network with a one stop identity platform.

This coin is yet to see Bull Market also.

You can include these coins in your portfolio after doing your own research on them.

❌ Remember that I am not a financial advisor and this post is just my own opinion not financial advice in anyway.

👉Take your time to research and build your crypto portfolio.

👉Like and share this post.

Follow me here 👉 Nelson Edeh If you want to learn more about

• Crypto
• Self Improvement
• Financial Education


Good morning great minds.

Happy weekend 🎉😊

This is a healthy pullback.You know what will be healthier? If we nuke straight through and wick sub $20k...leaving all ...

This is a healthy pullback.

You know what will be healthier?

If we nuke straight through and wick sub $20k...

leaving all leverage longs in a state of panic.


You need money to make money with Crypto

After 6 years of being into crypto space, I have noticed something about all successful crypto millionaires, here’s what I’ve realized…

Most Crypto Millionaires have other sources of income.


Because if investing in Crypto is your only source of income, you will have the need to make money every week or month.

This will propel you to buy any shiny coin treading on social media in order to make quick profit, it will also make you lack the discipline to grow small small.

And that’s why many Crypto millionaires do not rely on investment gains as their only source of income.

If you have other sources of income, then you can use the “extra” money you’ve got to increase the size of your crypto portfolio and exercise patience for gains to roll in.

Because with a larger capital size, you can make more money investing in Crypto.

So, don't quit your job hoping to make it overnight from Crypto. Rather, use crypto to grow a percentage of your monthly income from your other sources of income.

With other sources of income, you will be relaxed, focused on your crypto investment goals.

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Follow me here 👉 Nelson Edeh If you want to learn more about

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• Self Improvement
• Financial Education


Once you stop...



Watching TV



The fear of failure

Trying to be perfect

Waiting to be inspired

Caring what people think

Repeating the same mistake

You can reclaim your life and be free.


$10 Million or meet Satoshi Nakamoto the founder of Bitcoin?

What wiil you choose?


Trading is a business and incurs expenses, losses, taxes, uncertainty, stress, and risk.

As a trader, you are essentially a small business owner, and you must research and strategize to maximize your business's potential.


The best time to be Crypto is NOW.

Over 23,913 Coins in existence.

Only 420 Million people are involved in Crypto currently, out of the entire world population of 7.888 Billion. A good sign you are still very early in this Crypto industry.

Even if it is only Buying and saving coins for future returns you sabi

or only Trading Coins you sabi ..
.. see you, see trailer load of money 🤑🤑💰

See ehh, take Crypto serious abeg.

My heart is filled with joy for being alive at this time and age.

👉Crypto has endless opportunities to make you money!!!

I just closed my $SUI trade on 72% closeNice pump there.🤑🤑

I just closed my $SUI trade on 72% close

Nice pump there.🤑🤑


This happened as I put aside 10% of the money I was going to spend.

I noticed that my bank statement shows unbelievable amounts each month end.

I can't even recall getting such an amount of money and I get more confused trying to figure out how I spent that amount.🤦

I have been so worried about this but I decided to do something about it.

Here is what I did:

I decided to put aside 10% of any amount that I was going to spend. Even if it's N1000, I will put aside N100.

I do this by using the Piggyvest App. Once I want to spend any amount, I will send the 10% to my Piggyvest, then I will quickly put it on safelock. Piggyvest safelock won't allow me to get the money till 1year time.(I actually set my safelock to 1yr.).

It wasn't easy to keep up with this, as it made me make different choices on things I wanted badly but I promised myself to stay committed. So I did everything within my power to do it.

You can't believe that after 1 year, I had put aside N1+ million. 😂.

It is amazing because, this is 10% from money I will spend normally on a regular basis not even my actual savings nor my emergency fund.

I learnt the following by doing this:

1. We spend more on things we don't need some times.

For example, buying extra slippers, shoes, clothes, home appliances when you still have a good one at home, or sponsoring someone's lunch, trip or buying bear drink for someone, when you shouldn't but because you just want to be nice and you feel, you have the cash available.

2. We tend to overlook small amounts, feeling those little amounts are nothing important.

The truth remains that smaller amounts of money grows quickly and compounds more than you can ever imagine.

3. It's very important to live within a budget.

This is one of the greatest challenges we have in our homes, we lack money most times when we shouldn't because we run our homes without budgets.

If you are not using a budget for your home, you will constantly over spend and your expenses will keep increasing.

4. We can only grow financially, when we are capable of managing the income we earn effectively without wasting unnecessary money.

I just hope you learn one or two from this post 😉.

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Follow me here 👉 Nelson Edeh If you want to learn more about:

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• Self Improvement
• Financial Education


📌Don’t ever give up, even if this current moment is the hardest time you’ve ever faced!

Keep pushing forward, you will be glad you didn't give up.


Trading is a game of patience, acceptance for failure and being committed to your trading system or plan.

©️Nelson Edeh.


Building your own Crypto Portfolio.

Crypto has given our generation a lifetime opportunity to achieve financial freedom.

So sad, 99% of Crypto investors will likely never get there. It takes more than buying a coin to create wealth in Crypto.

Navigating the crypto market could be insanely lucrative.

But you need a strong portfolio to minimize your losses and maximize your returns.

That’s why I recommend to every Crypto investor both old and new to build a portfolio.

That way, you’ll still capture the overall trend in the market.

Let's explore how to build and manage a crypto Portfolio.

1. Understand your financial goals and risk appetite.

That's the first thing to do before putting any money in the market.

2. The portfolio.

This is the composition:

30% - 50% into Blue chips such as $BTC and $ETH.

A blue chip is a coin that survived at least 2 bear markets with a long term uptrend. (breaking previous ATH)

20% in Stable Coins or cash to protect your capital and to buy dips.

15% in Mid - Caps.

Mid-caps are coins within $1 Billion to $10 Billion market caps.

5% in Degens.
Degens are coins with lower market cap, newly launched coins and memecoins

3. Building it:

I always recommend dividing your investment capital by percentage like I stated above.

Then start buying coins you have picked using the Dollar cost Average (DCA) strategy.

I know that you might be tempted to buy all the coins you picked at once.

But You need to realize that there is no hurry, particularly in growing your portfolio.

This is what you have to do:
👉 Be patient.
👉Learn daily.
👉 Accumulate with DCA.

Benefits of having a portfolio:

- It helps you Mitigate the risk in your crypto investment.

- It helps you maximize profits into assets if they start to run.

- It helps you handle the volatility caused by the high-risk coins or tokens.

- Finally, it helps you invest in different narrative in Crypto space.

👉Focus on building a solid crypto portfolio, instead of a buying any coin you see or hear about.

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Follow me here 👉 Nelson Edeh If you want to learn more about:

• Crypto
• Self Improvement
• Financial Education


Happy New Month To You.

May you be favoured in everything you do this month of May.


What are your plans for this weekend 🤔.

Me, Sleeping like 8hrs each day, Eating plenty chicken and salad, seeing movies and planning out next week's schedules.

What's yours ❓


How To Do Your Own Crypto Research (DYOR).

DYOR is very a common phrase you’ll be seeing under a lot of Crypto posts and tweets.

When it comes to Crypto Assets and Blockchain projects, it’s possible to be a victim of sc*m projects if you can't do simple research.

Also, it is very crucial for you to DYOR on every project as your findings will guide you on how big or small you can invest in a particular coin, token or NFTs.

So the question is:

How do you carry out research on Crypto Assets ?

What are you going to be searching for in these projects to make investment or trading decisions ?

There are a number of things you need to take note of when buying a new coin.

So Here is how to DYOR:

1. Read White Paper:
- A white paper is a document that outlines what a cryptocurrency is created to do and how it will achieve it.

A few things you should look out for in the white paper are;

-The Description of the Project and how it’s going to provide solution to a real world and relevant problem.
-The use case(s) it aims to cater to
-The roadmap for upgrades and new features
-The supply and distribution scheme for coins or tokens
-The Team..

2. Tokenomics:

Tokenomics show you the total supply of the coin, how it is distributed among the creator and the team, and how much is available in circulation.

Also if there is any information to suggest that a large number of coins has been burned or rendered unusable.

3. Market Share and statistics 📊

- What is the current market cap and max supply?
- Is it inflationary or deflationary?
- Concentration on Coins / tokens in wallets: which addresses hold the most coins?

4. Initial Distribution:

Considering how the coins or tokens were initially distributed. Was it via an ICO or IDO or Airdrops?

What percentage of tokens were set aside for the founders and the team.

Here is why:

Paying attention to the distribution should give you an idea of any risk that exists.

For instance, if the majority of the Coin supply is owned by only a few addresses, we might reach the conclusion that this is a risky investment, as those people could eventually manipulate the market.

5. Team & Influencers 📣:

- Is the team & management credible and experienced?
- What connections does the team have in other industries?
- Is there a track record for the team?
- Which influencers are talking about the project and do they produce quality content?

6. Narrative:

- Industry and category of the project (for L1, L2, DeFi, NFT, GameFi etc)
- What narratives are possible in the future?

Following these 6 steps will give you solid information to make your decision about Crypto Assets.

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Follow me here 👉 Nelson Edeh to learn more about:

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• Financial Education


📌This space is filled with Endless Opportunities!

There are those who capitalize and those who do nothing and wonder why things are the way they are.

Always make sure you are discovering strategies to keep you ahead of the curve!

Don’t slack!

Happy weekend guys.


3 Steps To Get Ready For The Crypto Next Bull Market .

Bull Market is that time of the market when everything keeps going up in price.

During the Bull market even a total newbie can buy a coin for $10 and make $100 the same day,

But here is the deal:

More money is made from the bear market not from the Bull market.

Robert Kiyosaki said:
"Money is made when you buy, not when you sell'. Basically it means that the price you pay for a coin is the major factor determining your profit later on"

Most people fail to plan for the Bull Market and eventually miss out on the life changing opportunities in Crypto space.

Let's dive in:

There are a few necessary steps to prepare yourself for a crypto Bull Market.

1. Learn how to do research on coins, tokens, NFTs, it will help you understand the latest Bull market opportunities.

2. Draft out your own Crypto investment plan based on your income flow. You can easily learn how to write personal investment plans on YouTube.

This would include when and how you will invest into different coins with potential, also when and how to take profits.

3. Keep your coins in a private wallet not in an exchange.

---Stay committed to your Crypto Goals.

Make sure your investment plan enables you to start investing during this period of Bear market. That's the only way to prepare yourself for maximum wealth transfer in the next bull market.

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Follow me here 👉 Nelson Edeh If you want to learn more about:

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• Self Improvement
• Financial Education


📌One tip I can give to a fearful Crypto investor is to start with smaller capital.

Keep reducing risk to your comfort level, and slowly increase your capital on your way up.

Remember: Rome wasn't built in a day and it's the same for your Crypto journey.


making some wild moves within this week and breaking - rejecting the areas.

Currently, the market is a bit unstable and price action is not much clear.

Overall, Continuation is expected till at least $30,200 resistance area.


My Crypto journey

Here’s my learning curve as a Crypto trader and Investor:

I started with Bitcoin OTC trades, then spot trading then Futures trading.

And for a few years, I thought that’s all I needed because after all,Trading Crypto is king and that’s all I needed to be profitable in this crypto industry.

But that hurts my growth because I tuned everything else out (and limited myself only to trading).

When I realized this, I quickly went back to being a student of the Cryptocurrency ecosystem and Blockchain.

So I asked myself:

“What are other Crypto millionaires doing to profit from this industry?”

That’s when I got exposed to Building career in Crypto, developing investment plan, position trading, NFTs, Defi, etc.

The outcome?

Today, I trade crypto, building Long term portfolio across different Coins and Defi protocols—which gives me the edge to grow faster.

I will keep going forward till my portfolio will be running in 100s of millions.

I am more passionate about building people in this crypto space at this point, I want everyone to benefit from this life changing opportunity.

My greatest goal is to train those who would become Crypto millionaires, achieve success for themselves and family.

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