COME & SEE Want a clear understanding of God's Word? you are in the right place.

Celebrating the Apostle of Faith sent to this generation and generations to come.

Celebrating the Apostle of Faith sent to this generation and generations to come.

It is important to note that every believer has a purpose! One of the most outstanding statements that Peter made was re...

It is important to note that every believer has a purpose! One of the most outstanding statements that Peter made was recorded in Acts 10:13 "Then Peter opened his mouth and said 'of a truth, I per- ceive that God is no respecter of persons", Paul the Apostle broke this statement down in simpler terms by saying "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him." (Rom. 10:12).

God has no favorites! He's not a partial God, he's not biased! Paul said "If ye have heard of the dis- pensation (type) of the grace of God which is given me to you ward." (Eph. 3:2) and we defined the individual grace as the specific purpose or the plan of God for any man's life. That means if Paul had an individual grace and God is not partial then you have an individual grace!

Ephesians 4:7 validates this truth, "For unto every one of us is given grace...", Notice, he said unto every one of "US", who's "US", well Paul was writing to the churches, not unbelievers! The Church. Every believer has been given grace, we have a plan and a purpose mapped out by God! Well, is it every one of us except you? No! But what if you were born out of wedlock? Does God still have a plan for you, since you probably weren't planned for?

Hey, are you born again? If you are, then you are part of "every one of us", here's another amazing statement in the scriptures. "I beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith YE ARE CALLED". The Bible is God speaking to you!

Never forget that. God writes to you and says you are CALLED. Friend, I've got good news for you, your pastor is not the only one that was called! No! You have been given grace too! Well, you may not be called into ministry but certainly, you have been called into your high places.

Jesus is Lord
Robert Ovili

The Rule of the GameFriend, Pst. Chris once said, "spiritual maturity is measured by the use of your tongue." James 3:2 ...

The Rule of the Game

Friend, Pst. Chris once said, "spiritual maturity is measured by the use of your tongue." James 3:2 says "for in many things we offend all. If any man offends not in word, the same is a perfect man and able also to bridle the world body", Notice, a perfect or mature man does not offend in words!

Jesus – a perfect man – said "for I have not spoken of myself, but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say and what I should speak" (Jn 12:49).

He didn't speak of himself, he spoke the words of God and the Bible classifies this as perfection. The Bible says the sower sows the word. God expects us to speak the words that he spoke to us. If He says "ye are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus", that's what we ought to say. Paul said "not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect, but I follow after" (Phil. 3:12).

Paul was following after, speaking the words of God, putting God's word in his heart and mouth! The Bible says we've not received the spirit of fear, say it! God said, "We having the same spirit of faith", put that in your mouth.

The more we speak what God says in his words the closer we are to perfection. For instance, the word says "greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" (1 Jn. 4:4).

If you go about magnifying the devil with your words, he would oppress you be- cause you have what you say. The prophet said "I prophesied as I was commanded", that is the rule of the game.

Jesus is Lord
Robert Ovili

Friend, 1 Timothy 5:8 says “but if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denie...

Friend, 1 Timothy 5:8 says “but if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.” Notice, we are in the household of Jesus and He is our head. He is not worse than an infidel and has not denied the faith so He has provided a system to feed His body.

In Mk. 6:34-43, we see a picture of how Jesus feeds his Church today. After He saw the multitudes and was moved with compassion towards them because to him, they looked like sheep having no shepherd. He taught, healed, and fed them. But the point I want to make is in how He fed them.

You see, He commanded His disciples saying "give ye them to eat", the disciples were a picture of the ministry gifts or shepherds sent to the Church today. They have been saddled with the responsibility of feeding the sheep. Jesus told Peter before his ascension, "if you love me, feed my sheep", the spirit of man feeds on the Word of God, the bread they shared is a picture and a type of the Word of God.

The apostles, prophets, and teach- ers were set by Jesus as ministers in the Church to feed His members with knowledge and understanding. He "commanded them to make all sit down by companies...and they sat down in ranks, by hundreds and by fifties", then "...blessed and brake the loaves and gave them to his disciples to set before them..." (Mk. 6:39-41)

That is, He blessed the Word and divided the messages, He gave some faith to preach, some healing, some bible teaching, and others prosperi- ty and then told them to set their message before the people.

Friend, God has provided food for you in the mouth of His ministers. Go and sit down like the multitudes in the wilderness and let these
shepherds feed you with knowledge and understanding. “Give ye them to eat” was our command as ministers, from the head of the Church.

Jesus Is Lord
Robert Ovili

Complete IN ChristFriend, the constitution of heaven credits the deeds of a father to his offsprings, whether good or ba...

Complete IN Christ

Friend, the constitution of heaven credits the deeds of a father to his offsprings, whether good or bad. Levi paid tithes IN Abraham so God rebukes the devourer for Levi's sake because he was IN the loins of Abraham when he paid tithes – Heb. 7:9-10.

It is this same constitution that was applied when scripture said "for as by one man's —Adam— disobedience many were made sinners", and the rewards of sin — death reigned because we were IN the loins of Adam when he ate of the tree.

But "by the obedience of one —Jesus— shall many be made righteous", the way-mouth translation puts it this way "so also through the obedience of the One, the mass of mankind will be constituted righteous." – Romans 5:19

You see, we understand how we were in the loins of Adam because of natural birth. But Jesus never got married, so how are we in his loins? because he's deeds cannot be credited to us without we being connected to him.

There are two kinds of birth, Jesus calls it "that which is born of flesh" and "that which is born of Spirit", spiritual birth is a lot different from natural birth. (John. 3:6). "by him —Jesus— were ALL THINGS created" (Col 1:16). All means all, and we know that the principal tool for creation is the spoken word. Jesus gave birth to ALL THINGS by speaking.

That means, before Adam, Jesus was. He created Adam and all man kind. Hence, he's the father of all men by creation. "For it pleased the Father that IN HIM should all fullness dwell" – Col. 1:19 and "ye are complete —full— IN him" – Col. 2:10.

Therefore, we all, by spiritual birth —because man is a spirit— are IN the spiritual loins of Christ. This is why we are born again, not by fusion of male and female gamete but by the Word of God! – 1 Pet. 1:23. Friend, you are complete IN Christ.

Jesus Is Lord
Robert Ovili

"Lord, baptize me, Lord baptize me!" was the cry of a young Lady called Faith. It was an unforgettable experience that t...

"Lord, baptize me, Lord baptize me!" was the cry of a young Lady called Faith. It was an unforgettable experience that taught me more about the subject of faith. You see, this young lady, like most believers was seeking the infilling of the Spirit. Her heart was sincere, she was thirsty for a touch from God.

I'd spent the last 15 minutes guiding her line upon line, precept upon precept from the scriptures, so her faith was stirred up, thirst and hunger were heightened. So she cried out unto God! “Lord baptize me, Lord baptize me”. I can just see the Lord with a smile looking down at her, amazed at her longing and thirst.

But you see, nothing happened. She went on for almost two minutes crying and yet no result. Why? She had missed it, I knew she missed it. Although she was passionate and sincere yet she was out of faith. You see, it is not prayer that makes faith work. It is faith that makes prayer work.

James 1:6-8 paraphrased says “if any of you lack wisdom (or the Holy Ghost), let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally...but let him ASK IN FAITH...not wavering...for let not that man think He shall receive anything of the Lord”

You see, I spent the last 15 minutes teaching Faith, I shared how “the Lord does not withhold good things from people when they ask Him, and that He doesn't say, go and come back, tomorrow I will give you.” (Prov. 3:27). We looked at Mark 11:23-24, Matt 7:7-10 “ask and it shall be given unto you” and other great scriptures that points out the faithfulness of God in answering our prayers.

Then I lead her in a simple prayer of faith. After that, I asked her "do you believe that He has baptized you?" she replied "yes". But she went on "Lord, baptize me, Lord baptize me!" when I asked her to demonstrate her faith and pray in the Spirit.

You see, “faith says it's mine, I have it now”. So I had to get her from believing that she will get it, to believing that she already got it! And guess what? She was marvelously filled with the Spirit and spoke with other tongues like the Apostles in in Acts 2.

Friend, as long as we are struggling to receive, hoping to see the answer some time, it won’t work. That’s just hope. Faith says, “it’s mine, I have it now.”

Jesus is Lord
Robert Ovili

IT’S MINE, I HAVE IT NOWFriend, “what would you do if you had just three years to live?”, this was the question I asked ...


Friend, “what would you do if you had just three years to live?”, this was the question I asked Ann that day. So she began to tell me how that getting baptized in the Holy Ghost and receiving the Heavenly language has always been her dream.

Astonished by her answer, I made up my mind to help her, because you see, although Ann had a good heart, she had missed God by basing her faith in the future. You see, Heb. 11:1 says "Now faith is...", this means faith always receives what it believes immediately. faith is in the now— present tense. If your faith is not in the present, it will not produce results.

But Ann, kept believing and praying that ONE DAY she’d speak with tongues, ONE DAY the Holy Ghost would come upon her. Whereas, Faith says “it’s mine, I have it now”. And so for Ann, “one day” was always in the future.

This moved me to tears because I knew that in five minutes Ann could receive what she’s always been seeking for years. Because Jesus, teaching in Mark 11:24 said, "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them".

You can only have them when you believe you receive them. So as long as you keep believing that you will receive them “some day”, you’d never have them. Now you see why Ann didn’t receive from God, because she based her faith in the future.

Friend, like Kenneth E. Hagin, all I did “was help her get in the right tense—because faith is present tense.” And her dream came to pass within five minutes.

As long as we are struggling to receive, hoping to see the answer some time, it won’t work. That’s just hope. Faith says, “it’s mine, I have it now.”

Jesus is Lord


MATURING YOUR FAITH" Every knife is said to be sharper than another, because of the swiftness and sharpness of the cut i...


" Every knife is said to be sharper than another, because of the swiftness and sharpness of the cut it leaves on any substance when used "

MATURING your faith is about exercising your faith for results. Don't mistake growth and development for MATURITY.

A child can grow from infancy to adulthood, with all his forms well developed, and yet not matured to handle a simple decision on which color combination to where that will match with his shoes and belt suitable for the anticipated ceremony.

While growth and development is good, from a spiritual standpoint, maturity is the engagement of your growth and development to generate results, which will measure up to your level of maturity and level up your experience.

"You don't know how mature you are in faith UNTIL you give your faith an expression by exercising it on meeting your daily expectations, then your results and strategies of it generation will be leveled to your MATURITY in FAITH"

Pastor Zion

gods that looks like menFriend, sometimes the supernatural is not always spectacular. Paul said, "but I fear, lest by an...

gods that looks like men

Friend, sometimes the supernatural is not always spectacular. Paul said, "but I fear, lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ" - 2 Cor. 11:3

Yes, there is simplicity in the supernatural. Look at this,
"He was in the world, and the world was made by him and the world knew him not" "He came unto his own and his own received him not" - Jn 1:9 & 10. Notice, that the most supernatural and spectacular being was not noticed by men.

He walked with men, ate with them, God Himself on earth and yet the Bible said "the world knew him not". For thirty years He lived amongst us and the world didn't notice Him. Questions: was He God? Yes! Did He create this world, Indeed! Yet there was nothing spectacular about Him. They stoned Him because He identified Himself as God. Why? He looked ordinary, God that looked like men but God indeed.

Friend, don't be deceived, the Bible said many have entertained angels unawares. - Heb. 13:2. Could it be that you who many have concluded that nothing good could come out of is also a god that looks like men? A spectacular and supernatural being but yet looks so natural that even you can mistake yourself for being normal?

The Bible says, "ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" - Ps. 82:6. Friend, you may look ordinary yet extraordinary, natural but yet very supernatural, a god that looks like men. Others may not see it but make sure you do! Carry this mentality, the earnest expectation of creatures are awaiting your manifestation as a god on the earth.

Jesus is Lord


*Risen from Spiritual Death*I have come to discover that many in the Christian world today do not know that Jesus did no...

*Risen from Spiritual Death*

I have come to discover that many in the Christian world today do not know that Jesus did not only rise from physical death but firstly from spiritual death. His physical resurrection came after his spiritual restoration.

Col. 1:18 says Jesus is "...the firstborn from the dead..", but wait a minute! He wasn't the first person to be resurrected. In fact, Lazarus the friend of Jesus spent four days before his resurrection whereas Jesus spent three.

The title "the firstborn from the dead" wasn't referring to his physical resurrection, but his spiritual resurrection. He wasn't the first to rise from physical death but the first to rise from spiritual death.

You see, unlike physical death which is the total departure of the spirit from the body, spiritual death is the total departure of the life/light of God from the spirit. (James 2:26, 1 Jn 5:11-12).

This was what happened to Jesus when He cried "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" - Matt. 27:46. The life/light of God departed from His Spirit and "...being put to death in the flesh..." He went to hell, not as a prince, but as a prisoner and suffered for our sins!

However, we know that he arose from spiritual death. Remember the Bible calls him the firstborn from the dead because the only way to rise from spiritual death is to be born again! Spiritual resurrection is the birth of a new spirit in a man.

This was what happened to Jesus in hell, His Spirit man was imparted with life and light of God by the Spirit of the Father through the Rich Mercies of God. Friend, the Father quickened Jesus with His spoken word. This is why the Bible says we are born again by the word of God that lives and abides forever.

Yes, right in hell because of the RICH MERCY of God He sent his word and quickened Jesus. When this happened he was born again! The first man to pass from spiritual death to life. Then he broke out of hell and went into his physical body in the early hours of the third day.

Friends, I have written these things to you so that you would know that Jesus was not only resurrected from physical death but firstly from spiritual death. His spiritual resurrection precedes his physical resurrection.

Jesus is Lord

CODE OF HEALINGThis is an acient secret that has being working for anyone who believe by taking steps of faith. The code...


This is an acient secret that has being working for anyone who believe by taking steps of faith. The code of healing is the superior working authority and power in the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

Jesus blood heals and delivers from all captivity. Not because the blood belongs to JESUS, no! Not because JESUS is the son of God, no! Not because JESUS is a sinless man, no! Not because JESUS was the ultimate sacrifice to save all mankind, no! Not because JESUS died and resurrected on the third day, no! Not even because JESUS is a healer, no! Not because JESUS was a fulfilled prophecy as a savior, no! Even JESUS partook of the blood and believed in it's working powers, and handed over to all believers to continue in it ordinance till he returns. Wonderful!

What I am about to share with you, will not just heal you, but will affect every aspect of your life. I guarantee you by the PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT and His word to God's glory, it is the end of all life struggles for you.

Which ever way you got in contact with this message, is not because it is the regular, no! Your time of healing is now, all your days of secret tears are over.

"Any sorrow that last more than a night is because you permitted it, wake up! What you don't want, you don't watch! "

Now I know your heart is open to receive and your spirit is set for an encounter with the code of healing and to live supernaturally healthy forever in God's PERFECT PEACE. Hallelujah!

Jesus blood heals all sickness and diseases, and delivers from all forms of captivities, because in His BLOOD is CAPSULATED the DIVINE LIFE OF GOD. Glory!

Now by faith, from a pure conscience, when you take the blood at the Communion table either personally or Congregational, immediately it settles in your body, it begins to move in checking out every infirmities as your faith gives it direction to every aspect that healing is required in your body.

Learn this, once the blood is taking in, as it is checking out those infirmities, don't keep quiet. While it's doing the internal and spiritual work, take responsibilities by declaring your healing on every aspect where the pain is, and if it requires movement arise from the bed, arise from the wheel chair, let go of the crutches, stretch out your hands and legs, step forward, run, jump, shout for joy, rejoice! Immediately this begins, there will be a power surge, as the power of the blood which is the life of God in you starts to transmit strength from within, to all your joints, bones, and to your general body. The healing can be instant or progressive, that is not determined by God but by your faith in the working power of the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

" The best moment in any service is the communion, it is the initiation of immortality into mortals "

There's more to the power of the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST than the believers are harnessing. The PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST works for all things, it wins all battles of life including over death, cures all sickness and diseases, it is a VICTORIOUS seal upon all BELIEVERS against the devil Himself, there's NO KNOWN POWER like it. When the blood is engaged by faith, from a pure conscience, it works any time, any where, and brings instant peace to all storms.


Pastor Zion

*TAKE THE FIRST SHOT!*AS very young as I am in the Christian faith with now a decade plus in altar ministration experien...


AS very young as I am in the Christian faith with now a decade plus in altar ministration experience, since being born into God's KINGDOM August 2008, as I am still growing with speed and plenty of wisdom and power.

One thing that keeps amazing me among BELIEVERS is the reason people come to seek help from God as the last option after uncountable fruitless trials.

God should be consulted first! Not last, the God of the last hour, is also the God of the first hour. He is ALPHA OMEGA. Don't let the matter worsen before you remember God (Proverb 3:5-7). Take the first shot of faith with God to resolve the issue once and for all.

Know this, even though what you are suffering from is as a result of your own fault or Sin, God will still help you out immediately, He will still attend to you, He loves you so much, when you are hurt, He is hurt as well, He feels every pull of your pain. All you need to do, is just to come to Him with a sincere heart of repentance, that's all! And He will help you out.

Don't wait till the issue get worse before seeking solution from God. Immediately you sense the symptoms, quickly report for healing. Immediately you receive the sign of a demonic activity, report for deliverance. Because you don't know what next. The devil has no mercy in him, even if he gives you a pencil, the aim is to lock up your soul and that of your household for eternal destruction. Because he came to still, kill and destroy, and he does this with all manner of scheme, because his time is very short.

Jesus came that you will have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Check! Take the first shot! There's nothing Impossible with God (Jeremiah 32:27). Stand up with your faith, all will be well (Mark 9:23). Today is your day, God is waiting to HELP YOU NOW.


Pastor Zion


RESPONSE-ABLEFriend, today I am going to expound to you  the secret formula behind the rate of success we see in the wor...


Friend, today I am going to expound to you the secret formula behind the rate of success we see in the world today. Great and successful men of ancient times engaged it in their endeavours despite the problems they faced and came out with testimonies.

This can be your lot if you can fully comprehend what I will teach you today, upon this I trust the Holy Spirit to help us, amen.

First of all, I must point out this fact that we are living in a physical world that has its materials coined out from another world-the spiritual world (Heb 11:2). As I pondered on this discovery, it became obvious to me that for this present world to function properly then it has to connect back to the spirit world.

Life is totally a spiritual affair and must be approached from such paradigm. Nothing happens on its own.Therefore we can’t afford to be carnal in our dealings.

From this I began to understand the secret of Isaac’s business success amidst the famine that plagued that ancient city; he was constantly engaging the Spirit of success through a formula (Gen 26:1-14). Listen:
"Anything subjected to spirituality would produce far more superior results than anything subjected to the operations of carnality".

Any business that succeeds today was first subjected to spirituality, any academic pursuit that produced strange results like that experienced by men such as Daniel was subjected to spirituality of some sort before determination and hardwork were added. Believers must understand this , nothing indeed happens on its own.

Jesus is Lord!
Pastor Tega

ARISE NOW !Text: Isaiah 60:1-22Friends, with full attention to our opening bible passage from verse one, it says "Arise,...

Text: Isaiah 60:1-22

Friends, with full attention to our opening bible passage from verse one, it says "Arise, shine for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee".

It is in your ability to Arise! That culminate your shining forth based on the revelation from the word of God with an evidence of God's performance in your life.

Why? Because when you Arise! The Lord arises with you on that particular assignment or purpose he has sent you to fulfill, and there will be living proves to show for it, which is the Glory of God's presence and support in that particular Assignment.

Now because you have made up your mind to Arise! In your Arising many will also arise! ( Isaiah 60:3-4). Also because you have chosen to Arise!

God with all determination makes even your enemies to come belonging for you and those who afflicted you, who mocked you, will return with great glee of salvation because you chose to Arise!

To take your God given place in destiny as predestined by God. Hallelujah! Even where you had been rejected before, because you chose to Arise! Believing God, he will make you the source of their joy for ever with all excellency (Isaiah 60:15-17) and commands favour to spring forth from every side.

Glory to God! When you Arise! God becomes your protector, your victory in all battles and the source of your peace and your total covering with prosperity flowing from all sides to you by divine supplies ( Isaiah 60:17-21).

Great! In your decision to Arise! Remember it's God's assignment, you are only a vessel, an epitome of Grace as God's ambassador to partner with him in fulfillment of your predestination.

So all will be accomplished not by your power nor strength but by you holding on strong ( trusting continuously ) God's word in all revelation concerning the assignment and yielding continuously to the Holy Spirit in all obedience to every instructions given ( Proverb 3:5-7).

God by himself through you will make it a reality ( Philippians 2:13) on the total accomplishment of His Assignment or calling upon your life (Isaiah 60:22).

You are reading this message today because you are long due to Arise! On that particular assignment or calling God has given to you and you know it, before it's too late.


-Pastor Zion

We celebrate our man of God

We celebrate our man of God

THE WORD: the Spirit of ChristIn John 2:19-21 "Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple, and in three days...

THE WORD: the Spirit of Christ

In John 2:19-21 "Jesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." Then the Jews said, "It took forty-six years to build this Temple, and you're going to rebuild it in three days?" However, verse 21 said, "But he spake of the temple of his body."

Notice that Jesus carefully distinguished between his physical body and his Spirit. When you replace the word 'temple' with 'body', it actually reads; "Destroy this body, and in three days I will raise it up", ‘I’ here refers to His Spirit. Jesus regarded his body as a temple or a house where his Spirit, the Spirit of Christ lived.

Look at this;
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...” - John 1:1-3,14

Notice, in the beginning, before Mary ever conceived a Son was ‘the Word’, all things were made by ‘him’. “Him” here points out that “the Word” is a person, not just a spoken word. Now this person called the Word created this world and He came down to the earth and entered into a physical body and dwelt amongst us.

But he was not born when Mary gave birth to him, a million times no. The Word is the Spirit of Christ, that is what He was called before the name Jesus came in the scene. Paul, speaking of the Spirit of Christ said "Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, ‘Sacrifice and offerings thou wouldest not but a body has thou prepared for me’" - Heb. 10:5

That physical body was prepared or nurtured in the womb of the virgin Mary, but the spirit that lived inside is that same Jesus, called the Word; the Spirit of Christ that created this world. No wonder Jesus said, “verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I AM” – John. 8:58.

Jesus is Lord
Robert Ovili

DON'T TIE GOD IN A BOXFriend, don't tie God in a box, that something seems good doesn't make it right for you to do! You...


Friend, don't tie God in a box, that something seems good doesn't make it right for you to do! You see, "as many as are led by the Spirit, they are the sons of God" Rom. 8:14. Bishop David Oyedepo narrated how he saw the crises in Japan a few years ago as an opportunity to share the gospel in that nation.

This was a really good idea, true. The Lord said go ye into all the world and preach the gospel but when he went to the Lord, He said, "that there is a need in Japan doesn't mean I am sending you there", so the Bishop ended all advances to Japan.

Acts 16:6-7 says "now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the Word in Asia", think of it! Forbidden by God to preach the word in Asia. If I were to say this today some people might say I'm a devil.

But here's the Lord telling them not to do it. The next verse says "they assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit suffered them not to". Why? I don't know, but I believe God loved the people in Asia and Bithynia but with reasons best known to him, he didn't want Paul and his company to preach there, so he sent them to Philippi.

Friend, don't tie God in a box, that it seems good doesn't make it right for you to do it. King Solomon talks about the way that seems right to a man Prov. 16:9. Yes, it may seem right, everybody may have even acknowledged it. The pay is probably great, logically speaking that's the best decision one should make.

But remember, a man's heart devises his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Let God lead you, it is never too late to make a U-turn. Concerning Jacob, the Bible says "the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him"

Notice how he led him, "he made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields, and he made him suck honey out of the rock and oil out of the flinty rock" - Deut. 32:13.

That is, he might lead you to places and to do things that your natural mind would kick against. But that's the Lord, however, we must be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. Remember, don't tie God in a box, that it seems good doesn't make it right.

Jesus is Lord

GIVE YOURSELF TIMETO GROW IN THE SPIRITFriend, racing games are one of my favourites. I like cars and bikes. And I plan ...


Friend, racing games are one of my favourites. I like cars and bikes. And I plan to own a power bike, so I've taken the first step by learning how to ride a normal bike and I must confess it's breathtaking. I've made so many mistakes, one time I fell. Hurt my leg and had a little scratch. But here's the amazing thing, I stood up, picked up the bike and rode away to my destination. I didn't mind who and who laughed at me because I understood that I was learning!

You see, no one laughs at a baby when he or she falls while learning how to walk. Failure is part of the learning process. Zech. 3:8-10 says "moreover the Word of the LORD came to me saying…'for who hath despised the days of small things?..." I believe this phrase is for this generation of believers. People that want to stand in one place and have miracles left and right, walk on water, raise the dead and so on just after one month of being born again. Don't get me wrong, that may have happened to someone

But we must learn to give ourselves time to grow in the Spirit. You see, many want to cast out mountains but they forget that it was a tree Jesus started with first, not the mountain. Mk. 11:14,21&23. Heal the headaches and body aches first before looking for SS to turn AA. Jesus, speaking to his disciples said "heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils'', notice how he started "heal the sick"

Don't start with the mountain, start with the tree! There was a time they sent a demon-possessed boy to the disciples and they couldn't cast him out, they didn't quit and say 'this thing is not just for me', they asked questions on the right way to go about it, why? They were still learning.

But a time came when it was recorded that "by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people" (Acts. 5:12). Friend, the Lord is saying, give yourself time to grow in the Spirit, don't feel bad because you tried things and it didn't work. You are still learning. Keep the faith plugged in! Keep learning! Keep believing. You'd grow into the YOU God has
created you to be.

Jesus is Lord






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