A rich Man was once interviewed on a Israeli TV. He was a Billionaire.
He was asked if he had ever been surprised by anything.
He said yes, on one of his many trips around the world, a Christian Man has shocked him with his belief before.
So he began.
In the street of Jerusalem one day, I looked directly inside a church and I saw a man extending his clenched palms towards the heaven.
It was after afternoon prayer.
Everyone else had finished praying and gone. But he remained praying.
Curious, I went inside the church to see the man's face and I saw him in tears as he was praying.
I waited patiently until he was done with his prayer. Then I asked what the problem was.
He said, he had a need for an urgent $10,000 for his wife who was at the hospital.
I said, "is this why you are praying so passionately?"
He said yes.
Incidentally, I had exactly $10,000 in my pocket. So I counted the money and gave it to him.
Without waiting to thank me first, he did a prostration instantly to thank GOD.
Then he stood up and thanked me.
Bewildered by his attitude, I told him how impressed I was. So I extended my personal card containing my direct line and direct email.
"I'm impressed by you, anytime you need anything, money...any amount call me directly and you shall have it."
This man shocked me.
He refused my offer.
The TV host was surprised too. "Why did he reject your offer?"
"His reason made me a changed man" answered the young billionaire.
"What was his reason?" The obviously impatient TV host asked.
Well, in his words, he said "No thanks, I won't call you when I need money or anything else. I will always call the ONE WHO sent you."
The end of the story.
Folks, Satan has a smart way of making you turn to him or GOD's creation for your needs. But don't do it.
Ask all your needs from GOD and make efforts.