Relationship therapist Neg

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Relationship therapist Neg Relationship counseling can rebuild your Relationship and help your partner feel connected.



Always be ready to survive alone. Some people suddenly change. Today you are important to them, tomorrow you are nothing to them and that's real life.

CHEATING IS A CHOICE, STAYING FAITHFUL IS ALSO A CHOICE.❤️You will always meet ladies who are more attractive than your ...


You will always meet ladies who are more attractive than your woman, you will meet ladies with more vibes, you will meet women who are more informed, you will meet women who acts as though they care more than your woman.

Also as a woman you will meet men who are far richer than your man, you will meet men with more attractive body than your man, you will meet men with more vibes, you will meet men who act more caring than your spouse, you will meet men who talks better than your man;

I mean men who knows how to say sweet words, crack jokes. Etc.
Note. People must always be better than others in some areas of life.

And sometimes the people we see as being better than our spouses may not even be what we feel they're. Note. People show you what they want you to see and most of the time it is not their true self they reveal outside.

Learn to appreciate your partner
Love your partner without any reservations.
Whenever you feel unsatisfied regarding any aspect your partner is not doing well, be willing enough to open up to him/her.

Be satisfied please.
It takes commitment, and self control and discipline to stay faithful, and believe me it is achievable.

Love is never enough, self-discipline and relentless commitment is very essential when it comes to relationship/marriage.
Stay Faithful.

One Woman Is Enough!
One Man Is Enough!


Who's following my story ??



(Episode 4)

That same evening, i was lying down on my bed inside my room contemplating whether to go to her house or not.

"But what if this lady is just pretending, i mean how can she be that nice, maybe because i pretended to be his cousin" i assumed.
i just hope am not been lur*ed to be ki*lled"

i stood up slugglishly from the bed to kitchen to prepare my favourite meal, after i was done, i dished out my food and proceeded to the dining table and sat down comfortably.

While eating, lilian came and sat down beside me.

"where is my food mma"

i looked at her and continued with my food. she sighed and left to the kitchen to get hers; later on she came back with her own plate of rice and sat down.

instead of her to eat she rather looked at me.

"vivian what is it? you've been acting cold lately; how was your visit to the hospital" she asked.

"it was cool, i came back this morning but you were not home"

"i was out to get my hair done" she replied.

"Alright! ray is recovering, i slept in the hospital last night till morning time , look.who came....his wife janet"
I adjusted myself well after speaking.

"Are you serious...i just hope she did not suspect anything" lilian asked.

"suspect what exactly? the lady is good, she even requested for me to come and know her home but i rejected, she kept persisting till i accepted " i added.

Lilian looked at me in disbelief

"you mean you accepted it? see ...see am not ready to bury any of my friends o , better stay back, don't even try that" she fumed.

"Relax my dear i already presented myself as his cousin right from when she called me that first time, nothing would happen to me, you can't expect me to say no when i have already told her am his cousin"

I stoodup from the chair down to the kitchen with my empty plate.

Lilian turned and asked me to come back and finish the conversation but i ign*ored her.

she left her plate of food on the table and followed me to the kitchen to continue the conversation.

"Dating her husband is not enough you still want to get closer to her, what's really your aim in that family" lilian asked.

"you wanna know my aim?" i gig*gled and continued, "well aim is to be the second wife" i left immediately down to my room and locked the door because i knew how she will react to such word. she is so fond of carrying people's matter for head.
but i still heard her voice while inside my room.

"Vivian, you're risking your life, you barely know this lady and what she is capable of , i'm just looking out for you" she stood there for a while but no response from me so she left in sha*me.

i cared less; it's my life.

The following morning i woke up to see three missed call from an unknown caller, immediately the number called back and i picked.

"Goodmorning vivian, it's janet, ray's wife"

i sat upright looking confused.

"Goodmorning ma"

"i copied out your number from my husband's phone should incase you're wondering how i got it"

"loll it's cool ma, how is ray, are you at the hospital?" i asked.

"ray is getting better by the day but am not at the hospital, i'll go later on with you?" she asked.

"uhmm ma i'll be abit busy today"
i wasn't comfortable going there to see ray because i wasn't comfortable with her.

"I want to go there with you and quick reminder, remember you accepted to come to my place this morning so am expecting you, from there we'll both go to the hospital together

"but ma i..."

"you have to come and know your cousin's house. she interrupted and continued but am surprise how come you don't know his house, where you guys distant cousin or what?"

i was speechless , i tried to convey words inorder to clear myself out.

"During my last visitation to this country , he was living in a rented apartment ; he could not tell me he now owns a house, i was even surprised when you made mention of it"

i heaved a sigh of relief thinking i have been able to convince her. but she replied

"you guys are ridi*culous you know ...but i'm sure he didn't tell you we both build this house together from the scra*tch right?"

"ohh no ma i wasn't aware of that , you're a nice Lady, he doesn't deserve you"

"so who does he deserve then…"

i kept mute unable to answer her.

i was shocked to my bone marrow that i made such statement but i was thinking if i had to be the second wife maybe ray would have rented another apartment outside for me because his wife wouldn't let me stay been that she contributed money to the building of the house.
i wasn't pert*urbed about that; i succeeded in teasing her.

she later asked me to come right away and the address will be sent. she cut off the call.

Still Feeling optimistic about my going there, i quickly rush to dress up , thank God lilian left early to work ,
so i finally headed out to her house.

On getting there i took a glance of the entrance to the house indeed it was beautiful,

i knocked on the gate she came out and asked me to follow her in.

Finally i was inside her mansion i mean ray's mansion, his parlour precisely; i looked around like a village girl just then she tapped me and then held my left hand asking me to follow her upstairs...she dragged my hands; i can't believe i ranup with her like a toddler just to please her.

Up there was a room , she opened the door and asked me to come in, the room was very nice, i accepted it to be the master's bedroom, ray got taste i must say.

But i was scared abit, what if she wants to end my life right here! because human beings are unpredictable , what if she knew all along am his girlfriend and finally l*ured me here to do to me whatever that pleases her.

i turned to check on her but she was nowhere to be found, i began to wonder where she must have gone to without my notice, i blamed myself for getting carried away by the beautiful designs in her room ; i thought about running should incase she's planning something harmful.

Just then, she came out of the bathroom ,

my heart skipped , i didn't notice when she entered there.
she walked closer to me with a w*eird smile , i took few steps back.

"c'mon dear don't be scared! i don't b*ite" she whispered.

"oh okay ma, i'm cool, but what am i in here for?" i asked in a shaky voice.

"Don't you like what you see? i mean my room, ray's room?"

"i...i do ma" i smiled foo*lish*ly

"okay come over here dear come, come"

she beckoned for me to come forward, i wanted to run out but i summoned courage and followed her from behind towards the...(to be contd)



WILL YOU MARRY MY HUSBANDEpisode:3Luckily for me i was able to locate the hospital,  i walked into the premises heading ...



Luckily for me i was able to locate the hospital, i walked into the premises heading towards the entrance of the door that leads inside.

"hope am not making a great mistake by coming here" i murmured to myself as i opened the door and walked in.

i sighted one nurse the counter i decided to walk up to her and approach her ,

when i got closer to her without her notice

i cleared my voice to get her attention.

she finally lookeup.

"Goodafternoon ma" i greeted

"Goodafternoon too please how may i be of help to you?"

" Thank you! please a patient was admitted into this hospital two weeks ago , his name is ray thomas" i looked firm into her eyes.

she gazed at me for a while then said

"okay ! let me check" she carried up the book infront of her and glanced through it then looked up and said

"Yes i have seen his name; but sorry for intruding , who are you to him because his wife left a while ago". she waited for explanation before directing me to his room.

" i am his cousin , i'm here to see him " i made a smirk smile.

she looked away asking me to follow her ,

she finally showed me his room and left without a single word.

I opened the door and went inside and saw the pipes and machine connected through his nose.

i dragged a chair behind me and sat down.
he was in coma so he wasn't able to see me but i know he felt my presence maybe.

"my love am sorry i never knew this is what you're passing through! i am really heartbroken to see you like this. i'm so sorry! i sobered.

"i brought your favourite but i know you'll not be able to getup and taste this; get well soon my love"

I relaxed back on the chair, and slept off unknowingly.

i didn't want to go home so i laid a clothe on the floor and slept till daybreak.

It was morning already and i was still asleep suddenly i felt a tap on arms.

"who is that" i spoke on a faint voice while trying to get up ; i gotup and saw a beautiful lady standing.

So i sat upright ! it could be his wife i thoughts; so i looked up to her.

"Goodmorning dear! awww you shouldn't have slept on the bare floor; please getup, getup please! you're his cousin right.... the one i spoke on phone?" she asked.

i struggled to carry myself up.

"yes yes ma, am his cousin! nice to meet you finally" i stretch forth my hands to greet but she pushed it aside and choosed to hug me instead.

"wow you're so beautiful, he never told me he's got a cute cousin! please sit...sit down dear!" she said

i dragged the chair and sat down.

she sat down on ray's bed all smiling staring at me.

i was confused so i kept my face down kind of shy though

"see my dear sister, work has really hooked me up that's why i was looking for someone that would come and look after him and luckily for me when i called and discovered you were his cousin i was relieved , at that instance i knew am free! you're a good cousin"

she turned around and saw the foodflask

"awww you brought food for him that's so nice of you" she said

i giggled! i was abit unrelaxed ; so i decided to go so my tension would be eased.

she stared at me.

"i think i'll have to go ma" i stoodup and carried my foodflask.

"But why are you in a hurry, why" she looked dissapointed.

i wasnt comfortable with the whole thing, her friendly nature , her smiles i had to go before i loose my sanity.

"i have some chores to take care of ma, i'll have to bath , know" i smiled.

" okay no problem, you can still come back okay? let's do this some other time right? sitout , get to know eachother i really wanna be closer to his family members i think that will create a bond between us.

i was speechless

"hmmm but ma...i..."

"shhh" she interrupted "i want you to come to my home, your cousin's home, please don't reject"

she raised her index finger

my hands couldn't hold firm to my bag ; i hold it welll! i was dumbfounded.

she up to something

"Well that will be so nice atleast i'll get to know his abode but it might be nextmonth, i'll be abit busy this week and next.

I smiled stu**pidly after saying that.

" i really want us to bond well, please try and come" she insisted

"Alright alright i'll come so when is that?" i asked

"tomorrow,tomorrow precisely" she said.

" alright please take care" I accepted so she could free me to go. i was about opening the door to go out when the door handle got hold of my clothe; i almost fell to the ground.

" Be careful with the door handle dear so you won't fall; see ya tomorrow

she smiled like someone that's up to something

"okay thanks" i smiled back stup**idly like a clown and left (to be continued)




"Oh wow" i said

i wasn't expecting her to find out about us yet , i was shocked.

i mean how could she have used ray's phone to call me; maybe she has finally found out.

Many thoughts came in i nearly forgot i was still on call with her.

"hello, hope am speaking to vivian" she asked.

"yes...yes it's me, please i'm..."

"it's okay! just that this line has been calling his phone for sometime now that's why i decided to know who it is even though your name is boldly written on ray's caller identity".

My nerves was calm atleast she doesn't know am his girlfriend.
so i replied quickly

"i'm his cousin , yeah his cousin but he hasn't been picking my calls for weeks now" i spoke with confidence awaiting her response while standing;

"but ray has never spoke about you before; never knew he's got another cousin that i know nothing about; so bad of him".

i was sweating pro*fusely

"Well we had a little misunderstanding but we have reconciled though i was living outside the country for quite some time , when i came back last week i wanted him to know my arrival but he blu*ntly refused to pick my calls" .

"you claim to be his cousin but refused to come to his house to checkup on him; even though he refused picking your calls as you claim .
He is in the hospital!"

"you say what? what happened to him" i asked.

"well he has been hospitalized, he survived a ghastly car accident. for like weeks now he is in coma".

i sat down on my bed on hearing such bad news.

"i've been with him through out but my work is really demanding, please grant me a favour by coming to take care of him, abi what are cousins for, atleast i'll be relieved and will focus well in my work place please?"

i couldn't turn down such request because it's about someone i loved

I accepted with full chest

"i'll come, i mean if i don't take care of him as my cousin who will?"

i was happy he survived it ; maybe i would had committed su***de if he had di*ed i never saw myself with any other man apart from him but i was abit skeptical about everything. what if she was setting me up ?
but whatever it was, ray was worth the risk.

"hello're not talking"

i was lost in thoughts but awaken by her voice.

she thanked me and hunged up the call , a few hour laters tshe sent the hospital's location to my inbox.

Lilian came into my room and glanced at me smiling.

she asked why i was smiling i told her everything.

"you're just taking risk for nothing what if she wants to end your life at once, i pity you , you better leave that family alone leave that woman's husband alone; go and get yours, you won't listen. she ye*lled.

"oh oh please stop! she hasn't even found out. she was only asking me to come and take care of him in the hospital. so my dear i've got to cook his favourite " i smiled.

"would you mind joining me in the kitchen" i left her and went to the kitchen.

I was in the kitchen preparing what i'll take to the hospital, his favourite meal precisely.

Lilian walked in slug*gishly

"vivian...don't you think it's high time you stop this, i mean you're beautiful you can get any man you want stop chasing after someone's husband ; can't you see it's wrong.

i stopped slicing the onions and turned to her.

"lilian i can't help it anymore seriously i don't mind sharing him with his wife. am his girlfriend he is my responsibility i should be there for him in times like this, he would have done same if i was hospitalized see my dear love conquers it all.

i rested my palms on her shoulder but she threw my hands away and pointed her fingers on me.

"you want to split that woman's home right?"

"Noo love i can't do that, i'll rather share" i giggled

she walked out of the kitchen like a soldier. i wasn't moved though.

i quickly prepared then turned everything into the food flask and hurriedly left to refreshen up , wore my clothe just then a call came in , i picked up behold it was my mom

"vivian how are you"

"mom am fine" squeezing my face because i knew she was about asking when i'll bring a man home to show her.

"vivian you know i am getting old, i need grand children o..infact what are you doing in Akwaibom self they are fine akwaibom men all over choose one please . i think i'm coming over there very soon" she said

"Noo mom don't come i'll be busy i'll relate to you when i'll be free... please i'll talk to you later am in a middle of something right now please bye"

"vivian i want grand children bring a decent man home"

"mom what if i'm pregnant without a man you go like am?"

"Godforbid i only wanted you to get a man that will marry you not getting pregnant out of wedlock"

i smiled

"okay man nodey yet when e dey i go let you know" i assured her then cut the call and headed out to the hospital happily.

20 shares to unlock the next chapter




My name is vivian, i'm tall, beautiful and well endowed but i don't have a man of my own.

Well! am not perturbed about that because i am inlove with Ray; Janet's husband.

Please don't judge me i know you'll say of all the men in this world why someone's husband, well! in him i've found the true meaning of love and happiness.

I and Ray have been together for like 2 years and still counting. Infact we are inlove with eachother.

I can recall when he said that i and his wife have a special place in his heart and he loves us equally.

I wondered how a man could love two women at the same time i was confused but still happy atleast i'm been loved.

I and Ray have never stayed a day without seeing eachother.
i know you're wondering why his wife has not discovered this hidden secret yet or maybe found out about us, that's because ray has his own ways of keeping his affairs away from his family without being suspected by his wife.

Ray has been so caring, loving infact our love for eachother is without end.

Sometimes thoughts like being his second wife do pops up whenever am thinking about him;
when he leaves his home the first place he stops by before heading to his office is my boutique.

You're surprise that i own a boutique. you can't dine with the rich and go back empty; ray got a shop and filled everything in there from shoes to wrist watches to clothes, whatever that was needed in there was filled to the brim.

Fast Forward to when ray visited my shop, well i wasn't expecting him because he called earlier on this morning to tell me he won't make it and that he had a meeting with his client at his workplace so i wasn't expecting him, as usual i was relaxing reading my novel when i heard footsteps at first i thought it was a customer i turned to check and here he walks in.

i stoodup and we hugged eachother and kissed.

"you told me you won't be coming

"well plans changed! see dear i can't start up my day without seeing your beautiful face "

"lol stop teasing me" i smiled stu*pidly
and rested my arms on his shoulder;
He kissed my forehead and requested to take me out for lunch later in the day.

This is how we've been lovey dovey until oneday i stopped seeing his calls . i tried all possible way to get him pick my calls but to no avail. i was disturbed; what could have happened, its been 2 weeks now, no calls and when i tried calling no one picks up , something is wrong somewhere.

i was deep in thoughts so i decided to share my plight with lilian because she always has a solution to my problems; but she wasn't in support of my relationship with ray she always said that he's married and that i should let him be.

Lilian and i have been friends since our secondary school days, we got a house and lived together; she's quite annoying sometimes but she's a good friend to me. Luckily lilian came into my room when i was still in deep thoughts i told her about the sudden distance between i and ray, she stared at me with such disapointment then warned me to let him be that he may have choosen to be with his wife at last. i didn't like that statement so i bla*sted it out

"you don't even have a man of your own you're advising me. you're just jealous"
that didn't go well with her she looked at me with anger written all over her face then left to her room;

"i have a caring man and am fine with him i need no other man " i felt fulfilled after saying that i smiled and laid back on the bed.

The following day while i was lying down on my bed fondling my phone a call popped up behold it was ray, i quickly picked up the call ever ready to bl*ast him for abandoning me for two week but to my greatest surprise it was a female voice, i removed the phone from my ear to checked if it's actually ray's name written on the screen indeed it was his name.

"could it be his wife or one of his concubine" i whispered to myself then brought the phone closer to my ear
"hello" she voiced out

"Hi" i responded mildly

"i'm Janet; ray's wife" (to be continued)




If you are following type hi

Will He Ever Notice Me 🙈       🌺 FINAL & EPILOGUE 🌺                          ★  ★  ★  ★                            💨 Bra...

Will He Ever Notice Me 🙈


★ ★ ★ ★

💨 Brad POV💨

Its been taking long now and Sarah and William aren't back yet, Brad thought as they all walked back to the camp without finding a thing.

"Sir I think something must have happen to Sarah and William,its been long since they been seen"

"Then it's best we go out and search for them.

" No one must come back until they find them"he said


They both sat on the floor in each other arms,it was dark and she was feeling so cold

"Tell me Sarah,is what you said my imagination or is it true"he said for the tenth time that day and she smiled

" It's the truth William,I love you a lot, have loved you since I was in high school to senior high,you've been the only one William"she said

"Thanks Sarah,thanks for always loving me" he said weakly, she touched his head and saw that it was bleeding

"William your getting more sick" she said and just then she heard people calling their names

"We are here,We are here" she said and just then Brad called her name

"We are here Brad,William is ill,get an ambulance" she said


💨 Brad POV💨

He stood by Sarah ,thank God she is okay,he thought

"Who is Sarah" the paramedic asked

"I am" she said beside him

"He wants you here with him,how are you related to him" he said pointing to William who was being checked by a doctor

"Am his girlfriend" Sarah said surprising Brad.

"His girlfriend?" Brad said beside her

"Yes, William is my boyfriend" she said before walking off


He couldn't believe his ears, how could she be his girlfriend, it's all over now, she is all his now

"Did you hear that BRAD,she is his girlfriend now?we've got to do something, weve got to stop them" Jessica said

"No Jessica it's time for us to wake up"

"They were never ours, we've got to just move on " Brad said, its time they all woke up,Sarah and William are meant for each other and that's final

💨William POV💨

He woke to find himself in an unfamiliar room, where is Sarah?what could have happened to her,he thought as he tried to get up but he found her next to him,seating on a chair,sleeping beside him.

She hadn't left him,he thought,resting back on the bed,he had thought she left but she hadn't,he layed watching her sleeping face.

Shee was just so perfect she stirred and woke up starring at him.

"Are you okay,do you need me to call you a doctor" she said touching his face

He had thought last night hadn't been real but seeing the way she behaved got him believing that last night is real

"Am fine what I just want right now is one thing" he said

"And what will that be!" she asked

"Tell me that you love me" he said

"I love you a lot,I love you till the end of the universe, is that enough" she asked kissing his lips and he smiled

"Come sleep beside me" he said pulling her down on his bed and kissing her forehead

"So you've really forgiven me right "

"I have, I could never be a*ngry with you for a long time" she said

"Oh Sarah thank you,thank you for accepting me into your life" he said

"Your the guy I love,why won't I welcome you into my life,you've been my crush for ages and now that you are mine in reality,I won't let you go," she said pulling him close and he hugged her,she had no idea how much her words meant to him.

"I love you a lot" he said and kissed her.

💨Sarah pov💨

"Just put him on the bed" she said as they layed him on his bed.

"Stay with him while I go and speak to the doctor" his mother said leaving the room
on knowing what happened to her son,she asked for him to be brought back home, Sarah also accompanied him leaving the camp and everyone.

"I need something!" he said

"I will go and get whatever you need" she said about to leave but he pulled her to him and she fell on the bed with him on her.

"I only need you my love" he said and she smiled, its been the most happiest days for her being with the guy she loves


"Yes,just stay with me like this" he said holding her to him and then he kissed her.

"I would stay till eternity" she said

"I love you Sarah"

"And I love you too"she said and they both kissed

LOVE oooo❤❤❤



A month later✌✌✌

A lot has happened within the month,as soon as William recovered he made sure he told his fans that Sarah is now his girlfriend,she even became popular by just being his girlfriend.

She went to see Brad , she was still thinking that Brad will be A*ngry with her but instead he surprised her by wishing her and William well and also by asking William to settle every score they've have together.

She was even more surprise when Jessica had come to her asking for forgiveness for what she has done,she had even asked Sarah to be her friends.

Sarah had first been doubtful but now she could confidently say that Jessica is a changed person and as for her step family they came asking for her forgiveness and she gave it to them on one condition that they stay away from her.

She felt him touch her hand and she gave him a smile.

"Where are we going to William?"

"Remember its a surprise" he said and she stopped asking question.

She was surprised to find him driving into her old neighborhood.

"Why are we here" she asked as they stood in front of her house.

"I bought it for you, It's now yours Sarah" he said


"Yes, I knew how much it meant to you,that's why I bought it" he said and she ran to him to hug him

"Thanks william, thanks so much" she said happily

"Let's go in and see the inside" he said

💨William POV💨

He watched her walk around the house, smiling.

That's what he is after, her smile,he always want to make her smile

"We can call in an interior designer,they could redo it to your own likes and I could. ....why are you starring at me like that" he said

"Because I love you so much" she said and ran to hug him

"Thank you William"

"Its no problem and I love you too" he said

💨 Sarah POV💨

She stood in the balcony thinking about everything that has happened.

"What's wrong my love" he said and she turned to him

"I was just thinking about everything" she said

"Like" William asked.

"Like us,if I hadn't met you my life wouldn't have been this way" Sarah said

"And same for me,that's why I never fail to thank God for bringing you into my life"William told her.

"I love you my secret crush" she said

"And I love you too" he said and kissed her she knew then and there that with his love they could withstand it all


🔴 The Funniest Scene

🔴 Your Saddest Scene

🔴 Your Favorite Scene


Thank you all for Reading.


Will He ever Notice me 🙈🙈



"So Sarah what do you say, deal or not" Jessica said

"There won't be any deal because am not going on that trip, so take your fi*flthy deal to someone else" she said.

"So you really won't be going'she said

" Yes I wont be going,you can have William to yourself, I really don't mind and I will be a f*ool to join hands with you in doing anything, so just go away Jessica "she said.

" Fine then,its your lost and make sure you don't show your face at all"she said before walking off.

"Witch" Sarah mu*ttered to myself.

When it was time to leave, she didn't wait for neither one of them to come b*ullying her. She went straight to work and started her day. All through the day she kept on thinking on what to do so she wouldn't be able to go on that trip and she thought of nothing.

Well she just won't go and that's final whatever punishment awaits her then it's problem.

"Are you sure that you really don't want to go? " Brad asked her again

" Am not going Brad"

"But you do know that they are consequence to you not going" Brad said

"I know and whatever it will be I will take it but am not going"

"Is it because of William?"

"Him and a lot more, I have my job too" she said

"I could help you get someone who would work until you get back"

"Don't do that Brad, please,you've done a lot for me as it is,so just go,go and have fun" she said

"But I won't feel good if you aren't there" he said

"But you will r*egret it if you don't go,so go now" she said waving him off .

💨 William pov💨
"Very soon our names will be called and we will be leaving soon"Jessica said

Where is Sarah, he thought as he kept on starring around, he spotted Brad coming and quickly ya"nked off his hand from Jessica hold.

" Brad where is Sarah?"he asked

"She isn't coming,so you can stop thinking that she will come" Brad said

He had been having a w*eird feeling all day and it was because she wasn't coming

"Don't bother going to look for her, she won't come" he said and walk off.

He wouldn't let her do this, he thought running out but Jessica p*ulled him back

"You can't leave,we are about to leave" she said

"I will come back soon" he said and ran off
he got to where she work and saw her there

"You are leaving with me now" he said p*ulling her hand

"Am not going anywhere, can't you see that am working" she said removing her hand from his.

Sarah pov
"You are coming with me right now " he said,again.

She knew he would react but not in this way,, just then her boss walked out.

"What's going on here?"

"Sarah is meant to be on our school trip but she doesn't want to go,so am here to take her " he said

"I don't want to go on that trip and besides you need me here boss" she said

"I don't really need you Sarah" he said

"But we are short of staff" she said and saw William bringing out his phone

"Get me the ten waitress and send them all to the address I will type to you" he said and she starred at him,this guy really want her to go on this trip with him

"Okay'he said cutting his phone

" So are you ready to go "he asked.

"No I won't"

"Yes you will even if its by force" he said and lifted her in his arms

"Goodbye Sarah" she heard her boss waving her off

"Let me go William, let me go" she said and saw that the people in the restaurant were staring and taking pictures.

He put her in the car and drove off,she kept on hoping that when they get there, they would be gone.

He pulled her into the train station and she was happy when she found no one there
"they are all gone, so take me back" she said and watch him bring out his phone

"Hello,send me the chopper,my girlfriend and I are going somewhere" he said smiling at her .. ..

🔴 This William no dey give up oooo😊😊😊


"Let's go to the airport" he said pulling her hand.

"let me go! can't you just leave me alone" she said and pull her hand

"And don't you understand that I always want to be in your life,anywhere you go i will be there" he said.

"Now let's go,we need to catch up with them" he said and they both went to the airport, they got into his private jet and she suddenly felt scared, this will be her first time on a jet.

They got in and settled down, soon the plane began to move and she got more scared, she held the seats tightly closing her eyes and suddenly she felt someone arm around her,she opened her eyes and saw him there starring at her

"It will be alright Sarah" he said holding her and she held him tighter,snuggling into his arms.

They stayed like that until the plane landed and they got a taxi and soon made it to the hotel they were all booked in.

"Sarah and William are not here,so we better cancel their reservation" the teacher said

"We are here sir" he y*elled to him

"do you think this is a joke?" he said starring at the both of them

"We are sorry sir" he said again.

"Come with me William" he said walking off and Sarah stood watching them all leave

"You liar,you said you wouldn't come right now you are here" Jessica said

"William brought me here against my will" she said

"Li*ar,you've decided to come right then I will make you r*egret ever coming here,i will make sure you s*uffer" she said before walking off

🔴 This Jessica have started again oo✌✌✌


"Brad!! Brad have been calling you but you won't answer" she said holding his arm

"I heard I just didn't want to answer"

"But why?"

"Have been convincing you for ages now to come with me on this trip but you didn't and it only took William a couple of minutes to convince you to Come" he said

"Its not what you think,I didn't come here willingly with William, he brought me forcefully" she said.

"That's it,that's just it,he was still the one who brought you here,the one you came with,the one you are partnered with and that hurts a lot,it hurts so much" he said and walked into the hotel.

Why is Brad a*ngry with her,she never chose for things to happen this way,she never even wanted it.

"Common, let's go to our suite" william said walking off.

This is all his fault, Brad is a*ngry at her because of him.

"Why are you still there,let's go,we've got to change because we will all be going out soon" he said and a*ngrily she followed him.

She got to her hotel room,expecting him to give her the key and leave but he did the opposite, he got in and close the door

"Don't you have your own room to go to" she said

"Well this is my room"


"The hotel isn't that big and its the one they've found in this town, the rooms aren't that much,so they made two students stay in a room" he said.

"But this is a*bsurd,even if they wanted to put two people in a room,it should be girl with a girl,not a boy and a girl have got to complain" she said wanting to walk off but he pu*lled her back

"It just so happen that we were the two students who arrived late and this was the only room available and its not like am going to do anything to you,you are the only closest person who knows me and you know that I never force myself on a girl or do something bad" he said

"Well that was before, I thought I knew you but now am not even sure if you are still the same guy" she said.

"I am still the same William, Sarah.I am" he said

" No you are not,you are not and while we are in this place,sharing the same room, please don't bring up the past"she said

" But you and I know that its not a past thing,you mean a lot to me and I know that I mean a lot to you,even though you h*ate me,I know within my heart that somewhere in your heart there is still a place for me"he said.

" There can't be anything for you because you have k*illed it,you have k*illed it"she said and went to the bathroom locking herself up.

She took her time to compose herself before going back to the room,she saw him walking about the room shirtless.

He hadn't noticed her and she starred at him,he had the perfect body,he was the perfect hunk,no wonder his fans always wanted to touch him,she kept on starring at him and just then he turned and saw her looking at him.

"Finally you are out"

"Get something to wear and stop walking about shirtless" she said

"Starring at my abs right?" he said walking towards her

"Why would I do that,am not some crazy fan of yours" she said trying to move away.
but he cornered her

"You like it right? "

"No I don't and please let me pass" she said

"But I don't want to" he said starring at her lips

"No matter what you do or say,I know for a fact that you belong to me,you are mine and mine alone" he said and kiss her on the lips before walking into the bathroom

She felt her heart beating fast, she was going to fall and she was afraid ,afraid of falling for him again,she has to do something to their room arrangement.


🔴 Sarah ooooo😊😊😊

✅ You will fall soon✌✌✌

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