Queen Rihalb

Queen Rihalb To make people understand different aspects of life

Self discipline is key

Self discipline is key



Women are the most wonderful
creature I have seen on Earth, but am
yet to understand why some men are
busy finding faults upon faults on them!!!
lets look at them this way and tell me if
am lying.
(1) Women are the only creature that
can change their original surname just for
the sake of love.
(2) They are most easiest creature to
(3)They are the only creature that
loves from the bottom of their hearts.
(4) They are the creature that can prefer to
go to bed with an empty
stomach, just to make sure that their
children feeds well.
(5) They are the only creature on Earth
that cries very easily, just to expose
their inward disposition.
(6) They are always
awake even at the
dead of the night just to make sure
that their children are protected.
(7) They can even sell out their cloths
just to buy food for their children, and
also see them smiling.
(8) They are always
ready to sacrifice
their lives just to save the lives of their
(9) They are always in the kitchen
inhaling the smoke without
complaining, just to prepare something for
their children and
husband to eat.
(10) They are the only creature that
can abandon their biological family
and start up a new home with a
(11) Even when they are battling
with the pains of pregnancy, yet, they are
busy looking after their husbands and
children. e.t.c.

If you love your mother and you
appreciate what she did and is still doing for
you just take one minute of
your time to comment "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MUM" 😊❤🙌


NEVER marry a woman who invests more money in her HAIR than....her BRAIN.
Wealth is not an accident, it is an outcome of one's priorities, what they value the most, and what they invest in the most.
Any woman then, who invests more in her HAIR or outward demeanor than her BRAIN...the centre of creativity, has no real intention of achieving financial frĂŠedom regardless of what she says.
If your wife/gf is not an active member in your strategy to getting rich, disaster is going to happen. Your chance of succeeding financially will be significantly reduced. More so, if you are just getting started on the economic ladder. You will be trying to save, and she will be spending. You will be trying to invest, and she will be thinking of buying new IPhone X, That's why I always say that business and relationship success are inseparably intertwined.
And for ladies, if your goal is EXCELLENCE,
NEVER marry a man who invests more in your wardrobe,....than in your EDUCATION/BRAIN
who pays more for you to have a Smart Phone than,...for you to have a Smart BRAIN!
Nothing frustrates me and agitates me as much as when I see a Man who married an intelligent and resourceful Woman, and yet, the man doesn't even know it or cannot even tap into the woman's intelligence. Worse, cant allow her to unleash it!
How hopeless !!
You see some men married or date intelligent, articulate, concise, resourceful and entrepreneurial women and yet sadly, the men themselves don't know it or are too dumb to tap into the intelligence of their woman and profit from it.
Each time I come across this scenario, my question has always been,
"My brother, why buy an iPhone X if you can't unleash its system? Gosh! Let a competent brother get the IPhone, you go for a Infinity or techno.
Bitter truth is; unleash your Woman' s potential or let her go and find another man who will tap into it!

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no matter how desperate you are, never marry a man who doesn’t listen to you. Never marry Mr. "Know it all". A man who is always right in his eyes. Even if he is a pastor in a church or a committed Christian, he is still a wrong man for you.
Such a man is arrogant and filled with pride. Living with such a man is like living in hell. He makes you feel like a child or a fool who doesn't matter, who doesn't know their right from left. He sees you as an empty headed person; to him what you bring out is noise.
Such a man will never understand you because he refuses to listen to you. He will impose on you what he thinks is right for you forgetting that what makes one happy differs from person to person; forgetting that men and women are opposites.
One is physically oriented whilst the other is emotional. Each of these people's channel of receiving love is different. What excites a man is not what excites a woman. Mr. Know it all will force you to like what he likes, and hate what he hates. He will force you to live a life just to please him alone. He will force you to become fake.
Each time you complain, such a man will shout on you and make you feel you just love nagging. He makes you become silent for life until it gets to the point where you can’t take it any longer, until you explode. That's when you start signing divorce papers.
Any woman who marries such a man becomes useless. As a helper, the best way to know your man’s vision and direction and know what kind of help to offer him is in asking questions. Mr. Know it all will never see any sense in your questions, he won’t answer you, won't listen or take it serious, not to talk of advising him.
It is strange how such a man understands love; to them, as far as you are pretty, s*xy, beautiful and ready to take orders, take care of their home, meet their s*xual needs, they are in love. Refusal to follow their orders means you are not submissive.

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Find someone who openly communicates their feelings. Someone who realizes that you’re not perfect and never expects you to be. Someone who would never want to lose you and feels so blessed to be with you. One who gives their heart completely. Someone who says I love you and means it. Last but not the least, find someone who looks forward to a future with you and with each and every new day, falls in love with you all over again.

Ladies listen,
A woman who stands for NOTHING, her panties will fall for ANYTHING! If your standards are superficial and shallow they will drop the moment a guy comes along & tell you everything you want to hear and appear to have it together but if your standards are based on God's word you're not going to compromise your standards in Christ and have s*x with a guy who is not your husband no matter how fine, successful, charming, funny, and educated he is. Stand on God's word even if you have to stand alone!! # NoWedNoBed Women you are beautiful, precious in Jesus eyes please stop allowing men to use you, you are more than that. Trust me, it don't get you no where but more unclean spirits, low self-esteem, depression, and hurt. Trust Jesus raise your standard
God's choice is the best choice.
Wait upon the Lord.

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Marriage market has a demand. No man will ever want to marry or recommend a rebellious woman to anyone. Being rude to men because of your past experience, is not the best way to say No. POLITELY DISCHARGE ANY MEN YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH BECAUSE YOU NEVER CAN TELL WHO WILL BE THERE FOR YOU TOMORROW. People pay more attention to someone's action than his/her intention. All men are not the same, don't carry over your past experience into a new relationship. Always remember that meeting people has two sides, either for a reason or for a lesson. Before You go into any relationships, prepare your mind for any of the two. Anyboby can say "I love you" but not all can prove it.
However, learn to define your stand in a relationship before you invest your heart.

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It is very bad for you to lie to a lady that you do not have a child out of wedlock only for her to come and realize you have one or several.
Better tell the truth rather than betraying the trust of someone who is falling for you. It does not harm to let her know about your past. It happened, the past cannot be erased but some details being kept a secret can come to ruin a present relationship.
Tell her you have a babymama out there, let her make a decision based on the truth she knows rather than lying to her you have none only for her to learn later you have one or several.
Nothing hurts like a lady knowing she has you, only for another baby mama to come around with past dramas and some are so bad can even mess an already working marriage.
Spare the lady the dramas, let her know in order to plan herself or know how to handle the situation when it arises.

A good man will always make his wife his best friend, A good man will always discuss issues with his wife no matter how deep the problem may be ,A good man will always ask for his wife's opinion in any decision, Dough must men do say that women always say nonsense, in that nonsense they must be a little sense in it ,A good man will never allow his wife to be comfortable with any other man, he must do all his best to provide a peaceful atmosphere for his wife, A good man will always provide for his family and make sure his wife looks good and presentable, happy and confident in the public. Be a good man and see how your wife will change for good.

If you find a woman who is showing you love at your struggling stage in life. Do everything to keep her and always respect her.
Dear lady, If you love two people at the same time, choose the second because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.

There will always be a guy richer than your boyfriend and there will always be a girl hotter than your girlfriend. Help your man become your choice and help your woman become your queen. That should be one of your relationship goals. Be Contented

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But u must know that there are 4 kinds of ladies. (1) The one who doesn't need ur money, because she is financially comfortable but wants ur true love.
(2)The one who wants ur love and can never ask money from you, but will be happy when u give her money sometimes and she will manage what u give her no matter how small. (3)The one who doesn't care about ur love but wants ur money and she is willing to make u happy as long as the money comes into her hands, but when the money stops coming. U won't see her brake light( vuuuuuuummm...) (4)The one who doesn't want ur money or ur love but wants great s*xual satisfaction.

LADIES which number Do you represent?
1, 2, 3, or 4?.......😪🤔🤔🙄😀


African Ladies, appreciate that man in your life who strives to be all you need.... He
may not be all the things you need right now but with time he will be, He will get a job,
get the money, he will buy a land and he will build a house for both of you. He won’t be
renting or staying at his parent’s crib forever. He will fulfill all his promises and he will
be a good dad to your children. Just kindly be patient if you seriously love him.
Everything will be fine between both of you. Don't be pushed around by money and
what you wanna eat now.... I pray you don't eat up the future of your unborn children!

Your boyfriend may not own a car. He may not earn a lot of money. He may not live in
a posh estate. He may not be able to shower you with gifts all the time. He may not
have a great job. But it’s enough to know you are the ONLY ONE He has at his heart.
He has a vision. He is Honest. He is very hard-working. He is humble. He keeps that
smile on your face. He talks to you every day. He actually listens to you. He always
replies your messages. He tolerates you when you're moody. His family knows you. He
tells you your beautiful all the time. He sees you every chance he gets. He appreciates
the tiniest things you do. He is there when you need him. He respects you. He is proud
you are his…And he treats you like a queen because you are his everything and he fears
to lose you.
Why ask for what he cannot afford? He may not have it all now, but one day he will...
He may not be living his dream now, but one day he will… He pictures making a family
with you and he means it when he says that he loves you.

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1. Before you start a relationship with a lady, you must think carefully about what you are about to do.
A relationship is not something you should
rush into or handle lightly•
2.Are you ready for a relationship with her? Are
you emotionally, mentally and spiritually mature to meet her needs?•
3. Being s*xually attracted to her means
absolutely nothing. It isn’t a sign of likeness, love or any other thing your mind may come up with. It may just be your hormones messing with your mind. A woman is more than her body and her s*xuality. She has a life which you should be able to blend with. Can you do that?•
4. This lady has a history. Can you handle it?
She has a past. Can you handle it? Can you
handle her mistakes, failures and weaknesses?
Can you handle her dreams without being
intimidated and becoming jealous?•
5. She already had a life before she met you. Can you fit into and help improve her life?•
6. Love is commitment. Are you ready to commit your life to helping her grow and become all that she can be, by God’s grace?•
7. Is she valuable enough for you to devote a
large portion of your life towards the
accomplishment of HER dream? Are you ready to pour your resources into making her all the Lord plans for her to be? If you are not ready, don’t just bother•
8. Before you open your mouth to say ‘I love you’, ask yourself if this is not just a moment of
‘emotional madness’. A lady needs much more
than ‘I love you’.
She needs your commitment. If you are not ready to make that commitment that will lead to marriage, please leave her alone in peace and stop wasting her time.
And ladies please don't make his life miserable
Dear heavenly father i ask that you give every lady reading this a man that will bring out the best of her and every man a lady worth investing in.•••••

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Ladies, let me advise you, if you think you’re stuck in a relationship with a LAZY man who doesn’t love you, then you should go find
someone better. You don’t deserve to endure the hardships of a dysfunctional relationship. Stop getting yourself worked
up over a lazy Man that doesn't want you, the problem is not with you sister. Some men don't just want a good woman.
*Ladies let me advise you Stop using "I love him" as an excuse to put up with his nonsense. If the man isn't treating you right, and you are not married to him, then
Woman Up, and leave that sucker before its too late. I can attest to you; there are too many women stuck in miserable marriages
because they failed to Woman Up and cut it off while the relationship was still at dating
*Ladies I keep on telling you dis that Being thirsty,putting on half Naked DRESS or desperate for love or marriage will make you an easy target for men who just want to
sleep with you.Get something doing and add value to yourself and support a serious Man, giving him S*x from morning till day
break will not keep him, the true is dis How fast he progress as a man depends on the type of woman by is side. A good woman is an INVESTMENT, a bad woman is a BILL.
(Asked yourself question)
*Finally MEN be warned, Most downfalls of men are caused by multiple girlfriends. S*x is a spiritual encounter,not every girl has a good spirit. be careful. Don’t be a cheating man. You’re losing life. You think you are playing the game and winning, but you are
actually losing. You can get over on some women but you can’t fool your Creator. You will reap what you sow, so you better start
trying to grow. Juggling women doesn’t make you a man. Being honest, loyal & faithful to ONLY ONE DOES!
Ladies,if you know that you are mature enough for marriage, My Special prayer for you dis year is dat Every wall of Jericho standing between you and your marital
breakthrough is destroyed by fire.

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You have to know that no one ever really walks into your life by chance or by accident. When a person enters your life and they have a profound effect on you, then that means you were very much prepared for that person to walk into your life.
And these might be people who come and stay with you until the very end of your days. But there are also some temporary people who only come into your life, play a specific role, teach you an important lesson, and then pickup up and leave.
So, if you ever feel like you’re tired, exhausted, lonely, dejected, or unfulfilled, then don’t worry too much. The universe is always at play.
There are so many invisible strings that are being pulled behind your back. And it’s only a matter of time before the universe decides to send someone your way who is going to bring a lot of joy and meaning into your life.
It’s all just a matter of timing. You see, the two of you have to be ready to meet one another if your relationship is going to be a fruitful and meaningful one. Otherwise, it’s only going to end up as waste.
There will be times wherein the universe will send someone into your life and this person isn’t going to stay forever. They are just there to help further your growth and development as an individual; to help show you the right path to where you’re supposed to be in life.
Every single soul that you encounter in this life is going to add meaning to your existence. They are there to fulfill a specific role. They are there to serve a very particular purpose.
Some of the effects that these people can have on your life might be profound. And some of them might be very little. Regardless, they all serve a purpose and they add to the totality of your existence.
If you’re just not convinced, then you should really read on until the end of this article. You should never be taking the people in your life for granted. And here are a few reasons as to why that is.

Sometimes, a person just walks into your life to offer you perspective. They give you a new angle in life. They give you a new lens with which to see the world.
Whether you agree with them or not, it’s always nice to expose yourself to new ideas from new different people. It makes you a more well-rounded human being overall.

You are going to face a lot of challenges and hurdles in your life. And sometimes, you aren’t going to have the confidence to face these challenges head-on. And that’s where these people come in.
They are there to help push you forward. They put their beliefs in you even when you don’t believe in yourself and they give you courage.

This is the age of information and it’s so easy to learn new things at the mere tap of a fingertip. However, not all of us are going to have unlimited storage in our minds.
When we learn new things, we risk forgetting old ones. And that’s why it’s important to acknowledge the people who remind you of the important things that you may have already forgotten about.

These are the people who play very minor and seemingly insignificant roles in your life – but they’re still important and you shouldn’t take them for granted.
It can be very easy to overlook the impact of these people because they make take a premature exit from your life. They’re not really going to be there for the long haul. However, for the short time that they are there for you, they will have a very profound effect on the way that you live your life.

And then there are those people who are for keeps. These are the guys who really stick it out with you until the very end. These are the people who watch you grow into the person you’re meant to be.
These are the people who pay witness to your many struggles; the many challenges that you have had to endure to get to where you need to be. These are the people who are always going to be there for you no matter what; the eternal companions you have in life.

Hope we are together???😀😀
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really funny

really funny

Popular Lagos club owner, Mike Eze-Nwalie Nwogu, popularly known as Pretty Mike has taken to his Instagram to pour out what he thinks about short women. According to him, short women are closer to the Devil and they are never satisfied in bed. Read below. Short Girls and there wahala-: They are the....



1. You want a man with a big dick, handsome features, pink lips and etc, in short you want a presentable man.
Have you asked yourself, a presentable man and a man that makes you happy which would you prefer? ......Am pretty sure a reasonable lady will choose the latter.
2. Most men base their capacity on manhood and their abilities to fertilize ovaries and produce children. Any man can impregnate a
woman. No matter the size of the dick! Small? Big? Average?
3. If a man is crazy about you, pray he does not get well, if he is getting well, know that another woman is giving him some tablets
4. First love may not die, but true love can bury it.
5. If you still believe "LOVE IS BLIND" then I know for sure MARRIAGE WILL OPEN IT FOR YOU.
6. A woman's beautiful face attracts a flirt; A woman's beautiful heart attracts a lover; A woman's beautiful character attracts a man.
7. A man who came to play you might end up staying, and the man who came to stay mighy end up playing you
Honestly it all depends on ur character
8. Never you fall in love because you are lonely, fall in love because you are ready.
9. A blessed water is better than a cursed fried rice. A Godly poor man is far much better than an angry rich man in marriage.
10. I will rather have you stay in your father's house that you are sure of than pack into a man's house you are not sure of.
11. You see sleeping alone is better than sharing your BED with someone who shares a BED with someone else when you are not around...!
12. Cheating does not mean you have to , meet or have s*x with a third party. Once you find yourself deleting texts and e-mails so
that your partner will not see them, you are already there.
13. HOLY Wives do not just speak in tongues they MANAGE their homes, make SUPER meals, raise GODLY kids, and finally, they
bring out the KING in their man.
14. When you tend to your garden diligently you will be the one to reap the fruit of the vine hereof.
15. You can say "sorry" a million times, say " I love you" as much as you want, say whatever you want, but if you are not going to prove that,the things you say are true, then do not say anything at all. Because if you cannot show it, your words do not mean a thing
Dont ignore..... share this post and let these words of truth reach others....

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