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Biafra: An Urgent Call To Save The Lives Of Imo Indigenes, Residents From Extinction In The Hands Of Governor Hope Uzodi...

Biafra: An Urgent Call To Save The Lives Of Imo Indigenes, Residents From Extinction In The Hands Of Governor Hope Uzodimma's Brute And Tyrannical Government

Written By Anyi Kings | The Biafra Post
July 20, 2022

Governor Hope Uzodimma also known as the Supreme Court imposed governor of Imo state yesterday being July 19, 2022 during his state address cm press briefing immediately after what he called Security Council meeting in Imo State government house. The butcher one governor of Imo State shockingly made a disturbing revelation how his administration takes pride in the extrajudicial killings of Imolites, illegal abduction, forceful detention and illegal incercration of Imo citizens and other residents within the state all in the name of fighting crime in Imo state or let's say fighting what he usually call opposition in his government, and banditry.

Before I continue, I want to be put on record that I condemn all manner of criminalities against the good citizens of Imo state and the government of Imo state in any manner or form and from any quarters such as armed robbery, kidnapping for ransom, arsonists, assailants, cultism etc. And I will always throw my weight to support a fight against criminalities in any part of Biafra land especially in Igbo land as a whole. But any crime not fought following the rule of engagement but rather fought in total disregard for the rule of law is itself a crime against humanity - period!.

And this is exactly what is transpiring, playing out in Imo state under the watchful eye of Governor Hope Uzodimma. Hence I call on men and women of good conscience to rise up and stop Senator Hope Uzodimma from committing more crimes of forceful extermination of human lives and committing genocide against the civilian populace of Imo State. Senator Hope Uzodimma has made himself the three arms of government in Imo State namely: the executive, legislative and judiciary in his desperate bid to fight those he sees as government opposition and he must be called to order or made to resign or impeached immediately for the interest of humanity most especially for the safety of the good citizens of Imo State which his administration kills with passion.

Haven listened to Governor Hope Uzodimma's reaction to the killings of fourteen (14), Imo youths returning from a friend's traditional marriage in Oru West Local Government of Imo State to Awo - Mmama, and his rude reaction on the alleged 15 year old teenage girl who's being hold hostage with others of her six (6) colleagues illegally being abducted and has been held incercrated inside the DSS Dungeon Owerri - the State Capital. I see no justification that Senator Hope Uzodimma should remain as the executive governor of Imo State in the next 1 hr without being impeached. Lots of questions are demanding for answers but unfortunately in Nigeria, the Nigeria Media houses and its journalism remains one of the worst in terms of professionalism .

Senator Hope Uzodimma while addressing the media admitted that two girls rather than seven (7), girls as per media report are in the custody of Nigeria DSS Dungeon in Owerri Imo state for over six (6), months now and counting without trial if they have committed any offense against the government of Imo State. And that they are being used to track suspects allegedly to be their own boy friends that indulges on the acts of banditry, - this is a lame excuse coming from a governor of a State that is holding innocent girls hostage against their own volitions. The question in the lips of every sound mind is who does that?. How does holding little girls hostage and denying them access to their family, friends and lawyers or charging them to court to get court injunction to carry out your intelligence investigation in conformity with the rule of law and due process of the land?.

According to Senator Hope Uzodimma of Imo State, the killing of fourteen (14), Imo State Youths returning back from a friend's traditional marriage at Awo-Mmama on the 18th of July 2022 and were trailed and killed by Ebubeagu Militia was rather a DSS cross fire with bandits in the state. Senator Hope Uzodimma further claimed that one of the the little girl been hold hostage under his command led the team of DSS security department to the camp of the so called bandits and there were a cross fire and those fourteen (14) dead bodies were all bandits that fell victim of the horsepower of DSS operation in Imo State.

Then sane mind starts to imagine. Where are the weapons of those dead bodies if they were actually shot down during a cross fire exchange?. I could not see any evidence with respect to the findings on ground. Then I ask further; does it mean that these guys while in their alleged camp were asleep when the law enforcement agents suddenly encircle them and shot all of them dead instantly at sighting their presence there?. If so why didn't the DSS apply the rule of engagement by getting them arrested and parade them if need be?.

If that is the case that they are bandits according to what Senator Hope Uzodimma make-believe address was; why didn't the so called DSS go with their corpses and parade them rather than kill and ran away with their dead bodies littered in the street?.

Again for the sake and purpose of rule of engagement why will DSS if not Ebubeagu Militia group shoot at sight unarmed men on their sleep if I may ask?. Shooting fourteen (14), unarmed youths at a spot without any amenable arrest. Why not arrest, handcuff and put them behind bars and charge them to court for disturbing the relative peace in Imo State as for being bandits?. A lot of unasked questions is forth not coming from the Nigeria corrupt media houses and their bias in mind Journalists, and a lot of unanswered questions are demanding for answers to probe and prove the governor innocence that he is not a culprit in this killing of fourteen (14) unarmed Imo State youths.

The truth is if we are to go by the report of the governor rather than the report from the eye witnesses accounts, and victims including the popular media narratives which the governor - Senator Hope Uzodimma claimed are fallacy and propaganda. Governor Hope Uzodimma has rather succeeded in convincing the general public that he is sponsoring genocide rather than fighting crime within the armbit of the law in Imo State as there's pure utter disregard for the rule of law since his imposition in Imo State. It has become obvious that Senator Hope Uzodimma has shown total disregard for the rule of law, his government is more of a military dictatorship style in a democracy.

The DSS in Owerri must urgently release the little innocent girls they are holding captive for over a period of six (6) months now, for false intelligence gathering without any court injunction to substantiate their claims. It is height of unprofessionalism to hold some one hostage for the sake of intelligence gathering for over six (6) months period only to end up using the girls to invade a traditional marriage or ambush innocent citizens returning from a traditional marriage and massacre them, then later tag it a cross fire exchange with bandits. Not stopping there, the following day, same DSS invaded a betting shop and rounded up over twenty (20) youths, blindfolded and whisked them away to an unknown location, these are what is happening on daily bases against the good people of Imo State citizens and residents.

This is a deliberate act of genocide, Governor Hope Uzodimma and the law enforcement agency involved in these heinous crimes must immediately be subjected to face the law of the country so that justice will be dispense accordingly. I add my voice to call for the immediate resignation of Governor Hope Uzodimma or for the impeachment of Governor Hope Uzodimma so he can face justice for crime he has committed against humanity.

Moreso, I am using this medium to call for an independent investigation in a catalog of extrajudicial killings in Imo State, forceful disappearance of Imo State citizens under the administration of Senator Hope Uzodimma. I call on and appeal to the conscience of all the reputable Human Rights organizations in the world like: Amnesty International , Intersociety, UN Human rights watch, International communities, EU in Nigeria, UK in Nigeria, US in Nigeria, UN in Nigeria, to prevail against this tyrannical Fulani imposed government of Hope Uzodimma to resign immediately and face justice for his crime against humanity if found guilty.

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Biafra: [BBC]: The Media Of Doom In A Contemporary Society Of Ours In 21st CenturyWritten By Ejike Sampson | The Biafra ...

Biafra: [BBC]: The Media Of Doom In A Contemporary Society Of Ours In 21st Century

Written By Ejike Sampson | The Biafra Post
July 20, 2022

BBC - British Biased Corporation is on a mission again, yes! A very big mission for the Nigeria Fulani Caliphate against the Biafrans. Outside their falsehood and heinous reports against people's individual rights, they have gotten so many bad names and ruined their reputation too on fake news against some countries' rights to freedom which led to them to been banned from operation.

BBC is hell-bent on their mission to portray the Biafrans as the villians of all the atrocities happening in Nigeria of recent. BBC reportage is solely against the Biafrans where the victims of genocide and state sponsored terrorism acts are now seen as the aggressors against the Nigerian State while the aggressors and bullies [the Nigerian government/Fulani herdsmen], are now to be seen as the victims.

Britain owns BBC and had always been "a country of looters and double face merchants" either by oppression or subtlety by creating colonies and countries. They feed from the pains, weepings and deaths of other people. To clear your doubts, from the colonies' sufferings down to the world War II, check these histories and chaos, converteous-ness, wars and deaths through the archives British government will be seen plainly as the initiators, the British government feeds their economy through creating wars and restiveness.

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), a media network set up "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain". This is their acclaimed mission to the people. But, isn't it quite unfortunate that this mission statement of BBC is a mere write-up to deceive the gullible minds?.

A quick look on 1967-1970 Biafra genocidal war, BBC unleashed media biasness against Biafrans, genocide was ongoing in Biafra territory, BCC changed the war narratives while the British government aided the Nigerian government in procuring arms and more deadly lethal weapons against the Biafrans for possible extermination. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), never cast their reportage against their Nigerian government Fulani puppets going about with guns and bullets killing Biafrans.

It is on record that Mr. Gerald Waltrous of BBC, the Head of BBC Africa News Service got so upset when some good journalists reported accurately to the World leaders the evil of British government against innocent Biafrans. BBC quickly took it upon themselves to twist the news as people began to ask questions all over the world. BBC High Commissioner of Commonwealth Relations Officer, Mr. David Hunt as expected by his masters and those that employed him, BBC stifled every News coming out from the genocide happening in Biafra.

Mr. David Hunt twisted the news of Biafra genocide even to the Western world both in interview and on reports with the help of his Deputy High commissioner in Enugwu, Mr. Jim Parker, and this led to the death of over 2.6 million Biafrans mostly children in hunger.
What a shame to a country of looters!
Worst BBC supervised the genocide from the beginning till the end and refused to neither document the real story nor allow Biafrans or other people to narrate it to the World without countering it with propaganda that will scare people from speaking about it.

As soon as one is a compromiser, a liar, propagandist and a betrayal...Boom! BBC loves such an individual for an interview where every garbages will be published against Biafrans Internationally. Today, BBC has continued the 1967-1970's job of genocide in Biafra land. The Nigeria soldiers of are everywhere in Biafra land killing and destroying properties, ra**ng, kidnapping for ransom and protecting Fulani herdsmen by refusing to call them by their names.

Fourteen [14] Igbo Youths were murdered in a cold-blood by Ebubeagu government created Militia group in Imo State yet, BBC news can never report it. If actually BBC is a good media outfit then, why did China and others condemned and banned their news coverages in their countries?

This BBC told the Indigenous People of Biafra " to continue to be unhappy" on the atrocious reports they made on 11 May 2022, cutting out some clips of IPOB media warrior's broadcast and quote them out of context and refused to report the issues that brought about the statement. BBC has become not just a stereotype media outlet but an exclusive media outfit of disinformation for subterfuge and for genocide.

Biafrans and the World at large should disregard the lies of BBC for they are just on a mission for Islamic Caliphate of the North to wipe out Biafrans so as to forcefully inherit our fertile lands and natural resources.
The British government should henceforth stop perpetuating evil through her BBC news outlet because, no one or sane country will ever allow them to continue with their slave antics and actions. BBC should no longer be regarded as a broadcasting network but a gang of imperialists behind the camera and microphone strengthening neo-colonialism in Africa and beyond.

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Biafra: Are Ndi Igbo Slaves In Our Own Land? A Concerned Igbo Biafran Needs To Know.Article Written By Elochukwu Ohagi |...

Biafra: Are Ndi Igbo Slaves In Our Own Land? A Concerned Igbo Biafran Needs To Know.

Article Written By Elochukwu Ohagi |July 19, 2022 | The Biafra Post

In Lokpanta, Fulani herdsmen used bulldozers to level houses belonging to indigenous Igbo people, in Abia State claiming that the former governor of the state now a serving senator, - Senator Orji Uzor Kalu single handedly gave them Indigenous land belonging to the people of Abian origin.

Imagine Ndi Igbo going to Sokoto or Kano, used bulldozers to demolish houses belonging to northerners.

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Biafra: South East Governors And Ohaneze Ndigbo Are Fulani Boot Lickers - Biafra Reporters Asserts Editorial By Biafra R...

Biafra: South East Governors And Ohaneze Ndigbo Are Fulani Boot Lickers - Biafra Reporters Asserts

Editorial By Biafra Reporters | The Biafra Post
June 22, 2022

We are happy to be alive till this day that those that doubted us about the Biafrans inclusiveness in the Nigeria governmental affairs of Fulani Nigeria government are also alive to observe for themselves the second class citizen, fiddle slaves they have all turned to, to serve the Fulani interest in Nigeria first and not of the general wellbeing of their own tribe's men. It must be Fulani interest first in Nigeria before your own people's interest or allow the Fulani to make an ingress movement in your region by selecting your leaders for you because the hand picked slave must agree to their terms to be a Fulani puppet.

South East and South South governors of the old Eastern region of Nigeria together with Ohaneze Ndigbo and PANDEF apex leadership were busy greasing their stupidity with the Fulani oligarchy with the hallucinated promise of 2023 General election of Igbo Presidency in Nigeria. Immediately the Sokoto Caliphate through the Office of the Abuja - A*o Rock seat of Nigeria government power gave them this false hope of allowing their slaves to rule over them but they must first vanquish and evaporates IPOB from existence then they - the Fulani will make them to become President come 2023, and they all went berserk on IPOB so as to become the President of Nigeria 2023 general election.

South South governors under the headship of Delta State governor - Mr. Ifeanyi Okowa started his deceptive meetings by hosting all the Southern regions of Nigeria governors and government officials to meetings were it was all agreed upon by them that for equity and justice to be seen and not only to be seen but put into practice that the next President of Nigeria must be zone to the South and furthermore micro zone to the South East for fairness of purpose, and today the chief host of the meeting has become a running mate under a Fulani PDP man - Mr. Atiku Abubakar. What a deception!

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Fulani Jihad War In Nigeria  : Stop Condemning Start Acting - IPOB Urges C.A.N , Offers Protection Of Eastern Churches b...

Fulani Jihad War In Nigeria : Stop Condemning Start Acting - IPOB Urges C.A.N , Offers Protection Of Eastern Churches by E.S.N If Given Support

IPOB Press Release
Published On The Biafra Post
June 7, 2022

We the global movement and family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of our great leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU condemn the fulani terrorists attack on Catholic Church in Owo Ondo state today been Sunday 5th of June 2022.

IPOB had repeatedly suggested that Christians should stop their dependant on government of Nigeria for security of life and properties the reason is that the current regime has only one interest and that is Fulani interest. Fulani terrorists masquerading as politicians and security agents, are the ones heading Nigeria Army, Police and other security agencies and are responsible for the recruitment of terrorists who were massacring innocent Christians, Muslims and Non-Muslims.

We are equally advising Christian Association of Nigeria CAN to stop just condemning attacks from these terrorists from sahel or praying for God's intervention and start acting in defence of Christians in Nigeria. "CONDEMN" do not raise people from graves therefore we suggest again to Christian Association of Nigeria CAN that the only remedy is to be prepared to withstand the terrorists and jihadists who were sponsored by unfortunate politicians and government of Nigeria to eliminate every citizen in the country.

In view of this sacrilegious activities and dastardly act we call on Biafran Christians, Biafran Jewish observers, Biafran religion observers, Ndi-Odinala na Biafra” as a matter of urgency organise themselves, form their Association and other reputable institutions and organisations in Biafraland for their own good and find a unique way to support and equip already established iron dome "the ESN" operatives to protect the land and ensure they protect their churches anyday of worship including protection of all markets in the southern part of the country, providing security for the people and their properties because "Ugo Eberela na ngbagbu" the Eagles has patched at the point of killing range.

ESN has the training, strategy and toughness to confront them and ensure that they do not set their foot in our land but we need support.

IPOB needs maximum support of politicians, men and women of God and all the above mentioned bodies that may deem it fit to constitute themselves into a strong body and unit or associations.

All children of God and religious bodies throughout Biafraland should as a matter of urgency support this call now that we have the people and perfect arrangements to safeguard our land.

The killing machine targets Politicians, successful businessmen and women, reverend fathers, Bishops and Pastors so as to scare you from worshiping God in Churches, Synagogues, other worship centers and locations. Our people must understand that IPOB is ever ready for difficult, sacrificial task for the love of our land, they kidnapped Methodist Prelate and his bishops, N100million Naira paid which is non-comparable with their lives and for confession sake IPOB/ESN was vindicated of direct allegations of kidnapping, false allegation of being the Unknown gunmen, killings and burning of properties.

We are ready, we need your support and we cannot afford to allow them to continue terrorising our land. We want you to support your own that understands your pains and what you need ESN is AgΓΊ n'eche mba ESN is yours, it is set up to protect Biafraland. support ESN so that you can sleep with both eyes closed knowing that those responsible for your safety are awake in the bushes doing their work.

The intelligence information at our disposal was the reason why we advised Pastor William Kumuyi to consider suspension of his earlier planned crusade in Abia State, fulani terrorists would have attacked the crusade ground and provide the Christian Association of Nigeria CAN the opportunity they are looking for in order to demonize IPOB. But CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA is in total control of our movement and our struggle to liberate our people from the servitude and bo***ge called the REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA.


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Biafra:[Dei Dei Market Inferno]: Eye Witness Account of The Burning of Igbo Timber Market - In Dei Dei Abuja On The 18th...

Biafra:[Dei Dei Market Inferno]: Eye Witness Account of The Burning of Igbo Timber Market - In Dei Dei Abuja On The 18th Day Of May 2022 By Fulani Islamist Extremists

Report Compiled By Nwawube Ezeobi et al., | Biafra Reporters | The Biafra Post | May 19, 2022

The Biafra Reporters investigation department were able to find out the following as to what led to the indiscriminate burning down to ashes of Igbo timber market in Abuja today being the 18th day of May 2022.

According to the eye witness account on arrival of one of our Journalists and a call put across to our people doing businesses in that area has it that, problem began when a Fulani Okada rider who was carrying an Igbo lady had an accident with a vehicle that crushed the Igbo woman to death.

The Igbos doing businesses in that area and neighborhood claimed, that this is the third Igbo person to be killed in that heartless manner and around that same vicinity through that same method of accident and in quick succession thereby claims that this is Fulani Youths deliberate plan to kill Igbos living in Abuja, they unanimously stopped bikers from plying the road at the moment until the attention of the government is drawn to the area and do the needful concerning the unnecessary and unwarranted accidents taking the lives of Igbo people plying the route.

This angered the Fulani Youths who are mainly bike riders in that area as they went back home and regrouped with many others. They had to take along with them dangerous weapons and gas using the second entrance of the market to unleash their mayhem.
They first attacked all the truck riders in that area, burning all the trucks and forcefully entered into the market, burning it down using gas filled cylinders to ignite match and cause explosions while chanting with clubs and other weapons asking the Igbos to engage them in a fight.

According to the eye witness account, for more than two hours these arsonists were carrying out their evil attack on the market, the security operatives and fire service did not show up.

Igbos today lost goods and properties worth more than twenty billion naira in Dei Dei timber market Abuja without compensation from the government. Igbos are not destroying Fulani nor Hausa businesses here in our land and why would they choose to go after our people's businesses in their Arewa region, the time bomb is gradually ticking.

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Biafra:  52 Years After The Biafra Genocide, British Broadcasting Corporation  (BBC) At It Again To Plunder Our Land Rep...

Biafra: 52 Years After The Biafra Genocide, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) At It Again To Plunder Our Land

Report Journal Compiled By Anyi Kings for Biafra Reporters | The Biafra Post | May 19, 2022

Fifty two years after the Biafra genocide aided, committed and executed by the British Government all because of oil interest, the British Government extra-judicially executed and murdered her image and that of humanity on the alter of greediness and biasness and to our bewilderment the unrepentant British Broadcasting Corporation are at it again to cover up for their proxy Fulani Government against the Indigenous People of Biafra in our home land for the second phase of genocide already in-breeding.

As British Broadcasting Corporation reopened old wounds of unhealed scares of genocide of 1967-1970 tagged the Biafra Genocide.

Follow the links below to revisit the British government atrocities as reported by Frederick Forsyth against the Biafran people in 1967-70 using her British Broadcasting Corporation as an agent of disinformation team to distort the truth and report vile vices against Biafrans.




In the columnist of this report journal I will begin with asking this pertinent questions to the British government and her agent of disinformation media outfit called the British Broadcasting Corporation News World and its subsidiaries BBC News Africa, BBC News Pidgin BBC News Igbos.

1. Why is British Broadcasting Corporation peddling lies and broadcasting a fake documentary to intimidate the victims of a genocide?.

2. When will the UK government reverse its policy of proxy war against the Biafran people for mere oil theft in Biafra land?.

3. When will the UK government reverse its policy of stealing from the poor Africa especially in Biafra?.

4. When will the UK government realize that the lives of Biafrans matters most?.

5. Why must the UK government equate her oil interest in Biafra land to Biafra lives?.

The British government should come to terms with the Indigenous People of Biafra for a fair deal rather than this her shameful exhibition of image damage in her continuous aide to genocide against the innocent Biafrans for the sake of oil that belongs to the Biafran people.

Where is the dignity and conscience of the UK government how she always derives joy in using her British Broadcasting Corporation outlets to twist facts and cover-up for genocide committed by the Fulanis' in Nigeria against the Nigerian people of different regions most especially against Biafrans?.

Why is BBC and the UK government shamelessly investigating the victims of genocide when they call for self-defense and keep a blind eyes when the perpetrators of genocide, attacks, and massacre the defenseless Biafran people unabated?.

Follow the links below to revisit the series of BBC's unreported attacks on defenseless Biafrans by Fulani foot soldiers and Nigeria security agents in Biafra land.

Few List Of Nigeria security forces Massacres Of unarmed IPOB Biafra agitators As reported by amnesty international and other independent body that BBC kept a blind eyes in reporting

https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/headlines/216166-nigerian-security-forces-killed-150-pro-biafra-protesters-amnesty-international.html #

https://thewhistler.ng/breaking-many-ipob-members-feared-dead-in-pro-trump-rally-in-port-harcourt/amp/ =From%20%251%24s&aoh=16529489077652&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com






List of few reported Fulani herdsmen Attack On Ebonyi indiegence that BBC kept a blind eyes





List of few reported Fulani herdsmen Attack On Enugu indegence that BBC never reported







list of few reported Fulani Herdsmen terrorists attacks in Anambra State that BBC will never report



List of few reportted Fulani Herdsmen attacks in Abia community that BBC will never report



List of reported Fulani Herdsmen attacks in Imo State that BBC will never report


Above list are few of the listed and reported Fulani terrorists and Nigeria security forces attacks on defenseless Indigenous People of Biafra that the so called "British Broadcasting Corporation Disinformation Team", kept a blind eyes on, they have refused in making and carrying out her documentary of these series of Biafra massacres without bringing the perpetrators to justice, same bias BBC have the temerity to attack a free speech on social media calling for self-determination and a call demanding for referendum to exit the British Zoo concoction in Africa.

BBC dance of shame because of oil theft in Biafraland must stop. Biafra lives matters. British government must stop aiding genocide against the Biafran people and she must stop BBC's disinformation and distortion of truth against Biafrans.

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On the 50th anniversary of the end of the Biafran war, the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in the late 1960s, declassified British files show that Harold Wilson’s government secretly armed and backed Nigeria’s aggression against the secessionist region.



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