Chidi mma

Chidi mma God-lover, realistic...Stage Actor, Song Writer, Singer, and Speaker


Episode 15

Okey's rank was lowered, in THE BROTHERHOOD! A fresh assignment was given to him. "FIND AND KILL THE PROMISED CHILD," Okey was ordered. For about five months, Okey couldn't tell where his wife was. She had changed her phone number and informed no one about her whereabouts. Instead, she placed a call to anyone she seemed fit using different phone numbers. She never repeated any number just in case anyone should try tracking her with the number.

Okey had never been so stranded and confused all his life; not even when he was still trying to find his feet in life and struggling.

Mama Ejima, Okey's mom was having series of very scary dreams and she called her son severally to ascertain if all was well with him but Okey dismissed all her claims, giving her false hope. Okey knew his mom's dreams were always true. She had dreamt many years back about all that happened to her children before they happened, only that she probably didn't do what was necessary, to avert the harm.

Though he knew he needed help, Okey wouldn't bring himself to let his mom in on the matter at stake. He feared it might spring up another health challenge, considering her past health and life's challenges.

Okey tried reaching Chike and Okwy his friends, but was told they were married and had relocated abroad with their families. Obviously, things had turned around for them.
THE BROTHERHOOD was not making matters any funnier. They threatened Okey, day and night with death or insanity, if he failed to carry out the task. For the first time, the powers of THE BROTHERHOOD had been challenged and Okey was the reason behind it. So they were not going to take matters, lying down.

Okey knew he had messed up his life. If only he had been more patient like Chike and Okwy, things wouldn't have gotten that bad.

Oh! The Prophecy! He remembered the prophecy ha had been given when he was way younger and knew very little... He also remembered the words of the pastor of the church where he had once missed his way, into.

Following the voice of the choristers. He had told him that God had a divine assignment for him. He also remembered how his mom, Mama Ejima had told him how a stranger she met on the road, on her way to the market, when she was pregnant of him told her that she was carrying A PROMISED CHILD. And that his destiny was to serve God behind the pulpit and that he was the light of the family. But that the Foundational powers that took his father away would fight against him, to mess up the Prophecy. It was Okey's destiny to begin serving God from his young age.
She was therefore advised to begin in time, to specially guide Okey into knowing God from his tender age. Through him, God would extend a seal of preservation over all his siblings.

Just then, it dawned on Okey that he must have been the reason why death took all his siblings, leaving only him. Probably, God was giving him more chances to ammend his ways and return to his Calling.
But how come he was just beginning to realize all that?
Had he been too busy for God. Okey wept in his thoughts. He had met his doom, finally!


Episode 14

Against THE BROTHERHOOD, Onome conceived again. Her midnight warfare prayers were doing more harm than good in their midst. Okey was not left out. His life was beginning to fall apart. His house no longer held any form of interest to him. It was getting too hot for him to live in. Onome had saturated the whole house with her "too many and ceaseless" prayers. Okey would always find one reason or the other, to leave home for hours and even days.

The Brotherhood had to summon Okey and charge him with the task of getting rid of Onome or her pregnancy, "by all means". Poor Okey! All his effort to terminate Onome's pregnancy, failed; even, including several food poisoning attempts.

Onome joined the church whose Pastor had ministered to her, that day, on Facebook. Her dedication and commitment to church and the things of God even attracted the Pastor's attention and he was interested in knowing more about her. Onome told the Pastor her story and he joined forces with her in prayers, to undo the works of darkness against her life and family

"This One,( the Pastor said, pointing to Onome's pregnancy) Must Stay! For he shall be a prophet, unto the nations. He shall occupy his father's vacant throne. For his father, a great throne was prepared but he left it and chased after shadows, instead. These were the words, Pastor Emma said to Onome, under a Prophetic unction, one day, while they prayed. She didn't quite understand what he meant but kept thundering a loud "Amen" to his prayers and hoping to get clarification from him, later, concerning the prophecy.

Onome's joy couldn't be contained. Her pregnancy was past 3months (the period which all her previous pregnancies were miscarried).
She was absolutely convinced that she wouldn't lose the baby, especially as the pastor was seriously interested and involved in her case.
Just about then, something tragic happened. Like it used to be, Onome miscarried her baby. The doctor's confirmation sent hot drops of tears down her eyes and cold shivers through her spine. Okey was behind the unfortunate event. He had massaged his wife's tommy with charms, one evening after dinner, placing his ears on her tommy, in the guise that he wanted to know how the baby kicked in the stomach.
While he consoled his agonizing wife outwardly, he rejoiced inwardly. He was very happy he won, after the very long chase.

Onome didn't inform her pastor, for reasons best known to her. Instead, she intensified her prayers, day and night. On one occasion, after praying for about 3hours, she was very tired and so dozed off. She had a dream where she was told to re-run a scan; after which she must leave Okey's house, to a destination that must not be disclosed to anyone until the promised child was born.

Very early the next morning, Onome went to the hospital, to do as instructed in the dream. The result of the scan shocked even the doctors. They had earlier checked and confirmed that Onome had miscarriage her baby. How then on earth was it possible that the baby was still there, unharmed. "It must be the hand of God" they concluded.

Not minding her condition, Onome packed every damn thing that belonged to her in Okey's house, took a cab and fled to an unknown destination. Luckily for her, Okey wasn't at home

Sleep on my mind 🥴🥴🥴🥴

Sleep on my mind 🥴🥴🥴🥴

My mood, right now. Had a very busy but fruitful day

My mood, right now. Had a very busy but fruitful day

My mood, right now. Had a very busy but fruitful day

Episode 13

Episode 13

Episode 13

"SHE MUST NOT CONCEIVE AGAIN!" thundered THE HIGHEST ONE ( The Leader of THE BROTHERHOOD). "Your Semen, your seed! Your Semen, your seed!" He thundered angrily again, pointing at Okey and then laughing sarcastically, afterwards. 'Your Semen represents all the lives that should come from you. But you have given your seeds to the GREAT OGONOH! Lord of THE BROTHERHOOD, in exchange for wealth and fame.
You've gone too far to look back. Son! There's no going back!" The fearful looking man, paused momentarily.

"I foresee danger," he continued." And I must nip it in the bud. Your wife, Onome, must not take in again. You'll get me her monthly menstrual pad! Note, it must have enough blood on it. That's your new assignment!"
With a tone of finality, The Highest One, turned to face the shrine of The Great OGONOH, raising his both hands and bowing dutifully as to say, ' I have done what you told me'.

Okey was visibly tensed and shaky. He had never for once thought that The Brotherhood would demand something of that sort from him. The most heart-rending was the fact that he was never going to be a father. What then was the essence of his wealth? Who would inherit all he had worked for, when he passed away, eventually?
Oh his poor wife! What would he say to her? How would she feel...? All these thoughts raced through Okey's mind all at once. Okey was in a fix!

Getting his wife's monthly menstrual pad was another arduous task, following the way she disposed of them. She always hid them and burned them up when she was through for the month. She would certainly notice, if any of her pads got missing. She was that careful and calculated.

Poor Onome! She's been busy searching for a solution to her problems. She was sure it wasn't ordinary; only that she couldn't place her fingers on anything, yet.
On one occasion, while scrolling pass some Facebook videos, one particular video caught her attention. It was that of a popular Pastor, ministering healing and deliverance to his congregants, after which, he led to Christ, many who came out at the Altar Call. Onome was one of them though, she connected to them, online. It was a live video.

According to the Pastor, Miracles advertise Jesus the Source but having Jesus Christ in you, makes you to command and secure the miracles. That was exactly what Onome wanted.

Okey noticed the changes in Onome but was scared to confront, challenge or question her new life style. He was all the more scared as he thought that her new found faith might pose a threat to him and THE BROTHERHOOD and whose consequence might ultimately lead to his crash.


Episode 13

"SHE MUST NOT CONCEIVE AGAIN!" thundered THE HIGHEST ONE ( The Leader of THE BROTHERHOOD). "Your Semen, your seed! Your Semen, your seed!" He thundered angrily again, pointing at Okey and then laughing sarcastically, afterwards. 'Your Semen represents all the lives that should come from you. But you have given your seeds to the GREAT OGONOH! Lord of THE BROTHERHOOD, in exchange for wealth and fame.
You've gone too far to look back. Son! There's no going back!" The fearful looking man, paused momentarily.

"I foresee danger," he continued." And I must nip it in the bud. Your wife, Onome, must not take in again. You'll get me her monthly menstrual pad! Note, it must have enough blood on it. That's your new assignment!"
With a tone of finality, The Highest One, turned to face the shrine of The Great OGONOH, raising his both hands and bowing dutifully as to say, ' I have done what you told me'.

Okey was visibly tensed and shaky. He had never for once thought that The Brotherhood would demand something of that sort from him. The most heart-rending was the fact that he was never going to be a father. What then was the essence of his wealth? Who would inherit all he had worked for, when he passed away, eventually?
Oh his poor wife! What would he say to her? How would she feel...? All these thoughts raced through Okey's mind all at once. Okey was in a fix!

Getting his wife's monthly menstrual pad was another arduous task, following the way she disposed of them. She always hid them and burned them up when she was through for the month. She would certainly notice, if any of her pads got missing. She was that careful and calculated.

Poor Onome! She's been busy searching for a solution to her problems. She was sure it wasn't ordinary; only that she couldn't place her fingers on anything, yet.
On one occasion, while scrolling pass some Facebook videos, one particular video caught her attention. It was that of a popular Pastor, ministering healing and deliverance to his congregants, after which, he led to Christ, many who came out at the Altar Call. Onome was one of them though, she connected to them, online. It was a live video.

According to the Pastor, Miracles advertise Jesus the Source but having Jesus Christ in you, makes you to command and secure the miracles. That was exactly what Onome wanted.

Okey noticed the changes in Onome but was scared to confront, challenge or question her new life style. He was all the more scared as he thought that her new found faith might pose a threat to him and THE BROTHERHOOD and whose consequence might ultimately lead to his crash.

Episode 12

Episode 12

Episode 12

After few years, Okey decided to tie the knot with his heart throb, Onome. Onome was calm, soft-spoken and very pretty. She revered Okey so much. For Okey, she was just a complete package. Hence, the decision to marry her.

Five years into the wedding and Onome was yet to conceive and have the baby stay till full term. The longest her pregnancy ever lasted, was, three months; no matter the precautions she took. Onome was growing impatient. She couldn't take it anymore.

On another hand, Okey was beginning to act strange. He was shaving more frequently than he used to. It was either his beards, p***c hairs or the hairs under his armpit. After shaving, he usually wrapped some of them in a tissue and preserved them like some treasure.
Each time Onome questioned Okey about his weird attitude, he always had already made answers that sometimes sounded stupid, scary and a bit meaningful at the same time.

Scarily still, Okey started to have his dinner at midnight. And whenever he ate, he conversed with unseen beings in low tunes, like they were a family, observing breakfast at the dinning.

Okey was gathering serious momentum in THE BROTHERHOOD. Even Solomon who introduced him, began to call him BOSS. He became the second in command. but his LIFE was deteriorating. He was delving into more things than he anticipated, although, he seemed partly to be enjoying it, as he was controlling more wealth and fame than he ever thought he could. The saying; "To whom much is given, much is required" was playing real hard in Okey's life. Although it helped him get just about whatever he wanted at any point in time but it was gradually taking out the humane part of Okey. It's the truth, after all, that, "power corrupts and absolute power, corrupts, absolutely.

Okey's greed grew wings. He always wanted more and was ready to do anything to get whatever he wanted, even if it would cost him blood. But interestingly, THE BROTHERHOOD had no provisions for blood spillage; be it of any sort. That part, at times, gladdened his heart, sometimes when he reflected on how many lives he must have wasted before getting to the level where he was in THE BROTHERHOOD!

THE BROTHERHOOD! MY PROPHECY!!Episode 12After few years, Okey decided to tie the knot with his heart throb, Onome. Onome...

Episode 12

After few years, Okey decided to tie the knot with his heart throb, Onome. Onome was calm, soft-spoken and very pretty. She revered Okey so much. For Okey, she was just a complete package. Hence, the decision to marry her.

Five years into the wedding and Onome was yet to conceive and have the baby stay till full term. The longest her pregnancy ever lasted, was, three months; no matter the precautions she took. Onome was growing impatient. She couldn't take it anymore.

On another hand, Okey was beginning to act strange. He was shaving more frequently than he used to. It was either his beards, p***c hairs or the hairs under his armpit. After shaving, he usually wrapped some of them in a tissue and preserved them like some treasure.
Each time Onome questioned Okey about his weird attitude, he always had already made answers that sometimes sounded stupid, scary and a bit meaningful at the same time.

Scarily still, Okey started to have his dinner at midnight. And whenever he ate, he conversed with unseen beings in low tunes, like they were a family, observing breakfast at the dinning.

Okey was gathering serious momentum in THE BROTHERHOOD. Even Solomon who introduced him, began to call him BOSS. He became the second in command. but his LIFE was deteriorating. He was delving into more things than he anticipated, although, he seemed partly to be enjoying it, as he was controlling more wealth and fame than he ever thought he could. The saying; "To whom much is given, much is required" was playing real hard in Okey's life. Although it helped him get just about whatever he wanted at any point in time but it was gradually taking out the humane part of Okey. It's the truth, after all, that, "power corrupts and absolute power, corrupts, absolutely.

Okey's greed grew wings. He always wanted more and was ready to do anything to get whatever he wanted, even if it would cost him blood. But interestingly, THE BROTHERHOOD had no provisions for blood spillage; be it of any sort. That part, at times, gladdened his heart, sometimes when he reflected on how many lives he must have wasted before getting to the level where he was in THE BROTHERHOOD!


When God created the Heaven and the Earth, the Earth was without form and void.

I think it looks something like this.


Some women and their poor food service Sha...


Episode 11

With his first catch, nothing seemed to change much until Okey donated his semen for the second time, from his in*******se with Uduak, his second catch. And like a dream of the night, Okey became an overnight millionaire.

As more money got pumped into Okey's account, he increased his semen donation. He was beginning to live the life of his dreams.

Okey changed women with quick succession and he enjoyed every bit of it. He doled out good cash to the girls and and they came in their numbers, frolicking around him. They even, shamelessly took numbers.This made Okey go wild with his sexual escapades.

Okwy and Chike learnt of Okey's change of status and then, decided to pay him a visit. Okey treated them to their greatest delight. To him, they were his ViPs, regardless of the difference in financial status between them. They teasingly asked Okey how he managed to step up to that level of financial status within only a short space of time. Okey couldn't give a convincing response. He just drifted back and forth, giving baseless details. Okwy sensed something was amiss.

Okey went to his inner room to get some take home cash for his hustling friends. While he did this, the two visitors quickly shared their thoughts and decided to "chip it in", on their way out. Okey was their friend and they needed to help him, should it be that he had landed on the wrong foot. Definitely, whatever had happen to him would also affect them in some way.

Okey didn't take the words of his two friends seriously. He merely waved them off, assuring then that there was nothing to be afraid of and that he was not into any shady deal as many might think... He promised them that nothing was going to happen to him; or at least, not that soon, except God wanted it that way.

Okey and Chike gladly collected the huge sum if money from Okey and bade him a hearty good-bye. They had never owned that lump sum of money in their lives; ever!

Mama Ejima, back in the village was not left out. She enjoyed her son's wealth; although, at first, she felt odd about the speed with which her son became that wealthy. Okey was able to convince his mom that she had nothing to worry about. By that time, Mama Ejima's health was getting better, just that she blatantly refused to return to the city.

THE BROTHERHOOD! MY PROPHECY!Episode 10Okey stayed for yet another day at Solo's house and left very early the next day,...

Episode 10

Okey stayed for yet another day at Solo's house and left very early the next day, which was a Monday morning. He headed straight for his shop.
" Show me the way na...Cut soap for your brother na" Okey pleaded with Solomon over the phone, repeatedly. Solomon pretended as though he never understood what Okey meant." Which way?" Solo asked, laughing." You know I'm a business man. Na importer I be; nothing more". He had barely completed his statement when Okey sharply interrupted him, with all frankness.
"Guy! I know you too well. Forget this your import and export thing! Abeg show me the way! Cut soap for your brotherman! Shuuu!". Okay then,I don hear. Let's meet at Gucci Lounge, our regular spot, by 7pm, later today".

"Ehen! Now you come! Na my guy you be". Okey thanked him heartily and laughed himself off the phone.

"... I don't do human or animal sacrifice. I know that would be the cheapest thought on your mind"(Solo told Okey, in correct English, for the first time). The only requirement is your semen. Nothing more.
Solo explained to Okey how that if he invested his semen, it would fetch him unbridled wealth, instead of wasting it on ALREADY WASTED GIRLS( like he had been doing in the past) whom he wasn't even ready to marry or make babies with. Solo advised Okey to donate his semen to the brotherhood and amass everlasting wealth in return. And that, the more fun he had with his choice women, the wealthier he would become...
"Bring it in a small container or any piece of clothing, upon which the semen is spilled", Solo concluded.

What a cheap and mouthwatering offer, Okey thought! "The more the fun, the more the money". What a licence to a happier life...He couldn't contain his joy. It sounded too good to be true. Remembering all the girls he had intimate affairs with, that fetched him nothing but heartbreak, he blamed himself for having wasted so much time.
He wouldn't dare miss "this GOLDEN opportunity" that would transform his life and destiny.

To clear his conscience, Okey asked if he was going to be endangering the lives of the girls he slept with and Solo gave him a 200% assurance that both he and the girls he slept with, had nothing to worry about.

Theresa, was Okey's first catch. She was his regular customer who doted on him. One thing led to another and Theresa was on Okey's bed. However, she fled afterwards. She didn't understand why Okey released his semen into a container, instead of otherwise. Though, he gave her reasons but she considered them too flimsy and ran for her dear life before he did any more weird thing. She wasn't going to be used for any blood money ritual.


Episode 9

Unlike everyone used to know 'Solo', he spoke more confidently and re-assuringly. Okey, on the other hand wore a pitiable countenance, unknown to him.
Solomon took Okey round the BIG BOYS CRUISE SPOTS in town, to catch some fun.
They really had a nice time, that day and the beautiful memories never left Okey's mind. He always made reference to them whenever he and Solo hung out.
Solomon claimed itwas his own little way of saying "Thank You" to Okey, for always coming through during their university days.

Okey had never had such refreshing experience, ever, in his life. That was his first and he hoped for more.
However, one fact seemed to bug Okey's mind after he and Solomon parted ways that day. " Solomon was too dull to have made it in life within that short period of time. He was not in any way Okey's match, even aside academics. How could he have amassed so much wealth... within that short period...?" Okey was buried in his own thoughts, again.

Intelligently monitoring Solomon for about one year, Okey still found nothing shady about his dealings. By that time, Solo had gotten a shop for Okey, where he sold those items he formerly sold in traffic.

Occasionally, Solomon gifted Okey some money, just to ensure he was never stranded at any point. But just as the Economist say; 'human needs are insatiable. Okey wanted more. He believed there was certainly more from wherever Solo was getting the money he was fond of gifting him. Okey also believed that if a person as "empty" as Solo could make it, then, he would of a surety, do better.

Once again, Solo invited Okey for an annual Christmas party, hosted by his club members. It was the grandest party Okey had ever witnessed, all his life. The luxury in display was overwhelming and out of this world. "Where have I been, all this while", Okey queried himself. He had just seen a picture of the kind of life he wanted to live.

At least, if he was half as rich as the "poorest" fellow at the party, he could comfortably take care of his mother, who had refused to return to the city.

Quickly, Okey got a hold of himself; dismissed all the distracting thoughts and enjoyed himself while "wasting enjoyment" lasted.

After the party, each man left with a bevy of ladies of his choice, for the night. Okey and Solomon were not left out. Solo picked three girls; two for himself and one for Okey. After everything, they drove home, light- hearted and intoxicated with so much happiness and alcohol.

Thank you Pst. Paul Enenche for promptly doing the needful.Thank you Mrs/ Miss Anyim for forgiving and moving on.But ser...

Thank you Pst. Paul Enenche for promptly doing the needful.
Thank you Mrs/ Miss Anyim for forgiving and moving on.

But seriously, the way Nigerians, especially, become instant judges when the case of a pastor is mentioned, is really hilarious.

Many people castigated Pst Paul Enenche's act and insisted he apologized to Ms Vera. A
Now he has apologized, and someone somewhere is saying that he was looking for the words "sorry" and "apologize" but couldn't find it written in the document published by the church. Instead, they made the apology letter excessively worded, such that a reader wouldn't easily notice that the words "sorry" and "apology" are missing from it. Therefore, it is either that the writer is clever or Pst Paul is fact, too arrogant that he couldn't use simple words like sorry and I apologize...

Haba! Nigerians!!
This is too bad of us. Make una dey fear God oo
I'm sure people wanted the lady in question, to drag Pst Paul and them leave them to finish him up!


Really had a nice time today.
Something like this happened.

Don't border looking for me.
The way you are watching this video, is the exact same way I'm watching it too😜😜😜😜💃💃💃💃


Episode 8

Hello...hello...hello...came the voice on the other end of the phone. Mama Ejima picked up the call and the caller identified himself as Sunday Igwe. "Madam, he had said, are you the mother to any young lady who is on her way to Enugu.

Y...e...e...e...s Y...e...e...e...s", the already anxiety-ridden mother of two twins answered. She was hell-scared. What on earth must have happened again, she thought.

"I'm at 9th Mile, here in Enugu and right in front of me is a fatal accident scene. All the passengers on this bus did not make it except a little boy of say, 7years. I got your number from a phone I picked up here. I assume it belongs to one of the accident victims. She saved your number with "Dearest Mom" and your number was her last dialled number. I repair phones. So, I was able to unlock her phone, just to inform someone on her contact list. I'll advice you come around, if you're not far away, to claim their remains".

The young man waited for the receiver's response but none was forth coming so he ended the call. Mama Ejima had hung up the call when she heard 9th Mile and that there were no survivors from the accident, except a little boy. By this time, she didn't know she had urinated on her body. Her tommy and head, ached profusely. Cold shivers ran down her spine. Could the news be true?
Where was she going to begin from?
All the years and effort put together, to raise her children...the hardship...the ridicule...the pain.
What could quantify her heavy heartedness. She concluded that Life had played a fast one on her. It took all she had and left her almost empty. Was she even sure if the only one she had left(referring to Okey), will remain? What more was there to life if not vanity? Did life hold any more shockers...? Her head was bursting open. The questions on her mind kept pouring... Oh her world...

Mama Ejima developed a heart problem. She was afraid she might join the rest of her family members who were no more. So, she made a request to God. She pleaded with God to keep THE ONLY THING I HAVE LEFT IN THIS WORLD (Okechukwu) for Himself. Let him serve in the house of God, even till forever. It was better for her than death, just casually taking him out like the others. She prayed fervently, as she felt death lurking around her quietly; Let it not be said, Lord, that my entire family was wiped out, especially in the manner they all went, one after another. I'm sure God was listening and willing to grant the dieing woman's wish but will Okechukwu allow God?

Okey's mother's health condition, worsened and friends and neighbors who assisted in donating their widow's mite and taking turns to visit and look after her, started withdrawing, little by little. Okey was left between using the balance of the donation to start financing his Masters Degree programme and using the money for it's actual purpose. Okey felt that obtaining a Masters Degree Certificate will help him stand a better chance of getting meaningful employment to take care of his sick mother.

The poor woman, on the other end, was not getting any better. Her mental health condition was badly affected.
Since her son was not buoyant enough to take care of her, she begged him to take her back to the village, to her aged mother who was very goods with herbs. Probably, the herbs would help to ameliorate her condition. Okey did as she wished

Just before leaving, she prayed heartily for her son and reminded him of the prophecy over him. She begged him to find his way back to Christ. He should not judge God as UNFAITHFUL because of the turn out of events in the family. She also begged him to make sure he visited her, intermittently, to know how she was faring and not just limit their communication to just phone talks. She advised him all she could and bade him a goodbye. She wasn't sure she would see him again. Though, a part of her still remained optimistic.

Ever since his mother returned to her mother's village, Okey was yet to visit her. They only spoke on phone and it appeared she was getting better. Occasionally, he sent little money to her, to take care of little things, pending when he gets more money. All of Okey's effort to make it in life and live meaningfully really proved abortive.

Okey came back to himself to realize that Solomon was motioning for him to get into the car. Solomon wanted them to have a man to man conversation. It might help change things for Okey, he thought. After all, Okey greatly helped him in school, during their university days.

Okey bade his friends goodbye and joined Solomon in his beautiful ride...
..Meanwhile.... This is me, your favourite story teller

True or false

True or false

Just saw and screenshot this. True or false?






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