Let all Secondary school Students, Holiday Coach Masters, Parents and Guardians rejoice as we (©LIGHT) unleash our CBT Practicing Software called (JAMBalance) to enhance knowledge of all Prospective Users and improve the experience of its Users.
JAMBalance Features:
¹ Functioning time control ⏱️
² Assessing Students on four (4) subjects at a go4️⃣📑
³ Easy navigation between questions ☮️
⁴ Easy navigation between Subjects ☮️
⁵ In-built functioning calculator 🖥️
⁶ Attempted questions tracking🔳🟩
⁷ Less cognitive User Experience 🤔
⁸ Tests results display function 💯
⁹ Ability to add new Subjects of choice 🤭
¹⁰ Ability to attach image with questions ☄️
¹¹ Functioning Add, Remove and Edit question Buttons 🖲️
¹² Secured Tests/Exams answers 🛡️
¹³ Less cognitive User interface (User Friendly).🤗
¹⁴ Ability to import already typed questions.
¹⁵ Fully working offline (no data is required to operate).📍
¹⁶ 24/7 full Support from Developer.☎️
Contact +2348156212712 for further enquires.