Coined from Matthew 14.
Jesus had just been told of John's death and burial by his disciples. The sadness he felt was immeasurable. Loneliness wrapped itself around him again. He was quiet for a long time and just wanted to be by himself. John was one of the few humans who understood him. John knew his purpose and didn't see him as "weird" as others did. He had a brother in John and now, John was gone, beheaded at the request of a young girl influenced by her mother.
He took a boat and went to a deserted place. His only comfort was the Father. He needed strength to continue this assignment. The assignment of ransoming humanity from death. He stepped out and saw the crowd that had come seeking him. At the sight of them, he forgot the pain he felt. They were more important. His chest constricted with compassion and love and he longed to relieve them of their troubles. He immediately began to heal the sick among them... Regardless of his pain, the Father's assignment and this people came first....