Mkpese TV

Mkpese TV Mkpese TV is an online platform that showcases African historical and present beauties. As a first I

In the work: "Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for De-colonization and Development with Particular Reference to the...

In the work: "Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for De-colonization and Development with Particular Reference to the African Revolution", Nkrumah draws together strands from the three main traditions that make up the African conscience: the Euro-Christian, the Islamic, and the original African. He characterizes traditional African society as essentially egalitarian, and argues that a new African philosophy must draw its nourishment chiefly from African roots.

The book emphasized that African traditional society should recognise the euro Christian and Islam as experiences of the traditional African society since the principles of the capital society conflicts with our socialist egalitarianism.

Furthermore,consciencism emphasized the emancipation of the African continent and this could be done by the logistic mobilization of our resources and the recognition of our egalitarianism of our society towads the attainment of our intellect. This lead Nkrumah to what he called "intellectual revolution," which meant the directing our thinking and philosophy towards the redemption of our society.

"Philosophical Consciencism" aimed at decolonising Africa and changing the mindset of the African people to make sure that Africans do not replace their indigenous traditions with that of the western culture.This is commendable.

Note: Kwame Nkrumah was an influencial political leader, theorist, socialist and a pan Africanist.

Africa Day is celebrated every year on 25 May. It is an opportunity to celebrate African diversity and success, and to h...

Africa Day is celebrated every year on 25 May. It is an opportunity to celebrate African diversity and success, and to highlight the cultural and economic potential that exists on the African continent.


Negritude, a philosophy which is defined by its originator Senghor as: the whole of the value of civilization - cultural, economic, social and political - which characterise the Negro African world.

Scientifically, the black woman is the only being that possesses the mitochondrial DNA that has all the variations possi...

Scientifically, the black woman is the only being that possesses the mitochondrial DNA that has all the variations possible for every different kind of human person.

The truth is, when the DNA of a black mutated, all other types of human beings came into the existence.

In Essence, it means that all humans originated from a black woman.

The reality of "Black Madonna" in Catholic churches across Europe and Latin America proves the above fact.

The Rwandan genocide occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.So Yesterday, African Union ...

The Rwandan genocide occurred between 7 April and 15 July 1994 during the Rwandan Civil War.

So Yesterday, African Union (AU) commemorated the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

May crimes against humanity in Africa either within or without be subdued by our common sense of brotherhood, solidarity and Unity.


This idea of communal living prevalent in Africa has intrinsic value; it is a product of African humanism which is concerned with the preservation of life because life is Africans' ultimate concern, and that life more meaningfully grows in solidarity with other members of the community. That's why the concept of personhood in Africa is totally different from the western understanding of it.

Personhood in Africa is acquired as one participates in communal life through the discharge of the various moral obligations.


Africa will be great...


Most history written by the West on Africa is a conspiracy against the truth.


An African child read a question in English, think in African language and write an answer in English. Children spend most of their time translating than learning. Through this system, our children have learnt to laugh at one who speaks broken English not to laugh at one who speaks our broken local language. We as parents even boast and take pride that our children speaks good English than our own local language. It's time for our educational system to reinvent the curriculum and teach our children in our own languages not to create teachers who beat students for speaking in their own language. In this way, children learn faster, comprehend things easier.

~ K.V.A Muvavarirwa
Founder & President of Powerful Africa


"The problem with Africa is that those with ideas have no power, and those with power have no idea"

~ Patrice Lumumba


The Ethiopian script of the 4th century AD influenced the writing script of Armenia.

A Russian historian noted that: “Soon after its creation, the Ethiopic vocalised script began to influence the scripts of Armenia and Georgia.

D. A. Olderogge suggested that Mesrop Mashtotz used the vocalised Ethiopic script when he invented the Armenian alphabet.”

Jesus Christ is believed to have spoken and written in Armenia.


African philosophy is the philosophical discourse produced in Africa or by indigenous Africans. African philosophy can be formally defined as a critical thinking by Africans on their experiences of reality.


"Its time we celebrate ourselves and own our time as Afrikans... our own holidays and calendars to celebrate our own time."

~Maponga Joshua III


Difference between occupation and colonization

Japan occupied China. China was not colonized by Japan.

Germany occupied France. France was not colonized by Germany.

Finland was occupied but not colonized.

Ghana is colonized but not occupied. Nigeria the same.

Occupation is military and physical. The presence of the foreign forces are necessary.
It might be the first step for a colonization.
Colonization is when the indigenous people start giving the name of the colonizers to their kids and start speaking the language of their aggressors, preferring the foreigners culture to their own.

Colonization is an ideological occupation where the aggressor succeed to erase local culture and replace its main components by its own.

An African with an Arab name or a European name is signaling to the world that he or she is colonized and descendants of colonized parents.

Some Africans are proud to be colonized and wear with honor all the signs of their colonization.

More Africans thinks Arab colonization and European colonization of Africa is good for them and would fight to defend their colonization heritage.

For the rest of us, we want African decolonization and renaissance, reviving our traditions and heritage.

~Mawuna Kontonin


Family in Africa is characterized by persons, unborn, living, or deceased, who are related to each other or may become related to each other through direct blood and ancestral affinity. It is not like the western concept of father, mother and children. It goes beyond the physical. It comprises the past, the present and the future.


Our dialects are slowly ebbing into extinction and we are not aware.
I'm not advocating the discontinuation of the use of borrowed languages and traditions, rather, I'm positing that we should not allow something borrowed to take the place of our own, it should not make us ashamed of our own.
Today, the common trend sadly, is that the use of our indigenous languages have been made a taboo by so many persons.
Our dialects are given downgrading descriptions.
Parents warn their children never to use vernacular whether in school or at home.

They are prohibited from speaking vernacular, they only learn the language in class without an opportunity to practice its use.
Anyone who uses the language and probably speaks fluently is tagged local and uncivilized.
How did we get here, mbok?
Sometimes, you might meet someone from your tribe in a foreign land, you greet the person in your mother tongue and he or she simply replies "hi". Every attempt at a conversation meets a response in English.

Who did this to us?
Sad to observe that many of the younger generation do not understand not to mention knowing how to speak their mother tongues.
How would the language be communicated to the generations to come?
Our languages are ebbing slowly into extinction and if no one stops the trend, if nothing is done about it, our identity as a people may be made history.
As we speak, learn and teach our children the Whiteman's language, let's not forget to promote our indigenous languages too.
We should not be ashamed of our identity as a people.
The people we emulate are proud of theirs, let's celebrate ours.

~ Eunice Ukim

All the FIFA World Cup balls going to be used for the tournament in Qatar are made in Egypt.Incredible!

All the FIFA World Cup balls going to be used for the tournament in Qatar are made in Egypt.


For the first time in history, all five African teams participating in the FIFA World Cup will have African Coaches. All...

For the first time in history, all five African teams participating in the FIFA World Cup will have African Coaches.

All the best, brothers ✊🏿🇸🇳🇨🇲🇬🇭🇹🇳🇲🇦



There Are 54 Countries In Africa. Out of Those 54. Not Even one Country Is developed. Not Even one Country Is Powerful. Not Even One Country Has A Government System that Is Not Influenced By Europe & America. All Countries in Africa are kept in a state of arrested development because if Africa can wake up. If Africans can control their own resources. All these other economies will collapse because they depend on exploiting us. The reason why Gadaffi was killed is because he wanted to create an African bank with one currency. We would trade our Gold amongst each other. Obviously this was never going to be allowed to happen because Africa needs to stay poor for everyone else to stay rich. Keeping Africa poor is the main thing. That's why real leaders are removed and puppets are put in positions of power.

~ Roland Hosking


In 2022 you celebrated Halloween. But you don’t celebrate your village New Yam festival because it is fe**sh. Do you not see what you have done to yourself? Your inferiority complex makes you accept Western paganism and makes you reject beneficial African customs! How is your New Yam festival different from the Harvest festivals you read about in Scripture? From whom did the Moses who taught the children of Israel these practices learn it from? Read Numbers 12:1. He was married to a Black African. Read Exodus 18:24. Her Black father was Moses’s mentor. May God deliver my people from inferiority complex!

~ Reno Omokri

The  below photo is the official Qatar World Cup 2022 Emblem.The emblem was released at exactly 20:22 local time on 03 S...

The below photo is the official Qatar World Cup 2022 Emblem.

The emblem was released at exactly 20:22 local time on 03 September 2019, which is the exact time Qatar gained independence from the British. "It has been inspired by the culture and landscape of the Arabs".

However, Ghana, Senegal, Tunisia, Cameroon, and Morocco are the teams ready to represent the African region at the 2022 World Cup finals in Qatar next month.

Can an African team reach the World Cup 2022 semi-finals?


"Our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our nation"

~ Nelson Mandela


The United Arab Emirates(UAE) has announced a visa ban on nationalities from 20 African countries seeking to visit Dubai. Countries affected include Ghana, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, Liberia, Burundi, Republic of Guinea, Gambia, Togo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Benin, Ivory Coast, Congo, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, and Comoros. The ban takes immediate effect.

This ban should be a wake up call to all African leaders.

Today, Africa celebrates Africa Human Rights Day.African Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on 21 October to commem...

Today, Africa celebrates Africa Human Rights Day.

African Human Rights Day is celebrated annually on 21 October to commemorate the day that the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights came into effect on 21 October 1986.

Today, Mkpese TV suggest that African governments should adopt stronger measures to protect Africans from practices that violate their rights.

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I ...

Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It is often described as reminding us that 'I am what I am because of who we all are'.


This is Mogaji Wole Arisekola's Eye witness account at the just concluded UN General Assembly, New York, United States.

According to him, African leaders are the richest in the world.

They arrived at UN in New York each in a convoy of over 20 powerful vehicles hired from American car hire companies.

Mogaji, was shocked to see European leaders arriving at UN for the UN General Assembly in small cars and some arriving as a group of European leaders in Coasters..

The Prime Minister of UK arrived in a small car with the Prime Minister of Norway while Prime Minister of Italy arrived in same small car with prime Minister of Luxembourg one of the wealthiest economies.

The Germany chancellor arrived in a Mercedes benz with Prime Minister of sweden and prime Minister of Denmark, and three of them were sleeping at a budget hotel in Manhattan.

African leaders took over very expensive hotels in lower Manhattan which is the headquarters of the Wall Street and the most expensive area in Manhattan borough.

Each African leader was staying in a separate five star hotel with his delegation of politicians from his country. The African leaders plus their entourage were buying expensive items in New York.

Prime Minister of Israel was lodged in a budget office far away in Queens borough of New York while Dutch Prime Minister was in the same budget hotel with Prime Minister of Malta and President of Czech Republic which are highly developed nations.

The Prime Minister of Slovakia was booked in Harlem in New York in a budget office together with leaders from Jordan.

The most shocking part of it is that African leaders took over at least 39 five star hotels in New York, the same Africa leaders are engaging European leaders asking for help to increase financial support to respective African nations.

The African leaders in New York according to him, are in pomp and proving how rich they are.

We certainly have a problem of leadership in Africa.

Africa is a huge continent with a diversity of cultures and languages. Africa is not simple – often people want to simpl...

Africa is a huge continent with a diversity of cultures and languages. Africa is not simple – often people want to simplify it, generalize it, stereotype its people, but Africa is very complex. The world is just starting to get to know Africa. The last five hundred years of European contact with Africa produced a body of literature that presented Africa in a very bad light, and now the time has come for Africans to tell their own stories.

This is really what I personally want to see – writers from all over Africa contributing to a definition of themselves, writing ourselves and our stories into history. One of the greatest things literature does is allow us to imagine; to identify with situations and people who live in completely different circumstances, in countries all over the world.

Storytelling is a creative component of human experience and in order to share our experiences with the world, we as Africans need to recognize the importance of our own stories.

~ Chinua Achebe, 2009.

We are a people of identity. A people of great cultural heritage. We are a people that have braved the storms of the tim...

We are a people of identity. A people of great cultural heritage. We are a people that have braved the storms of the times and have made our mark throughout history. Our survival; our story comes from a time where we would rely on signs and sounds to dictate and direct our moves and actions.

That is why the _òpì_ is about the most remarkable instrument in our disposal. The sounds made from it could signal a call to arms for war; it could signal the break of dawn; a meeting, and so on. Its sound was so significant that the destiny of men came to be shaped by the type of sound made from the it.

A message was not fully conveyed unless the specific sound required to convey same was passed with the _òpì_. As an instrument that directed the path of men, it causes one to reflect about a time when man's actions and inactions were as a result of a common sound.

The sounds may have been more or less an instrument of control, but through them, the age of men came to be defined, and their destinies completely shaped!

© .joachim

The colour of skin defines people's cultural identity. This provoking statement summarizes Frantz Fanon's key message of...

The colour of skin defines people's cultural identity. This provoking statement summarizes Frantz Fanon's key message of his book 'Black Skin, White Masks'. The book addresses how non-white people are judged and culturally identified based only on the colour of their skin.

The colonial culture has left an impression on Africans to believe that "whiteness is virtue and beauty" and that Africans can in turn "save their race by making themselves whiter."

This book was articulated to help Africans liberate themselves from such mindset.


History should be taught in every African secondary school.


Ancestors in African ontology are those who once lived in human society and, having fulfilled certain conditions, are now in the realm of the spirits.

The truth is, one becomes an ancestor by living and dying in a particular way. In African religion, to become an ancestor, one must have lived an exemplary life, shown devotion to one’s own ancestors, respected the elders, and had children.

Among various ethnic groups within Africa, to become an ancestor, one must have died a good death, that is, one’s death must not have been by su***de, accident, or other forms of violence, with the possible exception of heroic deaths on the battlefield.

In most societies, those dying of epilepsy, leprosy, and lunacy cannot be considered candidates for ancestorhood.

African idea of an ancestor is the with the Christian's faith in sainthood.

[Encyclopaedia of African Religion]


I see globalisation as a process, by which one standard is set as a model for others to follow. For me, It is a wonderful idea but at the expense of Africa because her most cherished standards and values have been eroded or distorted through it – since globalization creates monoculture and thus threatens the very idea of African civilization.

This is one of the reasons globalization needs reform because it often functions as a Western imperialism; rather than embracing African civilization for mutual interbreeding of cultures Westernization is invoked

Below are great African historical books articulated by Africans  aimed at not only liberating Africa from imperialism b...

Below are great African historical books articulated by Africans aimed at not only liberating Africa from imperialism but also aims at strengthening Africa's development.

Pick one today and read to liberate your mind.


Africa have succeeded in perpetuating the colonial economic models that's keeping us in the extractive stage and in 'exports of low-value primary products', while factories, industries and jobs are created in Europe and elsewhere.

The need to reject these hegemonic economic models is necessary as it's against development in Africa.

In 1958, Nigeria's🇳🇬 Chinua Achebe wrote his first novel book "Things Fall Apart" at the age of 28, which has sold over ...

In 1958, Nigeria's🇳🇬 Chinua Achebe wrote his first novel book "Things Fall Apart" at the age of 28, which has sold over 20 million copies and has been translated to over 50 languages.

• It was ranked as one of the Greatest Books Ever Written in a list by Encyclopedia. Brittanica in 2018.

• It was on number 5 on BBC's 100 Stories That Shaped The World.

• It was also among the 100 books that were featured on the TV series, The Great American Read.

• In 2011, Chinua Achebe forced 50 Cent to rename his forthcoming new movie "Things Fall Apart". He was contacted by Achebe's legal team that he couldn't use the title. Even when he offered Achebe $1 million dollars, Achebe felt insulted and rejected the money. 50 Cent later re-named his movie "All Things Fall Apart".

Rest in peace legend.


Though, the colonial education had a different purpose. It was not designed to prepare young Africans for the service of their own country; instead, it was motivated by a desire to inculcate the values of the colonial society and to train individuals for the service of the colonial state.

For example, I was taught in my primary school that the Scottish explorer: Mungo Park discovered the River Niger in Nigeria. Chike Ezeanya-Esiobu, will argue thus: “and so this Western ideology attached to every discovery and invention bordered me to thinking about my great-great-grandparents who grew up quite close to the edge of the river. And it took someone to travel thousands of miles from Europe to discover a river right under their noise”?

As seen above, therefore, one can argue that colonial education in Africa was therefore not transmitting the values and knowledge of African society from one generation to the next; rather “it was a deliberate attempt to change those values and to replace traditional knowledge by the knowledge from a different society”.


" A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, culture is like a tree without roots".
- Marcus Garvey






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