I want to Start my own Brand Business But I don't know How to.
An attendee of the first edition of BTRW sent me this : 👆
And I felt the need to expatiate this once and for all😊.
I mention this a lot, mostly in closed, One-On-One sessions with my clients🧩.
Branding and Business are not the same thing, they only have ways of completing each other🤝.
Branding is the Continuous Process of Creating an Identity like no other, which is in fact sub-divided into a Personal and a Business Brand.
An Identity that aligns with who You are as a Person, Your Beliefs and your Unique qualities🤩(Personal Brand).
👨💻An Identity that's built based on your personal Brand but tailored to build a Business,
Here's where you create a unique perception of yourself, product / service and convince customers to buy from you and not ### others🤑(Business Brand ).
But then, before embarking on building either,
📌Seek Knowledge.
-Be in the Know of what it entails,
-How it is Done (Technical Knowledge).
-The Challenges that come with it.
-Precedessors note, (Recounted mistakes and the Way out).
📌 Select a Niche / Audience
-This also requires a lot of Research.
-Determine the audience you want to work with.
-Note down their pain points
-Work on Overcoming their objections
📌Competitors Galore
-Determine who your Competitors are
-What things do they do differently?
-What things can you do to make a difference.
And the list goes on.
In essence, People are emotional by nature and thus, buy your personality above anything else🥰.
🥳And that is why a successful brand is built on a personal Brand.
It serves as the fuel for your business brand because🧡 :
People Buy You before buying your product - Ibn Zakariyyah