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He Lives & Still God Gospel Teaching and learning God's words among brethrens


The sad truth is.
Being nice doesn't get you loved.
In most cases, It gets you used.

THE BURDEN IS HEAVY😤😤😥😤😫😫Many at times, i feel like keeping quiet but when Ezekiel 2:1-10 happens I have no choice...The...

Many at times, i feel like keeping quiet but when Ezekiel 2:1-10 happens I have no choice...
The level my generation is using God to feed their lust is alarming.

My generation organized crusades to demonstrate their gifts, how mighty and powerful they are at the detriment of soul winning, kai😫😥😤😢
We invite people to our churches to increase number, we condemn other denominations to sn**ch their members, we glorify our uniqueness and downplay others...
You see many nice tongue talking preachers advertising self in a meeting that was supposed to be purely evangelical.

We invite potential kingdom ambassadors but we end up chasing the away by talking about how we are holy and others are sinful and hated by God.

We advertise our hard work as the reason God is using us.

We labour for this oil to drop on our heads. Yes aah, those days..

In my generation, we win souls for God to pay us....

We do arms for men to applaud us, we evangelized to mark a register.
We pray to give impressions.

I wonder what men of old like Ezekiel, Daniel, Jeremiah etc who singlehandedly conquered kingdoms would have done if they were in my generation....

We need to be careful lest we become like Nebuchadnezzar the great king of Babylon.

God help my heart.
Help my generation of Camera good Samaritans..

My generation had clearly said many of us are not needed in your kingdom because we are not polished by any standard, no expensive suites, no certificates, no intelligence, no self-Holiness.

We didn't come from Pastor-pastor backgrounds.
But we know you are still the same God that qualified men like Isaiah, Abraham etc and you will help me and many others in my category.

We have no need to be popular because we have done evil before men.
We have no message, the only message we have is you, Jesus Christ and how you helped us to become...for the sake of those soul's out there. We can't help ourselves. Use us for your Glory.
We know we are nothing but instruments in your kingdom, only by your mercy that we are now your children.
Let us not glorify ourselves above you.


32nd Week in Ordinary TimeREAD: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”  Luke 18:8bMEDITATE: This is a...

32nd Week in Ordinary Time

READ: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?” Luke 18:8b

MEDITATE: This is a good and interesting question that Jesus poses. He poses it to each one of us and asks us to answer it in a personal way. The answer is contingent upon whether or not we each have faith in our hearts.

So what is your answer to Jesus? Presumably the answer is “Yes.” But it’s not just a yes or no answer. It’s hopefully a “yes” that continually grows in depth and certitude.

What is faith? Faith is a response from each one of us to God speaking in our hearts. In order to have faith we must first listen to God speak. We must let Him reveal Himself to us within the depths of our conscience. And when He does this, we manifest faith by responding to all that He reveals. We enter into a belief in His Word spoken to us and it is this act of believing that changes us and forms faith within us.

Faith is not just believing. It’s believing in what God speaks to us. It’s the belief in His very Word and in His very Person. Interestingly, when we do enter into the gift of faith, we grow in a certainty about God and all He says to a radical degree. That certainty is what God is looking for in our life and will be the answer to His question above.

CONTEMPLATE: Upon how authentic and how certain your faith is. Reflect upon Jesus asking you this question. Will He find faith in your heart? Let your “Yes” to Him grow and commit yourself to a deeper embrace of all that He reveals to you each and every day. Don’t be afraid to seek out His voice so that you can say “Yes” to all He reveals.

PRAY: Lord, I desire to grow in faith. I desire to grow in my love and in my knowledge of You. May faith be alive in my life and may You find that faith as a precious gift I offer to You.

A blessed Saturday morning to you!



Even if you are married to the best spouse in the whole world,
if you do not guard your heart, you may end up "falling in love"
with someone aside your spouse and eventually ruin your
No one gets married and plans to have affair but lots of
married men and women are into affairs today because they
slept when they should have been wide awake with their five
senses alert.

1. Don't be too friendly with the opposite s*x.
This is where lots of married people land in trouble.
Over spirituality and pride will destroy your marriage!
You can't handle close
friendship with the opposite s*x as a married person. Your
heart is involved.
Set boundaries.
Be disciplined.
Be cordial.
Be respectful.
Be godly.
Be holy.

2. Don't share your personal problems with an opposite s*x
It will bond you together. Problems bond people.

3. Don't contact any opposite s*x you are fond of.
If you secretly admire them, you are fond of them and there is a
tingling in your heart at the mere thought of them, don't

4. Avoid unnecessary eye contact that lingers with the
opposite s*x.

5. Don't tell an opposite s*x you are romantic or s*xy.
That private information is for your spouse only.

6. Avoid discussions with the opposite s*x when you are tired,
very sad, depressed, sorrowful, drowsy, sleepy or very sick.
This can cloud your judgment and make you say silly things.
Talk to your husband/wife instead.

7. Avoid unnecessary compliment of the opposite s*x.

8. Stop saying "I love you" to the opposite s*x.
For what?

9. Work on your Marriage. Keep the fire of love and romance
alive in your Marriage.

10. Protect your Family.
Don't share your marital problems with your opposite s*x friend.
It will bond you.

11. Never flirt with the opposite s*x.

12. Mind the pictures you post on social media. Limit pictures that show your curves or portray you as s*xy.

13. Do not contact all your EX after marriage.

14. Don't chat with the opposite s

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You need to learn to tolerate people even if they make you feel inadequate because you may not find another person that will accept and love you the way you are. Have you forgotten how they treated you in your past relationships?

Now that you have someone who keeps you company and erases the single status from your name, will you not bear it even if they are toxic?

They lied to you👆

Who lied to you that you won't find love in perfection, who deceived you that nobody will love and value you for who you are without causing you pain? Every day you keep ignoring that red flag because you lack the courage to let go.

You have even opened your nakedness just to please her, oh Dear king, your Queen longs to meet and honor you for who you are. Why become a slave to your own emotion and call it love? You have now reduced your value to zero because they told you a lie that you won't find anyone better than her.

Enough of tolerating toxic relationships, there is always a better person out there waiting for us but we are too afraid of letting go. Let go before it destroys your entire being.

My Dear lady, what will you tell your unborn children? Will you tell them that you choose a toxic man because you battled with insecurities? A virtuous woman does not tolerate insecure men because they know their worth. They understand that their relevance is not in a man.

To the healing heart, take your time to heal until you are strong enough to love again, and don't buy the lies of the world, there is a perfect lover for you, when the time is right, God himself will unite both of you together.🥰
I wish you well.

My writing and spoken word training begins this week Wednesday, to participate in the training, check my cover image for details.

Superwoman inspired by the holy ghost✍️
I'm an exceptional writer.
The purpose-driven woman
A nurse and more.😊


Proverbs 21:18 The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright.


✝ 2 Timothy 2:22

"Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart."

The more we follow that which is good, the faster and the further we shall flee from that which is evil. The keeping up the communion of saints, will take us from fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness. See how often the apostle cautions against disputes in religion; which surely shows that religion consists more in believing and practising what God requires, than in subtle disputes. Those are unapt to teach, who are apt to strive, and are fierce and froward. Teaching, not persecution, is the Scripture method of dealing with those in error. The same God who gives the discovery of the truth, by his grace brings us to acknowledge it, otherwise our hearts would continue to rebel against it. There is no "peradventure,"in respect of God's pardoning those who do repent; but we cannot tell that he will give repentance to those who oppose his will. Sinners are taken in a snare, and in the worst snare, because it is the devil's; they are slaves to him. And if any long for deliverance, let them remember they never can escape, except by repentance, which is the gift of God; and we must ask it of him by earnest, persevering prayer.




And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things_ (Romans 10:15, KJV)

The Almighty God sent His disciples out in Luke 10:1-6 to preach in households. He gave them so much power just to preach to families - not to organise crusades. He gave them power to preach to households because no platform where you can preach to people is small at all. As long as there is one person to listen to the gospel of the Lord, that platform is big.

In John 4:6-30, Jesus preached to only one woman. It was in the course of that conversation that He gave the powerful revelation that,_"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). While many may have regarded preaching to just one person as a small platform, Jesus Christ said preaching to her was His meat (John 4:32-34).

It may have been a small Church, it may have been situated in a rural area, but as long as there was someone, just one person there that I could lead to Christ, I gladly went there to preach. In the Bible reading for today, Jesus concentrated a lot of effort into winning that woman's soul and she brought the whole city to Him. That little gathering that seems like a small platform probably has the next Adeboye in it. I am a village boy from Ifewara. However, from that small village, God won one soul to Himself and that one soul is now bringing millions of souls to His Kingdom. Never underestimate any opportunity to win a soul. Every platform given to you to preach the word of God is big!

How many people do you have following you on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and so on?
How many email addresses and phone numbers do you have on your contact list? All these are great platforms through which you can reach people for the Lord. The next Billy Graham may be on one of these platforms of yours.


What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
Grace is there to overpower and overcome sin in our lives. This does not mean that we continue sinning so that "there will be more grace". That is a very unwise way of thinking. We should strive to live out God's will for our lives, whilst submitting ourselves to the grace that changes us. We should never delight in sinning it does not glorify God.
Dear God, I avail myself to the grace that you have made readily available for me, through your son Jesus Christ. May I never take it for granted and as a license to continue in sin. For in Jesus name. Amen


Although we pray the Lord's Prayer, it was given as an example of how to pray. Think about what it says. We should begin our prayers by praising God and giving glory to his name. We let him know how important it is for him to reign over both heaven and earth, and that his will be followed as faithfully here as in heaven. Once we have praised God and his plan, we can ask God to fulfill our needs. We also ask God to forgive us and we promise to forgive others. We recognize that temptation is all around us and that sometimes we fail to do the right thing and so we ask God to watch over us and protect us from evil. Have you ever tried to follow the format of the Lord's Prayer and write your own? I once was working with a group of adults and asked them to write their own as an assignment. I challenge you to write yours. You might be surprised at what you learn about yourself and what you believe about both God and prayer. Too often, I believe that we skip right to the list of requests, prayers of petitions for our own needs and the needs of others, without taking the time to praise him first. We might pray for forgiveness, but do we really mean that we will forgive those who sin against us? How many times have we prayed that God help us avoid temptation? Although I am sure that when we get into a mess, we ask for deliverance! Let us learn to pray as Jesus taught us.
Lord Jesus, help us to learn your ways. Amen


How to allow the Holy Spirit to Intercede on our behalf.
Have you ever tried to pray but couldn't find the words? Or, perhaps you wanted to pray but you didn't know what to pray for.
We can all run into these issues. At other times, we might be trying to decide which college to attend, which job to take. All of these decisions will have an impact on our lives. Perhaps it is a question of marriage, whether to keep in one that is toxic, or to seek help for one that we feel can be healed. Perhaps someone has asked us to pray for them and we don't really know what they need; again, we ask for the intercession of the Spirit to intercede on their behalf.
We might get upset at what God chooses, but we aren't God and so we're not in control. Just think of your favorite sports team in a big game. We pray with all our might that our team will win, but do we ever think that the other team has just as many people praying for them? This is not to make light of a very important subject, but is meant as an illustration that God's will is not always in sync with ours. We need to trust that God's will is best. After all, that's what we pray for in the Lord's prayer. We ask that God's will be done, not ours.
Loving God, may you help us to trust you enough to understand that your decision for our life's is always the best. For in Jesus name we pray. Amen


In my personal experience with God, I have come to realize that whenever God want to use a person, he will invite the devil to Interview (Tempt) you in line with the field he want to use you in.
Many have remained on the same level because they are always afraid of the temptations.
1. Jesus Christ of Nazareth
2. Abraham with childlessness
3. Saul later known as Apostle Paul
4. Job with Lost of everything
5. Joseph with Slavery to become King and Savior
6. David with wild animals to be a mightier warrior and King
7. Jeremiah with Death threat
And the list continue.
Could it be that, the difficult time you are going through is a test to another wonderful level of your life????
It's not every bad incident in our lives is occasioned by the devil to destroy you.
May you not miss call will upon your life because of fear of the unknown in Jesus name.


You must be determined to succeed if you want to fulfill your glorius destiny. Determination is unbendedness in pursuit. It means you don't give up untill you see the actualization of your expectation.

Many people are too fearful to do anything significant.
Determination requires courage; you need a Lion's heart if you must be great. Determined people don't weep for too long. If they go through something, they get up, learn from it and fire on.

Watch the full sermon 'Keys to Destiny Fulfillment' on our YouTube page at Koinonia Global.


Jesus does tell us that we need to pick up our crosses and carry them. We just don't like to think about that. We also don't like to think about obeying the will of God! Just as with human children, we don't like to obey the rules. Jesus obeyed the will of God to the end. He is our model of how God's children should act.
God loves us unconditionally, he wants us to be with him in glory, and is willing to help us when we call upon him. He will help us carry our crosses, he will comfort us in times of trouble and he will be there to welcome us into the Kingdom.


May you find favor in the sight of the Lord on that issue today, in Jesus name.


Proverbs 6:24
They'll protect you from wanton women,
from the seductive talk of some temptress.
Don't lustfully fantasize on her beauty,
nor be taken in by her bedroom eyes.
You can buy an hour with a w***e for a loaf of bread,
but a wanton woman may well eat you alive.
Can you build a fire in your lap
and not burn your pants?
Can you walk barefoot on hot coals
and not get blisters?
It's the same when you have s*x with your neighbor's wife:
Touch her and you'll pay for it. No excuses.
Hunger is no excuse
for a thief to steal;
When he's caught he has to pay it back,
even if he has to put his whole house in hock.
Adultery is a brainless act,
soul-destroying, self-destructive;
Expect a bloody nose, a black eye,
and a reputation ruined for good.
For jealousy detonates rage in a cheated husband;
wild for revenge, he won't make allowances.
Nothing you say or pay will make it all right;
neither bribes nor reason will satisfy him.


Today if any Of my family and loved ones dies, I will cry if he/she never get to this point in the life time where they believe in this Bible verse.
"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Corinthians 15:55)
It will come to a point where we will taunt death because it will no longer have any power of us. That is something we can truly look forward to. Death is a consequence of sin, this was set from the Fall of Man. But when that day comes, of Christ's return, death will lose all of its power and it will no longer have a say in our lives.
Dear God, I thank you for the time that is coming when we will be able to look at death and laugh because there is nothing it will be able to do to us. Lord, this will be a glorious day and my heart eagerly awaits it.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Good morning family.
May God take away that stone before your destiny today in Jesus name.


Since we all are online let's gossip about Jesus... I heard he is the king of Kings.💓🙏


“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” - (Philippians 1:21)

READ: Romans 8:35-39 (KJV)

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


An evangelist travelled to a village with the sole aim of winning souls into the Kingdom of God. His mission was very successful and many of the villagers gave their lives to Christ. After spending some months with them, he decided to go to the next village to win souls too. The villagers told him that there were lions between both villages, and if anyone ever tried to cross from one to the other, the lions would eat him up. The evangelist, however, insisted on going to the next village to preach. When it seemed as if he would not back down, one of the villagers decided that he would go ahead of him so that the lions could eat him and then be too filled up to eat the evangelist as he crossed over to the other village to preach. That villager was completely sold out to God. He was sold out to the point of being willing to lay down his life for the gospel to be preached to sinners. Are you sold out to Christ? John 12:25 says “He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal”.







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