A detachment of soldiers with weapons and anger written on their faces came to meet him. And he asked them, "Who do you want ?" They replied ,"Jesus of Nazareth." Then in his usual, soft, gentle, voice, he said, " I am he." Suddenly they drew back and fell down, dropping their weapons. Without any one pushing or harassing them. Definitely an unseen Power must have been responsible for this.
As he stood in front of them, looking downward at them, he asked them again," I said who do you want?" The soldiers still on the ground, as if they were serving, punishment. Motionless, shivering and shaking, they managed to stammer out, "Je s..u..s.. of Na..za..reth". And Jesus said to them, "if you are looking for me, then let these men go away." Then Peter full of zeal, reached out for his sword and cut off the right ear of Malchus, the servant of the high priest. And immediately the Lord told him to return his sword. "Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?"(Matt26:53KJV). And he immediately healed the ear of the man.
One thing, that was dramatic and interesting, here, was that during these 'waiting sessions' of questioning and answering, the soldiers remained seated on the ground. It was as if they had been hand-curved.
Of course prior to that time, Jesus had repeatedly said, " .... I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down, of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again..."(John10:17&18).
Wait a minute! What stopped him from making the soldiers blind? What stopped him from making them to start shooting themselves? But he didn't do that. He just wanted to prove his Lordship and supremacy. So the soldiers stepped backwards and fell down to the ground under Divine Authority. Halleluyah! "...as soon as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward and fell to the ground." (John18:6KJV).
And so he surrendered himself to be arrested, and he told them to allow his disciples to go. It was then their senses came back. And they arrested him. Took him to Caiaphas. Peter and one other disciple followed them. At the Palace of the high priest, a young lady saw Peter stands at the door, and asked, " Are you not one of his disciples? "No, no, no, I am not", he denied.This is not surprising anyway, because the Lord had told him, he would deny him three times before the c**k crowd. Peter even swore and cursed, himself that he never knew Jesus. (Matt26:69-74,John18:25-26).
Many of us are like Peter today. We deny our Lord. In word, attitude and action, we deny him. When we sin and disobey him, the Bible says, we re-crucify him. And we give Satan the opportunity to mock him. "See the people you died for"... Satan would say. Is it not pathetic?
So, after his trials and was found not guilty, he was still sentenced to death, so that prophecy can be fulfilled. So he was handed over to be crucified. But before crucifixion, they did many unspeakable things against this King of kings. The soldiers who had initially, lost their dignity and senses, those whom he would have destroyed, but did not because of our salvation now slapped him. They pushed and punched him. They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him. Put a crown of thorns on his head. Hunmm..the Crown of Glory then became the crown of Agony. Blood dripped and flowed from his head, down to his face, cheeks and then down to his body. Oh.... they mocked the King of Glory. Spat on him and took the staff and hit him on the head, again... and again..and... again. (Matt26:27-30).
Then they nailed his hands and feet to the Cross. Imagine the pains and agony! They pierced his side body with a spear. Flesh came out as they pulled out the spear, making blood and water to gush out. It is indescribable.
On the cross, they roared at him, " he saved others, let him save himself now." Two Robbers were crucified with him. One of them, joined the mockers to mock him. He said, " if you are the child of God, save yourself and save us too". But the second one, rebuked him and replied, " You know we are being punished for our own sins. But this man is innocent. He is a righteous man. " Please Jesus remember me in your Father's Kingdom" he pleaded. "Today, you will be with me in Paradise" the Lord replied.
Dear friend, if a robber could be pardoned and got saved on such occasion, what can God not do for you, even in your critical condition?
And while, the people were still mocking him, he was busy praying for them, " Father, forgive them. For they know not what they are doing" And soon, the hour came. And after suffering further pains, the KING of Glory said, "It is FINISHED. And he died. If the Lord had done all these for you, why don't you give him a place in your heart by accepting him as your Lord and savior today. God bless you as you take this giant step!