

As Christians we should always keep in mind that we could face persecution, mockery, beatings, isolation, and attacks for being advocates of the gospel. But we should also remember that these moments of affliction will never gain any comparison to the glory of what is to come on the day of the Resurrection, where we will receive new glorious bodies, free from infirmities and sin. It is because of this, we gladly go through all we go through, because we know that everything we face on this earth is temporary.


Jesus chose a despised publican (tax collector working for the Romans to tax his own people) to be among the ranks of his 12 disciples. Jesus made himself a friend of publicans and sinners and welcomed all who would turn from sin and follow him. With one simple command, "Follow me! , " Christ took Levi (Matthew) for his disciple.


In the victorious name of the Lord Almighty I declare upon your life this TUESDAY 19th of December 2023 that in the remaining days to end this year you will not end in penury, disgrace, disappointed and poverty. Your good dreams shall not be crushed. Every individual or group working contrary against your goodness shall meet their Waterloo. Jehovah God shall disappoint every power of darkness ministering against your health, finances, family and blessings. Any power of death or
destruction awaiting your cross over to the next Year shall be consumed by the 🔥 fire of holy ghost. Whoever is unhappy with your next level of success or achievements in the remaining days to end this year shall go missing. Every opposing voice to your breakthrough shall remain muted. In the remaining days to end this year you shall enter into your promising land and possess your possessions in Jesus Christ strong name. Good morning and breakthrough TuesDay.


There are other Psalms that speak of praying to God morning, noon, and night. And we know we can pray and be heard at any time of day. There is not magic in morning prayers. But the special value in them is this: that we begin the day aright, looking up to you for guidance, getting our hearts in tune with you from the very start of each day.


The secret place of the Most High God, is found in Jesus Christ. To the men of the old, the plan of Christ to come was a mystery. But we, who are in the new covenant, no longer behold mysteries because God has revealed everything to us. We dwell in Christ and in Him we are protected from the devices of the enemy.


I pray for you and your household today Thursday 14 Dec 2023 that the hand of divine breakthrough will touch you and the help that your desire, you shall get it in the remaining day to end this year.the Lord will arise and settle you with all outstanding . you shall have no more sorrow,pain and hardship in the remaining days to this year ending.your joy and happiness will not be hindered, people will congratulate and rejoice with you.
Surprisingly, you shall possess your possession.good morning, do have a great thursday.thanks


I decree upon your life this Thursday 14th of December 2023 that Almighty father in heaven will restore your fortunes and your mouth will be filled with laughter and your tongues with songs of joy before the end of this year. The joy of the Lord will not elude you. The joy of the Lord will henceforth dwell richly in your life. The remaining days of this year will not leave you unfulfilled. God will watch over you and protect you against every evil. The Rock of Ages will continue to protect you with your loved ones and deliver you from nets of evil and the wicked. Jehovah will erase every evil mark upon your life and your career. Every hindrance or blockage that is making it difficult for you to progress or achieve in life shall be totally destroyed. Your victory and protection shall be guaranteed in this Mid-Week and beyond. Good morning and graceful Thursday to you and your household.


Title : Your One Day is About to Happen
"For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37"
Devotion : As the year draws to a close, some of God's children have achieved their goals and objectives whilst others are yet to achieve their long awaited dreams. It is not too late to still trust the Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of your goals/dreams. It takes just a day/moment for God to bring to pass that which He has destined for you. Praise the Lord! Our dear father Abraham was very wealthy but his very challenge was getting an heir to fulfill his dream and God's promise. Finally, his day came when his wife conceived and brought forth Isaac, the promised heir. Moses faced challenges in Egypt when he decided to choose God's people over the Egyptians. He went into exile but his day came to pass when he was appointed by God to lead His people out of Egypt into the promised land. The day of David, Solomon, Sampson, Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary, Peter, etc. came to pass. Therefore, keep pressing on with your faith and good works; your day is about to happen for nothing is impossible with God. Hallelujah! ,So , my able brother and sister never say why, God will give you heavenly attention before the year end in Jesus mighty name, good day


Good morning my precious brother and sister.i pray for you and your entire family that the Almighty God will give you a new songs and place a new label on your life, while heaven will attend to your needs favourably before the end of this year.God Almighty will water your dry ground and satisfy your slippery path.your access road to greatness shall not be blocked by your adversaries.your enemies shall face and experience the wrath of the most high God, your tree shall bear the the fruits bountifully without any hindrances in the remaining weeks and days to end this year in Jesus wonderful have a fantastic Tuesday and remain blessed.thanks


I decree and declare today Friday December 1 2023 that the God shall breathe breath of life unto your dead situations.As you proceed in this week,he will send you abundant grace to elevate you to the ladder of sufficiency.Evil harvesters of your labor shall be condemned and you shall live in absolute abundance and prosperity.ln the remaining month, week, days, hours, minutes and seconds to end this year,every of your unrealized dream shall surely comes into reality.Every of your petition not yet attended to shall receive divine speed attention,every of your incompleted project shall be miraculously completed in Jesus mysterious name.good morning,do have a miracle mid-week
God bless you richly


It is not whether or not others condemn us, but whether God condemns us that counts. He who does not believe in Jesus is "condemned already" (John 3:18), but there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). The crowd dropped their stones and withdrew, seeing they were sinners themselves. But Jesus, who was without sin, let the woman go out of pure mercy.


good morning my precious brother and sister how was your sweet night,I believed everything went well, glory be to God in the highest, the promises of God for you this week will not hindered in Jesus unfailing powerful name, good morning


I decree and proclaim to you and your household today WEDNESDAY 22nd November 2023 that the Almighty God will grant you mercy to upgrade in all areas of your life in the sight of men and women. He will make the elevated places plain and will also break into pieces the gates of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron. You will walk in glory and beauty of the mighty God. Jehovah will continue to give you the wealth that is stored in the secret places and His hidden treasures shall be your permanent portion. As this year runs to an end you shall be mercifully favoured and richly blessed in Jesus Christ merciful name. Good morning and goodness Mid-Week to you and yours.


Title : Behold
"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Jeremiah 32:27"
Devotion : Behold does not simply means see; it means to go beyond seeing to grasp or apprehend with your mind and heart what you have seen. Therefore, He says He still remains God of all the living and there is absolutely nothing He cannot do. It good to hear, that you are serving a Father who is capable of doing everything for you. Don't worry about that request that yet to receive response ,he will surely glorify his name in your life.You will testify soon, keep faith in touch, that mountain called finance, sickness, diseases, food and afflictions mentioned but few, will not subdued you in Jesus mighty name.good morning and happy Tuesday.


My prayer in this new week for you and your household today MONDAY 20th of November 2023 is that the Almighty whose wisdom is powerful and vast shall endow you with His wisdom, divine strength and courage to turn your troubling challenges to testimonies in this new week. Any power that opens the door of disgrace and indulge in scornful acts in your life shall be brought to divine judgement. The grace of the Almighty God shall propel you into your incomprehensible height of glory and make your latter days greater and more fulfilling than the former. May you enjoy the grace to rest on divine mercy and assurances of the Almighty for the fulfilment of His promises in your life in the gracious name of Jesus Christ. Good morning. Have a great rewarding MonDay and a blessed new week


Christ is Lord! Foretold in the Old Testament as our Messiah, brought forth for the children of Israel to embody the Lord's message of salvation. Never should our hearts tire of lifting our heads to the sky and proclaiming to the Heavens the truth of the words: "Christ is Lord! "


God my Father, friend of man and giver of life, hallowed be your name. Hallowed be your covenant with the faithful, who know that this world, is but a speck of dust compared to what is to come within your Heavenly Kingdom. Help us to never forget, that what is most important in our lives is for our spirit to serve you Lord, and not fall prey to the vagaries of men. Amen.


God is truly able to do far more than you can imagine or desire in your life. He is the God of all things good and pure, and He is your Father. Knowing this should give you confidence when you pray and when you are in times of need. God will always provide for you. That will never change.


I pray for you and your household today THURSDAY 16th of November 2023 that all your financial challenges in this time of economic inflation shall be assuaged by the helping hands of God Almighty. May Jehovah God bring His promises to fulfilment in your situation, protect and sustain you under His canopy. May the Almighty Father in heaven banish your worries and lift you up to a height of supernatural greatness. May He grant you unlimited expansion and breakthroughs in this national economic saga/ worrisome in Jesus Christ super name. Good morning and breakthrough ThursDay to you and yours.


I decree and declare today WEDNESDAY 15 November 2023 that the Lord shall breathe the breath of life unto your dead situations. As you proceed in this week He will send you abundant grace to elevate you to the ladder of sufficiency. Evil harvesters of your labour shall be condemned and you shall live in absolute abundance and prosperity. In the remaining month, week, days, hours, minutes seconds to end this year every of your unrealized dream shall surely comes into reality. Every of your petition not yet attended to shall receive divine speed attention. Every of your uncompleted project shall be miraculously completed in Jesus Christ mysterious name. Good morning. Do have a miracle Mid-Week


Mention the Ten Commandments and peoples minds might turn to things one cannot do, to sins, retribution in fire and brimstone. They are in a sense, prohibitive. But as this passage of John illustrates, loving ones brothers and sisters is like an eleventh commandment. What's more, it's imperative, for if we are truly able of love one another as our Father does us, then many of our other commandments become void or even unthinkable. Love others and one would not need to covet, steal, or murder. Love others and one would always honor thy mother and father, and bear not false witness to any of thy neighbors.


Be always ready to serve the Lord in whatever you do, whenever. We may defer goals, dreams or work at every corner, finding it much easier to procrastinate, for 'tomorrow is another day', as the expression goes. Yet, this 'tomorrow' is often indefinite, and simply a way to ignore our responsibilities. But in the matter of serving God's will and command, there cannot be any deferment.


My fervent prayer for you and your household today Monday 13 November 2023 is for the Almighty God to overwhelmingly turn your fortunes around even in the midst of trials. May He from this day and beyond enrich you and boost your potentials as a channel of blessings. May God's generosity and favour be on the increase upon you and your family all through this week. I pray that the helper of the helpless shall perpetually be your rock, strength and defender. May He be the final authority in all matters concerning your life. May the hands of our benevolent Father always lead you in all your endeavours and grant you earth breaking success throughout this week in the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Good morning. Have a great day and a week full of blessed accomplishments.


In this new week I pray for you and your family today MONDAY 13 November 2023 that you will not be put to shame all through your endeavors. Jehovah God shall bless you in whatever you do, prosper all your endeavours, preserve your life to age gracefully, light up every road you take, make your hope become a reality and help you in every difficulties and tribulations by this week. Every wall of limitations built around you shall crumble, collapse and be dismantled all through this week. The Lord will rise and give you a miracle that will bring out all your hidden talents in this week. You will possess the gate of your enemies and render their habitations desolate. Your labour will enjoy heaven dew and rain of blessings in Jesus Christ graceful name. Good morning and beautiful MonDay to you. Do have a grace-filled new week.


Title : Free From Separation
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Romans 8:38"
Devotion : The apostle Paul came to be persuaded that nothing can separate the Christian from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Dear reader, have you come to this point in your life, where you are also persuaded? Every Christian should come to this point in their personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. If you come to this point in your personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, you will neither complain nor murmur in difficult situations. In the end the love of God will rescue, shield, provide for you and give you peace to overcome. Glory to God! God Almighty will show forth his glory in your life, Jehovah jireh will attend to your needs, whatever the description and heights of your circumstances, the power of calvary will settle your situation, songs of testimony will not cease in your life in this glorious weekend.good morning and a blissful Saturday to you.thanks


Wherein God once spoke to his people through prophets in an effort to redeem all those who were not blind to his will, his works through Jesus has endured as a message not only for prophets, but for all. We all have the ability today to be chosen people. We have all been invited to join with him as servants in the Heavenly Kingdom.


In this new week I pray for you and your family today that you will not be put to shame all through your endeavors. Jehovah God shall bless you in whatever you do, prosper all your endeavours, preserve your life to age gracefully, light up every road you take, make your hope become a reality and help you in every difficulties and tribulations by this week. Every wall of limitations built around you shall crumble, collapse and be dismantled all through this week. The Lord will rise and give you a miracle that will bring out all your hidden talents in this week. You will possess the gate of your enemies and render their habitations desolate. Your labour will enjoy heaven dew and rain of blessings in Jesus Christ graceful name


Peace, sadly, seems almost remote in our modern times. Whilst some may have done abhorrent things in the name of our Lord, it serves us well to be reminded that the Christian faith, as quoted above, is one of peace and goodwill. The body is one in which the Lord our Father sits at the head, but is also comprised of many members, including his only begotten son, the Holy Spirit, the Angels, Apostles and Saints. For the body to function, it requires harmony between all parts, as a peace emanating from God and culminating within us.


I prophetically speak into your life and family today THURSDAY 09 November 2023 that between now and the end of this year you will not be cut off by the power of darkness.
The power of darkness will not overcome your life and family. Arrows of darkness operating in the day or at night will not locate you. Your life and family shall be hidden from gathering of darkness and principalities. The Almighty God will be with you and no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. The God of glory shall be for you and no one shall stand against your life and destiny. Your safety shall be granted in the ✋ hand of God. Your greatness shall be sured. Your elevation and expansion shall be immediate. Your miracles shall no longer be delayed but now in Jesus Christ strongest name.and best ThursDay to you and yours.


It's become evident that today's level of consumption and materialism are things which are unsustainable not only in preserving the gifts God has endowed to us on Earth, but in matters of the soul. The 'love of the world' mentioned in the passage is not a love and respect for God himself and his creation, but rather its opposite, that of a superficial love sanctioned only by a fear of departing with worldly pleasures. In today's society, it is much easier to sink away from God in distraction, into things that grant but the most fleeting sensations. As Jesus remarked many times, we may see that Love of the Lord is the only true route to salvation, that the true measure of man is not what he may accumulate or have, his pride or possessions, but what he may be able to do without.


In contrast to what may have often been called the 'dark ages' of Medieval times, it may perhaps be possible to argue that today, a new 'dark age' has befallen much of the world. As in the days of S***m, the light of salvation still shined as divinely as ever, though it inhabitants ignored and were blind to it. Today, challenges to ones faith are everywhere, just as it was with Lot. However, for those who are fortunate enough to have Christ within their hearts, we may consider ourselves its chosen people, as a new nation of light; not limited by geography and distance, but instead brought together by faith.


Confessing our sins can be a real challenge: often we do not even know that we have committed sins until far after we have committed them. Pride, one of the 7 deadly sins, is often difficult to get past. Have you ever done something that you knew was wrong and because of pride or the fear of embarrassment refused to ask for forgiveness? I have learned that quickly apologizing when and asking forgiveness makes all parties feel better. It helps you recognize when you have sinned as well. The Lord will always forgive you, but you must knock on His door. It does not happen the other way around. The choice is yours.


This word "circumspectly" is an old English term meaning "with awareness of one's surroundings. " It indicates to walk wisely, prudently, and with due regard for the dangers all around. Christians should walk as in the light, not stumbling about in darkness unaware of our duty to God and our example to other men.


We should not be quick to make vows to God; but if and when we make them, we should keep them. If we cannot keep them, we must plead with Him to forgive us and learn to not make foolish vows again in the future. It is better to open our mouths but little, to "let our words be few, " than to promise much and deliver not much.


We are commanded here to actively dismantle the "old man, " our old sinful nature. We are to willingly submit to God renewing our minds and strengthening the new man. Notice that "lusts" (fleshly desires) are "deceitful" and lead to a corrupt conversation. Note that "conversation" as used here is an older English term meaning "conduct or lifestyle. "

Everyday I feel blessed to have you in my life, Abba Father. Forgive me for being hesitant to ask for help from you due ...

Everyday I feel blessed to have you in my life, Abba Father. Forgive me for being hesitant to ask for help from you due to my egoistic pride. I am so thankful that you will always love me as your child. It is in your glory that I pray these words. Amen.

Hosanna in the highest! Blessed am I coming in the name of the Lord, my refuge and strength in dark times. I shall sing ...

Hosanna in the highest! Blessed am I coming in the name of the Lord, my refuge and strength in dark times. I shall sing your praises to all that can hear me, heavenly Father. My heart leaps for joy for you, my shield, my light, my love. In your name I pray. Amen.

God designed the Gospel, His plan of salvation, His plan to actually save His chosen people, in such a way as to preclud...

God designed the Gospel, His plan of salvation, His plan to actually save His chosen people, in such a way as to preclude human boasting. Paul does not say that boasting is "minimized" but that it is "totally excluded. " He does not mean that no one ever made a wrongful boast or couldn't do that. He means, it seems clear, that all grounds for legitimately making a boast about our salvation are nonexistent.

Are people from other countries different from us? Do we not all mostly seek the same things? Christians, no matter wher...

Are people from other countries different from us? Do we not all mostly seek the same things? Christians, no matter where they are from, what they look like, what language they speak, how wealthy they are, or what gender they are, are together in Christ. We are all connected through him upon our baptism, with our belief, and in his love. Nothing is more sacred and beautiful than this togetherness and it is the foundation of the church.

Our salvation really is as simple as this: Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have been called to simply believe th...

Our salvation really is as simple as this: Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have been called to simply believe that He came to earth as a man, died on the cross for our sins, and resurrected on the third day. There are no other requirements to receive salvation – God made it this simple for us. This is what we are to let the world know, so that they can partake of this great love and such a great inheritance too.



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