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Happy Sunday to you all...✍✍


“ The last time I won an award was in 2015, since 2016 I’ve not win any awards . Guys ,it’s 7 years I’ve been putting in work and dropping hits back to back and having crazy numbers . So what’s happening ? Truth is if you are waiting for validations you’ll not grow , my biggest satisfaction is seeing people singing and dancing to my songs and not some awards . We complain about our leaders but the institutions that young people run are still corrupt , It’s scary . To any young artiste out there , forget validation , work extra hard , make money and make your people proud “ Kizz Daniel

But wait , how comes Kizz Daniel hasn’t win any award since 2016 ? 7 years ? . We are talking about someone who has been dropping hits and albums . Truly we can never rate an artiste based on awards . Awards are so corrupt these days .

Only person wey no deserve award na Shatta , like him d**g drop which hit songs since 2010?

you can join the $50 worth giveaway, Goodluck! 👇

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Arise and be d super💪 U you are meant to be.✍


SUPERKID says never give up✍

Success James can draw and name the different kinds of dinosaurs using computer.He is just seven this and foll...

Success James can draw and name the different kinds of dinosaurs using computer.He is just seven this and follow for more of his artistic works



Many marriages are just for sleeping and waking up, raising kids and ageing together till death comes.

* Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news.

* The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and cant feed herself.

* If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty.

* The only thing that makes an african man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever.

* The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour.

* if you see them seated outside at night, dont think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish.

* Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized.

* The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running.

* The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a complain to the parents of the person that beat their child or got their daughter pregnant.

* The only time they bath together is when both are late for work.

* the only time a wife looks closely to her husband's eyes is when he complains of dirt in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Africans feel that any romantic man is being controlled by his wife. They will begin to spread bad rumours.

*Africans, change begins with you ooo*......😂😂😂

"According to Psychologists, there are four types of Intelligence:

1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
2) Emotional Quotient (EQ)
3) Social Quotient (SQ)
4) Adversity Quotient (AQ)

1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ): this is the measure of your level of comprehension. You need IQ to solve math's, memorize things, and recall lessons.

2. Emotional Quotient (EQ): this is the measure of your ability to maintain peace with others, keep to time, be responsible, be honest, respect boundaries, be humble, genuine and considerate.

3. Social Quotient (SQ): this is the measure of your ability to build a network of friends and maintain it over a long period of time.

People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go further in life than those with a high IQ but low EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize on improving IQ levels while EQ and SQ are played down.

A man of high IQ can end up being employed by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he has an average IQ.

Your EQ represents your Character, while your SQ represents your Charisma. Give in to habits that will improve these three Qs, especially your EQ and SQ.

Now there is a 4th one, a new paradigm:

4. The Adversity Quotient (AQ): The measure of your ability to go through a rough patch in life, and come out of it without losing your mind.

When faced with troubles, AQ determines who will give up, who will abandon their family, and who will consider su***de.

Parents please expose your children to other areas of life than just Academics. They should adore manual labour (never use work as a form of punishment), Sports and Arts.

Develop their IQ, as well as their EQ, SQ and AQ. They should become multifaceted human beings able to do things independently of their parents.

Finally, do not prepare the road for your children. Prepare your children for the road."

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A man who can control his s*xual urge is a man who can
live many years on earth. Men don't know that some of
their failures are caused by multiple girlfriends Not all girls
have good spirit. Some are demons, others have venom
between their legs.
Some women are destiny destroyers, beware.
Pay close attention:
1. A real man only has one woman in his life.
2. Don't obey your Er****on at all times. Most er****ons
mislead you Control your er****on if you don't want to have
few days on earth with much poverty in you.
3. Don't date a lady because she has curves, b***s and a
s*xy shape. These things are simply misleading avoid
such, don't fall for what is called social media irony.
4. Not everything you see under skirt you must work to
eat, some skirts contain snakes that bite you and make you
uncomfortable. control your s*xual urge Self control and
abstinence pays a lot in most cases.
5. Marrying a woman doesn't mean she owns you. Treat
her with respect Make her your queen, love, honor her and
give her reasons to treat you the same.
6. Having many girlfriends doesn't make you a man. It only
makes you a womanizer, a cheater and a boy.
7. Just because you're good in bed doesn't make you a
man. A real man is a man who does not run away from his
responsibility but faces it squarely.
8. Respect any woman who loves you Yes, is not easy for a
lady to throw her love on you and support your future.
9. The world celebrates successful men No one will
celebrate you for having many girlfriends. So what's the
point tho? Waste of energy, money & wasted s***m.
Remember, being honest, loyal and faithful, is the
trademark of a real man.
Always remember that..


[7/17, 1:36 AM] Abraham: Dear School teachers: 20 Businesses you can
Start with less than #20,000.
Long post alert pls
By Pastor Busari Shuaib Olawale Peter

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic
distrupted our lives more than we could imagine.
Lives have been lost. Jobs have been lost, and
so many people have become disoriented.

Although, the government at different levels have
tried to alleviate the people's sufferings, and
many spirited individuals and Organisation have
assisted lives, but none of these efforts are
suffice to combat the fallouts of the scourge.

The worst hit are those in the private sector of
the economy. While many of then are been paid
partially, many have not been paid for Months.

Among the worst hits are the Private School
Teachers. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic,
the take home of many Private School Teachers
had never taken any of them home successfully.

I have been at forefront of raising funds to do
giveaways for these Teachers, and the Stories
many of them tell me inbox traumatises me
beyond words.
I've been left wondering on why many of them
are not seeking ways out, beyond being tied to
the aprons of their employers.

Recently, I discovered many of them may not
know some of these Stuffs that can help them to
become self sustaining for life. Many of these
business ideas require zero Capitals, while
majority of them require less than #20,000 to
take off. A single person can combine 2 or 3 of
them without much hazzles.

Let me not bore you with much rhetorics. Lets
1. Barbing/Neighborhood Hairdresser.
You can Start this in your house frontage. You
can get a Clipper for less than #3,000. A fairly
used generator costs around #8,500 to #9,000
here in Ibadan. Someone bought one around me
recently. It's not too difficult to Barb. I've been
my own Barber for the past 14 years, not for
lack of money, but for lack of time. I Barb
overnight. If I barb my own head, why can't I
barb others. You may not be able to Barb special


Forex Seminar || Wednesday 9th September || 10AM || Infinite Grace Building, Ikeja



Someone here, I decree your marital rising again! The power that tied your finance, marriage and health, is broken in Jesus name! Therefore, go fourth, breakforth and breakthrough!

God is about to take your private Prayers and turned them into public miracles. Claim it! What we believe is what we become

You'll testify before the end of April, anything dead or dying in your life must bounce back to life in Jesus name

With mercy, your point of ridicule becomes the point of miracles. By His grace, you'll obtain mercy

I rebuke the spirit of death. To every woman on this page, you will not die during childbirth

Whatever you cannot say, you can never have. Explode in prophesy. Say... 'MY TESTIMONY IS THE NEXT'

Pst Samuel Olagbenjo
Marital Success Academy



I was ministering in a youths Conference yesterday and I was speaking on "WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN YOUR MARRIAGE PARTNER".

One of the points I mentioned was " CAPACITY" .I gave an illustration by using the Church Big Class pulpit. I asked a brother to stand up, and I pointed the pulpit to him that, if I ask him to look for someone who can join him to carry the pulpit from where it is to another angle of the church, considering the weight & fragility of that glass pulpit, who will he pick as a partner to help him carry the Pulpit?

The brother looked around the church, and sighted another brother who has good body built. This brother he picked has this muscles on his arms. Physically strong and energetic.

Beside this brother I called was a very beautiful lady seated. She's very pretty, glowing skin, and was smiling very brightly. I asked the guy, why didn't you pick this lady sitting beside you to join you to carry the heavy pulpit? The guy said, sir, she does not have the physical capacity to carry that pulpit oo. We might both fall down and land in debt if we break the pulpit. She can't carry it with me.

I said, yes! That's the point I am making. Don't marry someone who can not carry. Marriage is weighty! Marriage is Mighty! Marriage is heavy! There are many things to carry in marriage and those things are weighty and fragile. You can't afford to just pick anyone to come and join you to carry the weight of marriage. It can fall on the two of you and it can get broken.

√ You will carry personal & joint visions in your marriage.
√ You will have to carry the presence of God in your home (This is not for babies)

√ You will carry your Children
√ You will Carry your problems & Challenges
√ You will carry burdens of other people as the Lord will be placing them on your hearts as couples.
√ You will carry out so many ridiculous instruction from the Lord in your marriage.

Can you see that, these aforementioned things are not small in weights? Can you see that, these are not things you can carry alone or carry with someone without capacity. It is not about beauty and handsomeness. It is about all round capacity. Build capacity and marry a man/lady who also has all round capacity. Give thoughts to this thing I am saying and make up your mind not to marry someone who cannot carry.
Thanks for reading.

© Ebenezer Diyaolu



When i was single, there was a young lady in our youth and single fellowship who always frowned her face as if she was quarreling with everybody! I wanted to approach her for a relationship then because of her commitment to church but any time I looked at her unattractive face I became scared. I had to give up! 🙁🙁🙁

Is it possible to connect men with such bitter and wary face? Not at all. You can not attract a real man into your life as a lady with fearful look, as if you are a soldier going for a world war!

Never present an unattractive personality to the public by appearing difficult so that people would fear or respect you, it is not good for you my dear!

When you frown, squeeze your face, you will look scary, and unattractive, you chase people away from you because of your look! You'll appear annoying, disgusting, unpleasant and undesirable!

Do you know it only takes seventeen muscles to smile, but forty-three to frown? In other words, we work a whole lot harder looking sour than looking happy. just check out the difference...

To connect the right responsible man for a serious relationship, you must learn to be cheerful always, even in those moments when everything seems to be going wrong for you!

You don't know when you will meet that man God has destined for you, it might be that moments of trials when everything seem to be going wrong for you that you will come across him!

But if you decide to frown and embitter your face, the good man may pass by your side and will not be touched emotionally to talk with you due to your scary and wary look!

You may think you cannot do anything about the way you look, but I promise you can. I must confess I was a person that rarely smiled, I always felt depressed, saddened, ashamed of myself because my life was messed up to the point where I will wake up in the night and all I will do is just cry and ask God when I will come out of the mess I have found myself. Yes, I have been there. I had lost all my hope, I kept a negative attitude, never felt good enough and it always showed on my face and the way I carried myself.

Then, God encouraged me via His Word that His plan for me is great and i have so much to offer my world!

From then on I started smiling, talking positive over myself, reminding myself daily - That I am loved, worthy and now I smile a lot!! Today, it is a testimony. God has used me to transform the lives of thousands of people both locally and internationally

Don't present yourself as one who is an embodiment of bitterness, one who is egoistic, pompous, arrogant, or a sadist!

Smile is a form of invitation to friendship, when you smile you invite people around you for closeness; its a sign of acceptance, love and homeliness!

Make yourself happy in any situation you find yourself. Put on smiley look, it attracts members of the opposite s*x a lot. You make other feel approved and accepted when you smile at them.

With your dazzling smile you look more beautiful any time any day!

Stop frowning and keep smiling because it makes us look younger.

May the Lord give you the grace to smile 😊😊😊

I Love You All!

Instagram: samuelolagbenjo

Pst Samuel Olagbenjo


Dear Bachelor, Spinster

Marriage is simply Friendship at the highest level.

It is not S*X that keeps a marriage through the Years, but FRIENDSHIP.

You won't have s*x 24/7.

After the s*x, what next?

Want to build a RELATIONSHIP that will work?
Build FRIENDSHIP first.


❤ Communicate, gist, laugh.

❤ Go out on Dates

❤ Have Fun.

❤ Pray, Plan, Play.

If they can't make it as your FRIEND, how will they make it as your SPOUSE?

Your Spouse is meant to be your best Friend.

If you end up in a marriage where you are never in a hurry to get home daily and share your days activities with your spouse, play a game of scrabble with them over a cup of chilled juice, it won't be sweet oh.

A Serious Relationship where there's no having Fun, no Laughter, where everything is just Serious.

Marriage is meant to be Fun.

"Marriage No be Prison Sentence.."



Teach your children these important words.

Things you need to teach your Child(ren) at early age:

1: Warn your Girl Child Never to sit on anyone's laps no matter the situation including uncles.

2: Avoid Getting Dressed in front of your child once he/she is 2 years old. Learn to excuse them or yourself.

3. Never allow any adult refer to your child as 'my wife' or 'my husband'

4. Whenever your child goes out to play with friends make sure you look for a way to find out what kind of play they do, because young people now s*xually abuse themselves.

5. Never force your child to visit any adult he or she is not comfortable with and also be observant if your child becomes too fond of a particular adult.

6. Once a very lively child suddenly becomes withdrawn you may need to patiently ask lots of questions from your child.

7. Carefully educate your grown ups about the right values of s*x . If you don't, the society will teach them the wrong values.

8: It is always advisable you go through any new Material like cartoons you just bought for them before they start seeing it themselves.

9. Ensure you activate parental controls on your cable networks and advice your friends especially those your child(ren) visit(s) often.

10. Teach your 3 year olds how to wash their private parts properly and warn them never to allow anyone touch those areas and that
includes you (remember, charity begins from home and with you).

11: Blacklist some materials/associates you think could threaten the sanity of your child (this includes music, movies and even friends and families).

12. Let your child(ren) understand the value of standing out of the

13: Once your child complains about a particular person, don't keep quiet about it.
Take up the case and show them you can defend them.
Remember, we are either parents or parents-to-be.


8 Cures For A Boring Marriage

About 2 months ago, I read a story a guy shared about his friend that just got married. This his friend confided in him that he's tired of his marriage and wife.

This is just a six months old marriage that they are supposed to be on fire, still consummating their marriage to maximum satisfaction but he's already tired. I'm sure the wife too is tired.

This is the point in marriage where people begin to think that they've made a mistake, that they've married the wrong person, or that their once upon a time guy who used to be fun to be with is no longer fun etc.

This is also the point in marriage where the possibility of cheating can set in if the couple is not careful. The husband will begin to look for a new experience in the bosom of another lady. The wife too will begin to give in to some of shameless guys that have been disturbing her even though they knew she's married. And this is how they will continue until their marriage fails.

This is the point where loving becomes hard, more of a decision than feelings. I often define love as strong feeling for someone and also a decision to stick with the person. Usually, at the beginning the feeling is there but it will get to a point where it seems to vanish into the thin air. This is the point where decision to stick with the person in spite of lack of feeling comes to play.

What are the causes of this tiredness in marriage?

1. See Finish

This is a situation where the value, love, satisfaction, attraction, and excitement you used to have for or derive from your partner tends to reduce over time because there's nothing more to it, there's nothing new again.

You've seen and done almost everything. You've seen your partner's nakedness, curves, contours, shape and size, spots and wrinkles etc., and have even done almost everything with your partner, you've s*xed, kissed, hugged, romanced etc. So, nothing eye never see and hand never touch, that kind of feeling.

2. The Law Of Diminishing Marginal Utility

This is an economic term and it it states that the more and more you consume a particular product, the satisfaction you get from consuming that product will increase at first, but it will get to a point that, as you continue to consume more and more of that product, the level of satisfaction you get, will reduce.

When people newly get married, they're on fire, they can't get enough of each other, they look forward to a great s*x time but a year or more down the line, the fire begins to go down. This is the law that's at work.

Maybe you are at this point in your marriage or relationship, just like the guy above, there's hope for you. Here's things to to do to rekindle that fire again..

1. Give Each Other Space

For your partner not to so get used to you that your presence doesn't make any much difference to him or her again, for you not choke him or her up with your presence you must learn to give each other space. Take time to be alone as often as possible.

You have a personal goals you want to achieve, take time at times to give them attention. Hang out with your friends, spend the weekend at times in your respective families. Just give each other space, a breathing space.

2. Miss Each Other

It's not all the time you should call, visit, text, or chat Sometimes, make your partner to miss you. Scarcity creates value. Surplus brings down the value of goods.

3. Cover up

As a wife, learn to cover up at times. Leave some things for your husband to imagine. Let him imagine what the size and shape of your body are like. Don't walk around naked all the time. Get varieties of hot stay at home clothes that will drive him nuts. Don't be the type that wears wrapper up and down. You and who is doing that one? This also applies to the husband.

4. Start All Over Again

After you guys have settled down to start marriage proper, start all over again. Date each other again. Court each other again. Woo and toast your wife again. Play hard to get again. Do the stuff you guys use to do while unmarried. Eat out. Hang out. Attend functions together. Go to cinema, beach etc.

5. Spice Up Your S*x Life

S*x doesn't have to be in one location, bedroom nor one position, missionary. Spice it up. Different locations, sitting room, bathroom, passage, dining table, kitchen and different position, doddy, catty, horssy, etc. You know what I'm talking about.

6. Make A Decision To Stick With Your Partner

Like I said before, love is not all about having great feelings, but a decision too. When the feelings are no longer there, that's when you need to make a decision to keep loving. Marriage is an act of the will for any meaningful to happen in it, you must intentional about it.

7. Go On A Vacation If You Can.

Go and experience something new together with your partner. It helps. Vacation doesn't have to be outside the country, it can be in another state within the country. Visit some recreational centers to unwind with your partner.

8. Pray For Fresh Wine In Your Marriage.

People cheats mostly because they're tired of their marriages and partners. Nothing is new again. Nothing excites them. No love, attraction, excitement for their partner again.

In time like this, you need to pray for a new wine in your marriage. Father, let the love, attraction, excitement be rekindled again in my marriage! Pray!

Let me stop here, in whatever you do, don't over do and don't under do. Too much of everything is not good. In all you do, make your marriage work!

Thanks for reading
© Okolie Samuel



Sometime ago, I was anchoring a question and answer program on WhatsApp and someone asked me how she can avoid having s*x before marriage. For the benefit of others, I decided to write an article on it.

Let me start by stating that s*x itself is NOT a sin. S*x was created by God. As a matter of fact, God created us with s*xual organs because He wants us to have s*x. S*x is a gift from God to us BUT it's to be enjoyed by ONLY legally married COUPLE. The only time God expects us to have s*x is when we are married not before.

Premarital and extramarital s*x are sins. They may be fun but not honorable. If you notice those two words, one carries the prefix "pre" and the other "extra" and what's that telling us s*x before(pre) or outside of marriage(extra) is not right. S*x is meant to be only in marriage (marital).

Avoiding s*x before marriage, not just because it's the right thing to do, will save you from lots of avoidable ugly experiences, guilty conscience, STDs, unwanted pregnancy, stagnation, death, God's judgment, abortion, etc. It pays to avoid s*x before marriage. You will make God happy and at the same time save yourself from troubles. So, close up and zip up.

Hebrews 13:4 says, "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." Avoiding s*x before marriage is an honorable something to do. Maybe you are in a relationship right now and you sincerely desire to maintain s*xual purity, to avoid s*x before marriage, this article is meant for you. I present to you 10 ways you can avoid s*x before marriage.

1. Decide

In Daniel 1:8 the Bible says that Daniel purposed or decided in his heart that he won't defile himself. Likewise, you have to make a decision. Life is all about decisions. Nothing gets done without a definite decision.

Daniel was able to overcome because he decided. So, you and your partner have to decide too that you guys are not going to have s*x, you've to make up your mind that you will not have s*x till marriage. That's the foundation you are going to lay every other thing on.

2. Guide Your Mind

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Guide your heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life." Your mind is the gateway to your life. What goes on in your mind determines what goes on in your life.

So, guide your heart from pollution, watch the things you fill your mind with, watch the music you listen to, the videos you watch, the things you read etc. These things have the power to influence your life.

3. Mind Your Conversations

In Colossian 3:8 the Bible says that we should put off every filthy communication out of our mouths. Avoid using obscene words, erotic words or suggestive words. Avoid s*x chatting. Mind your use of words. In short, avoid words that can turn you on.

4. Renew Your Mind

Romans 12:2 says that we should renew our minds because that's only when we will be able to judge rightly. When you are always h***y or having an er****on, you have been filling your mind with s*xual stuff, your mind needs renewing.

Watch, listen and read positive things, mostly importantly the Word of God. Listen to nice songs, sermons. That's how to renew your mind. Remember, it's garbage in garbage out. It's what you fill your mind with that it will process and give you back in return. You can't fill your mind with negativity and expecting to live positively.

5. Avoid Too Much Closeness

The Bible asked a question in Proverbs that can a man take fire in his bosom will not be burnt? If you don't want fire to burn you, don't go close.

Avoid too much closeness. It can spark into flames. Men aren't the only one that lust, women too. Avoid too much unnecessary closeness in any form or shape physically or online.

6. Avoid Staying In Secluded Place Alone

Sin thrives in secret very much. To avoid having s*x, try as much as possible to avoid staying alone in a secluded place together. If visiting him or her will make you both to fall into it, stop visiting, let your meetings be in an open place.

7. Don't Cohabit

Cohabiting means living together when you guys aren't married. Cohabiting for whatever reason is not right. That's actually a sin. We should avoid every appearance of evil.

You are only expected to live together after you are married not before you are married unless of course if s*xual purity is not your thing. Body is not iron it must react especially when emotion is involved. It's a harmattan fire! You can't keep a goat and yam in the same house and expects nothing to happen.

8. Stop Collecting Or Requesting For Money

I'm talking to our beautiful ladies now. For some guys, giving you money or anything equals giving them right to ask for s*x. So, don't ask and rarely collect when they give you.

When you keep asking or collecting money, when they ask for s*x you'll feel obligated especially when they start blackmailing you emotionally, "After all I've done for you," "After giving you this or that," you get my point?

9. As For Grace

In time past, s*xual temptations, immorality and perversions are not rampant like it is now. You turn here and there s*x. In the midst of all these, you need God's enabling power(grace) to come out victorious.

The urge to sin is stronger than your will. It's not of him that willeth but of God that showeth mercy. You have decided many times not to have s*x but you keep failing into it despite your decisions. It's good to make decision but much more than that, you need grace. So, ask for God's grace. You can't do it on your own.

10. Avoid Getting Intimate

Don't eat the food while it's still on the fire. You're the same person that will eat it when it's cooked. So, avoid kissing, romancing, touching, smooching, unnecessary hugging etc., these are launching pad to s*x!

Let me conclude by saying that, maintaining s*xual purity pays, it will give you peace of mind, it will save you from troubles and more importantly you will make God happy.

Thanks for reading.
© Okolie Samuel






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