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Umunze, the headquarter of Orumba South Local Government Area in Anambra State, Nigeria undeniably is at war with itself and delicately mangled between her sons who want to make money by all means through selling off, all common assets in the town and inept leadership at the peak.
The methodical, clandestine secret, shoddy selling of Umunze federal poultry, federal oil mill to faceless men by some get rich quick men of the town have left sour tastes in the mouths of the citizens. Even the NYSC national orientation camp all brought to the town by the first traditional ruler of the community, the late Abilikete of Umunze, Igwe Mathias Nwafor Ugochukwu OFR was believed to have been sold to Umunya town by a past present of Umunze Progressive Union (UPU). Nowhere perhaps is the war more evident today than the Nkwo Umunze market and jointly owned communal lands.
A daughter of Umuze working in one of the federal ministries, Mrs Faith Arinze Sibudu once got attention of the federal government to wall round the Nkwo Umunze market which she completed successfully. After this she pulled the federal government to further award contract for the construction of a bypass that will reduce to the barest minimum traffic hold ups at the market. The contractor awarded that contract came down to Umunze fully equipped and commenced work.
But this coincided with the time another son of Umunze, Chief Ben Oranusi – a onetime local government chairman of Orumba South LGA 1992 – 1993 – announced that he has been asked by the Anambra State government to build an Ultra modern market in Umunze under twenty five years lease of builder occupier basis. But for whatever it is worth Oranusi never told the investors he brought together to help him build the Ultra modern market, that it will revert to the hand of the Anambra State government after twenty five years. When the story broke out and the investors were looking for ways to convert the warehouses and stalls they have built into something else, the Igwe of the town Igwe P.N Eze who signed the government document for Oranusi denied he did not know the full content of the document. Thus you begin to wonder even if the Igwe is not lettered, his palace secretary usually read whatever the Igwe has to sign before he appends his signature on it; even if it is a bulky document as the Igwe has claimed.
However, in a telephone conversation we had with Ben Oranusi over the issue the other day, he claimed that the contract will be renewed after twenty five years and denied the issue of his investors developing cold feet because of the twenty five year clause. If his claim is true, then he is the owner of that market and has anyone who rents or buys a stall there in his pocket and can do with them at whim whatever he likes. This clearly raises the question of whether Nigeria is ripe for an individual to own a public market or whether there is anywhere across the world where a single individual owns a public ultra modern market. This will clearly result to anarchy. But the executive governor of Anambra State, Prof Chukwuma Soludo, a renowned economist no doubt will take clear headed decision on this issue.
Nevertheless Chief Ben Oranusi is yet to show the stuff he is made of. This is a man I do not know whether it was because of him that the word of the LORD of Host in Isaiah 2:4 rang out; “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more”. I recall during the time he was the council chairman of Orumba South LGA 1992 – 1993 Oranusi had with the help of police and thugs taken away electric poles brought to Ihite, a neighboring town to Umunze, by the then Shehu Shagari government for the towns electrification and used the electric polls to energize his own side of Umunze town. Not until 1999 when a town union president of Ihite town, late Rev. Cannon Ndilika Elias Udeh who represented Ihite town as local government councilor at Orumba South LGA, visited the national rural electrification agency to restart the process of energizing his community- Ihite town. Rev. Cannon Udeh made it clear to his people that Oranusi have written Ihite off, having signed that Ihite has electricity already. So Rev Udeh had to start anew the process of energizing Ihite and was able to get new poles and other equipments used to step down electricity to that town today from the national grid.
Oranusi who do not know the way to peace and having been the local council chairman of Orumba South LGA 1992 -1993 knew perfectly well that the plan for the old Nkwo Umunze market and his ultra modern market are not the same. Still he decided to close the Nkwo market by brute force and shift the traders into his uncompleted ultra modern market bereft of any form of security. Uncompleted in the sense that save a few stalls, a line of warehouse and the abattoir which Oranusi claims to be the best of its kind around the world nothings else about the said ultra modern market have been built and he wants traders to go and stay in that sea of dust and risk losing their goods. And you will wonder does an abattoir an ultra modern market make.
The Igbo economy was built through apprenticeship. Whatever an Igbo man deals in, is his/her life blood, and to lose it is unthinkable. Imagine a married man with children suddenly losing his goods, who will take him on apprenticeship to start afresh again together with his added dependants. Added to this is the fact that the Nigerian economy is awash with excess liquidity, double digit high interest rate and bad monetary policy which have killed lots of businesses in the country.
All these may have informed the stout resistance the traders exhibited to save themselves from doom. Anybody who have seen the ultra modern market built in Ebonyi State by the past Umahi government at Abakaliki the state capital will laugh to derision at what Oranusi is trying to do at Umunze in the name of ultra modern market. If Anambra state do not have money to build an ultra modern market and needed an individual to build the market on its behalf under whatever terms of agreement, the government should have scouted for somebody with the financial muscle to do so. Those who have not experience hunger/starvation for any time in their lives may find it very difficult to understand when people are holding out from being pushed over the precipice. Oranusi still bristling with the military mentality of the Babangida junta when he was the council chairman of Orumba South LGA bared his fangs on the traders, throwing the leaders of the local butcher association into detention. Their chairman, Chief Okey Nwadike alleged that Oranusi even threatened him to choose between being kidnapped or been visited by the men of the unknown government. Armed with thugs Oranusi at night descended on the Nkwo Umunze market and carted away the corrugated iron roofs of the market; being roofs of the stalls paid for by the traders, to see if he can beat them into submission.
Suddenly the contractor building the Umunze road bypass was kidnapped and for over a month was not heard from. However when he eventually returned, the contract rounded up his road construction equipment and left. Unconfirmed reports had it that he was forced by his kidnappers to show to Mrs Faith Arinze Sibudu already finished roads from other part of the state as the one for Umunze, and Mrs Sibendu unsuspecting released the fund for the road network to the kidnappers. Weeks later, when Mrs Faith Arinze Sibudu came back to see the road by herself, she had a rude awakening. Nothing was done on the road bye-pass she had released the contract fund for and she openly cried at the market. Shortly after this event she died; apparently from heartbreak.
This was a woman who had the interest of her people at heart but was thwarted by the forces of darkness in Umunze.
Most agonizing and completely detestable is while the citizens are going through hell, the traditional ruler Igwe P.N Eze and his cabinet members literally look on. That is not the stuff of good and sincere leadership that Umunze deserves. And the question in this shameful scenario is; where is the Anambra state government when people suffer? Mr Willie Obiano created this problem and Prof. Chukwuma Soludo inherited it and what is the state government doing about their contract that have gone awry, that is what everybody will want to know.
We are not saying that Igwe P.N Eze of Umunze should carry arms and start chasing people about, no; but he should understand the agony of his people and stand with them. Years ago when a similar incident to this happened at Nnewi; Igwe Kenneth Orizu III of Nnewi stood by his people, and when the Anambra state government saw that the people were united in their demand and yearning they capitulated and did the right thing. But Igwe Promise N. Eze of Umunze who seem to have vested interest in the whole matter will not bow to reason. How can somebody sign a document he claims not to have read due to its bulkiness?
Recall a similar scenario that happened in 2004 when we were trying to attract a commercial bank to Umunze. Chief Emma Okeke – Ide Umunze, the Executive chairman of Orumba South LGA from 1999 worked assiduously to attract a commercial bank to Umunze. Chief Okeke brought together these banks to his office in Umunze and asked me to join them from my office, National vision Newspapers ltd. He showed the bank executives buildings they can rent, and from the Euphoria of the moment everybody present that day thought it was already a done deal.
But that was not to be, for as the days passed and I did not see anything on ground, I went to the council chairman and asked why; and he explained to me that Igwe P.N Eze vehemently disagreed accusing him of trying to destabilize his own business. “I helped enthrone you as the local government chairman and you now want to destroy my own business” Chief Okeke told me that was what Igwe P N Eze thundered at him. At this time Umunze had only one community bank owned by Igwe P.N Eze, therefore he thought a commercial bank in Umunze will rock his business.
However, when Chief Emma Okeke died suddenly in a ghastly motor accident in 2004, I decided to investigate Igwe P.N Eze’s Umunze community bank and unearthed a can of worms. Igwe P.N. Eze and his co- travelers – the five directors of his bank were owing the bank over N45 million for over ten years they have refused to paid back; and the bank was owing depositors over N120 million in debt; then the only money Umunze community bank has as deposit with a commercial bank was a paltry N15 million. When people come to the bank to withdraw their deposits, they will be asked to come back in two days time or a week after for their money. Every month Igwe P N Eze will hold a director’s meeting at the banks expense. After the monthly directors meeting, the five directors will be given twenty thousand naira each for transport by the bank that has already paid for their drinks and other refreshments. Then the bank after these still have to pay her workers their monthly salary. I took my findings to the Igwe and asked him to do something to save his bank from going under. But Igwe Promise Eze told me that his bank was very healthy, that central bank of Nigeria has visited and given them a clean bill of health and that if I write anything, he will sue me and my newspaper to court.
I dusted my report very well and sent it to Lagos for publication. Trust our publisher, Engr Joe Igbokwe – Agbalanze Nnewi to smell a good story when he sees one to publish that report as a front page in the National vision newspaper ltd.
When the story broke out, those who could, withdrew their money, and went to neighbouring communities with commercial banks to deposit their money, but hordes of people lost their money and I do not think they have been paid till now.
When he noticed the roiling of the Augean stable, Chief Obieli of Intercontinental Bank Plc came down to Umunze, bought land and built intercontinental bank office that today have changed into Access Bank Plc. Zenith bank Plc also came, bought land and build their office in Umunze. First Bank of Nigeria Plc was not left out as they also came, bought land and built their office at Umunze.
The building that used to house, the fallen Umunze community bank, the house of our own Theo-Jos - Akulueuno – is now being occupied by Fidelity Bank Plc, that today instead of one commercial bank, Umunze now has four commercial banks domiciled in her mist. This brings into reality what our publisher Engr Joe Igbokwe used to tell us during our editorial meetings at National Vision Newspaper Ltd, that we must help to further develop the South East of Nigeria through incisive reporting.
This bequeaths a good bequest to a worthy prince – Ide Umunze – Chief Emmanuel Okeke who died fighting for a noble cause. Also this further attests to the fact that Umunze is not a business but rather an enclave of human beings and who must be treated as such rather than as subjects money must be made out off.
Nation building is a grim task, but success can be achieved when we put the right moulded blocks into place. We must do the right thing for our communities and country for our wellbeing.


In the classical book, the Iliad and the Odyssey, the author, Homer, tried to recount the story of the Greek war with Troy that came about when Paris brother to Hector, war general of Troy ran away with the wife of the king of the Greeks Menelus.
After many days of the war with neither party winning the war, for the Greeks had thought Troy will be an easy walkover but Troy had remained unbeatable and formidable and had been throwing at the Greeks what the Greeks described as fiery balls of fire that made it impossible for the Greeks to even get near the walls of Troy with their battering rams. The Greeks had despaired when they cried out lout that “everything pals after a time, wine, women, dancing etc but of war the Trojans are insatiable”. It was at this time that the Greeks uleses and other war generals of the Greeks decided to present to the king of Troy a Gift as truce for peace. But that was not to be as the Greeks had decided to hide their war generals Uleses and the others inside the wooden basket they presented to the king of Troy as truce for peace. After receiving the Greeks gift, the king of Troy and his subjects relaxed and went to sleep, but at dead of the knight, Uleses and the other Greek war generals hidden inside the wooden basket let themselves down from the basket with ropes and set fire upon Troy. The Greeks defeated Troy, razed Troy down with fire, wiping the name of Troy away from the map of history/world.
The foregoing is an exact replica of what Satan, the great deceiver of the world thrown down to the earth after the heavenly war recorded in the book of Revelations 12:7-12 “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”
As the Bible clearly stated above, having been thrown down to the earth, Satan and his angels have set about ensnaring men/women into their satanic kingdom through man’s greediness, evil and wickedness etc. Those Satan has deceived and lured into secret societies, spiritism, the occult, idol worshipping and life filled with sin and wickedness have tuned the world into a living hell fulfilling what the Bible have foretold that in the last days men’s love will grow cold. They have become Satan in human flesh. Men without conscience like their master Satan who have no conscience nor any notion of right or wrong and no feeling of remorse. Satan was not created to do good, but only evil. Satan has no mercy and turns those who come to him into extensions of himself through evil acts. This can be seen in how we kill each other without thinking. There is no longer any fellow feeling in us.
We live daily in palpable fear; kidnapping has become norm. Evil criminality has filled our cities and nobody feels secured anymore. Today as I pen this report incidences of kidnapping have spread even to the villages. Satan has spread his dragnet very wide and people are trooping in to the devil.
And one is left to wonder if people do think at all about the doom that is hanging upon themselves and their Satan. What is the attraction of Satan that men even look his way? There is no free lunch with the devil, whatever you think is the benefit you get from the devil returns back to him eventually. Satan’s gifts are phony Greek gifts that vanish when the day breaks.
Think about it; when you go to Satan for anything, he first asks you to renounce Jesus Christ and then dangles his three gifts before you, wealth/power; long life and children and ask you to choose two out of the three, then go about making you to forget about the accompaniment of the choice you have made until the day of payment, when you have to do the necessary sacrifice to assuage whatever you benefitted from them.
Assuming you chose wealth, do you think Satan has any bank vault he will open to rain money on you? No way. Satan has no bank account; you have to kill and maim, sacrifice to get Satan’s phony gifts. Today this has made many to put unsuspecting young girls and women at risk of early death.
Here is what these men who have sold their conscience to the devil, to become Satan’s agents are doing; they accost a girl/lady on the road, promise her heaven on earth, take her to a hotel, keep her there for days till they had sacrificed everything inside her to the devil. Mark all these while, your seemingly heaven on earth new catch is raining mouth watering gifts and money on you to sway your head, he will never take you to his shop or office or anywhere you can find him again; he will break and throw away the sim of the phone number he has been communicating with you on the day he finished you. He will leave you to go and die while he move away to build his twin, four or five upstairs with your blood. Either you die gradually from one sickness to the other; or Satan might wait till you get married.
A young girl got married, the other day in Aba, Abia State not knowing that her husband was one of the club boys or churchmen; that is what they call their satanic secret fraternity. When she had her first miscarriage, her husband bought her a car. She had her second miscarriage and her husband bought her another car, that was what opened her eyes to the fact that her handsome husband has sacrificed his earthly children to the devil. She left the man and married another person who unfortunately was another member of the satanic secret cult.
Satan has no mercy, if you run afoul of his command, he will kill you; and Satan will never allow you to complete your earthly life he will cut it short and kill you when you think you have arrived and sit back to enjoy your money.
A young man had an appendicitis surgery the other day and the operation was a success but on the day the young man was to be discharged from the hospital, his friends (secret cult) came to wish him well, but immediately they left he died. You must realize that the appendicitis operation was induced in the first place by Satan to take the man’s life, and when he did not die on the operating table, they came to make sure he died.
I recall a case that happened years ago when I was still in Jos – Plateau state. The uncle of a friend I was with at Jos in those days visited us one night visibly agitated. Later he revealed to my friend the cause of his agitation. He had gone to Bauchi to kill a backsliding member of their secret cult who had returned to Jesus Christ. Though he was able to burn the man’s shop/stall but he was angry because the man was able to evade him. He could not kill the man.
As we have these Satan’s angels/agents in men so they are also among women who will take you down their very deep bottomless dark sea and rub you of your anointing and destiny and take you down the road of no return. Recall 2 Kings 9:30-33 “And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window. And as Jehu entered in at the gate, she said, Had Zimri peace, who slew his master? And he lifted up his face to the window, and said, who is on my side? Who? And there looked out to him two or three eunuchs. And he said, Throw her down. So they threw her down: and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall, and on the horses: and he trod her under foot.”
Jezebel was married by Ahab, one of the kings of Israel from Tyre, a city noted in those days for witchcraft. When she saw Jehu riding to Jezreel, she knew his mission and she went and painted her face, and tired her head to charm Jehu, and divert him from his mission, but Jehu knew why he was anointed king of Israel by Elisha and stuck to it. How are the mighty fallen.
This is why God warned in Habakkuk 2:12, 18-19 “Woe to him that buildeth a town with blood, and stablisheth a city by iniquity. What profiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies that the maker of his work trusteth therein, to make dumb idols? “Woe unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise, it shall teach! Behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.”
Whatever you sow that is what you will reap. The seed do not leave the hand of the sower. Cast your bread upon the many waters after many days it will return. What you sow is what comes up. Focus on God, trust and believe in God. Matthew 6:24, 25, 33 “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Colossians 3:2-6 “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry, For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience”.
Humble yourself and God will exult you. Consider Philippians 2:5-11 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Know your purpose in life; understand the real reason why you are here on Earth. The only promise God made to us is to give us eternal life. And you cannot see God without holiness. When he said seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, all other things you need will be added unto you. Trust God. Believe God and walk with God.
God told Moses in Leviticus 19:2 to speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel and say to them; ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy.
Leviticus 20:7 “Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God.” Eternal life is life without end with God Almighty and can you be with God without being holy. When Christ said, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, which leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
We are sojourners here. Without humility it is impossible to please God. So humble yourself before your God and get your heart on things above and God will exult you. The hedonistic pursuit, scramble for material things have led many to miss the way and turn to Satan and his angels/agents.
“Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto you” Zechariah 4:6 and 9.
Only God can truly bless you. God’s blessings add no sorrows but whatever you think you benefited from the devil disappears quickly like dew on early morning sun. Even then what you got from Satan was blood money. You have sacrificed somebody to get it and build your empire with blood.
One should not be afraid of God’s discipline to rush into the hands of the devil; that compounds the problem. God’s discipline is meant to mould us into true sons and daughters of the Most High God fit for our return to heaven. Consider Isaiah 48:10 “Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.”
Malachi 3:3-4 “And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.”
James 1:2-4 “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
When you fall into diver temptations, tests and trials employ patience. Wait patiently on the Lord in prayer. God wants to hear you at 12:00am, 3:00am praising him and praying; and as you patiently persevere and endure through prayer; the temptations, trials and tests you grow into the realm of the Almighty God. When you enter the canopy of the Almighty God what else do you need. Satan persecuted Job and for nine months Job went through hell in the hand of Satan, Job never prayed, but the moment he prayed God turned the captivity of Job around and gave him back twice as much as he had before.
Job 42:10 “And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.”
Nworah Maduabuchi Clement


“Where are we today in Nigeria? We dearly need thoughtful, intelligent and imaginative leadership. But we are not getting any of it. Politics demand that those who seek high public offices should, of necessity define themselves in such a coherent manner that the people would know where they stand on critical issues that matter to the people. Sadly we have not had any of that in this nation especially since 1979.” Sir Christopher Mbonu Emerem opened up recently at his office in Aba, Abia State while speaking to Journalists.
“A deep reflection of where we are now comes with broken hearts, a sad realization that is woeful underdevelopment, extreme poverty, hunger, gross unemployment, unprecedented inequality and disease, all of which have resulted in the official classification of 63 percent of Nigeria’s population as multi-dimensionally poor. That is one of the numbing outcomes of bad leadership” he said.
Sir Christopher Mbonu Emerem a Professional Nigeria artist/painter of International repute, who have been inducted into the American Hall of Fame by the President/Chairman, Governing Board of Editors, American Biographical Institute, ABI, USA in 2011; awarded “Quato Classificato Giuria Internationale” of VENTIPERTRENTA 2007 (Festival Internazionale di Arte Digitale) by the International Jury of VENTIPERTRENTA 2007 as one of the international award winners where he was ranked 4th by the Jury Italy, “Diploma of Ventipertrenta 2008, 2009, 2021, 2022 in Italy; Ventipertrenta in Zacatecas Mexico 2008, he was selected as one of the top 30 digital artists who came from 11 countries; Italy Mexico, Cuba, Argentina, Spain, India, USA, Romania, Brazil, Nigeria and Costa Rica; Awarded Certificate of Membership of IAACMOA in 2012; listed in the Smithsonian Institution Libraries; “Emerging forms”, a collective exhibition, in which Sir Mbaonu Christopher Emerem was one of the top 6 exhibitors in the Agora Gallery Inc’ Gallery Representation package in 2005 Broadway, Soho New York, USA, among others urged the whole world, to understand how he feels about the failed Nigerian leadership, to think through a democracy that has produced the most expensive parliamentarians in the world. “I mean national assembly members in one of the poorest nation on earth who earned higher than the President of the richest nation. Where is it that an oil-producing nation in the world its system of government has failed to deliver wealth to? Where is the oil-rich nation that can’t refine its crude for domestic use? Where is that member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that has failed to maintain four refineries and has become petroleum importing country! Never in the history of mankind has a democratic and oil producing country been so mismanaged to the effect that all critical sectors, energy, transportation education, health, financial services media, etc have collapsed. Leadership is the ability to move people from where they are to where they want to be. Nation building requires sacrifice from leaders and their followers, but the leader must take the lead.
Nation-building is defined variously as constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state as the unification of the people within [a] state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run.” Andreas Winner of the University of Columbia is quoted to say that one of the factors that determines the success of nation-building is a state “Capable of providing goods evenly across a territory”. Because nation-building is a process, a continuous work-in-progress, it requires to begin and to sustain it, an especial type of leader who is imbued with the five Cs of character conviction, competence, commitment and courage. Any leader who lacks these personal qualities and even more cannot give to the state and its people what he does not have.
A nation is built on the character of its people. This is a truism. But the quality of the followership is defined by the character of the leadership. It is said that as the prince, so are the people. This is why Chief Obafemi Awolowo once said; “Those of us placed in a position of leadership must be prepared to grasp the mettle [for] if we unite in doing so, and if in addiction, we set a worthy example… in probity, unselfishness and self sacrifice, the people will follow all too readily in our footsteps”. The sage is right. The U.S President F.D Roosevelt is quoted to say that the presidency is far more than an administrative office, it is pre-eminently a place of moral leadership”. On his part, George W. Bush declared that his vision of leadership is someone who brings people together”.
Nigeria, a diverse country cannot be forged into a nation of common vision, focus and values where and when the leaders who do not walk their talk, and the rule of law that is fundamental to an ordered society, is breached with impunity, and corruption of personal and institutional values is rife. Indeed hydra-headed corruption is antithetical to national unity; it breeds cronyism, nepotism, greed, tribalism and it erodes trust in leadership. The prevalent moral anarchy in this polity can be blamed squarely on its leadership. Alas in the words of a Lebanese poet, Khali Gibran, “Pity the nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation.”
Sir Christopher Mbonu Emerem who had been inducted into the World Hall of Fame and bestowed with the prestigious award of World Lifetime Achievement Award by World Congress Arts, sciences and communication. Man of the year 2012 by America Biographical Institute (ABI) and who had the following Art works to his credit namely; Mankind Often Labour Blindly; The Regenerative Powers of Nature; Maiden in her Puberty; Seeking to Reclaim Mankind; The Spirits on the Ascent; Emotion with consummate purity; Pushing Back the Frontiers of Creativity; Trapped in the Dance of Destiny; Regeneration of Society; and Sensuous Embrace among others observed further that the pivotal powers of the opposition to progress in a democratic society had acutely been lacking in Nigeria.
His words; the opposition elements in the Nigerian polity seem to ignore the fact that the point at issue is not a tea party affair but foundational crisis, which has stagnated the growth and development of the country. Sheer fixation to freebooting despite the enormous resources domiciled in each state of the federation will not help anybody anymore. As experts have argued, oil is currently the only singular expression of Nigeria’s linkage to the global political economy; and in this era of energy transition, fixation to the proceeds of oil from a section of the country over which the control of the centre is attractive is sheer illusion. The earlier every section of the country gets down to the basics of nation building through development and creation of wealth than the sharing mentality, the better it would be for national unity”.
On the young administration of Nigeria’s President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the world renowned artist/painter, Sir Christopher Mbonu Emerem noted the administration’s tinkering with free market policies, and advised the President to realize that much as free market policies are good and desirable, that such policies when adopted must be creatively adapted to Nigeria’s peculiarities and domestic conditions. “The administration’s current subsidy reforms and monetary policy manipulations must be followed by bolder reforms to stimulate productive activities, household incomes, public services and job creation to put the country’s economy on a strong footing” he said and urged the new government to do away with Nigeria’s run away government incompetence, high cost of governance, and corrosive corruption that has rendered our state institutions, including regulation ineffective and which have fostered the massive raging insecurity and revenue leakages that has brought Nigeria to her knees.
Nworah Maduabuchi Clement.



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