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Did you also notice that a RABBIT runs, jumps, moves faster and lives for only 15 years, while TORTOISE doesn't even attempt any of such activities, but lives for about 150 years or more.

Life is not about rushing, comparison and doing what others are doing.

Life is about keeping calm and doing what is right and what you are called to do.

Rabbit and tortoise may live in the same forest and play together, they have different life expectancies.
Remember that you have:

Age Mates
Class Mates
School Mates
Office Mates
but you don't have

Be who you are called to be and don't try to be somebody else.

VALUABLE ADVISORY FOR THOSE  ABOVE 40 !Professor Sarah Al-Mutairi, linguistic auditor: I offer these tips to those who h...


Professor Sarah Al-Mutairi, linguistic auditor: I offer these tips to those who have reached the age of:
And above up to 80
May God bless you with obedience, health and well-being.

▪ *First advice:*
You should practice cupping every year even if you do not feel sick or have any illness.

▪ *Second advice:*
Always drink water, even if you do not feel thirsty or need it...the biggest and most common health problems are caused by a lack of water in the body.

▪ *Third advice:*
Play sports even when you are very busy... it is necessary to move the body, even if only by walking... or swimming... or any type of sport.

▪ *Fourth advice:*
Reduce food...
Give up excessive food cravings...because they never bring goodness. Do not deprive yourself, but reduce the quantities.

▪ *Fifth advice:*
As much as possible, do not use the car except for extreme necessity... Try to reach on your feet what you want (the mosque, the grocery store, visiting someone...) or any goal.

▪ *Sixth advice:*
Leave the anger...
Leave the anger...
Leave the anger...
Leave the worry...try to ignore things...
Do not involve yourself in annoying situations...they all reduce health and take away the splendor of the soul. Choose to sit with someone you feel comfortable with

▪ *Seventh tip:*
As it is said... Leave your money in the sun... and sit in the shade... Do not limit yourself or those around you... Money was made for us to live with, not for us to live for.

▪ *Eighth advice:*
Don't let yourself feel sad for anyone.
And for nothing you couldn't achieve,
Nor for anything you couldn't have.
Ignore it, forget it; If it was destined for you, it would reach you in your bed; As long as it is not yours, God has withheld it from you. What he prevented from you was nothing but bad things that he would have brought upon you... You and I know this, but souls forget and we need such a memory to benefit from it...

▪ *Ninth tip:*
Be humble...then be humble...for money, prestige, power and influence...all of these things are corrupted by arrogance and vanity...
Humility is what brings people closer to you out of love...and with it God raises your value and position.

▪ *Tenth advice:*
If your hair turns grey, this does not mean the end of your life. Rather, it is evidence that a better life has begun. Be optimistic, live in remembrance, travel, and enjoy yourself with what is lawful. .
And another tip:
Don't stay up but sleep as early as possible.

*(((The last and most important piece of advice)))*
Never abandon your prayer, for it is your winning card in this world and on the Day when neither wealth nor children will benefit.

If you like this, be a cause of goodness and spread it. If you do not like it, do not deprive it of someone who may benefit from it.

Good Morning all.


Parents/ Guardian please take your time to watch this video about the effect of raising an ipad kids.

Danger Of Assumption! *_A few months ago, I was invited to a programme in a school  in Jos, Plateau State as a guest spe...

Danger Of Assumption!

*_A few months ago, I was invited to a programme in a school in Jos, Plateau State as a guest speaker._*

*_When I entered the auditorium, I saw some Guests I knew sitting in one corner. I went up to them and started to greet them one after the other._*

*_I shook their hands, even with the ones I didn't know until I got to one guest. I didn't know him and when I extended my hand, he ignored it. After few seconds, I withdrew my hand. All my thought was, "what arrant nonsense?" I kept asking the question from myself. I felt very embarrassed and angry. Embarrassed for myself and angry at the man._*

*_What was he feeling like, I thought. All those other guests accepted my greeting. And to my knowledge, I hadn't done anything wrong. I gave him a very scornful look, greeted the remaining guests and went to take a seat._*

*_Now, even after I sat down, I was still pi**ed. I kept stealing glances at the guest to see how he would react to other people._*

*_Then I saw it... Amazingly he was blind!!!_*

*_His eyes were open, but he couldn't see at all! The other guests who came to greet him had to touch him first, then take his hand if they wanted to shake hands with him._*

*_To my great surprise, he is my hidden protege who really appreciates my lectures. I never knew he came purposely because his wife informed him that I will be the guest speaker for this year's Programme. In fact, he was waiting to hear someone bemoan my name so as to stand and hug me._*

*_When I heard this, my embarrassment level tripled. In addition to that, I felt stupid, very stupid. I was still angry, just angry at myself. In fact, I could not say a word to him until I got to the podium and my speech for that Programme changed from "Recovery" to "DANGER OF ASSUMPTION"._*

_©️ *Assumption kills like poison. Any small thing, we assume, thinking others are doing what we think not what we validate by personal eye witness.*_

_©️ *Someone doesn't pick our calls, we assume he or she is avoiding us or is up to something.*_

_©️ *Someone doesn't give us the money we asked for, we assume he or she is stingy and wicked...*_

_©️ *Someone doesn't call, hangout or visit you as he/she usually does. We assume they are no longer caring or intimate again, then comes the anger and repulsive attitude towards them.*_

_©️ *We never care to know and understand that issues of life can set in to choke them. Also that, the issues of life are diverse in nature, not the same*._

_©️ *Once we are turned or rejected, we start assuming. Power of verification of issues is more important and significant for more connection with healthy people to get to the top.*_

_©️ *We don't put into consideration what the other party might be going through or experiencing. Always have it at the back of your mind that, other people might not be in pleasant mood like you.*_

_©️ *The guy that promised you money might get into a financial situation a day before he's supposed to give you the money.*_

*_✓ The person that didn't pick your call was probably in a meeting or busy at that moment, or even sleeping. He might not be in the mood to take your call._*

*_✓ We just assume instead because it’s easier and it tends to make us the good guys._*

*_✓ Give someone benefit of the doubt, make an excuse for that person. It's not always as it seems in your mind and head._*

*_Maintain relationships with people. What you EXPECT will COME towards you and what you don't EXPECT will RUN away from you._*

*_✓ It is childish and immature to pick offence at every provocation or perceived wrongness and then start keeping grudges as a result. Grow above it._*

*_✓ Someone did not invite you for their wedding, you pick offence with them._*

*_✓ Someone didn't wish you happy birthday, you pick offence with the person._*

*_✓ They didn't like your Facebook post, you pick offence._*

*_✓ They didn't support you in a disagreement you had with someone, you pick offence with them._*

*_✓ They are junior and they have the audacity to talk or oppose your opinion. You pick offence with them._*

*_✓ They said No to your request, you pick offence and malice starts._*

*_✓ You asked them for money, they said they didn't have it, you pick offence with them._*

*_✓ You are even keeping a record of people who brought gifts to your wedding, those who blessed you because you helped them, you have the list of those who give you gifts or money always among your junior colleague, so you can know who to pick offence with._*


_@ *Everyone has his/ her battle that someone is not aware of.*_

_@ *Those who you need help from are also looking for help.*_

_@ *Not everything is personal and intentional.*_

_@ *Not everyone hates you.*_

_@ *Sometimes, people are just caught up with their own lives, struggles, human weaknesses, and limitations.*_

_@ *Learn how to manage being disappointed by people and still be on talking terms with them. It will save you a lot of UNNECESSARY grudges and save you some FRIENDSHIPS you may need in the future.*_

*_Grow above offences, grow with offences, grow ignoring offences, and stop hurting yourself._*




Lots of women are losing their husbands to strange women out there and most women are yet to know what these men see in these women that make them get glued to them even though they know that these women are more expensive and most are full of s*xually transmitted diseases.

Hi wives, you need to know the s*xual secrets of these faceless women, sorry they are better than you in the bed, you need to step up to match up with them and beat them in their dirty games. Take your time to read this and get your husband back, these are their secrets:

1) THEY UNDERSTAND THE S*XUAL WEAKNESS OF MEN: They understand that one of the weaknesses of most men is s*x and they make good use of this. Wives are careless about this, instead of using s*x to create intimacy with their husbands; they use it to create animosity, anger, and bitterness between them and their husbands.

WHAT TO DO: Use s*x as a tool of love to create intimacy in your marriage, don’t use s*x to destroy your marriage, use it to build it.

2) THEY KISS LIKE MAD: In a report, most married men reported that their wives hate kissing; they said it is difficult to get a decent kiss from their wives. Strange women are experts in this area they use kissing as a weapon.

WHAT TO DO: Don’t turn kissing into wrestling in your marriage, stop being local. Kiss your husband even when he is not expecting it.

3) THEY USE KILLER UNDERWEAR: A man said he hates to see his wife in panties because according to him, she always looks like a wrestler. Lots of wives are like this, they are fond of wearing pants whose colors are different from their bras, looking like a rainbow, dirty pants, outdated underwear, a bra that looks like tarpaulin, wearing boxers that are meant for men, wearing knickers and tying of wrapper to bed. Strange women are creative in this regard they are fond of using neat, s*xy panties and bras. They always balance colors under there.

WHAT TO DO: Wives wake up, fashion starts from under, not from head gear or rope sieve bag, the real fashion is looking s*xy when you undress before your husband.

4) THEY USE KILLER NIGHTIE: Strange women not only wear s*xy underwear, but they also wear killer nighties. While wives dress to bed and look like a soldier in bed, strange women dress to capture the man even before getting to bed.

WHAT TO DO: When you are going out dress up, when you are going to bed dress down. Dress to capture the imagination of your husband, and get a very s*xy, nasty nightie for your husband’s eyes only. Men are moved by what they see, let your husband see the angel in you.

5) THEY SEE S*X AS A SERIOUS BUSINESS: You see it as a chore, you see it as dirty, you even wish it is removed from marriage, it never crosses your mind. But these strange ladies, see s*x as a serious business and do everything to keep their clients and customers. They use all marketing strategies, branding, product, packaging, marketing, and advertisement.

WHAT TO DO: Begin to see s*x as a serious business, rebrand yourself, and repackage yourself because you are the real product.

6) THEY TREAT S*X AS FOOD OF MEN: Wives are fond of saying “Is it food?” What a foolish statement! It’s not food, it’s more than what the Bible says it is water (Proverbs 5:15-19). Strange women are aware of the fact that men see s*x as food and they serve it hot and better

WHAT TO DO: Get into the fray, and treat it as the food of your husband. Serve it better than before, and never say, “Is it food?” again in your life, it is more than that

7) S*X IS IN THEIR MIND: Babies, house cleaning, cooking, and washing are in the minds of wives; s*x is never in their minds, they never think of it, but women put it in their minds and their body is ready no wonder they hardly look tired for it.

WHAT TO DO: At least two or three times a week, put s*x in your to-do list, put it in your mind, and see how your marriage turns out to be

😎 THEY PLAN FOR S*X: Strange women plan for s*x the way you plan for your cooking; they look forward to it and carry their catch along in their plans.

WHAT TO DO: Plan for s*x in your marriage; don’t make it your husband’s affairs to plan for s*x in your marriage. Let it be part of your schedule.

9) THEY SET TABLE FOR S*X: Strange women do set table for great s*x, soft music, blue light, candlelight, perfumed bed, velvet bed sheet, s*xy outlook, and slippery fingers. Do you still wonder why men are running to them?

WHAT TO DO: Begin to set a table for s*x in your marriage, be creative, and surprise your husband with a s*xy outlook when he arrives from work. Children are already in bed, you look “Smatching”, the whole house looks romantic, soft music, dinner with candlelight, Hug by the door and kiss on the lips. Who says your husband will not rush home tomorrow?

10) THEY ARE VERY ROMANTIC: Romance is a strange thing to some women, the away women don’t joke about it, they are experts in this. Whole lots of wives are romantically bankrupt but strange women are professional in it. Men love romantic women and strange women know this.

WHAT TO DO: become romantic, marriage is a love affair, don’t allow motherhood and wifehood to destroy your girlish instinct. Be romantic.

11) THEY FLIRT WITH THEIR MEN: Strange women are not only romantic, they are flirty. they give “come and do” eye contact, if you sit with them at a table they make sure their legs touch yours, and they put hands on men’s shoulders and touch men’s Legs as they discuss. They greet men with a good smile, they laugh excessively at men’s dry jokes. All these signals immoral men understand perfectly and they quickly go for them.

WORK TO DO: Get flirty with your husband, hold his hands in public, place your head on him when on a bus, touch his legs as you talk, sit close to him and sure to make your body touch his own, hold him longer when hugging, he is your husband girl, get flirty with him.

If anybody snatched your husband after you might have read this, then it’s your fault.

From today start improving your s*x life don't come here to complain unless you have done this and it didn't work out. To all my haters because of s*x issues, kindly go to Court tomorrow, you will see the number of people getting divorced because of s*x.



*If You Are Looking For Wealth, Somebody Is Looking For Health.*

*If You Are Looking For Health, Somebody Just Died.*

*If You are Looking For Power, Somebody Has Acquired And Used it And Is Now Powerless.*

*Each Time You Drive A Fancy Car, Somebody, Somewhere Is Dying In A Car Crash.*

*Each Time a New Mansion Springs From The Earth, A New Grave is Dug Below The Earth.*

*Each Time You Throw Away A Morsel, Somewhere, Somebody is Searching For a Morsel To Survive.*

*Each Time You Throw Food Into Dustbin, Someone Is Looking For Remnant To Eat.*

*Each Time You Ask God To Promote or Change Your Present Situation, Someone Is Praying to Get To Your Present Situation.*

*For Each Smile On The Planet, There's a Drop Of Tear In Another Place On The Planet.*

*For Each Celebration Of Childbirth, There Are Tears of Burial.*

*Each Time You Urinate Or Drink Water, Remember Someone Is Using Pipe For The Same Purpose.*

*The Joy Of Life Lies In Knowing Your Limitations And Your Final And Inevitable Destination.*

*Be Contented, And You Are Close To Being The Richest Of All.*

*May God Endow Us With Contentment As We Focus On Him.*

*Think About This And Be Grateful to God For What You Have!*.



Arrogance destroys glory, it is more deadly than cancer.

One might be arrogant without even knowing, that is why there's need to read through this points carefully and observe areas that needs to be worked upon for positive change

1. When you cannot submit yourself to higher authority.

2. When you find it difficult to accept corrections.

3. When you are too big to say “sorry”.

4. When you think that your success or achievements are based on your efforts.

5. When you don’t have respect for people.

6. When you are always feeling superior to others.

7. When you always want to control or dominate others.

8. When you think that you are better than other people.

9. When you cannot work under those with lesser qualifications.

10. When you are always angry at those who correct you.

11. When you avoid those who criticize you for NOT understanding their Rationality.

12. When you feel too big to learn.

13. When you feel ashamed to ask questions about what you don’t know.

14. When you are always bragging about your achievements/connections.

15. When you don’t consider it necessary to say “thank you” to those who help you.

16. When you think that nobody knows more than you.

17. When you think that you cannot make mistakes.

18. When you think that you know everything in life.

19. When you look at those who helped you to get to the top as nothing.

20. When you refused to appreciate those who have been a blessing to your life even when you have over enough to do so.

*Humility is the best*


The word WIFE = BABY. If you don’t know this, don’t marry. If you know this, happy married life. The word WIFE is another name for BABY.
A baby is a tender little child in the hands of her parents. The right position for a man is the position of a father. Nothing summarizes the role of man in the home and in the society more than the word FATHER. A man who stands in this mindset, will have a lot of things settled in his heart. The baby needs to be pampered, loved and protected. The role of the husband is to pamper the wife by treating her tenderly and giving her emotional security. The husband is also supposed to love the wife by providing for her needs. Women are not built to work, the husband is supposed to work to provide for his wife not to do that is to stop being a father. A father is a provider. Men are built to work and provide and men expresses love by providing not just giving. Providing is consistent giving while giving is a one time action. However, love is not complete by just giving or providing, it must be accompanied by attention. Provision with attention equals love. The baby is not just provided for but receive constant attention from the parents.

The last duty of a husband is protection. The man as a father protects his wife his baby. What does he protect her from; he protects her spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. he protects her from abuses, hardships, predators, emotional insecurity and physical harm. A father is a protector that’s why men always want to own houses. The desire to own houses stems from the innate nature to protect. Houses are not just the only source of protection but an evidence that men love to protect. However, everything about the man is supposed to be engaged to protect the woman. The man uses his knowledge, wisdom,physical strength, spiritual intelligence and financial status to protect the woman. It’s the woman’s responsibility to build a home from the house the man has built.

This is the summary of the role of the husband. A man is supposed to use his entire manliness to parent the wife.

However, this is the traditional and classical role of a husband in an environment where the woman recognizes the man as her head and submits to him as she would her father. She must recognize that the man is her father and don’t contest authority with him.

The world we live in today has seen men fail in their duties and even become unfaithful and hence most women are exposed, unprotected and unprovided for. However, we have also seen wives seek equality with husbands and believe that whatever a man can do they can do better. Hence the dysfunctional relationship between the men and the women we see today. In such a dysfunctional relationship, if the woman has no economic power she is a victim much more disadvantaged.

I lend my voice to women empowerment. An empowered woman is a protected woman.

*Daniel A.E*

The selfish LOVER! What is a selfish lover? Do you have a selfish lover? Are YOU a selfish lover?There are many people w...

The selfish LOVER! What is a selfish lover? Do you have a selfish lover? Are YOU a selfish lover?

There are many people who are not good lovers. Sometimes it is because they just don't know what to do. Even worse, sometimes it is because the partner will not ask for what they want or at least say what they don't want. We spend too much time being overly polite so that we don't hurt each others' feelings when it comes to s*x.

Of course, you should not be rude or insensitive but it is advisable to tell the truth about what you like and what you need. Why, because each person is different when it relates to needs.

According to this article from Psychology Today, here are some ways to tell if your lover is selfish (or if you are the selfish one). Great s*x is about making sure that both partners love what is happening. The benefit is, If they love it they will want more.

Six Cues That Your Lover Is Selfish in Bed
Because men can finish through in*******se, they may become selfish in bed
Men can and often do finish through in*******se. Very few women can and do—without external stimulation. So, it is in some ways easier to be a man in the s*xual arena. In principle, men can finish without foreplay, fe****io or ha***obs. Most women cannot finish without foreplay, cu*******us or a ha***ob.

Yet, anecdotally, too many men are either completely confused about this fact, or they are selfish in bed. If they are confused, they just need some education. If they are selfish, there is probably not a whole lot you can do about it, except cut your losses and move on. But how do you spot a selfish lover before you end up becoming too attached? Here are some signs that your lover may be selfish in bed:

Your lover often asks for erotic massages but never returns the favor. He will find an excuse for why you need to work your knuckles off, for instance, that his legs are sore from his recent workout.
Foreplay is virtually non-existent. He might stick a finger up your va**na to see if you are wet and ready to go without any warmup. If you are not, he will bring out the l**e, so he doesn't need to do any extra work.
You have had s*x more than a few times, and he has not yet performed cu*******us on you, but he has encouraged you to perform fe****io on him. Worse: you have asked him to go down on you, but he always has an excuse for not doing it, or he simply says he doesn't like it.
After he finishes, he rolls over and goes to sleep, unconcerned about whether you finished or not. Or worse: he sends you packing and on your way.
If you bring yourself to a finish during in*******se but it happens to be one of those rare occasions where he just isn't going to bring it home, he finds the very fact that you finished and he did't unfair. He might joke about it, or even shut you out emotionally for a while, despite the fact that you did all the work yourself.
He prefers s*xual positions where he doesn't have to do any work, most commonly you on top of him. If he is really selfish, he will pull out just before he comes and point his p***s toward your face, or put it in your mouth and make you swallow.
Now, these are only cues that your man is selfish in bed, because some men are simply uneducated. Others think you don't mind having s*x in these male-focused ways, because you never expressed your needs. But if you clearly express your needs and the bad behavior continues, then you have a selfish lover on your hands. Get away from him before the two of you end up getting serious to the point where you are inclined to put up with s*xual deprivation for years to come.

In January, Omotola Jalade shared on her IG that she was grateful that at 40, her last child is already in the Universit...

In January, Omotola Jalade shared on her IG that she was grateful that at 40, her last child is already in the University. Remember she has four kids and she married quite early.

Funke Akindele (Jenifa) congratulated her on the post. Funke is 41, and just had her first babies in December of last year.

Now, if you try to compare these two women, you'd fail at it because they are both accomplished. Will you say Funke is unfortunate for just having her first babies at 41 while Omotola's last child is already in Uni?

My point? Stop comparing yourself with others! Your life journey isn't the same with anyone, irrespective of societal expectations.

Not everyone will get married in their twenties, not every couple will have a baby nine months into marriage, not everyone will become a millionaire in their thirties, some people will get their dream jobs at 40, it doesn't mean they've failed. Some will become CEOs at 55.

Please learn to focus on your life. I know it's a difficult thing to do in this era of social media where everyone seems to be doing well in life except you. Don't compare your life journey with others, not even your classmates.

There are only CLASSMATES, there are no LIFEMATES. You're your only mate in life.

Whenever you're tempted to compare yourself with others (which makes you to feel pressured and sad), come back to this post and digest every word. So you better save it, because I will too.

Source: Olubunmi Mabel

*TO AVOID EMBARRASSMENT AND UNNECESSARY PRESSURE IN LIFE**Put your kids in schools you can afford because expensive scho...


*Put your kids in schools you can afford because expensive schools doesn’t guarantee good results. Just ensure they attend a good affordable school*

*Rent apartments you can pay for conveniently. Don’t live in a house you struggle to pay yearly.*

*A man whose wife is pregnant has good 9 months to prepare, so also the pregnant woman in question. They should even plan for the worse and only seek help when they can’t meet up.*

*Some problems in our lives don’t just pop up, 12 months ago, we knew we would pay rents...So its not an emergency.*

*Let’s plan our lives and live within our means. Save more and spend less.*

*Some women buy food for their children every morning before going to school, do you know it’s cheaper to cook at home?*

*Some buy every Asoebi and also buy shoe and bag to match.*

*Some people who don’t earn much, but have DSTV at home, go for GOTV and upgrade when your income upgrades. It’s still the same CNN.*

*Eat healthy meals and protect your family from mosquitoes to avoid going to the hospital always.*

*Take advantage of food and fruits in season, its cheaper and you can be creative to create amazing meals.*

*Don’t copy your neighbor’s style of cooking soup, she earns well and her husband is a ‘big man’*

*Don’t follow trends, wear clean well-ironed clothes and keep your hair neat. You would still look good.*

*Keep your circle small, keep only friends that have senses!*

*Above all things, have the fear of God, have integrity, don’t be lazy and be prayerful.*

*Planning is the key, if you fail to plan, you plan to FAIL*

*Don't do more than your budget this Xmas and new year, there is no award given to best family that wore an expensive cloth for the year*

*The purpose of shoe and cloth it is to make us smart and look good*

*God bless us all and provide all our needs.*



*She asked a question in a general Group on a WhatsApp platform*.
I responded to the question professionally.

She tagged my response and typed: *"you're an idiot"*

Upon thinking through her response, I calmly replied: *"Thanks so much. Now that you have pointed out my attention to this idiotic part of me, I'll surely work on it, God bless you my dear..."*

*And the whole platform shook. Over 118 people commented. They were so surprised by my calm response. Of course she was terribly bashed to the extent that she "left" the Group.*

*An hour later she called me to apologise* for how stupid she's been etc. I forgave her and we became friends.

Then I later ended up handling her premarital counselling sessions.

Two days ago, on my Birthday, she and her husband surprised me with a gift worth over $10,000. This was a year after she called me an idiot.

*Life Lessons from this experience:*

*1. MATURITY:* Your reaction to negative feedbacks or situations shows how mature you are.

*2. CHOICE:* You have the power of choice whenever anybody does or says anything offensive to you.

*3. SELF CONTROL:* If someone calls you anything negative and you lose yourself and begin to fight or shout or do anything terrible, you only prove them right.

*4. SILENCE IS GOLDEN:* It is better to keep quiet and let people think you're a fool, than to open your mouth to enable them confirm you're truly a fool.

*5. DISCERNMENT:* You cannot throw both the baby and the dirty water away from the bathing bowl because the baby had pooed in the bath water.

*6. POSITIVE POWER:* You have the power to win people through your maturity and composure and not through overly being more sanctimonious than the person.

*7. POSITIVE IMPACT:* Life is all about people. If I had responded to her negatively, I would have lost a friend forever.

*8. WISDOM:* There are people who are sent to you by God to help your journey in life to be worthwhile, your meeting point might be at a fighting point. Be wise, even when you're angry.

*9. HUMILITY:* She was humble enough to call and apologized.

*10. RECONCILIATION:* Maybe there's someone you need to reconcile with today, go ahead and do just that.

We can all get Better with Ourselves, with these 10 key lessons.



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