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WHAT IS UNKNOWN COUNTRY??BY MS KIMBERLY ANN GOGUENhttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=271925372250149&id=1000829...



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When the formation of nations in this world happened, even back in the days of monarchies before all these things came to pass, and the world was separated with borders like we see 500 or 1000 years ago, there was a singular registration for ‘Unknown Country.’ It was a registration done by her predecessor Marduk many, many years ago and it is basically the country for the entire planet. It encompasses the oceans, land masses, air, and atmosphere. When it came time to start registering countries, Unknown Country granted a Lord of a piece of land. This is why you have Lord Rothschild and all these people and they have their own monarchy so to speak, in their respective areas of the world. If you were to look at it like a tree, Unknown Country would be at the top which is the star and underneath you would have the Lords of the Land, also known as the Order of the Dragon. Then came the security for the Order of the Dragon, and there were various entities. You would have seen the Trilateral Commission in this section, the Order of the Black Sun in this area. But Unknown Country always maintained the GIA as its actual security regardless of who was down below in the Order.

*Elites Try to Get Kim to Register the GIA under the United States*

The GIA is the administrator under the Bankruptcy and Martial Law, which means Kim is in charge as we know. They on the other had are super slow or in denial and today they also tried to get Kim to register the GIA under the US. So perhaps they do not understand what Unknown Country really means which is why she decided to explain it again for these people in the middle and governments worldwide and anyone else who is unaware.

*United Nations Was Registered Underneath Unknown Country*

The United Nations was a registered entity as a worldwide organization underneath Unknown Country. After its inception the UN would then allegedly approve new countries, such as the division of North and South Korea and North and South Sudan. A lot of these countries came to be after the inception of the UN. However, under the UN’s charter it claims it must have a backing by 4 other registered nations in order to get a new country approved as a country. What the UN does not tell you is they have to submit that registration for the new country they want to form to ‘Unknown Country,’ who has final say and approval because the UN is not in charge, they are down at the bottom. The same goes for the Order of the Dragon when they had authority.

*Why GIA is Administrator under the Bankruptcy and for Martial Law*

So, the reason why the GIA is the administrator under the Bankruptcy and for Martial Law is because it was declared by Unknown Country. Prior to the advent of the UN, when a country was becoming a country whether it was the UK, US, China, it does not matter, they are registered directly to Unknown Country as subsidiaries. Unknown Country gave you the ability to declare this plot of land the United States for example. This is why when the US appoints a President it must go to the Hall of Records through to the Unknown Country and Unknown Country, aka Kim, Office of the Guardian must approve said President, and said Congressman and so on. If you were to look at the world as a giant corporation, let us call it the Banana Republic Company, then Unknown Country owns it and you work in the US division. But Kim still has the right to decide if you are going to be the head of the division or not.

Therefore, why would Kim want to register herself or her agents under the GIA down the food chain, under her already owned subsidiary?

They were trying to trick Kim is what they were trying to do. So, she kindly gave them the registration numbers for Unknown Country and for the GIA and reported back to them thanking them, but no thank you. So please understand who you are dealing with here. The Rothschilds do not even fully understand this either because this was their idea. Unknown Country had the right to deal with its subsidiaries directly, its corporations worldwide, and when she says corporation, she is using it as a metaphor. Unknown Country does not have to deal with middleman which they are and are now out of the equation.

Unknown Country’s registration is very, very old. It is in every country’s Archives and everyone should know it exists. If they look at their original formation of every country’s documentation that has gone through the UN and joined the UN there is a signature on there from Unknown Country. Their plot of land is called the US, UK, etc. but it is a subsidiary of Unknown Country. Unknown Country grants you that right. So when you start talking about Maritime Law, the Holy See, Concords of See etc., from Unknown Country’s point of view she has all of that because they all get registered to the Hall of Records to be approved.

*This is how Kim can do what she is doing.*

What is meant for our harm is being used for our good. She is trying to save the 8 billion people in the world from total chaos. That is what she is trying to do. All this was done under her predecessor and she admits, it was brilliant. But it should be clear now why her office can do all these things. When Marduk did these things, it was under less than honorable intentions, but now it is what it is and it has been a wonderful tool and she is using it to every extent that she can.

It should be clear now why her office can do all these things.

When Marduk did these things, it was under less than honorable intentions, but now it is what it is and it has been a wonderful tool and she is using it to every extent that she can.

For the record, the GIA under her predecessor funded directly under the Constitution and under the Declaration of Independence and all of that. Unknown Country was always there from its inception. That being said, it was used for malicious purposes in the past. But since Kim has taken it over, she has done the exact opposite and has un-rung all these bells for that reason.

The Rothschild and the Black Sun Have No Authority Under Unknown Country
None of these people in the middle wanted to respect Kim’s position, so little by little they died and now we are down to some crazy British and Chinese people who are waiting for an alignment, this time Lion’s Gate. They are the only ones standing in the way and not because they have the authority to do any of these things. But she sees these meetings with people arguing about what Rothschild wants them to do. They think they still have to do the stuff for them, but they do not. Rothschild does not have authority under Unknown Country to control our financial system, political system, intelligence, and military systems. None of that applies anymore. They must deal with Kim and the same goes for the Order of the Black Sun who was granted the same rights for global security. That contract also has expired. Therefore, as far as Kim is concerned the retired Generals, the Jesuits, Opus Dei, Templars, etc. do not exist. They are people walking around and talking a lot from a government standpoint sure, but none of those people are relevant in the world anymore. The one that is going to make you or break you is the one that granted you the power, which is Unknown Country.

So Kim suggests they pull this information from the Archives so they understand why the GIA is the Administrator for the Bankruptcy and Administrator under the Martial Law plan. And the CIA can keep offering her money to work down there, but she will never accept it. Why would she want that? Why would she leave her high seat to go be the janitor?

Only Kim’s Chair Can Authorize Currencies
Whether you be Russia, China, India, South Africa, the US, you are still property of Unknown Country. Therefore, your currency is also up to Kim’s Chair to decide and she did not authorize the crashing of the US dollar. She understands this is a Federal Reserve Note but we are going to do this seamlessly. So, whether they do it today or at the end of the month it does not matter, but they are going to do it her way.

The Rothschilds keep pushing because during Lion’s Gate they think their systems and control over the gold is all coming back. That is what would happen during Lion’s Gate. The big ball of gold under Yellowstone would light up, go towards the lower astral when we had lower astral timelines, those timelines on the bottom of the clock which we were always in, and all that stuff would activate during that time. This is why Kim said by the 6th of August you can stick a fork in these people. They are done and she is narrowing the space in between Unknown Country and Governments.

They will never crash the dollar. We will ease into a US Treasury Certificate (not a note), and not a digital currency. We will also transition to production contracts that are based on things produced on US soil which will support the dollar and we will remove ourselves from other countries in the world. The US is the only one who carries around Federal Reserve dollars at this point. So, the physical look of that money will change. It will not say Federal Reserve anymore. Everybody else will have their current currencies. Anybody else who is dollar denominated will go to their currency and everything will be backed by gold. The value of 1 ruble, 1 dinar, etc. is going to be based on the gold behind it and everybody will have more than enough to support it. The algorithms for that will be the same. If you have a US dollar or a Singapore dollar or Yuan from China it is going to be worth pretty much the same. It is going to take time but everything will be worth the same because gold will be worth the same worldwide. The Rothschilds who like to control the London Fix and the price per ounce of gold and silver which is still set out of that London Office underneath Coutts will not be controlling that.

Kim’s way is to seamlessly transition out the Federal Reserve because they are serving no purpose and they have zero understanding of what they are rejecting constantly. Kim is not begging them to do anything anymore, she is eliminating them from her world. They no longer sit between the governments and herself. The Treasury Departments have been nationalized; therefore, they are part of the government and her property, and they are part of her company, the accounting division of one area of her company so to speak, metaphorically. She also did not approve any BRICS currency. No matter how many times some China people try to hack an old portal in Guam or anywhere else, they will not launch a BRICS currency.
We are moving into a gold backed interdependent world where countries will trade in other currencies and gold because everyone’s currency will become a gold certificate essentially. They are no longer notes. They are not debts, there is no debt ceiling. There will be none of that happening in an asset-based trading system. The only reason why anyone would want to create that is because they want to recreate a control system.

*The Animal in the Middle Will Die*

Kim suspects there are still several divisions in the CIA loyal to Rothschild and some in the Skull and Bones. But the animal will die. Either way all the paperwork for Unknown Country is out for everyone, all governments to see it. They can also see the people who are no longer in existence, she will send out a package about that. Who knows maybe they are just confused when they decided they were in charge. The remaining Rothschilds, none of them were ever in charge, they all just think they were. But really, they know they were not because they used to get orders through those mirrors.

Kim is past trying to work with the rotten children. She has given up on the UN, formed CARE and moved on from that level down. The GIA is at the top and every Intelligence Agency knows that but will deny it exists. They know because if they go back to their budgets prior to 2007 they will see if they are an agency like MI6, CIA, KGB, etc. they received money from the GIA every single year, not only for their budget but for their black budget. The same goes for DARPA, the SSP and Umbrella Military Corp and all the people who are fighting her. They took money for years, some for millennia. The NSA has taken money from the GIA directly and not as an act of Congress. The US Military, GCHQ, Russian and Ukrainian Militaries every year like clockwork would get money prior to 2007. After that happened Kim signed for a 10-year budget on the 4th of July in 2012 and that time is over. But they were still getting money from Kim after she took this position. That is over and done and they spent that money quite a while ago and are all broke. Within days they will be obsolete, completely ineffective, and now we are down another level to Governments

*Will Governments Realize Unknown Country (aka Kim’s Chair) Determines Their Destiny?*

Having listened to that meeting on Wednesday afternoon and the result seems to be everyone is still listening to everything they are saying which is wait and push other countries to start protesting to get a religious war started in the Middle East, will governments be shocked and surprised when the middlemen cannot produce any money and there is not any BRICS currency. Will they still want to follow them?

*Governments Need to Understand How and Why They are Broke*

It is because they are listening to people in the middle who have no communication with Unknown Country whatsoever. All those political strategies and the crazy stuff is coming from those people in the middle who stand between them and Kim. We are getting down to the wire here. Slowly and surely the people in the middle are losing credibility worldwide. There is no money and if Kim did not step in this week, it would have started affecting the people. Whether they are China, Russia, India etc., it does not matter, they are still property of Unknown Country and what Kim says goes. At some point in time, if we still have governments, countries will be independent. Otherwise, if we decide to not have governments then we have Unknown Country and the people.

Now if Governments continue to stand between Kim and we the people then they will also be eliminated just like everyone else in between Kim and us. But it is a process and it would be more pleasant for the people of the world if there is a government and a military protecting them. Although there are very few people in the world who have faith in their governments at this point, but they do love their countries and that sentiment is worldwide. They love the land they are from and their cultures and they are proud to be from their countries.


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PHOTO NEWS: Agidigbo FM Director of Programmes, Olayinka Abdulwahaab turns latest ambassador

Agidigbo FM Director of Programmes, Olayinka Abdulwahaab well known as "Oko Oloyun" turned latest ambassador with Womai City.

"Congratulations Olayinka Abdulwahaab (Oko Oloyun), Agbedegbayi 1 as he Emerge Womai City ambassador!
Another win for Àgídìgbo887fm 🎉🎉🎉🎉"

Oko Oloyun as fondly called is a popular Yoruba newscaster and presenter on Ibadan radio.

Congratulations to both parties!
Credit: Facebook; Primusmediacity

STORY TIME! STORY TIME!! STORY TIME!!! Sewa had shut her heart firmly for so long. Behind the courteous smiles, she hid ...


Sewa had shut her heart firmly for so long. Behind the courteous smiles, she hid her emotions and concealed her fears. When anyone bothered to ask, if they ever did, Sewa related her stories such that they had a thousand versions with happy endings. This was not so with Tobi. With him Sewa was learning to share and to care. To laugh loud and play hard as her defenses went lower and lower still. Perhaps that was why it all came as a shock. As to all friendship bright and beautiful, they called often and conversed late into the nights. Sewa’s faithful heart sent out multiple spikes yet her mind was wrapped in the ecstasy, she needed it to be real. That evening, Sewa’s phone went off ending the call abruptly. They had spoken again that night for well over four hours already but they still had a few to spare, at least until Sewa’s battery got unbearably low. Plugged in and ready to roll, Sewa sent Tobi a voice-note on WhatsApp to explain her abrupt disconnection. With excitement at the tips of her eye and hands, Sewa had initially misread his reply. She even sent a sticker acknowledging it as a compliment. But then she reread it and got shocked. Sewa could not contain her surprise and anger. Tobi expressed that he was becoming distracted even with his academics and his online job. ‘Wait a minute! Distracted? Me? When did I become a distraction?’ Sewa punched on her pillow for answers.
This time Sewa didn’t keep the keys beside her. She drove to the Niles and threw it there. She wouldn’t need it anymore! Till the end, Sewa locked the door that safeguarded her emotions never to be unlocked, not even by the most daring knight. Yes, the same doors that had her childhood stories.

Three years later, Sewa was at Statdico International, a tech driven multinational firm. Under an official capacity, Sewa was warmly directed to the executive lounge with assurance that the head of the Media Relations would join her shortly. Two minutes later he arrived. The universe could not have been more unnerving.
Five feet apart, and the revelation was certain. Their eyes met for the first time in a long time. Hot tears streamed down her face first, all of the masculinity in him could not stop Tobi from following suit. The next 10 minutes was spent in defending silence. ‘What ever happened Sewa? I looked for you to the moon and back?’ wiping the tears off her eyes, Sewa tried to regain her composure. With arms stretched, ‘Good morning Dr. Olatunji Tobi, Nice to finally meet you, let’s get right to business’ Tobi shook her cold hands reluctantly. Just then, a secretary approached them ‘apologies sir, your wife dropped by to pick up your daughter’s tab from your office’ she whispered. Tobi apologetically requested to be excused for a minute. Before he returned, Sewa was gone.
That night, Sewa unblocked Tobi from Whatsapp. For three years she had successfully ignored his messages along with every other attempts Tobi had made to reach her. Her eyes could not stop raining as she read each messages and listened to each voice notes he dropped over the years.
Aged Thirty five, a top executive, and influential but alone, celebrated but unloved, Sewa wondered how different her life would have been if she was a little bit patient with high tolenrance and less self-absorbed.

NOTE: Whose Fault was it to have gotten them separated in the first place ?? What do you think would have happened between Tobi and Sewa if sewa was patient enough to asked tobi what he meant by getting distracted with his academics and online Job?
Whose Fault?? Sewa or Tobi ??
Pls drop your comments below.

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Nollywood actress, Nkechi Blessing, has celebrated the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja II, on his seventh year as a monarch.

The actress shared a picture she took with the Ooni at his palace via her Instagram account on Wednesday.

She showered prayers on Ooni saying, "Happy 7th year anniversary Kabiesi, His imperial Majesty, Ooni Babatunde Enitan Adeyeye Ogunwusi, Ojaja the second . May your reign continue to be fruitful on the ancestral throne. Thank you for all that you do for me and everyone far and wide. May God bless you abundantly 🙏🏻”

Oba Ogunwusi was crowned on December 7, 2015.

Credit: Instagram | nkechi_blessing_sunday

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A class presentation by Political Science students at the Adekunle Ajasin University took an unexpected turn when the lecturer and students mistook the presenting group for terrorists.

It was gathered that the students who were expected to portray the effects of terrorism in the country stormed the class dressed in military camouflage holding dummy guns. This caused a scare in the class as students scamper to safety.

The lecturer was also said to have ran away for his dear life.


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