Daily Walk With God ministry

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Daily Walk With God ministry Our focus is to preach the gospel, introduce Jesus to the world. We also promote Christian motivatio

🌄🙌 Each new day is a gift from God. Let's start it with gratitude and a prayer for His guidance. May your day be filled ...

🌄🙌 Each new day is a gift from God.
Let's start it with gratitude and a prayer for His guidance.
May your day be filled with blessings
and opportunities to be a blessing to others. 🌄🙌"

Start Your Week On a Positive note."🌟 Embrace the new week with open arms and a heart full of hope! Each day is a fresh ...

Start Your Week On a Positive note.

"🌟 Embrace the new week with open arms and a heart full of hope! Each day is a fresh opportunity to chase your dreams, overcome challenges, and spread positivity. Remember, you have the strength within you to turn your aspirations into reality. Let's make this week one filled with determination, kindness, and unwavering belief in ourselves and each other. 💪💖


Thank you lord, for this day that thou has made, i will rejoice and be glad in it.


"In the darkest moments of life, remember that Jesus is the light of the world. His love and grace shine brighter than any challenge you face. With Him, you have the power to overcome, to find hope, and to be a beacon of His light to others. Let His light guide your path and illuminate your purpose. You are not alone; you are a child of the Light, and with faith, you can conquer anything that comes your way." 🌟🙏


Jesus is the light of the world, anyone who follow him will not walk in darkness.

To overcome doubt and struggles in your faith, consider these four approaches:1. Seek Spiritual Guidance: Consult with a...

To overcome doubt and struggles in your faith, consider these four approaches:

1. Seek Spiritual Guidance: Consult with a trusted spiritual leader, mentor, or counselor within your faith community. They can provide guidance, answer questions, and offer support during times of doubt.

2. Study and Reflect: Engage in deep study of the word of God, attend religious classes, or join bible study groups to gain a deeper understanding of your faith. Reflect on God's promises and experiences.

3.Prayer and Meditation: Dedicate time to prayer and meditation. This can help you connect with your spiritual side, find inner peace, and seek answers to your doubts through a direct relationship God.

4. Community Involvement: Actively participate in your faith community. Attend religious gatherings, events, and worship services. Sharing experiences with fellow believers can strengthen your faith and provide a support network.

Remember that doubt is a normal part of faith, and seeking answers and guidance can lead to a deeper, more resilient belief system.


"As I rise this morning, I place my trust in God's guidance and grace. I am blessed, and His love fills my heart with hope and strength for the day ahead." 🙏


Jehovah jireh means, the lord will provide, may Jehovah jireh supply all your needs in Jesus name amen.


Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever.


God is good.


Psalm 27:1: "The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

"Journey with the Shepherd: Finding Comfort and Care in Psalm 23"Imagine a beautiful story where God takes care of us, l...

"Journey with the Shepherd: Finding Comfort and Care in Psalm 23"

Imagine a beautiful story where God takes care of us, like a shepherd looking after a bunch of playful sheep. Picture us as those sheep, munching on delicious grass in peaceful fields and sipping from gentle streams. The big idea? God is our constant protector. When life is smooth sailing, it's like we're in a paradise garden. Even when things get tough, God's love and goodness never leave us. This psalm is like a comforting song, reminding us that we're cherished and watched over. So, just like sheep trust their shepherd, we can trust God to lead us through every twist and turn.
God bless you as you meditate on psalms 23.


Once has the lord spoken, twice have I heard that power belongs to GOD.


In this ever changing world, the only thing that has remain constant is God's love

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I ...

Isaiah 41:10
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you, with my righteous right hand.
This verse is an assurance, that God is with us, upholding and strengthening us through life's challenges.
God bless you.

Breaking Barriers: How salvation got to the gentile.The account of Cornelius and his family's acceptance of Jesus Christ...

Breaking Barriers: How salvation got to the gentile.
The account of Cornelius and his family's acceptance of Jesus Christ is recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the book of Acts, chapter 10.

This narrative is a pivotal moment in the early Christian church as it marks the inclusion of Gentiles (non-Jewish individuals) into the faith. Let's explore the story in detail:

1. Introduction to Cornelius:
Cornelius was a Roman centurion, a high-ranking officer in the Roman army, stationed in Caesarea, which was the capital of the Roman province of Judea. The Bible describes Cornelius as "a devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms generously to the people and prayed to God always" (Acts 10:2).

Though he was a Gentile, Cornelius was drawn to the God of Israel and lived a life of righteousness, seeking to follow God's ways.

2. Cornelius' Vision:
One day, around the ninth hour (3:00 PM), while Cornelius was praying in his home, he had a supernatural encounter with an angel of God.

The angel appeared to him and addressed him by name, telling him that his prayers and alms had come before God as a memorial. The angel instructed Cornelius to send men to Joppa and bring a man named Simon Peter to his house.

3. Peter's Vision:
Meanwhile, in Joppa, Simon Peter, one of the early apostles of Jesus, was staying at the house of Simon the tanner. While on the rooftop praying, Peter also had a vision. He saw a large sheet descending from heaven, containing all kinds of animals, including those considered unclean according to Jewish dietary laws.

A voice told Peter to "kill and eat," but he refused, stating that he had never eaten anything uncleanThe Holy Spirit's Instruction:
The voice spoke again, telling Peter not to call unclean what God had cleansed. This vision was repeated three times, emphasizing its significance.

As Peter pondered the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius arrived at the gate and asked for him.

4. Peter's Journey to Caesarea:
The Holy Spirit prompted Peter to go with the men, and he understood that God was leading him to Cornelius.

This was a significant revelation for Peter, as Jews generally avoided association with Gentiles due to cultural and religious differences. However, he obeyed the Spirit's leading and set out to Caesarea to meet Cornelius.

5. Cornelius' Reception of Peter:
When Peter arrived at Cornelius' house, Cornelius had gathered his relatives and close friends, eagerly waiting to hear what Peter had to say.

Upon meeting Cornelius, Peter expressed his realization that God shows no partiality and that he understood it was not wrong to visit a Gentile.

6. Peter's Sermon and the Holy Spirit's Outpouring:
Peter proceeded to share the gospel message with Cornelius and his household, explaining the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of sins through Him. As Peter spoke, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were listening, regardless of their Jewish or Gentile background.

They began to speak in tongues and praise God, much like the early believers did on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2).

7. Baptism and Acceptance:
Witnessing the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and his family, Peter recognized that God had genuinely accepted them into the faith.

He then asked if anyone could forbid their baptism, acknowledging that they had received the same gift of the Holy Spirit as the Jewish believers. With no objections, Peter commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. Implications and Impact:
This event was groundbreaking for the early Christian church as it marked the official acceptance of Gentiles into the faith without the requirement of converting to Judaism first.

It demonstrated God's impartiality and revealed that salvation through Jesus Christ was open to all people, regardless of their cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

9. Reflection on Cornelius' Acceptance:
The story of Cornelius and his family accepting Jesus Christ showcases the transformative power of the gospel message. It emphasizes God's desire to reach all humanity with His love and redemption, breaking down barriers that separated people based on race or nationality.

This pivotal event played a significant role in the spread of Christianity beyond the Jewish community, contributing to its eventual global reach.

In summary, the story of Cornelius and his family's acceptance of Jesus Christ highlights God's inclusive and loving nature, His willingness to extend His grace to all who seek Him, and the profound impact of obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

You are cordially invited

You are cordially invited

10 LESSONS I LEARNT FROM THE LIFE OF JESUS.1. Unconditional Love and Compassion: Jesus consistently demonstrated uncondi...

1. Unconditional Love and Compassion: Jesus consistently demonstrated unconditional love and compassion towards all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. As Christians, we should strive to treat others with kindness, empathy, and understanding.

2. Humility and Servanthood: Jesus humbled himself and served others selflessly. Christians should learn to put the needs of others before their own, seeking opportunities to serve and uplift those around them.

3. Forgiveness and Mercy: Jesus forgave those who wronged Him and extended mercy to sinners. Christians should embrace forgiveness and avoid holding grudges, showing compassion even when it is difficult.

4. Faith and Trust in God: Throughout His life, Jesus exhibited unwavering faith and trust in God, His Heavenly Father. Christians should cultivate a strong faith, relying on God's guidance and provision in all aspects of life.

5. Prayer and Spiritual Connection: Jesus emphasized the importance of prayer and maintained a close relationship with God through consistent communication. Christians should prioritize prayer and seek spiritual growth through regular communion with God.

6. Integrity and Truthfulness: Jesus lived with integrity, speaking the truth and acting in accordance with His teachings. Christians should strive for honesty and ethical conduct in their personal and professional lives.

7. Courage and Perseverance: Despite facing challenges and opposition, Jesus remained steadfast in fulfilling His divine mission. Christians should draw inspiration from His courage and persevere through difficult times, knowing that God is with them.

8. Inclusivity and Acceptance: Jesus welcomed people from all walks of life, embracing diversity and showing acceptance to everyone. Christians should be inclusive and avoid discriminating against others based on race, gender, or social status.

9. Generosity and Giving: Jesus taught the value of giving and encouraged selfless generosity. Christians should be willing to share their resources with those in need, supporting charitable causes and helping the less fortunate.

10. Empowering Others: Jesus empowered His disciples and followers to carry on His teachings and continue His mission. Christians should inspire and uplift others, encouraging them to develop their God-given talents and make a positive impact on the world.

By emulating these lessons from the life of Jesus, Christians can strive to live purposeful, loving, and compassionate lives, reflecting the light of Christ to those around them.

The Efficacy Of Early Morning MeditationEarly morning meditation has been practiced for centuries and is widely regarded...

The Efficacy Of Early Morning Meditation

Early morning meditation has been practiced for centuries and is widely regarded as a powerful and effective way to start the day. Here are some points highlighting the efficacy of early morning meditation:

Mental Clarity and Focus: Meditating in the early morning helps clear the mind from clutter and distractions, allowing for increased mental clarity and improved focus throughout the day. It provides a fresh start, free from the noise and demands of the external world.

Emotional Balance: Morning meditation allows individuals to cultivate emotional stability and balance by creating a calm and centered state of mind. It helps regulate emotions, reduce stress, and enhance overall emotional well-being.

Stress Reduction: Beginning the day with meditation helps to alleviate stress and anxiety. It provides an opportunity to relax the body and mind, releasing tension and promoting a sense of calmness and inner peace.

Increased Productivity: Early morning meditation sets a positive tone for the day, enhancing productivity and efficiency. By cultivating a focused and centered mindset, individuals are better equipped to handle tasks and challenges with greater clarity and effectiveness.

Enhanced Self-Awareness: Regular meditation practice in the morning fosters self-awareness, allowing individuals to observe their thoughts, emotions, and patterns of behavior. This self-reflection promotes personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of oneself.

Improved Physical Health: Meditation has been linked to various physical health benefits, including reduced blood pressure, improved immune function, and better sleep quality. Starting the day with meditation can contribute to overall well-being and vitality.

Connection to Inner Wisdom: Morning meditation provides a sacred space for individuals to tap into their inner wisdom and intuition. It enables them to access insights, creativity, and inspiration that can guide their actions and decision-making throughout the day.

Cultivation of Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness through morning meditation helps individuals become more present and attentive to the experiences of the present moment. This mindfulness carries over into daily activities, enhancing overall mindfulness and conscious living.

Spiritual Growth: Early morning meditation can deepen one's spiritual connection, regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs. It creates a sacred time for reflection, introspection, and connecting with the divine, fostering spiritual growth and a sense of purpose.

Setting Positive Intentions: Meditation in the morning allows individuals to set positive intentions for the day. It helps them align their thoughts, attitudes, and actions with their values, promoting personal growth, and fostering a positive mindset.

Remember that the efficacy of early morning meditation lies in the regular practice and the intention behind it. The benefits of meditation can vary for each individual, but the overall impact on mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being can be profound.

Importance of morning prayer.Morning prayer holds significant importance in the practice of many religious traditions, i...

Importance of morning prayer.

Morning prayer holds significant importance in the practice of many religious traditions, including Christianity. Here are ten reasons why morning prayer is considered essential:

1. Communion with God: Morning prayer provides an opportunity to connect with God, to express gratitude for a new day, and seek His guidance and presence throughout the day.

2. Setting the Tone: Beginning the day with prayer helps set a positive tone and mindset, promoting a sense of peace, clarity, and focus as you face the challenges and opportunities ahead.

3. Seeking Divine Guidance: Morning prayer allows believers to seek God's wisdom, guidance, and discernment in decision-making, enabling them to align their actions with His will.

4. Gratitude and Thanksgiving: Offering prayers of gratitude in the morning helps cultivate a heart of thankfulness, recognizing the blessings and provisions bestowed upon individuals, fostering a positive outlook and contentment.

5. Spiritual Nourishment: Engaging in morning prayer nourishes the soul, providing spiritual sustenance, and deepening the relationship with God. It offers an opportunity for personal reflection, confession, and repentance.

6. Strengthening Faith: Morning prayer helps strengthen faith and trust in God's sovereignty and faithfulness. It acknowledges dependence on Him and reinforces the belief that He is in control of one's life.

7. Renewal and Refreshment: Prayer in the morning serves as a source of renewal and refreshment, allowing individuals to surrender their worries, burdens, and anxieties to God, experiencing His peace and finding strength in Him.

8. Spiritual Armor: Morning prayer acts as spiritual armor, equipping individuals to face spiritual battles and temptations that may arise throughout the day. It provides a foundation of spiritual protection, fortifying the believer's resolve.

9. Intentional Prioritization: By dedicating the morning to prayer, individuals prioritize their relationship with God and place Him first in their lives. It sets a precedent for making Him a priority in all areas of life, including decisions, relationships, and actions.

10. Daily Transformation: Morning prayer offers an opportunity for personal transformation as one seeks to align their thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors with the teachings and principles of their faith. It promotes spiritual growth and nurtures a deeper understanding of God's love and grace.

Remember that the importance of morning prayer lies not merely in the act itself, but in the sincere devotion and intention behind it. It is a time to seek, commune, and draw closer to God, inviting His presence and guidance throughout the day.
Stay blessed.

"From Persecutor to Apostle: The Transformative Journey of Saint Paul"Apostle Paul, also known as Saint Paul or Saul of ...

"From Persecutor to Apostle:
The Transformative Journey of Saint Paul"

Apostle Paul, also known as Saint Paul or Saul of Tarsus, is one of the most significant figures in early Christianity. His life and teachings played a crucial role in shaping the development of the Christian faith and the spread of the gospel across the Roman Empire. Paul's story, as recorded in the New Testament of the Bible, is both inspiring and profound.

Early Life and Conversion:
Paul was born in Tarsus, a city in modern-day Turkey, around 5 AD. He was born into a devout Jewish family and was given the Hebrew name Saul. As a young man, Saul studied under the esteemed Jewish teacher Gamaliel in Jerusalem and became a Pharisee, a member of a strict Jewish sect known for their dedication to religious laws and traditions.

Saul initially opposed the emerging Christian movement and became known for his persecution of early Christians. He played a role in the martyrdom of Stephen, one of the first Christian deacons. However, everything changed for Saul on his journey to Damascus.

According to the Bible, while traveling to Damascus with the intention of arresting and persecuting more Christians, Saul experienced a dramatic encounter with the risen Jesus Christ. A bright light from heaven shone around him, and Jesus spoke to him, asking, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

This encounter left Saul blinded for three days but transformed his life entirely. He became a fervent believer in Jesus Christ and devoted the rest of his days to spreading the gospel.

Missionary Journeys and Epistles:
After his conversion, Saul changed his name to Paul and embarked on a series of missionary journeys, covering vast territories and establishing Christian communities.

He traveled extensively throughout the eastern Mediterranean region, including present-day countries such as Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, and Italy. Paul's journeys spanned over several years, and he endured hardships, persecution, and imprisonment during his mission to bring the message of Jesus Christ to both Jews and Gentiles.

Throughout his journeys, Paul wrote numerous letters, known as epistles, to the Christian communities he had established or visited. Fourteen of these letters are included in the New Testament as books, which hold significant theological and practical teachings for Christians.

Some of the most famous epistles attributed to Paul include Romans, Corinthians (both 1 and 2), Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians (both 1 and 2), Timothy (both 1 and 2), Titus, and Philemon.

Theological Contributions:
Paul's teachings played a vital role in shaping the theology of Christianity. His writings addressed various theological topics, including the nature of sin, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the role of the law in the life of believers, the importance of love and unity within the church, and the hope of resurrection and eternal life.

Paul's theology emphasized the grace of God, the centrality of Jesus' death and resurrection, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers.

Paul's teachings also addressed practical matters within the early Christian communities, such as ethical conduct, leadership in the church, the role of women, and relationships between believers and non-believers.

His letters provided guidance and encouragement to the early Christians, addressing the challenges they faced and emphasizing the importance of faith, love, and unity.
A life well lived.
In the poignant words of the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8, we witness a life well-lived and a faith that remained unshaken till the very end. Paul, knowing that his time on earth was drawing to a close, declared, "For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." Such resolute testimony beckons us to examine our own lives. Have we fought the good fight, finishing the race marked out for us, and steadfastly kept the faith?

As we reflect, let us humbly embrace the call to repentance, turning from our own ways and aligning ourselves with the truth of God's Word. For just as Paul awaited his crown of righteousness, so too can we, by God's grace, receive the eternal reward that awaits all who love the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

How to discover your purpose in Christ:1. Seek God: Begin by seeking God wholeheartedly through prayer, meditation, and ...

How to discover your purpose in Christ:

1. Seek God: Begin by seeking God wholeheartedly through prayer, meditation, and studying His Word. Develop a personal relationship with Him and ask Him to reveal His purpose for your life.

2. Identify Your Passions: Pay attention to the activities, causes, or issues that ignite a fire within you. Your passions often align with your purpose and can point you in the right direction.

3. Assess Your Gifts and Talents: Take inventory of your unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Consider how you can use them to serve others, bring glory to God, and make a positive impact in the world.

4. Listen to Your Inner Voice: Pay attention to that still, small voice within you—the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Trust your intuition and be open to the guidance and direction that God provides.

5. Embrace Your Story: Reflect on your life experiences, both the triumphs and the trials. Your past can often reveal patterns, themes, and lessons that can guide you toward your purpose.

6. Seek Wise Counsel: Seek guidance from trusted mentors, spiritual leaders, and fellow believers who can provide wisdom, insight, and accountability as you embark on the journey of discovering your purpose.

7 Step Out in Faith: Take action and step outside of your comfort zone. Try new things, explore different avenues, and be open to God's leading. Sometimes, your purpose becomes clearer as you step into unknown territory.

8. Serve Others: Engage in acts of service and selflessness. Look for opportunities to use your gifts and talents to bless others. Serving others often aligns with God's purpose for our lives and brings fulfillment.

9. Stay Persistent and Patient: Discovering your purpose is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself and trust that God will reveal His plan in His perfect timing. Stay persistent in seeking Him and actively pursuing your purpose.

10. Stay Connected to God: Continually seek God's guidance and stay connected to Him throughout the journey. Keep your relationship with Him a priority, and trust that He will guide you into the purpose He has uniquely designed for you.

Remember, discovering your purpose in Christ is a personal and ongoing journey. It requires self-reflection, seeking God's guidance, and being open to His leading. As you align yourself with His plan, you will experience a deep sense of fulfillment, joy, and impact in fulfilling your purpose in Christ.

Here are some ways people can find hope in times of uncertainty:Prayer and Seeking God: Spending time in prayer and seek...

Here are some ways people can find hope in times of uncertainty:

Prayer and Seeking God: Spending time in prayer and seeking God's guidance can bring comfort and assurance, knowing that God is in control and has a plan for our lives.

Scripture and Reflection: Reading and meditating on God's promises and teachings in the Bible can provide hope and encouragement during difficult times.

Community and Support: Surrounding oneself with a supportive community of fellow believers can offer comfort, encouragement, and shared experiences, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles.

Gratitude and Perspective: Practicing gratitude and focusing on the blessings in our lives can shift our perspective and remind us of God's faithfulness, even in the midst of uncertainty.

Worship and Praise: Engaging in worship and praising God can lift our spirits, redirect our focus to His greatness, and remind us of His love and provision.

Serving Others: Finding purpose and hope by serving others in need can bring a sense of fulfillment and remind us of the transformative power of love and compassion.

Personal Growth and Reflection: Using uncertain times as an opportunity for personal growth, reflection, and self-improvement can help us develop resilience and find hope in the midst of challenges.

Seeking Professional Help: Consulting with trusted counselors, therapists, or pastors can provide guidance and support when dealing with overwhelming uncertainties.

Rest and Self-Care: Taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being through rest, self-care activities, and healthy habits can help us stay grounded and maintain hope.

Trusting God's Plan: Ultimately, finding hope in times of uncertainty comes from trusting that God has a purpose and a plan, even when we cannot see the outcome.

Remember, each individual's journey is unique, and these ways to find hope may vary from person to person.

EL SHADDAI explained.El Shaddai: The Almighty One, the God of the Mountain. This powerful term from the Hebrew Bible rep...

EL SHADDAI explained.
El Shaddai: The Almighty One, the God of the Mountain. This powerful term from the Hebrew Bible represents God's unlimited strength and provision. It's a reminder that He's the all-sufficient source of comfort, sustenance, and fulfillment. In Christianity, El Shaddai highlights God's unmatched power and His ability to meet our needs. It's not just a biblical reference; it's also the name of a popular song that resonates with believers worldwide. So, whether in ancient texts or in inspiring melodies, El Shaddai embodies the awe-inspiring greatness of our Almighty God.


Season greetings

Spread Holiday Cheer This Christmas With a Custom Greeting Video.Make this Christmas truly special for your family, frie...

Spread Holiday Cheer This Christmas With a Custom Greeting Video.

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God's thought for you


Psalms 37


God's desire for you


God's word


God's word of deliverance.


Meditate on this psalms


The battle winning psalms


Psalms 23


Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever.
He never fail.


Let there be light.

Join us this Sunday

Join us this Sunday


John 3:16


How to grow spiritually. Part 3



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