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Oduduwa nation Yoruba activists sunday igboho freedom of the Yoruba nation

I still don’t understand how this 75 years old woman from Delta state successfully climb NEPA pole, reconnect her commun...

I still don’t understand how this 75 years old woman from Delta state successfully climb NEPA pole, reconnect her community power supply after the Power Holding Company’s disconnection. She came down alive without a scratch. She connected it from the High Tension to avoid future Power failure.

NEPA dey learn work for where this woman dey!! 🇳🇬

DEBORAH YAKUBU: AN EYEWITNESS ACCOUNTOne of the students of the college, who witnessed how Deborah was flogged, killed, ...


One of the students of the college, who witnessed how Deborah was flogged, killed, and burnt described the scene as the most horrible she has ever witnessed. The student who identified herself simply as Rakia, gave an account of how the voice note of the 25-year-old student degenerated into an uncontrollable situation.

Speaking from her parents’ home in Gidan Kaya area of Sokoto State, the visibly shaken student said, “Deborah was my course mate. I just stepped into the class when the uproar on her voice note started.

It was her own course mates that started it. One of them said Deborah dared them by refusing to apologise when she was asked to. It all started with a debate on the upcoming examination on a general WhatsApp platform created for our course mates. One of the students asked her how she passed the last semester’s examination and in response, she said it was ‘Jesus o.’

“Immediately, about three other chats came in from two Muslims and one Christian, telling her to retract the statement. Two students from other departments who over heard some Muslim boys discussing the matter told Deborah’s close friends to prevail on her to retract the statement. But she replied via a voice note on the platform ‘Holy Ghost fire. Nothing will happen to me.

Is it by force that you guys will always be sending this religious stuff in this group? The group wasn’t created for that but rather as a notice on test, assignment, exam, etc, not this nonsense religious posts’

“We were made to understand that some young men were brought from outside before the outrage. I was in class when some of our course mates rushed in, saying ‘there is fire on the mountain o’.

“The Muslim students led the strangers to the class to look for her. In fear, those in the class tried to help her escape and took her to the security post from where they hoped to create a way for her to run outside Already, a cab was waiting outside to drive her straight to the police station. Unfortunately, the mob overpowered everyone who tried to save her. They even threatened to kill anyone who attempted to stand in their way.

Her last word as she pleaded for mercy

She was dragged out, flogged and stoned. The last word in her mouth was ‘what do you hope to achieve with this?’ By then some of our coursemates were making calls to some of our lecturers to save the situation. At a point, all the Christian students fled the school premises. It was when I got home that I heard she was set ablaze. Since the incident, I have been having a flash of her pleading expression. She pleaded for mercy and called out for help but it was far from her. What a cruel way to die,” she said.

Another Muslim student who did not want her name in print kicked against the mob action on the late Deborah. She said, “what happened did not warrant her death. We are calling on the government to make a policy that kicks against attack on anyone accused of blasphemy”.

© 2022 Vanguard

BREAKING Sokoto Islamists Invade, Loot Igbo Traders' Shops Over Police Arrest of Two Persons Behind Deborah Yakubu's Mur...

BREAKING Sokoto Islamists Invade, Loot Igbo Traders' Shops Over Police Arrest of Two Persons Behind Deborah Yakubu's Murder (Happening Now)

THE DEATH OF DEBORAH YAKUBU Today, a mob of Muslims beat Deborah Yakubu to death and burnt her co**se. Deborah, an outst...


Today, a mob of Muslims beat Deborah Yakubu to death and burnt her co**se. Deborah, an outstanding student at Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto, Nigeria was accused of blasphemy.

*The linked video is horrific, DO NOT WATCH it unless you are sure you can cope with the brutality portrayed.*

This did not happen 1,000 years ago. It happened today. May 12, 2022, in the secular state of Nigeria. It is hard to comprehend.

Deborah's murderers were not specially recruited and trained killers. They were ordinary people driven to insane, unspeakable rage by what? By their religion. By thoughts of their imaginary friend and a long-dead man who told stories about a god and angels.

We will not move past such acts of barbarism until people start to think. Until they put these Arabian fairy tales away, and forget them.

As at 1974When nigeria 🇳🇬🚶 is good When wicked people have no say to control our resources When white people still have ...

As at 1974
When nigeria 🇳🇬🚶 is good
When wicked people have no say to control our resources
When white people still have say 🇳🇬

BREAKING THE VIDEO IS AVAILABLE, The draw ceremony for the upcoming  Cup is complete…• Biafra FF vs. Matabeleland FF• Pr...

BREAKING THE VIDEO IS AVAILABLE, The draw ceremony for the upcoming Cup is complete…

• Biafra FF vs. Matabeleland FF
• Pro Arena Sports FA vs. Yoruba Nation FF

Further information: conifa.org/en/announcemen…

“MARK MY WORDS, WAR WILL SOON BREAK OUT IN NIGERIA”–Olusegun Obasanjo Another civil war in Nigeria has become imminent a...

–Olusegun Obasanjo

Another civil war in Nigeria has become imminent and inevitable. The reason for its inevitability is simply because Muhammadu Buhari, the Northern Nigeria Fulani oligarchs and the wider network of Fulani in Sub-Saharan Africa have concluded plans to adopt Nigeria as the homeland for all Fulani in Africa.

Fulani have realised that the wandering and rootless lifestyle of cattle herding is no longer tenable in the twenty-first century. Fulani need to have land to call home and rear cattle and that land should be Nigeria. The indigenous peoples of Nigeria have clearly, vehemently and stridently opposed this diabolic plan and both sides are mobilising for war.

The Fulani won't relent and the indigenous people will not give up their land.

The same Fulani Project, having failed so shamelessly and woefully in the Central African Republic, will not be allowed to fail this time as the Nigerian Fulani project is better funded with the massive [stealing] of the sovereign wealth of Nigeria through nationwide kidnapping for ransom by lower class Fulani and the seizure of the reigns of Government and wealth by the elite Fulani.

Kidnapping and the seizure of the institutions of Government are all for the purpose of implanting Fulani into the mainstream and control of politics and the economy of Nigeria for the objective of funding the Fulani Project in Nigeria.

The Central African Republic (CAR) has gone through exact same experience that Nigeria is going through right now in the hands of the Fulani. The country has been run down by the killings and destitution wrought by rival gangs in the fight to destroy the chokehold the Fulani had on the politics and economy of their country. Although the Fulani hegemony over the CAR has been defeated, the street gangs that defeated the armed forces have turned on one another and themselves, unable to rise above petty gang warfare to rebuild their nation.

The Fulani have become a blight on Africa and it’s biggest country Nigeria. Unable to break out of its centuries old cow herding and wandering culture, it continues to pull down every nation wherever it has any populations. Some countries in West Africa, Ghana and their ancestral home Guinea, have mastered the brutal tactics of dealing with Fulani and the Fulani have learnt the bitter lesson by staying away from these countries.

In the CAR, the Fulani following the pattern of their ethnocentric politics, had seized control of the commanding heights of the country’s military and financial institutions, the foreign exchange trade, the mining and export of gold and above all the governing structures of Government. Mitchel Djotodia, a hare brained military officer and his Fulani faction seized power in a brazen coup by a demographic minority. All the non-Fulani military officers were flushed out of the forces, all the mineral deposits in the country were seized by Fulani merchants, non-Fulani traders were barred from trading in foreign exchange and the entire top echelon of the Civil Service were occupied by Fulani by as much as 83%.

France, the former colonial masters of CAR watched them do all these over the years and did not raise a protest. As in Nigeria, the Fulani were just 3% of the population of CAR, tucked in the desert recesses of the nation’s Northwest. No world or regional power raised a whimper even though the ethnic groups of the rich southern forest regions roiled.

In CAR the Fulani went even beyond the provocative as they are doing now in Nigeria.

They started seizing ethnic lands, raiding churches and killing worshippers, the most brazen being the attack on Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church in a town near Bangui the capital, where dozens of Catholic faithful were massacred during mass. The Fulani used their cattle bases allotted by Government to launch attacks and gun fights on the surrounding communities for robberies and ransom paying kidnaps as is happening now in Nigeria.
Again, as is happening in Nigeria today, the purpose of all the action of the Fulani was simple; to transfer all wealth available in the CAR by all and every means and place it in the hands and control of the Fulani.


The same play book used in Central African Republic is guiding the actions and policies of the Buhari Government in Nigeria.

1). The Fulani elite are raiding the Central Bank, buying dollars and other currencies at heavily discounted rates.

2). Other Fulani are raiding the NNPC, ploughing through the vaults and trading Nigerian crude for personal gain.

3). The educated wing are mowing down governing structures, taking forceful charge and control of all commanding heights of Government and the armed forces.

4). The uneducated Fulani herdsmen are engaged in kidnapping for ransom and now primed to take over ethnic lands, spreading themselves across the nation in settlements acquired with public funds to terrorise indigenous populations.


It will be of great use to retell the story of Central African Republic so as to have the understanding of how the youth of the country removed the yoke of unremitting oppression by the Fulani. The youth formed street gangs and committed to take on the army with all their vaunted training and intimidating and deadly weaponry. The youth had locally fabricated flint guns and machetes, while the army was menacing with their machine guns, gr***de throwers and rocket launchers.

When the fight started on that fateful day in 2013 in Bangui, everyone expected a complete annihilation of youth on the streets but the youth took the fight straight to the Guard Brigade near the Presidential Palace.
By evening of the same day, soldiers bodies were seen littering the streets while some were cut to pieces. By night fall, the streets of Bangui had become the play ground and the killing field of the youth of Bangui. In 3 days of street fighting, the entire Presidential Guards of the army of the CAR was decimated, in disarray running to their ethnic base in the far north and President Djotodia, the Fulani tyrant had abdicated and run away from the Presidential Palace and Capital, Bangui.

Tyrants survive for only as long as the people live in fear and choose to tolerate them. The Buhari Government is counting on deploying the Nigerian armed forces against the many ethnicities where the RUGA will be sited, beginning with the minority groups.

Buhari's plan is to deploy Nigerian troops to subdue Nigerian people for the benefit of Fulani. Central African Republic provides a veritable lesson on how to deal with the unrelenting Fulani menace. The Niger Delta and Boko Haram if anything, have shown that the Nigeria army is not invincible in a fight with local forces. If anything, the Nigeria Army will likely disintegrate if made to fight in many fronts at once.

It is a known truth that the Fulani will not relent in their quest for the conquest of Nigeria until they have seized all sources of income and made everyone else subservient to their rule and hegemony.

The Fulani in Nigeria, in nearly a century of political and economic ascendancy have acquired so much power and money that it will defeat the purpose of such acquisition if they don’t deploy it for the very purpose for the grasp for power, which is the conquest of Nigeria for the overlordship of the Fulani.

The final stage of the grand plan to subdue Nigeria for Fulani overlordship are afoot and Buhari and his people cannot back out now. So a war has to be fought to resolve matters.
Our people say that you don’t strip a woman naked just to start looking. Nigeria has been stripped naked and with the RUGA monstrosity on the works, the next thing is to start the deployment of troops to protect RUGA in their various locations of development.

It was bound to happen that the Fulani who have been taking so much out of Nigeria and have succeeded in binding Nigeria hand and foot politically and economically, will take the wrong step into the abyss one day. The logical culmination of all the rapaciousness would be the last ditch attempt at the ultimate land grab, to seize the lands belonging to indigenous communities and hand it over to Fulani.

Internecine war in different RUGA locations and different fronts is therefore inevitable. Communities will rage to keep their land or lose it to their eternal shame and regret. Communities, particularly in Igboland will rather choose to be annihilated than lose their land to a hostile and predatory People.

Fulani have no land in Nigeria because they are not indigenous to Nigeria. They are migrants into Nigeria.

The decision by the Fulani to seize land by force in Nigeria can only lead to war in the many places where this seizure will happen. The people must resist as of necessity. They have done so in the Central Africa Republic and reduced the country to rubble and they will do it again in Nigeria.

Buhari will be compelled to deploy police and soldiers to defend the settlements and war will be declared everywhere there is a RUGA settlement in Nigeria. Fulani have no land to hold dear and protect in Nigeria. In fact, Fulani have no stake or investment in the project called Nigeria and will not care if Nigeria burns, in fact Fulani will be very willing to let Nigeria burn if the people are not willing to submit to their overlordship.

So they are minded to adopt a scorched earth policy to obliterate Nigeria. They have nothing to lose. They did it in CAR and they will do same in Nigeria. It will be the responsibility of the indigenous people of Nigeria to find common grounds to protect the land of their ancestral inheritance and prevent the Fulani from putting a knife on their unity and their need to bind themselves together in one nation, but they cannot do this without first containing the Fulani. Fulani will try to divide them.

Buhari and the Fulani oligarchs are counting strongly on deploying the armed forces to quell insurrections that will arise from this massive land grab, but that will be the Achilles heel of their grand plan. Once soldiers are armed to put down these insurrections, they will turn against their commanders to defend their communities. Nigerians should therefore await the great unravelling of their armed forces.

Do the Fulani have the firepower, the men and the capacity to fight? In the entire history of the Nigerian armed forces, the Hausa/Fulani officers and enlisted men have always been promoted far beyond their qualifications and competencies. The capacity to fight and man the different departments of modern warfare will be put to overwhelming test in any ensuing encounter.

The Fulani never fight an enemy in a frontal war. They attack isolated and undefended villages. In any direct confrontation, they run away. It was evident even in the battle of Bangui. Well armed Fulani soldiers could not take on street gangs with flint guns and machetes. It has also shown in the war against Boko Haram. The poor performance of commanders of their ethnic stock is a bad joke among soldiers in the front.

Hausa/Fulani soldier had to be sorted out and protected from slaughter by Boko Haram forces. This is not to talk of unending betrayals of their Christian colleagues and commanders in the battlefront.

Buhari, a Fulani irredentist, will use to his advantage and for the benifits of his agenda to divide, the ethnic and religious cleavages among the people of Nigeria. But the people aught to know that the Fulani are friends to no one and that a Fulani friend today can become an adversary tomorrow. You are only friend to Fulani for as long as you continue to serve a purpose in their overall plan.

Let the talk cease and the battle begin.


Funny but true.🇳🇬 IN NIGERIA✳ President -North.✳ Senate President -North✳ Chief of Staff - North.✳ SGF--North.✳ IN...

Funny but true.🇳🇬 IN NIGERIA

✳ President -North.
✳ Senate President -North
✳ Chief of Staff - North.
✳ SGF--North.
✳ INEC Chairman - North.
✳ Chief Justice of federation - North.
✳ President Court of Appeal - North.
✳ EFCC Chairman - North.
✳ President Federal high court - North.
✳ National Security Adviser - North.
Inspector General of Police - North
✳ Chief of Army Staff - North.
✳ Chief of Air Staff - North.
✳ Controller, Customs
Service - North.
✳ Defence Minister-North.
✳ MD Port Authority- North.
✳ MD NDIC - North
✳ Controller Prison Services - North.
✳Controller of Immigration -North.
✳Controller of Fire Service North.
✳Highest looter North.
✳ Richest man in Africa - North.
✳ 85% of Petroleum Marketers in Nigeria - Northerners.
✳ 80% of Oil Block Owners in Nigeria - Northerners.
✳ 99% of beggars in Nigeria - Northerners
✳ 99.9% of almajiris - North.
✳ Highest rate of child marriage - North.
✳Boko Haram - North.
✳Fulani herdsmen militia Terrorising Nigerians - North.
✳90% of Nigeria's past presidents/Head of state -North. Yet, the Poorest states in Nigeria and Educationally backward areas in Nigeria are in the North.

Now, ask yourself, what is the problem of the Northerners? Keep forwarding till it get to all their leaders may be they will have to re-think and stop being selfish...

"LEGEND OF EGBERE"According to folklore, in the yoruba mythologyEGBERE is a malevolent spirit that inhabits the woods an...


According to folklore, in the yoruba mythology
EGBERE is a malevolent spirit that inhabits the woods and only seen at night, it is said to be short, ugly,owns a mat and crys all the time.
Also whomever took the mat from him becomes very rich.

The Yoruba peoples belief is that if you steal the mat EGBERE will follow you around for days wailing to give back the mat you stole but if you can ignore and stand all that for the said period of time you become very rich, that's part of the myth.

My mission this remaining year is to find EGBERE,steal the mat successfully and everything is sorted out, I'll even do giveaway😂😂😂😂😂

Estranged wife of late Alaafin of Oyo, Queen Ola, writes tributeQueen Ola, the estranged wife of late Alaafin of Oyo, ha...

Estranged wife of late Alaafin of Oyo, Queen Ola, writes tribute

Queen Ola, the estranged wife of late Alaafin of Oyo, has written him a tribute.
Recall that Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi died April 22.

Queen Ola had left the palace while the king was alive.
In a post on Instagram, she expressed how sad she was to have heard about the king’s demise.

She said: ‘’Daddy, words fail me but God knows better. I was thinking it's all lies and that you are coming back, but I’m afraid I was wrong.
"The father of my kids, that I met at an impressionable age and left when it was least expected.
"Whenever I tell people that the bond we share can be likened to that of ‘Siamese’ having been married to you at age 19, they are more than transfixed.
‘’You remain to me, a best father, teacher, mentor and husband that ever bestrode the landscapes.
"Almighty Allah will forgive all your sins and accept your return.’’

Credit: Instagram | queenola2

List of the past ALAAFIN of OYO.( 1)    Oranmiyan( 2 )   Ajaka( 3 )   Sango( 4 )   Ajaka( 5)    Aganju( 6 )   Kori( 7 ) ...

List of the past ALAAFIN of OYO.
( 1) Oranmiyan
( 2 ) Ajaka
( 3 ) Sango
( 4 ) Ajaka
( 5) Aganju
( 6 ) Kori
( 7 ) Oluaso
( 8 ) Onigbogi
( 9) Ofiran
( 10 ) Egunoju
( 11 ) Orompoto
( 12 ) Ajiboyede
( 13) Abipa - 1570 -1580
( 14 ) Obalokun - 1580-1600
( 15 ) Ajagbo (1600-1658)
( 16 ) Adaranwu (1658-1660)
( 17 ) Kanran (1660-1665)
( 18 ) Janyin (1655-1670)
( 19 ) Ayibi (1678-1690)
( 20 ) Osinyango (1690-1698)
( 21 ) Ojigi (1698-1732)
( 22 ) Gbaru (1732-1738)
( 23 ) Amuniwaye (1738-1742)
( 24 ) Onisile (1742-1750)
( 25) Labisi – 1750-1750
( 26) Awonbioju – 1750-1750
(27) Agboluaje (1750-1772)
(28) Majeogbe (1772-1775)
( 30) Abiodun Adegoolu (1755-1805)
( 31) Aole
(32) Adebo
(33) Maku (1802-1830)
( 34) Majotu
( 35) Amodo (1830-1830)
( 36) Oluewu (1830-1834)
( 37) Abiodun Atiba (1837-1859)
( 38) Adule (1858-1875)
( 39) Adeyemi I (1875-1905)
(40) Lawani Agogoija (1905-1911)
(41) Ladigbolu 1911 - Dec. 1944
(42) Adeniran Adeyemi II 1945-1955
(43). Bello Gbadegesin Ladigbolu II July 20 1956- 1968
(44) OBA Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III (15 October 1938 – 22 April 2022) was the Alaafin, or traditional ruler, of the Yoruba town of Oyo and rightful heir to the throne of its historic empire.
King Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi III
Aláàfin Ọ̀yọ́; Ikú Bàbá Yèyé Alaafin of Oyo
18 November 1970 – 22 April 2022
18 November 1970
Gbadegesin Ladigbolu II
Lámídì Ọláyíwọlá Àtàndá Adéyẹmí
15 October 1938
Oyo, Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria
22 April 2022 (aged 83)
Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria
Ayaba Abibat Adeyemi,
amongst others
Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi Atanda
Regnal name
Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III
Oba Adeniran Adeyemi II
Yoruba Religion; Islam
Early life and ancestry
Alaafin Adeyemi III was born Lamidi Olayiwola Atanda Adeyemi on October 15, 1938[1] into the Alowolodu Royal House, and as a member of the House of Oranmiyan to Raji Adeniran Adeyemi (born 1871), who later became Alaafin in 1945, and Ibironke of Epo-Gingin, who died when he was young.
His father is said to have had over 200 wives. His paternal grandfather[2] was Alaafin Adeyemi I Alowolodu, who ruled during the Kiriji War, and was the last independent ruler of the Oyo Empire before British colonialism. Alaafin Adeyemi I's father, and Adeyemi III's great-grandfather was Oba Atiba Atobatele, who founded New Oyo.[3] Atiba's father, his great-great grandfather, was Alaafin Abiodun,[4] and is a direct descendant of Oranmiyan, the founder of the Oyo Empire.
Lamidi's father, the Alaafin of Oyo Oba Adeyemi II Adeniran, was deposed and exiled in 1954 for sympathizing with the National Council of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC). He had come into conflict with Bode Thomas, deputy leader of the Action Group.[5]
According to rumors, Bode Thomas shouted at him for not standing to greet him as the chairman of NCNC during a political gathering at a party. Oba Adeyemi II Adeniran, insulted, stood and then told Bode Thomas to go home and bark like a dog. Later, he started coughing blood and died while walking back home leaving his entourage. Shortly, Herbert Macaulay heard of the catastrophe, and along with Obafemi Awolowo accused Oba Adeyemi II of poisoning Thomas, and then exiled him from his kingdom. He lived out the rest of his days in Lagos where his subjects still visited him until his death in the early 1960s.
Lamidi Adeyemi succeeded Alaafin Gbadegesin Ladigbolu II in 1970, during the governorship of Colonel Robert Adeyinka Adebayo, after the end of the Nigerian Civil War. In 1975, the head of state General Murtala Ramat Muhammed included Oba Adeyemi in his entourage to the hajj. He was chancellor of Uthman dan Fodiyo University in Sokoto from 1980 to 1992. In 1990, President Ibrahim Babangida appointed him Amir-ul-Hajj in recognition of his commitment to the consolidation of Islam in Nigeria.[5]
Political attachment
On 3 May 2011, the outgoing Oyo State Governor Adebayo Alao-Akala announced that the Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi III was no longer Permanent Chairman of the Council of Obas and Chiefs in Oyo State. The state government had just passed a law that introduced rotation of the office of Chairman between the Alaafin and his two rivals, the Olubadan of Ibadanland and the Soun of Ogbomoso. It was said that the measure, introduced by the state assembly with the People's Democratic Party (PDP) majority, was in response to the Oba's support for the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) during the April 2011 elections. The ACN beat the PDP decisively in that election.[6]
Talking in September 1984 he said: "Traditional rulers should be seen as the perfect embodiment of the culture of the place, as well as the synthesis of the aspirations and goals of the nation. This is not only in social values of veracity, egalitarianism, justice and democracy; but in dress, utterances and comportment; even the mere necessary trivialities that mark Nigeria and the locality as a distinctive entity".[7]
Personal life
He was married to Ayaba Abibat Adeyemi, his senior wife. He attended most events with her or with one of the twelve junior wives that he's also married to.
His other wives were Ayaba Rahmat Adedayo Adeyemi, Ayaba Mujidat Adeyemi, Ayaba Rukayat Adeyemi, Ayaba Folashade Adeyemi, Ayaba Badirat Ajoke Adeyemi, Ayaba Memunat Omowunmi Adeyemi, Ayaba Omobolanle Adeyemi, Ayaba Moji Adeyemi, Ayaba Anuoluwapo Adeyemi, and Ayaba Damilola Adeyemi.
He was a lover of boxing, as he was a boxer before ascending the throne of his Fathers.[9]
The Alaafin died on April 22, 2022 at the Afe Babalola University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti in Ekiti State, at the age of 83, after reports of a brief illness.[10] [11]His reign of 52 years is the longest reign of any Alaafin of Oyo in history.[12] [10]His death was announced on several major Nigerian news networks on the morning of the next day, where his remains had already been returned to Oyo. His death was the third of a senior monarch in Oyo State within 5 months.[13][14]
"Between Alaafin Adeniran Adeyemi II and Alaafin Lamidi Adeyemi III". Vanguard News. 20 October 2018. Retrieved 8 March 2022.
Adebayo, Musliudeen (24 December 2017). "Alaafin presents Oyo monarch beaded crown 37 years after coronation [PHOTOS]". Daily Post Nigeria. Retrieved 26 December 2021.
Falola, Toyin (1999). Yoruba Gurus: Indigenous Production of Knowledge in Africa. ISBN 9780865436992.
" : The Shocking Story of How Alaafin Adeyemi II Adeniran, Was Dethroned & Banished from Oyo Kingdom by Obafemi Awolowo". 20 April 2017.
"Alaafin of Oyo Oba Lamidi Adeyemi Turns 70". The Nation (Nigeria). 3 November 2009. Retrieved 18 September 2011.
YINKA FABOWALE (8 May 2011). "Real reasons Akala sacked Alaafin". The Sun (Nigeria). Retrieved 18 September 2011.
Reinwald, Brigitte (2001). Afrikanische Beziehungen, Netzwerke und Räume: Africain networks, exchange and spatial dynamics. LIT Verlag Münster. p. 271. ISBN 3-8258-5705-0.
"See The Alaafin Of Oyo's First Wife, She's The Same Age As Her Husband". Information Nigeria. Retrieved 25 April 2020.
"Alaafin of oyo fights for boxing title". 15 October 2016.
"Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, is dead". 23 April 2022. Retrieved 23 April 2022.
"Oba Adeyemi's passage like a dream, Obasanjo mourns". Punch Newspapers. 23 April 2022. Retrieved 23 April 2022.
"Just In: Alaafin of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, joins ancestors at 83". 23 April 2022./
"Alaafin of Oyo death: Oba Lamidi Adeyemi die at di age of 83". 23 April 2022./
"Alaafin Of Oyo, Oba Lamidi Adeyemi, Is Dead".
23 April 2022.

Copied and Edited.

This is Ishage rock.Whenever there is sever drought in the land, the chief priest of the mountain will visit the mountai...

This is Ishage rock.

Whenever there is sever drought in the land, the chief priest of the mountain will visit the mountain and wrap a white cloth around the 'waist' of Ishage rock; an action which will make rain fall heavily upon the land that night and the Ishage Rock will drop off the white cloth after the downpour

The Ishage rock is on the Ado Awaye Mountain in Iseyin Oyo State, Nigeria .

"The importance of history. Digging into the archivesThis is a book collated in 1872 Memoirs of Anna Hinderer, about aff...

"The importance of history. Digging into the archives

This is a book collated in 1872 Memoirs of Anna Hinderer, about affairs that happen through around 1852 for a while as a Missionary.

This was her diary, Real Experience, The Yoruba were already known as Yoruba Country way back since then. But most people don't know this or just ignore historical facts.

She referenced that she was in Yoruba Country, because that is what the place was called then, known to be and accepted to be."

Ifa Dare

Let me drop this while most of you are fast asleep …You see these Men and others of their ilk, they have been controllin...

Let me drop this while most of you are fast asleep …

You see these Men and others of their ilk, they have been controlling the minds of millions of our people since the 1980s...just because anytime they open their mouths to talk, their clueless followers would just believe that they are being inspired by an all knowing God.

They have succeeded in damaging the collective psyche of their followers by continually selling them false hopes of imaginary spiritual solutions to their real physical man-made problems, and promising them divine intervention when all they needed was the application of practical human solutions.

They are responsible for producing grown adults who are conditioned to be Claimers & Receivers, always expecting to reap where they did not sow... like those ones who continually come on to the virtual space of social media just to be typing "Amen" to every unrealistic prayers of sudden supernatural breakthroughs. Go to Rant HQ and see them in their thousands...

I am tempted to make a lengthy Sunday School post about all the numerous time-specific prophesies & declarations & assurances of your top Daddy GOs that never happened... but I don't want to exceed my weekly quota of brutal Honesty and dosage of uncomfortable Truth... because this weekend is reserved just for jokes and cruise and lighter posts only...

When it comes to Religion related issues, most of my people conveniently choose to suffer from collective amnesia...

As you lay your bed...

(c) Ajibola M Salami






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