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The Most Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing in 2022With low entry costs and a potentially lucrative return on inv...

The Most Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing in 2022

With low entry costs and a potentially lucrative return on investment (ROI), affiliate marketing remains an attractive revenue stream for publishers looking to grow their audiences and monetize their content channels. Still, success hinges on finding profitable niches.
There are several established areas that remain profitable. Tuning into the consumer mindset is the key to identifying them. Where there are problems, worries, or desires, demand will follow. Brands meet those demands with valuable solutions, and content creators like yourself help bring these two parties together.
In this article, we’ll explore some of the most profitable niches for affiliate marketing in 2021 and how they’re evolving as we look to the new year. Each of these specialties has emerging sub-categories with plenty of opportunity for growth. Let’s dive right in!
1. Lifestyle and Wellness
The global health and wellness market value was over $4 trillion in 2019 and is estimated to reach $6 trillion by 2025. People want to live longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives. They’re spending money to do so.
This category includes diet and nutrition, exercise products and services, skincare, supplements, personal trainers, and more.
Coming off a year consumed by global health concern, the wellness niche is front of mind for many consumers. The impact of COVID-19 can’t be overstated.
It's changed the way we live, work, play, and relate with one another. This impact plays out differently within demographic groups, so do your research when considering opportunities to connect with your audience.
Health and wellness concerns tend to be age-specific as well. Gender also may play a role, and many products target specific demographics. Focus your content on an audience with a specific health and wellness concern or set of desires, and help to educate them and provide solutions.
Finally, stay up-to-date with wellness industry news, as fresh information will continue to shape public opinion and behavior. Be ready to adapt to evolving concerns and lifestyle changes with relevant, timely content.
2. Technology
Technology simplifies life and work, delivers entertainment, and helps us share our lives and opinions more easily. The digital transformation is driving a $500 billion software industry.
Digital entertainment revenue worldwide dipped to $2 trillion due to the global recession. However, it looks to grow in the coming years, approaching $2.5 trillion by 2024.
Products related to this affiliate marketing niche include digital streaming, digital downloads, video games, business software, mobile technologies, and more.
COVID-19 has also impacted this sector. More people are staying home, consuming digital media, and using technology for remote work. Sickness and layoffs have led to a smaller workforce with diminished physical product outputs, so industries that can are leveraging digital alternatives to meet demands.
To get started in this niche, it’s helpful to understand how your audience interacts with technology. Are they early adopters of cutting-edge tech, eager to try new things? Or are they late adopters who need step-by-step guides, explainers, and plenty of reassurance upfront?
Also, consider evolving remote work trends. Look for opportunities to help people stay connected, stay organized, and work efficiently from a home office. Educate your audience and match them with products and services they’ll find useful.
3. Personal Finance
This segment specializes in delivering financial services to consumers, especially in competition with traditional banking. It's expected to grow at a 20% compound annual growth rate over the next five years, reaching over $300 billion by 2025. Globally, affiliate marketing in the financial technology sector had an estimated value of $12 billion in 2019.
People want more options on how to access, grow, and share their money. This niche includes e-invoicing services, investments, cryptocurrencies, banking innovations, peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, data security, and other such services.
Financial technology companies have seen the light when it comes to affiliate marketing. Nearly every segment is utilizing this approach to expand market reach, with some investing heavily in their partnerships.
Consumers enjoy the convenience, ease, and options afforded by advancing financial technologies, and that trend looks to continue. If you’re considering this niche, make sure to consider how age and income level may dictate which products and services are best suited to your audience.
Also, bear in mind that people want to be sure financial products and services are safe and simple to use. Plus, the personal desire for financial security and growth is innately strong.
A successful affiliate marketer will understand and address these desires and the fears that accompany them. Your content can educate consumers, giving them the tools, they need to make smart financial decisions.
4. Pet Care
Annual spending on pets in the U.S. is approaching $100 billion, and consumer preference for shopping for pet products online is predicted to grow by 9%. This industry includes specialty pet foods, grooming products, pet clothing, therapy pets, service dogs, and more.
With more people working from home, the pet care sector has evolved. Almost 20 percent of Americans reported spending more than usual this year on their pets, and a greater percentage (about one-third of those surveyed) have considered adopting or fostering new pets.
A study on Common Thread Collective provides keen insight for marketers in this niche. Online shopping benefits pet owners in four key areas:
• Convenience. Ensure the buying experience is simple and convenient.
• Information and choice. Provide ample product information. Use explainer videos or infographics to demonstrate quality, benefits, or statistics. If possible, provide alternatives to give buyers choice.
• Comparison Tools. Present product information in a way that sets it apart. Arm your customers with key benefits so they can easily see your item's value when they comparison shop.
• Relationships. People love and care for their pets. Share pet videos, photos, and funny or heartwarming stories to build a community on social media. Check into coupons to encourage customer loyalty.
Hone in on these preferences to stand out in this niche.
Affiliate marketing continues to grow as a monetization strategy for content creators. Choosing the right profitable niches is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as you get started.
By staying tuned in to consumer concerns and desires and creating relevant content, you’ll be able to offer your audience quality products they’ll find valuable.
In this article, we shared several of the most profitable niches for affiliate marketers in 2022:
1. Lifestyle and wellness products help people live longer, healthier, more fulfilling lives.
2. Technology and digital services only increase in relevance with remote work and new developments.
3. Personal finance innovations help people access, grow, and share their money.
4. Pet care encompasses a nearly $100 billion industry of animal-related products and services.
What other affiliate marketing niches do you think look profitable for 2022? Let us know in the comments section below!

9 Creative Content Ideas for Affiliate Marketers by Kristen HicksAffiliate marketing is one of the best ways to turn a p...

9 Creative Content Ideas for Affiliate Marketers by Kristen Hicks

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to turn a passion project into something that makes money. But throwing a few links up on your blog will only take you so far. If you actually want your affiliate marketing relationships to pay off, you should consider creative ways to promote your affiliate links that also provide value to your readers.
To do that, take a page out of the content marketing handbook brands are using; start creating interesting and useful content that does the double job of helping your readers make smart purchasing decisions and helping you make more money from your affiliate marketing.
Here are a few types of content you can try out to get started:
1. Reviews
One of the easiest types of content you can use to promote affiliate products is reviews. Simply write up your opinion of a product based on your experience. You can describe how you used it and how it helped you.
The goal here is to be more thorough and helpful than outright promotional (although it’s good to explain what you like about the product). You want to keep your readers’ trust while providing them honest information on what makes buying the product useful.
2. Product comparisons
You will want to answer the questions your readers are most likely to have when it comes to choosing what products to buy, like trying to figure out what’s different about two competing products in order to determine which one is best for them.
You can answer that question with a product comparison post. As with reviews, you should focus on providing all the information your readers could possibly need rather than pushing the sale.
3. Informational Videos
While text is the most obvious format to stick with when it comes to affiliate marketing (it’s much easier to include a link within text than most other formats) a lot of people do prefer consuming content in video form rather than reading it.
You could always combine the best of both worlds. Create a video that explains the benefits of the product you’re helping promote (or do a video version of your review) and embed it within a post that provides similar information.

4. How to articles

You could take a couple of different approaches when it comes to using how-to articles for affiliate marketing. You could write articles that describe how to get the most out of a product or make use of certain features. Or you could use more general how-to articles to point readers toward affiliate products.
5. Video tutorials
Like how-to articles, video tutorials give you an opportunity to show your readers how to make the best use of the product you’re recommending. These can particularly be useful if the affiliate products you promote on your blog are complicated to use, like software that has lots of features.
For many types of products, a video that provides a visual walk through can be a lot more helpful to your audience than words that communicate the same thing. With software, knowing where on the screen to look and click is important. And with something like workout equipment, seeing someone use equipment properly can ensure those watching are more likely to use it correctly and safely.
6. Educational webinars
Businesses frequently use this tactic to promote their wares and there’s no reason affiliate marketers can’t do the same. Consider what informational topics are relevant to the affiliate products you represent and craft an educational webinar around them.
If your blog is focused on personal fitness and your affiliate products are mostly gym equipment and supplements, you could host a webinar on “10 Habits to Help You Stay Healthier This Year” that highlights the affiliate products. If you run a blog focused on helping people save money and your affiliates sell products that help you track your spending, you could host a webinar on “How to Start Keeping a Budget.”
Whatever route you take, a webinar requires more of a time commitment than most of the other content types on this list, so you need to make sure you pack that time full of useful tips and information. Webinars are also interactive, so consider ways to get people more engaged, like including surveys or taking questions throughout the webinar.
7. Gift guide
While it’s possible to put a gift guide together that includes affiliate links together at any time, you’ll likely get the best results if you publish a gift guide around the holidays when everyone’s scrambling to find good gift ideas for loved ones.
8. Longform guides
This is another common content tactic businesses use. They often employ longform guides as a way to collect leads, but where a business is likely to put their guide behind a sign up form, you might be better off publishing it to the open web to get SEO points and make the affiliate links more accessible.
Longform guides are appealing because they pack more useful information than shorter forms of content, so (if they’re good) the reader appreciates getting a huge amount of valuable information for free. That makes them more likely to click on it, share it, and potentially revisit it.
9. Seasonal content
Many of the topics people care about and seek out vary throughout the year. In October suddenly everyone loves costumes and pumpkins. In July, vacations and days in the sun dominate our thoughts.
Brainstorm all the seasonal trends that relate to the topics you cover on your website and turn those ideas into content that goes up at just the right time for people to be primed for it.
If you have a blog about healthy cooking, write about pumpkin recipes in October and healthy Christmas cookies in December. If your blog’s about makeup and skin care, then point people toward the best sunscreens to buy in the summer.
Content marketing has gained the buzz it has for good reason. Providing valuable information to readers is one of the best ways to gain their loyalty and steer them toward smart purchasing decisions. Some creativity and work can help you launch more interest in the affiliate products that make your website profitable. Branch into these content types, or see what other great ideas you can come up with. If your content is truly helpful, you’re likely to gain

Affiliate Marketing in 2022: What It Is and How You Can Get StartedWake up at an ungodly hour. Drive to the office throu...

Affiliate Marketing in 2022: What It Is and How You Can Get Started

Wake up at an ungodly hour. Drive to the office through total gridlock, streets jammed with other half-asleep commuters. Slog through email after mind-numbing email until the sweet release at five o’clock.
Sound terrible?
What if, instead of dealing with the monotony and stupor of the rat race to earn a few bucks, you could make money at any time, from anywhere — even while you sleep?
That’s the concept behind affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is a popular tactic to drive sales and generate significant online revenue. Extremely beneficial to both brands and affiliate marketers, the new push towards less traditional marketing tactics has paid off. In fact:
• 81% of brands and 84% of publishers leverage the power of affiliate marketing, a statistic that will continue to increase as affiliate marketing spending increases every year in the United States.
• There is a 10.1% increase in affiliate marketing spending in the United States each year, meaning that by 2020, that number will reach $6.8 billion.
• In 2018, content marketing costs were gauged to be 62% of traditional marketing schemes while simultaneously generating three times the leads of traditional methods. In fact, 16% of all orders made online can be attributed to the impact of affiliate marketing.
• In March of 2017, Amazon’s affiliate structure changed, offering rates of 1-10% of product revenue for creators, providing the opportunity for affiliates to dramatically increase their passive income based on the vertical they’re selling on.
• The affiliate marketing of Jason Stone, otherwise known as Millionaire Mentor, was responsible for as much as $7 million in retailer sales just in the months of June and July in 2017.
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. The affiliate simply searches for a product they enjoy, then promotes that product and earns a piece of the profit from each sale they make. The sales are tracked via affiliate links from one website to another.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
Because affiliate marketing works by spreading the responsibilities of product marketing and creation across parties, it manages to leverage the abilities of a variety of individuals for a more effective marketing strategy while providing contributors with a share of the profit. To make this work, three different parties must be involved:
1. Seller and product creators.
2. The affiliate or advertiser.
3. The consumer.
Let’s delve into the complex relationship these three parties share to ensure affiliate marketing is a success.
1. Seller and product creators.
The seller, whether a solo entrepreneur or large enterprise, is a vendor, merchant, product creator, or retailer with a product to market. The product can be a physical object, like household goods, or a service, like makeup tutorials.
Also known as the brand, the seller does not need to be actively involved in the marketing, but they may also be the advertiser and profit from the revenue sharing associated with affiliate marketing.
For example, the seller could be an ecommerce merchant that started a dropshipping business and wants to reach a new audience by paying affiliate websites to promote their products. Or the seller could be a SaaS company that leverages affiliates to help sell their marketing software.
2. The affiliate or publisher.
Also known as a publisher, the affiliate can be either an individual or a company that markets the seller’s product in an appealing way to potential consumers. In other words, the affiliate promotes the product to persuade consumers that it is valuable or beneficial to them and convince them to purchase the product. If the consumer does end up buying the product, the affiliate receives a portion of the revenue made.
Affiliates often have a very specific audience to whom they market, generally adhering to that audience’s interests. This creates a defined niche or personal brand that helps the affiliate attract consumers who will be most likely to act on the promotion.
3. The consumer.
Whether the consumer knows it or not, they (and their purchases) are the drivers of affiliate marketing. Affiliates share these products with them on social media, blogs, and websites.
When consumers buy the product, the seller and the affiliate share the profits. Sometimes the affiliate will choose to be upfront with the consumer by disclosing that they are receiving commission for the sales they make. Other times the consumer may be completely oblivious to the affiliate marketing infrastructure behind their purchase.
Either way, they will rarely pay more for the product purchased through affiliate marketing; the affiliate’s share of the profit is included in the retail price. The consumer will complete the purchase process and receive the product as normal, unaffected by the affiliate marketing system in which they are a significant part.
How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?
A quick and inexpensive method of making money without the hassle of actually selling a product, affiliate marketing has an undeniable draw for those looking to increase their income online. But how does an affiliate get paid after linking the seller to the consumer?
The answer can get complicated.
The consumer doesn’t always need to buy the product for the affiliate to get a kickback. Depending on the program, the affiliate’s contribution to the seller’s sales will be measured differently.
The affiliate may get paid in various ways:
1. Pay per sale.
This is the standard affiliate marketing structure. In this program, the merchant pays the affiliate a percentage of the sale price of the product after the consumer purchases the product as a result of the affiliate’s marketing strategies. In other words, the affiliate must actually get the investor to invest in the product before they are compensated.
2. Pay per lead.
A more complex system, pay per lead affiliate programs compensates the affiliate based on the conversion of leads. The affiliate must persuade the consumer to visit the merchant’s website and complete the desired action — whether it’s filling out a contact form, signing up for a trial of a product, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading software or files.
3. Pay per click.
This program focuses on incentivizing the affiliate to redirect consumers from their marketing platform to the merchant’s website. This means the affiliate must engage the consumer to the extent that they will move from the affiliate’s site to the merchant’s site. The affiliate is paid based on the increase in web traffic.
Why Be an Affiliate Marketer?
What are the reasons to become an affiliate marketer?
1. Passive income.
While any “regular” job requires you to be at work to make money, affiliate marketing offers you the ability to make money while you sleep. By investing an initial amount of time into a campaign, you will see continuous returns on that time as consumers purchase the product over the following days and weeks. You receive money for your work long after you’ve finished it. Even when you’re not in front of your computer, your marketing skills will be earning you a steady flow of income.
2. No customer support.
Individual sellers and companies offering products or services have to deal with their consumers and ensure they are satisfied with what they have purchased.
Thanks to the affiliate marketing structure, you’ll never have to be concerned with customer support or customer satisfaction. The entire job of the affiliate marketer is to link the seller with the consumer. The seller deals with any consumer complaints after you receive your commission from the sale.
3. Work from home.
If you’re someone who hates going to the office, affiliate marketing is the perfect solution. You’ll be able to launch campaigns and receive revenue from the products that sellers create while working from the comfort of your own home. This is a job you can do without ever getting out of your pajamas.
4. Cost-effective.
Most businesses require startup fees as well as a cash flow to finance the products being sold. However, affiliate marketing can be done at a low cost, meaning you can get started quickly and without much hassle. There are no affiliate program fees to worry about and no need to create a product. Beginning this line of work is relatively straightforward.
5. Convenient and flexible.
Since you’re essentially becoming a freelancer, you get ultimate independence in setting your own goals, redirecting your path when you feel so inclined, choosing the products that interest you, and even determining your own hours. This convenience means you can diversify your portfolio if you like or focus solely on simple and straightforward campaigns. You’ll also be free from company restrictions and regulations as well as ill-performing teams.
6. Performance-Based rewards.
With other jobs, you could work an 80-hour week and still earn the same salary. Affiliate marketing is purely based on your performance. You’ll get from it what you put into it. Honing your reviewing skills and writing engaging campaigns will translate to direct improvements in your revenue. You’ll finally get paid for the outstanding work you do!
7. Do Not Underestimate the Power of SEO.
There’s a ton of organic traffic you can get from search engines if you do SEO properly. The days when Search Engine Optimization was about cheating Google are gone. Today, it is about making your website better for visitors. People naturally look for information online. That’s why you should learn the basics of on-page SEO, keyword research and link building to be the information source they find first. Who wouldn’t want to rank #1 for terms such as “best product” or “product review” in Google?
Common Types of Affiliate Marketing Channels
Most affiliates share common practices to ensure that their audience is engaged and receptive to purchasing promoted products. But not all affiliates advertise the products in the same way. In fact, there are several different marketing channels they may leverage.
1. Influencers.
An influencer is an individual who holds the power to impact the purchasing decisions of a large segment of the population. This person is in a great position to benefit from affiliate marketing. They already boast an impressive following, so it’s easy for them to direct consumers to the seller’s products through social media posts, blogs, and other interactions with their followers. The influencers then receive a share of the profits they helped to create.
Influencer marketing campaigns are particularly popular on Instagram where brands partner with influencers who are seen as experts or authorities in their specific niches. Depending on the deal, a campaign could consist of a series of product reviews with photos, account takeovers, or live videos. While an influencer might have their own branding and aesthetic, it’s important to add elements that tie up with your brand to ensure brand recall and recognition. This can be achieved by using apps like Instasize where you can quickly edit and customize your campaign’s creatives in a tap.
2. Bloggers.
With the ability to rank organically in search engine queries, bloggers excel at increasing a seller’s conversions. The blogger samples the product or service and then writes a comprehensive review that promotes the brand in a compelling way, driving traffic back to the seller’s site.
The blogger is awarded for his or her influence spreading the word about the value of the product, helping to improve the seller’s sales. For example, my article on the best email marketing software includes product reviews and affiliate links throughout.

3. Paid search focused microsites.
Developing and monetizing microsites can also garner a serious amount of sales. These sites are advertised within a partner site or on the sponsored listings of a search engine. They are distinct and separate from the organization’s main site. By offering more focused, relevant content to a specific audience, microsites lead to increased conversions due to their simple and straightforward call to action.
4. Email lists.
Despite its older origins, email marketing is still a viable source of affiliate marketing income. Some affiliates have email lists they can use to promote the seller’s products. Others may leverage email newsletters that include hyperlinks to products, earning a commission after the consumer purchases the product.
Another method is for the affiliate to build an email list over time. They use their various campaigns to collect emails en masse, then send out emails regarding the products they are promoting.
5. Large media websites.
Designed to create a huge amount of traffic at all times, these sites focus on building an audience of millions. These websites promote products to their massive audience through the use of banners and contextual affiliate links. This method offers superior exposure and improves conversion rates, resulting in a top-notch revenue for both the seller and the affiliate.
Tips to Help You Become A Successful Affiliate Marketer
1. Develop a rapport.
When beginning your affiliate marketing career, you’ll want to cultivate an audience that has very specific interests. This allows you to tailor your affiliate campaigns to that niche, increasing the likelihood that you’ll convert. By establishing yourself as an expert in one area instead of promoting a large array of products, you’ll be able to market to the people most likely to buy the product.
2. Make it personal.
There is no shortage of products you’ll be able to promote. You’ll have the ability to pick and choose products that you personally believe in, so make sure that your campaigns center around truly valuable products that consumers will enjoy. You’ll achieve an impressive conversion rate while simultaneously establishing the reliability of your personal brand.
You’ll also want to get really good at email outreach to work with other bloggers and influencers. Use a tool like ContactOut or Voila Norbert to gather people’s contact information and send personalized emails to garner guest blogging and affiliate opportunities.
3. Start reviewing products and services.
Focus on reviewing products and services that fall within your niche. Then, leveraging the rapport you have created with your audience and your stance as an expert, tell your readers why they would benefit from purchasing the product or service you are promoting. Almost anything sold online can be reviewed if there is an affiliate program – you can review physical products, digital software, or even services booked online, like ride-sharing or travel resort booking. It is especially effective to compare this product to others in the same category. Most importantly, make sure you are generating detailed, articulate content to improve conversions.
4. Use several sources.
Instead of focusing on just an email campaign, also spend time making money with a blog, reaching out to your audience on social media, and even looking into cross-channel promotions.
Test a variety of marketing strategies to see which one your audience responds to the most. Make frequent use of this technique.
For more information, you can check out this article on how to start a successful blog this year.
5. Choose campaigns with care.
No matter how good your marketing skills are, you’ll make less money on a bad product than you will on a valuable one. Take the time to study the demand for a product before promoting it. Make sure to research the seller with care before teaming up. Your time is worth a lot, and you want to be sure you’re spending it on a product that is profitable and a seller you can believe in.
6. Stay current with trends.
There is serious competition in the affiliate marketing sphere. You’ll want to make sure you stay on top of any new trends to ensure you remain competitive. Additionally, you’ll likely be able to benefit from at least a few of the new marketing techniques that are constantly being created. Be sure you’re keeping up to date on all these new strategies to guarantee that your conversion rates, and therefore revenue, will be as high as possible.
What are the Top Affiliate Marketing Trends of 2020?
1. Improved affiliate reporting and attribution.
Many affiliate programs run with last-click attribution, where the affiliate receiving the last click before the sale gets 100% credit for the conversion. This is changing. With affiliate platforms providing new attribution models and reporting features, you are able to see a full-funnel, cross-channel view of how individual marketing tactics are working together.
For example, you might see that a paid social campaign generated the first click, Affiliate X got click 2, and Affiliate Y got the last click. With this full picture, you can structure your affiliate commissions so that Affiliate X gets a percentage of the credit for the sale, even though they didn’t get the last click.
2. Influencer niches are becoming hyper-targeted.
In the past, large affiliates were the mainstay, as catch-all coupons and media sites gave traffic to hundreds or thousands of advertisers. This is not so much the case anymore. With consumers using long-tail keywords and searching for very specific products and services, influencers can leverage their hyper-focused niche for affiliate marketing success. Influencers may not send advertisers huge amounts of traffic, but the audience they do send is credible, targeted, and has higher conversion rates.
3. Affiliate marketers are getting smarter.
Merchants receiving a large percentage of their revenue from the affiliate channel can become reliant on their affiliate partners. This can lead to affiliate marketers leveraging their important status to receive higher commissions and better deals with their advertisers. Whether it’s CPA, CPL, or CPC commission structures, there are a lot of high paying affiliate programs and affiliate marketers are in the driver’s seat.
What Affiliate Marketing Strategies Should You Employ in 2022?
1. Only recommend products you are extremely familiar with.
Building trust with your audience is paramount in affiliate marketing, and the quickest way to lose trust is to recommend products either you haven’t used before or that aren’t a good fit for your audience. Also make sure you never tell anyone to directly buy a product, you are simply recommending the product. The more helpful you are and the more you make quality recommendations, the more likely your web visitors will come back for your expertise.
2. Promote products from many different merchants.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. If you only promote one merchant’s products, you are stuck with their commissions, their landing pages, and ultimately, their conversion rates. It is important to work with many different merchants in your niche and promote a wide range of products.
This affiliate marketing strategy will diversify the number of commissions you make and create a steady stream of revenue when building an affiliate website. Some examples of affiliate merchants include brands like BigCommerce, Bluehost, and
3. Constantly test and optimize your conversion rates.
Let’s say you have a promotions page where you’re promoting a product via affiliate links. If you currently get 5,000 visits/month at a 2% conversion rate, you have 100 referrals. To get to 200 referrals, you can either focus on getting 5,000 more visitors or simply increasing the conversion rate to 4%.
Which sounds easier? Instead of spending months building Domain Authority with blogging and guest posts to get more organic traffic, you just have to increase the conversion rate by 2%. This can include landing page optimization, testing your calls-to-action, and having a conversion rate optimization strategy in place. By testing and optimizing your site, you’ll get far better results with much less effort.

4. Focus on your affiliate traffic sources.
It’s important to know where your traffic is coming from and the demographics of your audience. This will allow you to customize your messaging so that you can provide the best affiliate product recommendations. You shouldn’t just focus on the vertical you’re in, but on the traffic sources and audience that’s visiting your site. Traffic sources may include organic, paid, social media, referral, display, email, or direct traffic.
You can view traffic source data in Google Analytics to view things such as time on page, bounce rate, geo location, age, gender, time of day, devices (mobile vs. desktop), and more so that you can focus your effort on the highest converting traffic. This analytics data is crucial to making informed decisions, increasing your conversion rates, and making more affiliate sales.



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