
Dewdrop In a world where you can be anyone, be yourself. I’m on a journey. Join me by following along.


You just wake up in the morning and start pressing phone 💁🏻‍♂️
You’ll not even check if you can walk 😏🙃


not everything in life is replaceable, treat the people you love with CARE .


they quickly judged without hearing my side of the story .


missing someone who's not alive is an indescribable type of pain .



She couldn’t believe it had been five years since she found her happiness, four years since she sealed it permanently with a ring. To think of all the troubles and battle they both went through, all the pains they went through. Her scars was no longer painful to look at because now it reminded her of their journey together; their journey of love. She never imagined they would meet again but they did and now she had her happily ever after. Hopefully, it would remain that way.

For some reason, she knew her kids would go through their own journey but she hoped theirs wouldn’t be as painful and agonizing as hers and their father. She hoped love would find them. She hoped that love would give them happiness like it gave her. She couldn’t ask for anything more.

Her whole life since she said “I do” had been spent making sure her love never fade and their passion never dies. With every single day that went by, she was more convince that she would never be left for anyone else. He was his as she was hers, her soulmate.

Lavender rolled the little feetsy in her hand, staring down at the peacefully sleeping infant in her crib. Her little angel that was brought into the world only two days earlier. The baby came early which was not part of the plan. Her beloved was away in a meeting so he couldn’t be there for her like he vowed to be, which she knew would be hurting him for missing out on another birth. But she knew that the moment he held her in his arms, that pain would be long forgotten. Well, that’s if her five warriors let him get a moment with their precious little sister.

She flexed her tired shoulder and sighed. Since the baby was early and came at a time everyone was busy, no one but the nurses were there for her. She wasn’t complaining because she refused to let anyone care for her fragile baby. She would wait until her love ones arrive.

“Lavender!” Speak of the devil. He burst into the room, the doors flying open and banging on the wall. She knew he sped to the hospital from the airport. She quickly threw him a glare when the baby je**ed. “Sorry,” he whispered. He approached the crib, as if walking on eggshells. He pulled her into a warm embrace first, kissed her forehead and left her to look at his baby.

Rominic knelt down, smiling with tears in his eyes as he observed his new heart candy. Just like the rest of his kids, the baby took his facial features and with the small strands of hair on her head, he knew she would have his color. He felt absolutely proud of himself. His hands itched to hold her, but he was afraid of waking her up. But as if sensing her father’s presence, she whimpered and kicked her legs, folding her hands into her chest.

“Quick, carry her before she wakes up,” Lavender said quickly. Rominic’s heart skipped for a second, startled on how to go about it. Seeing that he was having a stroke, Lavender lifted the child herself, diligently. She kicked her husband to stand up which he dazedly did. “Put out your arms,” she instructed. He did as told. Lavender gently placed the baby in his arms and smiled at the amazement on his face.

“She’s so soft and fragile, my baby,” Lavender chuckled at the fascination in his voice. She continued with her work, folding her baby’s clothes while he went to sit down to admire the baby. They already knew her name, carefully chosen by their older quins. That was what the quins loved most. Calling the baby what they chose.

The quins in question walked into the ward, chatting in a whisper because unlike their father, they remembered a baby was in there. Lavender paused and took her time to stare at her five children. They had grown so big in five years. All of them had something great going on for themselves at fourteen. Still wearing their father’s face and reeking of talent and dominance, they rocked their own world equally but never stopped loving each other. Lavender was more concern for her two oldest children, and the two youngest.

Zachary was too much of a lone wolf, only smiling and talking to his family and confiding solely on Serafina. Now Serafina was too cocky and held herself up with such high esteem she feared that the man that would be able to weaken her has not been born yet. Serenity, gone was the shy, quiet and rainbow girl. Still polite but different from her soft-hearted angel. Maybe it was because of her life as a singer, maybe she just matured and decided to never be a gullible fool, or maybe it was because of what happened five years ago.

Zayne, gone was his talkative ways. Following in a similar footsteps as Zachary, he was quiet, had little friends, ate less and was nothing close to gullible. He was still innocent, but he never trust people. What happened in the past scarred them all, but she hoped they would find that special someone to erase the past. Time would tell.

“Dad, you are back,” they chorused quietly. Rominic nodded, eyes still on his baby.

“Rihanna is the cutest, isn’t she, Dad?” Serenity cooed with adoration. Rominic nodded in agreement but frowning because he didn’t like the name. He wanted to name her Skylar, and even though it was her middle name, he preferred it to be her first. Rihanna Skylar Verlice.

“I’m still calling her Skylar,” he murmured out. The children smiled. Like always, Zachary was already making his way to her to order her back to bed. She dropped the folded blouse and raised her hands in surrender. Zachary pointed at the bed with a stern look. She rolled her eyes and walked to the bed.

“Grandma called, she’s on her way,” Sera announced, looking down at the baby. Lavender smiled as she watched them all surround the child, Zachary folding the clothes. This is exactly how it should be, her, her husband and children. This is what should have happened from the very beginning. She had no idea what the future held for them, but she was sure she would fight until they find happiness just like she did.

The End.



Lavender’s viewpoint

Once upon a time, I was a fool, once upon a time, I let my mind turn me into a puppet. So many mistakes I made, so many times I made people around me hurt and cry; so many times I stabbed them in the back, but not anymore. I almost made another mistake, bringing in death into my own home because of my kindness, but thank goodness I followed my instinct.

My suspicion grew the very moment I caught her glaring at me but quickly covered it up. I could not let the uneasy feeling go, so I kept an eye on her and asked Zimò to give me the number of the guy monitoring Peyton for me. While the person was investigating Peyton, I kept an eye on Roxy, but still didn’t notice a thing since Zachary and Sera had no complains about her. I let my mind convince me that they would know, forgetting they can’t know it all as children. Finally, when Lilith came for the wedding, the moment she laid eyes on Roxy, she knew Roxy was up to no good. Lilith has always had the ability to detect malicious intent and vibe from people, and knew when someone was pure in heart. It was one of the reasons she made me her best friend, because according to her, she has never felt so at peace and calm with anyone but me. So when she saw Roxy, she knew without a doubt that she came back deleterious intention.

I didn’t wait for a second to pay attention to what she was doing. I thought it was me she was after until I saw the scones given to my children. I remembered then that Zayne was always eating a particular muffin, scones and bagels made by Roxy. Thankfully, Lilith and Jiayi were around so they helped me examine one after I took it from where Zach dumped his. Jiayi helped me locate the guy paid to monitor Peyton and after a little punch, he admitted that Peyton met up with Roxy but it was only once so he didn’t think it mattered, and he didn’t know Roxy was related to me in anyways.

He was a crappy worker, terrible with his job because if he really was dedicated to his work, he would monitor her phonecalls, messages and chats and everyone who visits her, just to be sure. Because of his stupid investigation, I almost made a mistake. What if Lilith didn’t come on time? What if I didn’t notice on time? What if I lost my kids?

The plan was simple, we were going to deal with Peyton once and for all. I didn’t care what means, as long as I get rid of her. She tried to harm my kids. Nobody, no freaking body can ever dare lay a finger on my kids and get away with it. I would fu***ng deal with her and show her what it means to be friends with Lilith. But Lilith told me to handle it legally, for the sake of my after conscience, so that was what I planned to do.

Brushing my fingers into my hair, I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, my head tilt to the side. Rominic sat on our bed, bottom lip in his mouth and forehead furrowed in concentration, eyes fixed on his laptop. His fingers were keying the buttons rapidly, but I knew he was typing nonsense.

“Argh!” He shouted in anger, pulling at his hair in frustration. “Why can’t I fu***ng think of anything!” He cried. I turned, looking at him with a smile. “Laverne, help me!” He looked at me and pouted.

“Maybe you should calm down and take a break,” I suggested, “maybe play with the kids or do your geek communication with your precious Zachary, I’m sure you’ll be able to think of something after that. I don’t really have ideas right now, except if you want to work on a new kitchen appliances.” He rolled his eyes and went back to staring and murmuring. I stood up from the chair, smoothen my hair and walked over to the bed to get my bag. Rominic decided to stay at home for the day, which is a good idea. The seven days was over, it was time for the plan.

I pressed my hands on the bed, leaning closer to him still smiling. I used my hand to close his laptop and push it aside. “Please, don’t stress yourself. Today is your off, you promised to take it easy today, no working. You are suppose to play with the kids, remember?” He opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him off with my lips. He muffled out his complain, not really kissing me back at first and when he was about to, I pulled away because I knew he would drag me into the bed and mess up my hair and lipstick.

“Hey, come back here!” I giggled, shifting away from his reach. “I didn’t kiss you back, come here!” I shrieked, scooting to the door while laughing. Damn my heels. I ran to the stairs and used the banister to slide down before he caught me. “Lavender!”

“Too slow!” I shouted laughingly. I jumped down from the banister and ran, running past the children and waving at them. “Hey, kids, hold your father for me so I can leave, he’s after me… Sh*t!” I screamed as Rominic came running towards me. He used the banister too. I bolted to the door, running as fast as I could to my car. I already knew I would be caught, and I was when I got to the car. Rominic grabbed me by the waist, spinning me around and drawing a loud laughing shriek from my mouth.

“Rominic, put me down! Please!” I laughed, he spun me around repeatedly while I shrieked. He knew how much the whole spinning me in the air thing was terrifying. Finally, he put me down on my feet. I floundered helplessly, my vision spinning on and on. He caught me before I plunge to my demise. Okay, that’s exaggerating. “You are crazy and stupid!”

“I love you too,” he laughed. His hands held me securely to his body, my hands pressed to his chest as I panted. “Now, my kiss…”

“No k…” He claimed my lips with his. My eyes sealed shut on it own volition, against my will. A small moan leaving my lips gave him enough room to coax my lips apart and slide his tongue into my mouth, emitting another moan from me. Rominic guided me backwards until my back was resting on the door of my car… His car actually, but what’s his is mine. His tongue was hot, scorching and sweet on mine, somehow spreading fire along my body. I suddenly didn’t want to go out anymore, I wanted to stay back, get rid of all my clothing and lay under the sheets for as long as forever.

He dominated our slow but feverish kiss, giving me a taste of his morning coffee taste and taking mine with much gratitude and love. I wanted to feel each and every inch of her body, our moans muffled by our own lips. But when we are lost in our world, we always forget one littlest detail.

“Ew, Mom, Dad, no grossing about!” Groaning in displeasure, Rominic and I reluctantly pulled apart and threw them a glare. Serenity giggled while Zayne gagged. Sera who spoke was staring at us scoldingly, like a mother to her children. “Aren’t you suppose to be going, Mom?” She asked evasively, giving me a knowing look.


I pushed Rominic away and smiled awkwardly. “I need to get going…”

“To be continued?” He asked hopefully, eyes staring into mine pleadingly. I winked at him, causing him to grin. I chuckled. “Where did you say you were going again? You didn’t really tell me where,” he said thoughtfully. I opened the door of the Pagani Huayra BC sport car and smirked.

“I’m going fishing,” I sent him a coy wink before jumping into the car, slamming the door close so he wouldn’t ask more. I didn’t wait a second before starting the car and zooming off. Indeed, I was going to catch a fish.

Peyton’s viewpoint

‘I’ll be there in ten,’ I reread her message over and over again, smiling to myself. To say I was surprise when she contacted me that she wanted to speak to me was an understatement, and to make it even more amusing, she wanted to discuss how to settle our differences once and for all so the hatred would not pass on to our children. I don’t know if I should comment on her bravery or laugh at her stupidity. How much kinder can she be? Did she really think I’d just smile at her and accept her so called hand of friendship? She wanted to insult me further.

Hand of friendship my foot. She had been intentionally flaunting her relationship with him over the internet to annoy me and now she decided to be friends so she could flaunt it more. I hadn’t forgotten how she had been chatting and flirting with my husband. Ethan was always staring at his phone, smiling and blushing because she was chatting with him. So now, she wanted both my men to show me that she can be a devil as well. Her hand of friendship was just a way to seal the deal, or it wasn’t, I didn’t care. All I knew was that she was going down once and for all before she ends up taking everything away from me.

My kids met her, somehow, I don’t know how, but they did. And since then, they hadn’t stop talking about how nice she was to them and her smile. Her plan was obvious, to frustrate me but I would never let that happen. I was bitter, envious, angry, furious! So what was I commenting on? Her so called bravery to mock me directly or pretend kindness? No, I would never fall for it because I’m not as foolish as her. If she was smart, she wouldn’t have agreed to meet me in a abandon warehouse.

How smart is she.

“Peyton? Peyton, are you here?” I smiled widely, dropping my phone and raising my head. She finally arrives to die. “Pey… Hey, there you are, I thought you wouldn’t show up,” she smiled as she walked towards me, “so, what are we doing here?” She asked, looking around with that infuriating smile. “Is this Ethan’s?”

“Why? So you can know how rich he is before stealing him away from me?” I blunted out. Only the sight of her was irritating. She walked in here looking like a doll pulled out of a giant safe. Clothed in a sugar gray capelet coat and a black bo***ge boots with very thin heels. The capelet of her coat was bedecked with diamonds, actual diamonds, just like her shoes. The coat was short, stopping almost mid-thigh. The Lavender I knew would never dress like this, this hot and expensive but I guess almost ten years is enough to change her.

Why would she wear such an expensive clothing to a meeting?

Simple, to show off.

She tilt her head and smiled. “Don’t get angry, I was only asking, plus, Ethan is not my spec. You of all people should know my spec,” she winked at me. I gritted my teeth together, fighting the urge to bring out the gun a little bit too early. “So, how’s that husband of yours anyways? I haven’t seen him since the anniversary,” lying to my face when she had been flirting with my husband online.

“He’s fine, but I know you already know that. After all, you have been chatting with him behind my back, trying to steal my husband away from me just like you stole Rominic!” What she did next surprised me, she laughed. Lavender laughed, throwing her head back as she laughed. I stood there, staring at her in confusion.

“So, the great Peyton can feel jealous and pain from seeing the one she loves… Oops, sorry, the ATM you married, chatting with another woman. I guess it’s a different feeling to get a taste of your own juice,” she tilt her head and smirked, a look I never thought nice Lavender would wear. “Don’t worry, I only plan on using him enough to break your rotten heart. Did your kids talk about me? I was exceptionally nice to them you know, like a real mother should. I bet it pained you to listen to them talk about me so fondly…”

“I knew it! You did it on purpose! You are trying to get rid of me!” She shrugged nonchalantly.

“Just thanking you for the past, bitch,”

“I would rather die than let that happen… No,” I pulled the gun out of my belt and pointed it at her. “I would rather kill you than let that happen.”

“Like you intend to do with my kids?” She asked smirkingly, not showing a single sign of fear. My hands on the gun trembled from shock, she knew? How? Did Roxy betray me?

“W…w…wh…what are you talking about? I’m not responsible for poisoning your kids,” I stammered. She raised a brow.

“I never mentioned them being poisoned, Peyton. Now, how did you know that? Are you that cruel, Peyton? Kids, really?” She asked with a slight frown and twitch of her eyebrows. I scoffed, she had no idea how important those kids are to their getting back together. Since the cat is out of the bag and she’s going to die anyways, then there’s no need hiding.

“Those kids played an important part of getting you back to Rominic’s heart, you slut. You think I don’t know how you slept around for money? You are a good for nothing whore…”

“Of your making, yes,” she nodded, “and I did it to provide for my babies. You don’t need any reason to be a slut, it was written in your mother’s destiny and passed on to you as her lovely little bitch,” she spat disdainfully, glowering at me with so much anger and hatred. Well, bitch, the feeling is mutual.

“Don’t you dare bring my mother into this, it is between us…”

“Your gold-digger of a mother tried to ruin mine so it is my concern. You are as despicable as her, and now you managed to bring Roxy into it. Don’t worry, Roxy did not betray you. She’s eager to get rid of them as well…”

“That’s what you get for messing with me. That little fool really thinks I’d let her have Rominic after she completes her mission of helping me get rid of those nuisances you call children,” she shook her head pitifully.

“You plan on killing her afterwards, don’t you?”

I smiled innocently. “I have to get rid of every witness, you see. But don’t worry, she’ll be here in a few minutes to take the fall for your death. Of course, I would have to kill her too so she won’t implicate me, but she will take the fall…”

“But you see, Peyton, I didn’t come here to die. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve come to peace with the fact that the poison have eaten too much in too deep to save them,” she smiled bitterly, “so I’m telling you to your face that if they die, I’ll make your kids mine and make sure you watch as I break your world apart. If it means me leaving Rominic to be with Ethan just to destroy you, I would. I would go to any length to get rid of you…”

“Not if I kill you first!” I cocked the gun and ready to pull the trigger, but sudden pain erupted from my right shoulder, the one holding the gun. The gun slipped out of my grasp, falling at my feet. I wanted to bring my other hand to my shoulder but a burst of severe pain erupted in it as well, followed by my legs. I crumbled to the floor, screaming from the pain spreading through out my body.

All the while, she stood there, laughing at my pain. Tears streamed down from my face, I couldn’t move my limbs but the pain grew every single minute. A lady sashayed towards her, blowing the gun in her hand dramatically. She was a beauty of caramel blonde, baby blues, 5,9 and screamed dangerous. She shot me.

“Don’t cry, those aren’t bullets but just a little something that would feel like you are being torn apart. It last for two hours so sit down and relax, this is going to be the longest hours of your life.”

“Lilith, she has no choice but to relax,” Lavender laughed, “her screams is beautiful, don’t you think?”

“Wanna listen to some more? The cops won’t be here for the next two hours, and I did bring Netflix and snacks,” they both laughed while I watched in tears and helplessness. The lady, Lilith, shot at me again, this time, shooting at my back. I screamed as the pain exploded in me once again. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, just cry, my vision blinded by tears.

They really sat down on a bench and watched a movie, eating and laughing, enjoying my suffering. Blood and mucus gushed out of my nostrils and mouth. Whatever they did could not be legal, it couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but scream and cry, praying silently that Roxy comes, but she never came.

What happened to her?

“Hey, times up, honey. Did you enjoy your break?” Lilith asked tauntingly. I felt a cold metal in my arm before it broke my skin. She injected me with something. She repeated it five times before she stood up. The pain was slowly disappearing, one after the other, but the numbness never left.

“You are sure the police won’t detect the chemicals?”

“Never,” Lilith said, “they would only detect the ones for paralysis, as your act of self-defense. And even if they do, Rave owns the cops. You’ll be fine. Hmm, where’s the Roxy girl?”

“Don’t worry, the kids would handle it,” Lavender chuckled, “hear that, Peyton? That’s the sounds of sirens,” she gloated. She tricked me. Lavender set a trap for me and I willingly fell for it. I understood she got our conversation on record, so I was as good as gone. Lilith gave her the gun, saluted and dashed off. After everything, I fell at her feet.

Cops trooped into the warehouse, they already knew their target. Lavender handed a phone to them, saying something quietly to one of the cops as the rest bundled me up. She put the gun into a bag and bowed politely, a clever snake. I couldn’t speak but watch as I was bundled out of the warehouse, screaming in my head. I made her into what she is now, and she outplayed me.


Roxy hastily packed her bags, praying to God that her father don’t return and question her, that would only delay her. She didn’t want to see the look of disappointment in her eyes when he finds out what she had done. She was getting ready to meet Peyton as planned, but later received a text that the plan was canceled, Lavender didn’t show up. She had to stay back. She was worried, anxious. After giving the children the last dose of poison, they were going to die.

To her, the change of poison helped bring Sera back to health, eating her slowly. After the last dose, no doctors would be able to save them. She just had to wait. Well, not until she overheard Rominic on the phone. Lavender had called and informed him that she was at the police station. She didn’t wait to hear the reason why, she bolted to her room and began packing her necessary. Her father would just have to forgive her.

How did she get herself into this?

Flinging her backpack on her shoulder, she grabbed her phone and ran out of her room. She looked over her shoulder as she scurried out of the house through the backdoor, trying not to look too suspicious.

“Roxy!” She screamed from fright at the sudden appearance of Zayne. Placing her hand on her chest, she exhaled with relief. “Take a look at my drawing,” the excited kid exclaimed while showing her his book. Roxy huffed and pushed the kid aside.

“Go f**k yourself, you are in my way,” she snapped. As she took a step, pain erupted from her right calf. She screamed as she fell on the ground on her knees. She looked at her calf, a syringe protruded out of it. “What…”

“Now, that’s not a nice thing to say to my little brother, Roxy,” Zach said mockingly as he strolled to her front. He smiled innocently at the distraught woman. “She’s getting better, isn’t it? Sera have been learning archery for camp next month, she’s getting better, no?”

“I’d say I am,” Sera said cockily, waving her little bow as she smirked, “bullseye.”

“Hey, she didn’t see how good you are, try it again,” Zachary said with mock excitement. Roxy tried to stand but she couldn’t move her shot leg. Her heartbeat had quickened, sweat starting to form over her forehead and black dots clothing her blurring vision.

“What the hell did you shoot me with!”

“Don’t worry, you won’t die, just sleep,” she screamed again as another pain erupted from her arm. Sera shot her again. Zyaire who had joined them pushed her down completely and gave Zach a high five. She couldn’t move, just laid there, stiff with a fast beating heart and blurring vision.

“Dad, she’s over here!” Serenity yelled, pulling her father over to where they trapped the criminal trying to run away. Their mission was accomplished. Zachary crouched in front of her and waved.

“In your next life, don’t be a selfish thief,”

“And don’t mess with the Verlice, got it?!” Sera squealed, jumping with excitement at the amazing game she played with her siblings. Roxy closed her eyes, letting the darkness enfold her, a single tear escaping her eye.



Zachary’s viewpoint

Something isn’t right.

Those words reverberated in my head over and over again, for days now. I had no idea why but I felt like something wasn’t. Every time I looked at my siblings, I thought of that. For example, Sera coughing violently into her handkerchief, nose stuffy and hands trembling and sweaty. She said she was okay but I felt like she wasn’t. Maybe it was because Sera has only ever been severely ill six times. She was that strong. And even then, the illness wasn’t strong enough to weaken her. Especially to make her quiet and lock her quip remark.

That isn’t my Serafina.

Maybe her being this ill was hard for me to get use to, just maybe. At the moment, I stood watching her smile politely and listen to a teacher scolding her about the mistake she made in the opening speech, her eyes showing the extreme fatigue eating away at her strength. Sera would never sit down and listen to anyone yell at her, or ever make such easy mistake in front of everyone else. It was like she forgot the speech she wrote herself and knew like the back of her hand.

Sera never forgets.

Is the drugs even working?

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.” Even her respond shocked the daylight out of the teacher. He stared at her with lips parted for a second before pinning his lips with worry, eyebrows pulling together.

“Sera, are you okay?” She only smiled more and nodded. Out of character. Serenity walked up to her, a lollipop in her mouth. She was getting ready to sing as part of the talent. She joined the school talent competition, as part of the students representing her class. I had high hopes for her, hoping she would lead her class to victory. She bent forward, as if examining Serafina.

“Big sis, you okay?” Sera nodded. “You are not. Maybe you should have stayed home to rest.”

“And be buddy buddy with your cat and that bird, no.” Stupid, she forgot to add stupid or any other curse. That’s not my Sera. I need to tell mom. I turned and headed out, going to find my mother who I hope would listen. I went out to join them in the crowd. They were sitting at front, mom cringing with a frightful face, staring at the woman sitting beside her. The woman was sweating and had a drooling baby on her laps. Mom being the cleanliness obsess woman was trying to climb onto dad’s laps to be away from the germs.

“Laverne, you are going to crush me if you don’t stop pushing yourself across your chair to mine. Your hands… My poor dinger…” Dad groaned in pain. Instead of moving away, mom flew into dad’s seat when the baby spat some whitish liquid. Mom held on to his neck with her dear life, body trembling with fear and horror. “Laverne,” dad groaned.

“I’m staying here, thank you very much,”

“Women like you would end up marrying and throwing your child away because of dirt,” the woman scoffed. Mom bent her head backwards, causing her hair to stream down closer to her waist.

“Sorry to burst your bubble but I have five kids and they didn’t make me pass out. I’m not worried about the baby, I’m more disgusted by the germs called you…”

“Lavender!” Dad gasped. I didn’t want mom to end up quarreling because she is capable of doing so.

“Mom, Serafina isn’t okay,” I blunted out, “I don’t think the drugs is working.” I complained, swinging myself recklessly on my feet, hands in my pockets. It was the only way to stop myself from crying because I really wanted to worry for her.

“And how would you know that?”

“She’s being nice, very nice. She did not insult Perry, did not snap when a teacher was yelling at her and she forgot her speech. Now that is a situation and a very big problem,”

“Yes, indeed.”

“How is that a problem?” Dad asked. Mom and I gave him a look of disbelief. How is it not a problem? Sera being nice to someone other than us is a problem. Mom rolled her eyes.

“I already thought about it and I’m working on it,” mom said with a assuring smile. I trust her. If she say she would do it, then she would. Sighing in relief, I walked over to my seat and sat down. Serafina would be okay, she just has to be.


Back to the house. Serenity was still raving with excitement, bouncing with so much energy. Serenity helped her class come in second place, but that wasn’t the real reason she was happy. A talent agent was there as invited by her older sister whose children attended the school. She offered Serenity an opportunity, a huge one that would begin her career. I was happy for her, but I couldn’t think or show it when I was worrying over my other sister.

Serafina, I didn’t want to lose her, I couldn’t. I felt like I was going to lose her, along with Zayne. They were both showing signs but Serafina’s was stronger. I couldn’t lose my siblings or it would kill me.

“Hey, Zach,” someone whispered. I pushed myself away from the banister, turning my head to look at who called me. Perry. Perry flapped his wings, looking at me from the ceiling where he was flying close to. “Come,” he whispered, “follow.” Arching a brow at him, I climbed up the stairs slowly, my hands in the pockets of my pyjamas. I followed him to the third floor, straight to mine and dad’s lab.

“Shut the door,” obeying, I shut the door quietly. “I know what is wrong with Serafina and Zayne,” my heart skipped, as if an ominous feeling dropped on my head.

“Are you going to make you pay you for the information? Or is this a prank?”

“This cannot be a prank and I don’t want a bribe because this concerns the people who love and care for me. Sera might be a jerk but she would never let me starve or get hurt. When I was sick, she always came to see me at the vet’s. Even though she said mean words, I knew it was because she cared and that’s why she was there. I don’t want any of you to die, I don’t want to lose you all…”

“Perry, what happened!” I screamed.


Serafina’s viewpoint

Hot, boiling heat scorched me from the inside and out. It was like the surface of my skin was sizzling and the inside getting roasted. The frantic beating of my heart was painful. It skipped every ten minutes and every time it did, it shot pang of pain across my chest and made me dizzy. I hoped the drugs I was taking would work, but it felt like it was increasing, not decreasing.

Should I worry mother more?

I needed to tell her, but Serenity was more important at the moment. When she is alone, just when. My head hurt so much it was getting too hard to listen to things. What is wrong with me?

“Sera, sis, let’s get you to bed,” I raised my head from my palm, looking up at Zach who was smiling at me. His eyes showed something else, his smile revealed something more dark. Zach has been crying. I instantly stood up, taking his stretched out hands. He helped pulled me to my feet, wrap his hand around my waist and help me forward. “Mom, I’m taking Sera to her room. Zyaire, help me carry Zayne, would you help me?”

“Sure,” Zyaire chirped.

“Serene, please follow your siblings and get ready for bed, I need to wash my body clean of germs. I smell like baby vomit. Beau, you are responsible for the… Just follow me.” I didn’t pay attention to whatever else she said, I was more worried about Zachary. I kept looking at him, observing his red and puffy eyes. It wasn’t noticeable unless you look at her deeply. Zach helped me up the stairs to his room, helping me to his bed where Perry sat. It was like my brain was malfunctioning because I was forgetting things and being awfully nice.

I smiled at the bird.

“Here,” Zach said after placing me on the bed. He helped stretched my legs, crossed it and then picked up a pillow. He plumped up the pillow and place it on the headboard so I could rest my back. “Comfortable?”

“Yes, thank you. Now why did you cry? Is it because of me?” Zach nodded. Zyaire walked in with Zayne on his back, Serene helping him to keep heavy Zayne up. There was something important he wanted to talk about, Zach. He walked towards the door and looked into the hallway, as if to make sure no one was there.

“Zachary, what’s up with you?” Zyaire asked, he noticed it too. Zachary quietly shut the door and placed his finger on his lips. “Okay…?” Zyaire whispered puzzledly.

“Roxy has been poisoning us…”


“Shhhh…” Perry shushed before we could scream. “Don’t yell.”

“H… That’s not possible, Roxy is very nice and…”

“This isn’t about nice and sweet, Serenity, this is about us dying. Just look at Sera and Zayne, they are not okay, can’t you sense it?” Zach snapped. Serene opened her mouth and shut it back in shock.

“How?” I asked calmly, though still confuse.

“Zyaire forgot to drop some food for us, we were starving and the door was locked,” Perry glared at Zyaire who grinned, “so I flew out through the window with hope of flying into the kitchen through the window. Fortunately, when I got closer, I heard ‘the eldest one is reacting to the poison too fast, it would ruin the plan. The guy giving me the poison said there must be an ingredient in it that she is reacting to and since the poison is made to intensify when in contact with other drugs, it is speeding the process. The more she takes her drugs, the faster the poison works and that is not part of the plan. And to make it worse, the other three aren’t reacting yet, just the youngest but not as much’.”

My lips parted in horror. Perry nodded. “It was suspicious, very suspicious. Eldest, is reacting too fast and youngest? Then the remaining three, I knew instantly it was all of you. Sera was sick and Zayne was starting to get sick, but the three of you were still fine. Well, except Serene who is constantly tired. I perched there and listened and from what I got, she has been feeding you all slow poison through food. My guess is…”

“The muffins she gives to you all,” Zyaire gasped, his eyes widening. “After the first day she gave it to me, I stopped eating it and always threw mine away because I don’t like the taste but didn’t want to hurt her feelings. And Zachary…”

“Never even bothered to taste it,” I cut in. Since Roxy returned, she formed the habit of baking us muffins, donuts, bagels and scones. The muffins were my favorite because it tasted quite nice, but Zachary refuse to even try it because he never eats anything not prepared by mom, Chef Russo and grandma. I didn’t want him to hurt Roxy’s feelings so I made sure he got rid of his quietly, while I ate his muffins and scones. Zayne ate his share of bagels all the time. Zyaire on the other hand said her pastry taste like sower rat, so he always threw his away or gave it to Zayne. Same thing went with Serenity, though she only ate the donuts and threw the rest away.

“The donuts are not poisoned, but the rest are. That would explain why Serenity is perfectly fine. The tiredness is due to her recent illness recovery and the extra music lessons. My guess is that because Sera and Zayne has eaten most of the poison, they are reacting faster to the poison and Sera’s allergy and the fever drugs makes it worse,” Zachary said thoughtfully, his eyes glazing over. “I can’t believe we were so foolish to forgive her easily, just like that. But who would have thought that Roxy would do such an evil thing.”

“We have to tell mom…”

“We can’t just tell her, she might not believe us. You know how mommy is, she is too kind for her own good. We need evidence.” Serene murmured sadly.

“Dad don’t need one, he would believe…”

“No, we have to handle this carefully,” I interjected, putting my finger in my mouth. “For now, I’ll stop taking the drugs and Serene, use your recent achievement to make a wish that mom handles our meals for a month. Zach, do you think you can call Doctor George… No, the other doctor we met at the hospital, what’s his name again?”


“Yes, him, call him and book an appointment. I’m sure you can convince him without our parents finding out. I would also need you to convince our driver and bodyguards to take us to the hospital without informing our parents, or at least, come up with a good lie,” he smirked and nodded. “Good. Zyaire, you are in charge of making sure Zayne doesn’t eat anymore of the poison without him knowing. Tell him when he wakes up but keep an eye on him because he cannot be trusted with food.”

“Roxy is going to give us muffins tomorrow,” Zach said, his eyes glazing over in thoughts again, “we can carry a sample to Doctor Blue for analyst, and I can also use dad’s advance chemical retractor or any of his gadgets to get evidence. We have to hurry up so Sera can get treatment as soon as possible.”

“So, it’s a plan then?” Zyaire asked, looking at each and everyone of us.

“It’s a plan.” We fell into silence, each one of us to our own thoughts. I always wonder how a human’s heart can be so cruel, how darkness can easily eat away at the souls of good people. Maybe they were never good, maybe the darkness has always been there, waiting for the right moment to strike. How humans can live with such heartlessness was beyond my understanding.

Someone as sweet and harmless as Roxy changed overnight, just because of one incident. Can only one mistake really change a person so much? Even if that mistake is from the person itself? Is the heart that flexible? Is the mind that easily manipulated? Where is their conscience? Where is the goodness in their hearts? Where do all the good memories of their victims disappear to?

With no heart, no second thought, she poisoned us, children. Maybe she did have second thoughts but her bitterness and envy was strong enough to overpower her kindness, just for a man that would never be hers. I knew it would be because of dad, what other reason why? The question was why target us instead of the real reason for her hate? Did she think that killing us would destroy them?… Well, it would. Maybe that was what she was aiming for. Break mom apart and a broken mother is a sad and depress father, meaning a chance for her to come into his life as his ray of sunshine?

She was a fool.

If mother was to ever get sad and distress, locking herself away and mourning, father would pour all of his attention towards making sure she returns to the woman he once knew, the woman he loved. He would never be vulnerable but stand by her until he gets her back from the hole she would bury herself in. Unlike when they first got together, mother no longer hung on to us for her sanity, no. If anything, she has poured her love and affection on dad, giving him a equal percent of care. She did care about us, just as much as she cared about him. My siblings and I were one of the two pillars holding her up, dad being the second. So if anything happened to us, she would lean towards her second pillar instead of crumbling.

So yes, she would be sad, depress, grieving, but would never shut dad out. But Roxy did not understand that, and I’m sure neither did her accomplice. They were wasting their time and planning to waste our lives along.

“Now what are you quins up to now?” Mom’s voice cut through our ponderation. She stood at the door carrying a small box, clothed in a cute Winx club feetsy. She kicked the door close with her leg and walked in, humming and swinging the box. “All of you, come to me one after the other,” she singsonged. Mom sat on the bed close to me, folded on leg and placed the box in front of her.

“What’s in the box?” Zachary asked curiously. As a reply, mom opened the box and brought out a syringe, filled and ready to go.

“Calm down, you’ll all have to take the shots everyday, for seven nights. The side effects includes vomiting, irritated nostrils, extreme drowsiness and lost of taste buds, but you’ll be fine after seven days. It would also make you react to every food except spicy soups. I’ll be preparing that for you all myself every morning and evening. For the seven days, you will not attend school but spend your days in Mrs. Dave’s, she would take good care of you all and when you return, please don’t let anybody know you didn’t go to school, okay?” Mom instructed as she cleaned my arm with methylated spirit dipped cotton wool.

“Why?” I asked suspiciously, beating Zachary to it.

“Because, going to school would worsen your health but your father won’t understand. I’ll explain to him later. I still have to go to work, that’s why Mrs. Dave would take care of you…”

“Mom, what are the shots for?” I winced as she pierced me with the needle. I grind my teeth to stop me from screaming.

“Let’s just say, it’s my own secret antidote for every illness. Now stop asking me questions, I’m the mom, not you.” I looked at Zachary who was already thinking what I was thinking.

Mom knows.

“Mom, is the shots for the poison we are being fed?” Zyaire blunted out. A smile played on mom’s lips, meaning she was hoping Zachary and me already figured it out and warned us. Or maybe just Zachary because I would never have.

“I’m guessing you just found out?”

“I found out,” Perry announced proudly, “and told Zachie.”

“Don’t call me that,” Zach warned absent mindedly, “where did you get that from, Mom? And how did you find out?” Mom smirked as she wiped the blood out of my puncture hole.

“I’m kind, not blind. I might not have figured it out on time, but it took one person to confirm. I admit I was careless. If this was a fast poison, most of you would be dead, but I’m grateful it’s slow. And Sera, you and Zayne are not reacting to the poison, you are reacting to the antidote in the drugs fighting the poison…”

“Wait, the drugs isn’t…”

“For fever? No, it isn’t. Like I said, I’m kind, not blind and my mind can never make me a fool allover again. You all just promise me that you will take care of yourself and keep away from her but not too obvious. Keep an eye on your little brother as well,” she said wearily as she cleaned Zayne’s arm, “he’s not as smart as the four of you. If anything should happen to you five, I don’t know what I’d do. Promise?”

I smiled and nodded. “Promise.”

“What are you planning to do, Mom?” Zach asked curiously. Mom sighed and pierce the needle into Zayne’s arm.

“After the end of the seven days, I’m putting an end to this my way, and you will all assist.” I shifted in my position, looking at her inquisitively.







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