🔥If you're a vìrgiñ and not 18+ you should have no business to scroll down...🙄🙄🙄🤺🤺
🔥You complain about men not being able to find your clitórís
🔥Truth is that many of you women are boring in bëd.
🔥The first thing you should know about pleasing a man in bëd is that Men like being controlled when it comes to this matter.
🔥Take control of your man!
🔥Some of you women find it even difficult to raise ur lêgs up during sêx.
🔥Freakiness drives men crãzy and it increases their testôsterône level.
🔥Don't just spread your lêgs and watch him fùck you the way he wants, command him to fùck you the way you like.
🔥Baby, give it to me dôggy style...
🔥Baby, lie down flåt, I wanna clîmb on ur dîck and ride you cõwgirl style.
🔥Tell him what you want!
🔥Let me give you a secret many of you don't know...
🔥 You see a man's nîpples, it's twice as sensitïve as you women's.
🔥Play with it. Sùck it the way a man sùcks ur breåsts. Pinch and squêeze it gentle.
🔥Bìte it softly. Use ur tôngue to go round it in cìrcles.
🔥When he fìngers you, remove his hands and use ur tõngue to lìck your juìce from his fingêrs.
🔥Let me tell you the truth. Many men are afraid to go down there with their 👅 tôngue because they are scared they might not come out alìve...Biko!!!keep that place nêat💕
🔥Don't ask a man to give you hêad, make him give you heåd ,drag his heåd down there and clåmp ur thìghs together on his hêad as he buriês his face inside
🔥Take that cõck in ur mouth and revërence it.
🔥Pay attention to the tìp and sùck it like you would do to a lollipõp
🔥Open ur mouth and communicate with ur partner how you want to be fùckêd
🔥If you want it fåst, let him know
🔥Baby, fùck me like a Fêrråri doing 120km on a high way
🔥If you want it slõw, let him know
🔥Baby, fùck me like a snail looking for its missing destiny..