Faruq Animasahun

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Faruq Animasahun 📈 Helping entrepreneurs scale up their businesses online
đŸ”„ With the power of SEO and Content Marketing.
📬 DM me "SEO" to get started.

Is your messaging compelling your audience to take action? Are you struggling to convert your web visitors into sales? I'm an SEO and Content Marketing Strategist specializing in helping companies grow their revenue with digital acquisition strategies. Our Partnership will result in:

✓ Brand Building and Awareness: The more people come across your brand on the search engines, the more people get

to know about your brand.

✓ Building Brand Credibility: More respect and belief from people if you're having a highly engaged large audience.

✓ Influencing Buying Cycle: Process customers will undergo from the moment they want your services to the time they pay for them.

✓ Timeless Efforts: Creation and curation of effortless blog posts that rank higher on search engines.

✓ Sustainable and Measurable Success.

✓ Leads generation. The value I bring to the table:

¶ Focusing on establishing personal company-wide rapport.

¶ Ingraining into web content strategy and UX.

¶ Ability to strategically prep you on developing realistic KPIs that align with your company and business objectives.

¶ Helping you deal with SEO limitations, expedite onboarding, and assist with any ex*****on.

¶ My aims are to plant fruitful seeds into your brand so as to record an improvement in sales, increase website visitors, build brand awareness and credibility, and secure a better tomorrow for your brand through an advanced and high-quality SEO and Content Marketing strategy. I understand firsthand, how daunting and overwhelming SEO can be which is why I'm proud to say I've helped HUNDREDS of business owners just like you to deal with their SEO limitations and grow their brand's visibility online. So SCHEDULE A CALL WITH ME TODAY so we can discuss your goals and I can share how we can work together to transform your business in your space that uses SEO to generate more revenue. Stop missing out on leads and sales. Schedule a call with me today (calendly.com/faruqanimasahun) and Message me here on LinkedIn to discuss your needs. My goal is to establish a real business relationship with you to properly understand where you want to ensure optimum improvement. Send me a message or email me - [email protected]


Ever noticed your content just blends in?

It's a common trap.

Why does this happen?
↳ Because it lacks a strong, unique point of view.

How do you know?

Simple. Nobody disagrees with it.

When your content is all agreeable, it's invisible.

Because it's safe. Non-controversial. Predictable.

But the best content?

It challenges. It provokes thought.

It's not about being disagreeable, but about being genuine.

It's about sharing insights that aren't just regurgitations of common knowledge.

Content that sparks debate, ignites conversations and invites diverse perspectives...

That's the content that stands out.

So, next time you write, ask yourself:

Is this going to make someone stop and think? Disagree? Discuss?

If not, it might just be another drop in the ocean of sameness.


Content decay leads to an unstoppable downward trajectory in clicks and engagement.

Recovering from this can take months if not years.

Here's what I've observed:

Large websites often have vast amounts of content, making it challenging to monitor everything.

Over time, even high-performing articles start losing their relevance and SEO value.

This is content decay.

The process is gradual and often goes unnoticed until the damage becomes significant.

Once set in, reversing content decay is not just about updating a few articles. It's a large-scale project that demands strategy and resources.

💡 What's the solution?

1. Regular audits: Frequently review your content to identify early signs of decay.
2. Update strategically: Don't just update for the sake of it. Focus on content that can regain or increase its value.
3. Leverage analytics: Use data to understand what's working and what's not. Make informed decisions based on trends and user behavior.
4. Invest in quality: High-quality, evergreen content tends to withstand the test of time better.

Ignoring content decay is like letting termites eat into the foundations of your house.

Act before it's too late.

👇 Have you encountered content decay on your website? How did you tackle it?

👇 Share your stories and strategies below!


There's an energy around creating demand, an excitement in sparking interest where none existed before.

On the other hand, demand capture?

It’s now seen as boring.

Traditional, even passĂ©. It’s about catching what’s already there, not creating something new.

But here’s the thing:

Both are crucial.

Demand generation is like planting seeds in an unexplored field, nurturing potential customers who didn't even know they needed your product. It’s creative, innovative, and full of possibilities.

Demand capture, though?

That’s like a bread and butter. It's about harvesting the ripe fruits, taking the existing interest, and turning it into concrete sales. It's reliable, necessary, and the foundation of any solid marketing strategy.

So why the shift?

Is it because we crave the excitement of the new, the thrill of the unknown?

Or is it because we undervalue the steady, the reliable?

The truth is, in a world where everyone is chasing the next big thing, it’s easy to overlook the importance of the basics.

But here’s my take:

Embrace both.

Innovate with your demand generation. Be creative, be bold. But don’t neglect your demand capture strategies. That’s where your steady growth will come from.

In the end, it’s about balance. Riding the wave of the new, while keeping a firm grip on the tried and true.

What do you think?

Is demand capture really boring, or is it just underrated?

Let’s discuss.


This is 2024,

it's time to rethink SEO.

Here are 20 outdated ideas you need to let go of for profitable SEO this year:

1. SEO is a one-time effort. (It's ongoing!)
2. Keyword stuffing still works. (It's about relevance now.)
3. Backlinks don't matter anymore. (Quality over quantity.)
4. Longer content always ranks better. (User engagement is key.)
5. Ignoring mobile optimization is fine. (It's crucial in 2024.)
6. Social media has no impact on SEO. (It boosts visibility.)
7. Meta tags aren't important. (They guide search engines.)
8. SEO is just for techies. (It's a team effort.)
9. Local SEO isn't necessary. (It's vital for local businesses.)
10. Images and videos don’t affect SEO. (Visual content boosts engagement.)
11. User experience doesn't impact SEO. (It's a major ranking factor.)
12. Voice search is just a fad. (It's the future.)
13. Duplicate content is okay. (Originality wins.)
14. SEO results are instant. (Patience is a virtue.)
15. You can ignore site speed. (Speed is critical.)
16. Buying links is a good strategy. (Earn them legitimately.)
17. More pages equal higher rankings. (Focus on quality.)
18. SEO tools are unnecessary. (They're vital for insights.)
19. SEO is all about ranking. (It's about the right traffic.)
20. You can set and forget your SEO strategy. (Adaptation is key.)

Let go of these outdated ideas, and watch your SEO efforts thrive in 2024.


In the world of SEO, not all reporting is created equal.

Here’s what separates good from bad SEO reporting:

Bad Reporting:

1. Focuses solely on vanity metrics like page views or keyword rankings
2. Lacks context or insights into what the data means
3. Reports data without actionable steps
4. Ignores long-term trends and focuses only on short-term gains

Good Reporting:

1. Aligns with specific business goals and KPIs
2. Offers actionable insights and recommendations
3. Tracks progress over time and adjusts strategies accordingly
4. Includes both qualitative and quantitative data

I often see companies getting lost in numbers that look impressive on paper but don't contribute to real growth.

Effective SEO reporting isn't just about presenting data; it's about interpreting that data to make informed decisions.

A good report tells a story, where every metric is a character contributing to your business narrative.

Shift your focus from just reporting data to understanding and using it to shape your SEO strategy.

Are your reports just a series of numbers? Or are they strategic tools guiding your SEO journey?


AI writing tools are reshaping content.

You've probably noticed it.

AI-generated articles are everywhere;

âžĄïž They're quick
âžĄïž They're convenient
âžĄïž And... they're getting better every day

But there's a catch.

Google's constantly evolving. Its algorithms are becoming adept at filtering out generic AI content.

This brings us to an interesting crossroads.

For those armed with genuinely insightful and useful information, the game is changing. AI can assist, but it cannot replace the depth of human expertise.

I've observed a trend,

The key to success in this AI-dominated era is not just leveraging these tools but complementing them with rich Subject Matter Expertise (SME).

Why is SME so crucial?

Here's the latest Generative AI Google update challenge: Collecting superior SMEs. It's about delving deeper into your niche than your competitors, exploring unique angles that AI alone can't fathom.

You might ask, "How do I stand out?"

It's not just about quality. It’s about uniqueness. Your content needs that distinct flavor to be recognized and valued by SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

In a sea of AI-generated articles, those infused with real-world insights and unique perspectives are the ones that rise to the top.

So, what's the strategy?

Don't just rely on AI.

Use it as a tool, but infuse your content with expertise, stories, and insights that only a human – someone deeply entrenched in the subject – can provide.

The result?

👉 Content that resonates
👉 Content that engages
👉 Content that ranks

In this AI-dominated world, SME isn't just an asset; it's a necessity.

And remember, while AI evolves, so does the art of content creation. Stay ahead, stay unique, and let your expertise shine through.

That's the path to surviving and thriving in the era of AI-driven content.


Overlooking analytics in content strategy is like driving at night without headlights.

- Will you move forward? Possibly.
- Will you reach your optimal destination? Unlikely.

It's vital to measure the impact of your content.

The ugly truth: Analytics are indispensable.

Some marketers skip this step, perceiving it as overly technical or secondary to creativity.

However, analytics shed light on your content’s performance, providing invaluable insights into your audience's preferences and behaviors.

Without this data, you're simply guessing—a risky strategy.

So, what's the practical advice?

1. Utilize data to better understand your audience's interactions with your content.
2. Analytics is more than a set of numbers; it's the storyline of your audience’s journey with your content.
3. Integrate analytics as a fundamental element of your content strategy. It’s the insight that steers you in the right direction.
4. Allow analytics to drive your creative decisions, influencing everything from topic discovery to content format and distribution channels.

Don't silence this narrative.

Invest time in analytics to refine and enhance your content strategy for better engagement and results.


Every day, SEO is pegged as just a demand capture channel.

- Optimize for keywords.
- Capture existing search traffic.
- Focus on what people are already searching for.

But that's not the whole story.

Here's an admission: SEO can be used to create new demand.


- By anticipating emerging trends.
- By educating your audience on solutions they didn't know existed.
- By creating content for future needs, not just current queries.

Yet, many still see SEO from the normal viewpoint.

SEO isn't just about capturing demand; it's about creating it.


Are we overvaluing technical SEO in the B2B industry?

Let's break down common misconceptions:

1. Obsessing over minor site speed improvements
2. Over-focusing on meta tag adjustments
3. Constantly tweaking site architecture without a clear purpose
4. Prioritizing algorithm changes over content quality
5. Forgetting that user experience trumps technical perfection

Contrast these with what really matters:

1. Creating valuable, high-quality content
2. Understanding the customer's search intent
3. Building a strong, trustworthy brand
4. Fostering genuine backlinks and partnerships
5. Ensuring basic website functionality and mobile-friendliness

I've observed businesses fixated on technical SEO minutiae, yet struggling to generate meaningful B2B leads.

Remember, technical SEO is just one piece of the puzzle.

What is your primary goal?

Deliver value and solve your customer’s problems.

Businesses thrive by connecting with their audience, not just by having a technically perfect website.

Before diving deep into technical SEO, ask yourself:

Are my efforts benefiting my target audience?


Every day, I see content marketers carefully crafting stories.

- They weave engaging narratives.
- They build trust and establish thought leadership.
- They draw in their audience with compelling insights.

And then... they hesitate to plug their products. It’s almost like watching a chef cook a sumptuous meal but not tasting it.


- Concern over losing their readers' trust.
- Worry about disrupting the story flow.
- Fear of being too 'salesy.'

But here's the twist: this isn’t entirely true.

It’s a common misconception.

In reality, effective content marketing seamlessly integrates product mentions. It’s not a disruption; it's a value addition.


1. Mention your product where it makes sense.
2. Show how it solves problems.
3. Be authentic, not pushy.

Remember, content marketing isn’t just about storytelling. It’s about strategically using stories to solve real problems – sometimes with your product.

Notice fluctuations in your web page rankings and can't figure out why?Keyword cannibalization could be the culprit.Keyw...

Notice fluctuations in your web page rankings and can't figure out why?

Keyword cannibalization could be the culprit.

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages of a website compete for the same keywords, affecting your site’s overall SEO performance. Identifying and resolving these conflicts is key to a healthy SEO strategy.

Imagine each of your web pages climbing the search rankings, each with its unique keyword focus, working together to boost your overall site visibility.

How do you tackle keyword cannibalization on your website?

Let me know in the comments

Feeling constrained by an Oga-led marketing approach that doesn’t leave room for flexibility or creativity?You might fin...

Feeling constrained by an Oga-led marketing approach that doesn’t leave room for flexibility or creativity?

You might find your current methods are becoming outdated and ineffective in today's dynamic market.

The traditional top-down approach may no longer resonate with modern audiences who seek innovation and personal connection.

Moving away from an Oga-led approach to a more inclusive, team-driven strategy can significantly enhance the effectiveness and relevance of your marketing efforts.

This transition involves empowering your team members to voice their ideas and insights, fostering a culture of collaboration and collective creativity. It’s about leveraging the diverse skills and perspectives within your team to create campaigns that are more aligned with current trends and customer expectations.

Imagine a marketing team that is not only executing but also contributing to the strategy, bringing fresh, innovative ideas that resonate with your audience.

Think about the untapped potential that lies within your team – the unique experiences and viewpoints that could lead to groundbreaking campaigns.

Encouraging this level of participation can lead to a more motivated team and campaigns that are not just effective, but also deeply engaging for your audience.

Are you still following the Oga-led marketing approach at your company in 2024?

Follow for more content like this

Do you feel like you're only scratching the surface when browsing your favorite websites?Hidden pages on websites, often...

Do you feel like you're only scratching the surface when browsing your favorite websites?

Hidden pages on websites, often not linked from the main navigation, can hold exclusive content and offers.

Learning to find these pages can unlock a new level of online exploration.

Imagine uncovering pages that most users don’t even know exist, giving you access to a world of exclusive content and information.

Are you trying these strategies on your favorite website?

There are several reasons why updating new content on your site can be beneficial:1. Improved search engine rankings: Re...

There are several reasons why updating new content on your site can be beneficial:

1. Improved search engine rankings: Regularly updating your site with new content can help improve your search engine rankings, as search engines favor sites that are active and relevant.

2. Increased traffic: New content can attract new visitors to your site, and encourage repeat visits from existing ones.

3. Better engagement: Fresh content can keep your audience engaged and interested in your site, leading to increased time spent on the site and reduced bounce rates.

4. Brand building: Regularly updating your site with high-quality content can help establish your brand as a credible and authoritative source of information in your industry.

5. Increased conversion: New content can be used to promote products and services, which can lead to increased conversions and sales.

6. Stay ahead of the competition: By updating new and relevant content, you are providing your audience with the latest information in your industry. This can differentiate your website from your competitors and make you stand out.

7. Build a loyal audience: Regularly updating your site with new content can help build a loyal audience that will keep coming back for more.

What would you add?


In 2023, if you're not incorporating video into your blog content, you're missing out.Studies show that on average, peop...

In 2023, if you're not incorporating video into your blog content, you're missing out.

Studies show that on average, people spend 2.6 times longer on pages with video content compared to those without.

Incorporating relevant videos can boost your authority and improve the value you provide to readers. It also decreases bounce rate, attracts traffic to your YouTube channel, supports your message, improves SEO and readability, and increases the chances of collaborating with other thought-leaders.

You don't even need your own YouTube channel as there is a wealth of informative video content available online.

By sharing useful content from other creators, you can help your audience and improve your chances of future collaborations.

A few best practices to keep in mind include embedding videos rather than linking to them, placing videos in relevant areas to enhance your point, using videos from the last 18 months, and choosing videos with the most views.

Are you adding links or embedding video content into your blog?

Let me know in the comment


SEO Tips 101:How to Use Google Search Console to Find New Topic Ideas.it's essential to keep up-to-date on the latest SE...

SEO Tips 101:

How to Use Google Search Console to Find New Topic Ideas.

it's essential to keep up-to-date on the latest SEO strategies to improve your website's visibility and drive traffic.

One of the best ways to do this is by using Google Search Console data to find new topic ideas for your website's content.

But it's important to note that these topic ideas should not be just any ideas, they should be specifically chosen to support your main page and improve your rankings through internal linking.

By using Google Search Console, you can access data on the keywords that Google believes your existing pages are most relevant to.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find these keywords:

- Go to Google Search Console and filter for impressions and position (turn everything else off).

- Select the page you want to create supporting content around, i.e. the page you want to rank higher.

- Analyze the 'Queries' for ideas that have a different intent from your main page (normally low ranking).

It's important to differentiate between queries you could optimize for on the main page vs creating a new page. But as always, analyze the results page to find your answers.

Once you have your new topic ideas, it's time to implement them.

- Publish your new page
- Internally link to your main page
- Repeat for all supporting content
- Watch your rankings and traffic increase

By following this simple strategy, you can use the data provided by Google Search Console to drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately improve your rankings in the search engine results.

Remember, the key is to always analyze the data and find the best ways to optimize your website's content.



I challenged ChatGPT to create a content strategy for a niche affiliate site from scratch in 8 easy stepsDisclaimer: Thi...

I challenged ChatGPT to create a content strategy for a niche affiliate site from scratch in 8 easy steps

Disclaimer: This ISN’T a proper content strategy and all those prompts alone can't make a niche affiliate the site to be successful. These are just to show the power of ChatGPT and how it has changed SEO forever.

Have you tried ChatGPT?

How I find proven content ideas in 5 minutes:I use Reddit, but with x2 different methods.Method 1:1. I open Reddit2. I f...

How I find proven content ideas in 5 minutes:

I use Reddit, but with x2 different methods.

Method 1:

1. I open Reddit
2. I find relevant subreddits
3. I click "Top" posts
4. I select a timeline
5. I scroll through the posts
6. I note down any content ideas

Method 2:

1. I find popular websites in my niche
2. I go to reddit(dot)com/domain/example(dot)com
3. I add /top/?sort=top&t=all to the end of the URL
4. I scroll through their most shared content on Reddit
5. I note down any content ideas

I do this 2x per month to find:

- Trending topics
- Viral topic ideas
- General inspiration
- Niche-specific news

Follow me for more actionable strategies



10 B2B Content Marketing Essentials.

1) B2B content marketing is all about providing valuable information to your target audience in order to establish trust and authority. To be successful, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of who your audience is and what their pain points are.

2) A key aspect of a successful B2B content marketing strategy is organization and consistency. Utilize a content calendar and utilize various channels such as blog posts, white papers, ebooks, and webinars to share your content.

3) Creating buyer personas can aid in understanding your target audience and creating more effective content. Remember, B2B content marketing is not about selling, but about building relationships and educating your audience.

4) Mixing up the format of content, like long-form and short-form, can help you reach different types of B2B buyers at different stages of the buying process.

5) Incorporating data and statistics in your content can help establish credibility and trust with your target audience. Utilizing a content marketing funnel can also guide B2B buyers through the purchasing process.

6) Promoting your content is just as important as creating it in order to reach your target audience. Repurposing existing content can also be a useful strategy.

7) B2B content marketing can establish thought leadership in your industry, generate leads and increase conversions. Measuring the ROI of your efforts can help adjust your strategy for better success.

8) To effectively execute your B2B content marketing strategy, create a content marketing plan. This should include identifying your target audience, channels, content types, metrics, budget and assigning roles and responsibilities.

9) A content marketing plan should also establish processes for creating, publishing, promoting, measuring, analyzing and optimizing your content marketing efforts over time. Align your content marketing with your overall business objectives.

10) Integrate your B2B content marketing efforts with other marketing and sales activities for a holistic approach. Remember, providing valuable content can attract and retain customers.

Content marketers have to work harder than ever to keep an edge over the competition, or risk starving while a more savv...

Content marketers have to work harder than ever to keep an edge over the competition, or risk starving while a more savvy competitor eats their lunch.

To keep competitors at bay, or to surpass the competition, organizations sometimes forgo the fundamentals of a great content marketing program and instead focus on new best practices and growth hacks. After all, they don’t want to wait for results. They want them now!

While the latest growth hack may sound like the future of content marketing, more often than not it’s a short-term fix to a long-term problem. Organizations latch onto a hack or a shortcut, only to find their content marketing program in disarray a few months later. It’s something we’ve seen over and over.

Here are just a few signs that a content marketing program is in trouble:

- Content marketers struggle to prove the business value of their efforts
- No one understands how new visitors move down the marketing funnel to a conversion
- The executive team is considering reallocating content marketing budgets
- User engagement on content is very poor
- All of these signs lead back to a common cause: the fundamentals of the content marketing program are not in place.
- Like any activity or profession, understanding the fundamentals is essential to success. If the underlying fundamentals of your content marketing program are not in place, there’s little chance of growth-hacking your way to success.


Brands that invest in full-funnel content marketing have a tendency to dominate search effectively. Recent analyses from Terakeet on organic search market share yielded unexpected findings.

The financial services industry report and the research on the beauty business both showed that billion-dollar firms were losing organic market share to internet publishers who produce top-notch long-form content.


There are several chances to create and market podcasts and video series that might enliven or advance the ongoing discussions in your industry.

Take advantage of a trending issue that is popular with your audience to increase the visibility of your material. Utilize social listening to monitor online forums and social media sites to find out what your target audience is discussing in order to determine which themes will be most effective.


Content marketing offers a variety of benefits to businesses of all sizes and from all sectors. Here are some of the main benefits of content marketing.

- Increases brand visibility and brand awareness.
- Builds loyalty and trust.
- Drives high-quality traffic to your website and can improve search engine rankings.
- Helps build strong and lasting relationships with your customers.
- Gives you the opportunity to answer questions, provide valuable and useful information, and overcome barriers to sale.
- Helps position your brand as credible, an expert in its field, and a thought-leader.
- Helps you move customers through the sales funnel.
- Delivers genuine value to your customers and community.


The goal of content marketing is:

- Lead generation
- Lead conversion and nurturing
- Increased sales
- Delivering great customer service
- Increased customer loyalty
- Upselling and cross-selling
- Providing information and guidance
- Positioning the brand as thought leaders
- Increased brand reach and enhanced brand awareness
- Better engagement on social media.


How to decide what types of content marketing to use.

Good content marketing takes time and resources - it also requires a financial investment - therefore it’s important to make sure you use the right types of content marketing for the individual needs of your business.

Here are some key points to consider when deciding what types of content marketing to use for your business:

- Think about which formats will work for your specific products and services. For example; if your product is complex, a how-to guide or video might be useful. If you are trying to distill a lot of information, infographics could work well.

- Use formats that are appropriate to your audience. Think about how your customers consume content; the platforms they use, how much time they would spend reading or watching the content, where and when they might be consuming it etc. If you want it to be shared on social media, make sure you create formats that are easy to share.

- Find out what your competitors are doing. Naturally, you want your content marketing strategy and activity to be unique to your business, but it’s useful to do some market research to find out what is currently engaging your target audience, or not. Don’t know where to start? Try BuzzSumo. Simply enter a keyword that is relevant to your business and BuzzSumo will deliver a list of the top-performing content for that search term.

Demand Generation VS Lead Generation?Here's the differenceDemand generation creates awareness and interest in a company'...

Demand Generation VS Lead Generation?

Here's the difference

Demand generation creates awareness and interest in a company's products and services. You can also use its techniques to pe*****te new audiences. Lead generation, on the other hand, is when you turn prospects' attention into hot leads - those who are ready to become customers.


What is a content marketing strategy?

A content marketing plan is a strategy that is written down and includes information on your content's who, what, when, where, why, and how.

- Who is the author of the content?

- What sort of information?

- When will the information be released?

- Where is the material being shared?

- Why even do content marketing at all?

- How are the marketing results being promoted and analyzed?


Why is it necessary for marketers to develop a content marketing strategy?

Content marketing is done haphazardly in the absence of a plan. You need a content marketing plan if you've ever done any of the following.

- You're out of content to post.
- You have numerous channels, but you're unsure of what kind of content is most effective on each.
- You are unaware of the subjects that your audience prefers.
- You become aware that you haven't posted that day and are at a loss for what to write.

All of the above and much more are framed by a content marketing strategy. Additionally, after you have a plan in place, you can use data to determine whether it is effective. Many departments are involved in content marketing. While the marketing team might utilize newsletters to reach out to potential customers, sales teams can use product sheets and case studies to nurture their leads.


Demand-Generation Content Addresses Several Issues With Your Marketing Strategy.

Developing demand-gen content can help you address several problems with your existing marketing strategy. It isn’t a silver-bullet solution for everything, but it can help improve various issues you may have noticed with your current sales process. For example:

1. It can help you better understand your audience. Demand-gen content requires research and strategy. You will likely learn more about your audience and their behavior through the content development process.
2. It can increase visitor traffic. Increasing the relevance of your marketing efforts means more people clicking and engaging, which drives more people to your website. You can develop a healthy pool of leads as you grow your website traffic.
3. It can increase customer conversions. With more of the right people hitting your website, you can increase conversions.
4. It can provide measurable results. With a clear view of your content marketing strategy, and how it’s tied to sales, you can see what works and what doesn’t. This allows you to learn more and create better-performing content over time.



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