Digital Product Expert

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Digital Product Expert 👩‍💻Create High Quality Content
💰Make irresistible Offers
🛫Launch & Market your digital products

Hi there!Good day!So, I have a target, I'm to put together a team of ten people (leaders) who'll in turn put together a ...

Hi there!

Good day!

So, I have a target, I'm to put together a team of ten people (leaders) who'll in turn put together a team of ten people, their ten people will put together another team of ten people and the cycle continues.... until we hit one million team leads😮

I'm super excited to add you to my list of first ten team leaders, hu la la😉

Here's what we'll be doing...

There's this book that's is value packed. It's a step by step framework for anyone, and I mean anyone who doesn't have any idea/skill to monetize or, anyone who has multiple ideas and doesn't know which one at all to monetize.

Have you seen that almost if not all of the people I have mentioned are on your contacts list and on my contacts list too?

Not to worry, "The Ultimate Search" book is given free of charge in celebration of Nigeria's independence day.

Why free you might ask right?

Well, if we're giving something of such great value for free, then we must ensure that plenty people have access to it. And the goal here is one million. It the least we can give back to humanity in this digital age.

How to get the book...

Simple, go to and download your copy of "The Ultimate Search" book.

That's it, simple and amazing right?
I know 😊

This is simply what your team members and your team members will be doing too.

Now! let's hit one million independent Nigerians before 1st October, 2023.

Let me know you're in so I can add you to my WhatsApp team group.

Let's Gooooooooooo
Team Queen Yhudee

I have reached 4K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

I have reached 4K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

Today, I did something that I am still super proud of myself.It something that thousands of Product and service owners h...

Today, I did something that I am still super proud of myself.

It something that thousands of Product and service owners have still not been able to figure out.

You might say some days are like that. But what happens to making all days "like that".

Have you thought about it this way before?

You're familiar with the concept of content domination especially if you're an online Product or service owner right?

Not just any content, but high quality content.

There are days, you just go blank. You experience total blackout.

Other days, you wake up feeling all very inspired to do exploits. Cheers to those days.

But most times, it's black out days that takes the lead.

You get completely stucked and unable to move forward or backwards.

Is this how you'll grow your brand, make your millions, and live the life of your dreams?

They call it writer's block. Anything and anyone can experience it.

Today, I succeeded in putting an end to it. Since morning until at the moment of writing this post, I've been on it.

At first, I felt lazy to start. When I did start, I felt it's time wasting. Now that I've finished, it's totally worth my time.

Congratulations to me, I have my content bank filled with my content ideas.

All I have to do everyday is, simply pick out one, two, or more content ideas and talk about it.

That way, I don't get to run out of content ideas ever again.

To develop your own content bank or have me develop it for you, type "interested" in the comments section and join our WAITING LIST NOW!

See the link in the comments section below this post.

Amazing right?

It is not always good to learn through Experience, get expert's advice.There's this new feature that I was trying out to...

It is not always good to learn through Experience, get expert's advice.

There's this new feature that I was trying out today, it happened that I could only use it once in a week.

In my quest of trying to figure out how it works, I figured out what works and what does not work.

But guess what, I've lost the feature and the chance of using it again not until next week.

Sad right?

The goodnews is that I can now teach others how to use this same feature without making the mistake of losing it for a week.

Believe me, the wait is long!
Still hurts!

This is why we charge for expert advice.

We've paid the price already.😔

©️ Digital Product Expert

The online space is getting jam-packed. Millions of people are already doing what I am good at.I don't think there's any...

The online space is getting jam-packed. Millions of people are already doing what I am good at.

I don't think there's anything left for me to do.

First of all, the online space can never be too jam-packed for people not to join.

So long as you have value to offer, there will always be a space for you.

As for millions of people doing what you know how to do, there are millions of other people waiting to pay and learn from you.

We're are created differently for a reason. Think about it.

I want us to discuss.

What's your number one biggest fear for not monetizing your knowledge (anything you know how to do) online?

If I can get up to fifty responses, I'll organise a live training for us here to talk about it one on one.

I'm in the comments section waiting.

Don't wait for first to comment, be the first to comment.

©️ Digital Product Expert

Hu lala🤭Guess whose birthday it is today?Mine of Course!I know you're excited already, I am too.Another 365 days around ...

Hu lala🤭

Guess whose birthday it is today?

Mine of Course!

I know you're excited already, I am too.

Another 365 days around mother earth is not a child's play.

Baba God noni.

I've got good news for you 👇

As part of my birthday gift to you, I have pleaded with my husband to do a huge discount on his bestselling video editing course.

If you're a knowledgepreneur, content creator, online influencer, or anyone who wants to start creating professional videos for her business, brand, or social media pages

Go to and grab my birthday offer now and say goodbye to Ma, "I cannot video myself by myself", "I cannot edit videos", "I don't even know the tools to use self".🙄

This offer is for today only and is valid until 11:59pm.✌️

Go to and see what you're getting for next to nothing 🤗🤭👌

Now you're really super excited right?

I've also got a secret bonus to the first 2 people that will grab this offer. Send me a DM after payment to claim your extra bonus.

Happy Birthday to me🥰

Have you heard what they're saying about entrepreneurs, experts, and 9 to 5 workers?I am going to keep this as simple as...

Have you heard what they're saying about entrepreneurs, experts, and 9 to 5 workers?

I am going to keep this as simple as possible!

Lots of people are still very confused when they hear the words "Digital products".

As an entrepreneur, it means you have a business of your own that you're managing, either online/offline.

As an expert, it means you're good at a particular thing and can teach others about that same thing.

As a 9 to 5 worker, it means you're being paid a specific amount in exchange for the value you offer either on monthly or weekly basis.

Notice that three things are common among these three categories of people that I've mentioned.


They all can offer value in exchange for money 🤑

Follow closely,

When it comes to the online space, the way value is given in exchange for money is slightly different from how it is done physically and offline.

That's where Digital Products come in. You have to be able to package your value in such a way that it can be consumed online.

Remember that value can be anything at all. Ranging from your knowledge, skills, ideas, passion, hobbies, talents, and experience.

That being said, there are three major ways that people consume information online.

They are also seen as the three major types of digital products.

💘 Video

💘 Audio/podcast

💘 Text

Every other kinds of digital products that you've heard, falls into these three major categories mentioned above.✌️


You can decide to monetize your knowledge by packaging it in any form: videos, audios, or text.

The choice is completely yours.


When next you hear Digital products, think of it in these three steps.

That way, it'll be simple and fun to remember.

You got value for your time right?

Hit the like button and share with others.

Got any questions, I'll be waiting in the comments section to answer them.

Photo Credit: Nature's peace. Black & White🖤🤍

What do you think of the black and white background of the photo below?

©️ Digital Product Expert

Hu la la🤭Monday is here!🤭While this is goodnews to some, it's also sad news to others.😩For the 9-5 workers! Especially t...

Hu la la🤭

Monday is here!🤭

While this is goodnews to some, it's also sad news to others.😩

For the 9-5 workers! Especially those of us in very populated cities like Lagos...

It means they'll have to wake up as early as 4am so they can leave for work early enough, if they want to beat traffic jam.🏋️‍♂️

Their biggest motivation is that it is somebody's job and so they could get fired anytime, any day if they're found lagging behind.😭

And that will really tell on them in this hard economy.😔

On the other hand are some entrepreneurs!

Those who create opportunities for themselves and others, and work from home.🌝

Still fast asleep with their duvet tucked in.🙄

In their minds, it is my business, I can do it when and however I want.🤔

I can even do it tomorrow self. Nothing spoil☹️

It's not their faults, it's not easy to work for oneself from home and be entirely disciplined.😰

Still in this category, are other entrepreneurs.

They have their content calendar all planned out.😇

They have time for business and time for pleasure and or leisure.👏

To them, the hustling is real. They must do everything possible in order to be successful or continue to stay successful.💪

I cut cap for these set of entrepreneurs. Safe to say we're colleagues.🤝

I know some may want to belong to this last category of entrepreneurs but they don't genuinely know how to have everything all planned out by and for themselves.🤕

Some do not even know they need to their content/idea calendar.🥱

Inside them, they really want to learn. But the right opportunity has not presented itself yet.🥵


Worry no more.

is here to lift that burden off your shoulders!🕺💃

One wise thing to do while you're thrown into confusion is to allow yourself be led by those who know the path thoroughly.🧑‍🤝‍🧑👭

Your only responsibility however, is to join our SCHOOL OF KNOWLEDGE MONETIZATION WAITING LIST by using the link in the comments section of this particular post.

Simple and amazing right?🤗

While we're holding your hands to lead you, we want to make sure you're willing to be led on how to properly monetize your knowledge: Anything you know how to do.🧑‍💻

Come back to this post and Comment "DONE" the very moment your name is inside our waiting list.


As an ENTREPRENEUR with your personal brand, what is your number one challenge with working from home?

Leave your thoughts in the comments section. I'll like to read them.

Like this post, give it a thumps up and share with others too.

©️ Digital Product Expert

I don't look good on camera📷I can't even think of monetizing my knowledge online 😭Goodnews!You don't have to look good o...

I don't look good on camera📷

I can't even think of monetizing my knowledge online 😭


You don't have to look good on that camera!😲

I hate it that the camera is even dictating for you.😡

Enough is enough.🏋️‍♂️

There are two sides to a coin! It's now your turn to make decisions.💪

You're fully in charge. Decide how you want to look on camera:🤳

Exquisite, handsome, gorgeous, beautiful, or professional, the choice is completely yours.🤭

All Thanks to the 👏

We now have some powerful Ai paid tools that you can use to achieve these effects either on your videos or photos too.😎

And not to worry about your very coarse voice too.😔

With our tools, your voice can be changed to soft, gentle, mild, lovely, or sweet.🤗

Amazing right, I know 💃🕺

What are you waiting for?

Join our wait list today and be among our pioneer students. 📌 📌👇

We're going to have so much fun while monetizing our knowledge together.❤️💕

Can't wait to see you there!.💖😄

Learnt a thing, like, comment, and share with others too.👍

PS: What do you think of the photo attached to this post?📯

©️ Digital Product Expert

I have been following your content about School of Knowledge Monetization.I will really love to monetize my knowledge bu...

I have been following your content about School of Knowledge Monetization.

I will really love to monetize my knowledge but the problem is, I am an INTROVERT!

Let me guess, you're thoughtful and very analytically minded in nature right?


You can excel in one-on-one interactions too right?

Yes ma'am!


It therefore means you have a unique perspective.

Simply embrace your introversion and find strategies that align with your strengths like:

Content Creation: A powerful way to share knowledge and attract an audience.

You can start a blog, record podcasts, create videos, or write ebooks.

Engaging with your audience: Actively engage with your audience through social media, forums, or online communities.

Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions that will help establish relationships and grow your network.

Collaborate with other experts or influencers in your field.


Trying out Joint projects, guest blogging, or podcast appearances can expose you to a wider audience and provide valuable networking opportunities.

Networking and building relationships: Attend industry events, conferences, or meetups to network with like-minded individuals.

And Guess what?

Our has got you covered.

It has carefully outlined the practical steps that you can take to monetize your knowledge without any hindrances whatsoever.

What are you to do?

Join the WAITING LIST here now and be our pioneer students, get first hand information, and reserve a sit for yourself the moment the school is opened.👇👇

Comment "DONE" below this post the moment you're in.

See you on the inside while I grab a cup of coffee ☕

©️ Digital Product Expert

If you Like...Don't sit down and plan your contentDon't make research on areas of your content that people need the most...

If you Like...

Don't sit down and plan your content

Don't make research on areas of your content that people need the most

Don't carefully choose and filter your target audience, be selling to everybody and anybody

Don't make plans of selling in between giving out value for free

Don't plan your launching out strategy

Don't plan how you'll convert leads into clients

Don't plan before hand, how much you're willing to sell your products/courses and how many people you need to enroll.

Don't be creative and try to be unique, be doing funnel hacking: copy and paste, you'll even copy brand names and logos.

Don't have follow up plans for prospective clients.

Sooner or later,

You'll experience content block.

You'll run out of ideas. You'll sell and nobody is buying from you.

Even the people that indicated interest, you've allowed them slip through your fingers.

Nothing is working for you. It's not your village people my darling.

It's because you didn't PLAN ahead.

The Goal is not just to plan ahead but stay ahead and always bring your 'A- GAME to the table.

This is how we survive under deep waters and command big sales online too. Anticipate

You can plan ahead by joining the waiting list here👇

PS: Just finished a one-on-one session with an international client. I'll share her success story later.

©️ Digital Product Expert

So yesterday evening, I made a post here on my Instagram handle.I got alot of private messages from the post.😳Apparently...

So yesterday evening, I made a post here on my Instagram handle.

I got alot of private messages from the post.😳

Apparently, they were all trying to market and sell something to me.🙋

The ones that really got my attention were the guys selling IG followers 😹😹

They were two of them. One had 766 followers while the other had 184 followers.😤

"I am not interested", I replied the guy with 766 followers.🤥

And for the guy with 184 followers I'm like,

"guy, you're just twenty followers ahead of me, I have 164 followers".🙄🙄

On a second thought, l mellowed, Oga had the bonafide right to market to me.

He was ahead of me even though it was by one follower.📌

That's how the expert business work too.😘

You don't have to be scared to death about the millions of people who already know what you're doing in your niche.🙆

There will always be those that are genuinely ignorant about your niche and to be their number one go to,😏

All you have to do is stay one chapter ahead of them. Gaskia 👌

It's FollowersTuesday. Follow me and I'll follow you right back.😘

©️ Digital Product Expert


Not driving the kind of sales you desire with your business or skills either online or offline? Smiles: package it into digital products that sell
Amazing right?

A knife held out to my throat.😳I can't believe this is happening to me🥺😭It was a matter of life and death. And Life itse...

A knife held out to my throat.😳

I can't believe this is happening to me🥺😭

It was a matter of life and death. And Life itself can be really unfair.😡

I gave it my all, my time, my energy, and my resources.🥺

It was going to be a life changing moment for me but....

Life happens🙃

Even before the end of my twelfth month.

I was just six months into the program and then I got stuck.😔

It was an online program that propagates self-learning.🤔

I was forced to leverage on YouTube, google, and chatgpt whenever the learning resources provided did not solve the problem at hand. 😢

There are alot of free information out there yet, many do not know how to teach it.😲

There was a limit to what I could read and comprehend about a concept that I've never been exposed to my entire life too.🙆🙆

I needed real time practice and I needed someone who could teach it more than well.🙋

I Finally did get someone and paid the tutor big time to continue my online learning program since it's something I so much wanted to know.🤥

Guess what guys?

It paid off. 🤭🤗😊

When next you feel that there are alot of free information available online about your topic and are scared of monetizing your knowledge,

Know this... 📌

That it's free doesn't mean it's power-packed with truck loads of value.😤

More so, no two persons can teach the same thing, the same way. Read that again 👌


Nobody can teach what you know exactly the same way you teach it.🥰

Get to work dear and anticipate our 🤭

This is not to inspire you. It's reality.

You got my point right?

Comment with what you're going to do differently from now on.🙄

See you in the comments section. I'm waiting for you my darling😏

©️ Digital Product Expert

From Idea to Success: The Epic Tale of Validation! 🚀Introducing the captivating story of Alex, a determined entrepreneur...

From Idea to Success: The Epic Tale of Validation! 🚀

Introducing the captivating story of Alex, a determined entrepreneur with a passion for turning ideas into successful digital products.

Find out what I told Alex to do first before investing his precious time and resources.

Alex was struck by a brilliant product idea.

However, I knew that rushing into development without proper validation could spell disaster. ❌

And so, I coached him on his journey of discovery.

I carefully outlined each steps that he must take on this journey starting with the first one listed below:‼️

🔺Curiosity strike
🔻Seeking wise mentors
🔺Unveiling the target audience
🔻Engaging in conversations
🔺Testing the waters
🔻Validation Triumph
🔺Success bloom

I'll cover the first three steps in this post. Watch out for my next post later today.

Alex's journey began with a burning curiosity. He had the time and resources to invest into a brilliant product idea he had but didn't know how to go about it.

Then he thought to himself, if I'm to really do this, then I have to reach out to someone who's an expert in this field and can mentor me.

With this, he reached out to me as an experienced Digital Product Expert

I shared invaluable insights on the importance of market research and understanding customer needs.

I emphasized the need to gather feedback and actively listening to potential users.

Armed with newfound knowledge, Alex set out to identify his target audience.

I had made him understand that true success lies in meeting the needs and desires of a specific group.

By immersing himself in his audience's world, Alex could tailor his solution to address their pain points directly.

Continue reading from Part Two🤗🤗🌚
Don't want this post too long before you black out on me😹😹

©️ Digital Product Expert

Witness the extraordinary journey of Alex, a talented artist who defied conventions and transformed their skills into a ...

Witness the extraordinary journey of Alex, a talented artist who defied conventions and transformed their skills into a thriving digital product empire.

This captivating tale takes us to the heart of Creativia, where creativity bloomed and dreams flourished.

Alex's artistic talents were initially overshadowed in the traditional art market, leaving their creations unnoticed.

However, a chance encounter with DIGITAL PRODUCT EXPERT'S success story, an EXPERT who embraced the digital realm, sparked a fire within Alex.

Determined to share their art with the world, Alex embarked on a quest of self-discovery and innovation.

With each stroke of their digital brush, Alex's creations came to life, captivating art enthusiasts worldwide.

They ventured into graphic design, crafting breathtaking digital illustrations, patterns, and templates that radiated with vibrant energy. But their journey didn't end there.

Driven by a desire to empower others, Alex created immersive online art courses, sharing their techniques and insights with aspiring artists.

Their influence expanded, and their art printables transformed spaces into stunning galleries of beauty, leaving a lasting impression on art enthusiasts.

In the heart of Creativia, Alex's triumph became a revolution, shattering the confines of tradition and proving the boundless potential of turning skills into digital products.

This inspiring story invites dreamers and visionaries to embrace their
unique talents and unlock their true potential.

Let Alex's journey be a beacon of hope, reminding you that that little skill you have and think is not worth anything is worth millions of dollars as digital products.

One Girl's Journey to Happiness Through the Power of Good Health😔Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling low, you...

One Girl's Journey to Happiness Through the Power of Good Health😔

Have you ever noticed that when you're feeling low, your physical health seems to take a hit? 😣

Or that when you're feeling your best, your mood is lifted, and you're able to experience more moments of pure joy and contentment?🤭

Well, let me tell you a story about a young girl named Joy who discovered the power of good health on her journey to happiness.😏

Joy lived in a small village where she was known for her infectious smile and bubbly personality. 🥳

But what many people didn't know was that her happiness was closely tied to her physical well-being. 🙄

From a young age, Joy made a point of prioritizing her health by eating a balanced diet and staying active. ❤️

She would run through fields and dance in the sunshine, feeling invigorated and alive.😹

As she got older, Joy continued to make her health a top priority. 💪

But one day, she fell ill with a terrible fever that left her bedridden for weeks.😰

As her health slowly began to improve, her spirits remained low. 😨

She had lost her enthusiasm for life and felt disconnected from the people and activities she had once loved.☹️

It wasn't until Joy started to make a conscious effort to prioritize her health again that she began to regain her happiness. 😕

She started eating nourishing foods and getting plenty of rest, and she slowly but surely began to feel like her old self again. 🥱

As her health continued to improve, her mood lifted, and she found herself experiencing more and more moments of pure joy and contentment.🤤

Joy realized that good health was the key to her happiness, and the happiness of those around her. 🤠

By taking care of her body, she was also taking care of her mind and spirit. 😎

And as she continued to thrive and flourish, the village around her flourished too, basking in the glow of her infectious smile and radiant energy.🤓

So if you're struggling to find joy in your life, start by prioritizing your health. 👄

Make healthy choices every day, and you too can experience the power of good health on your journey to happiness.👏🤗🥰

You deserve real accolades...Entrepreneurs who employ with zero experience. Entry level...People with no job experience ...

You deserve real accolades...

Entrepreneurs who employ with zero experience.

Entry level...

People with no job experience whatsoever should be given fair and equal chances for job openings around the globe.

But such individuals must be willing and ready to learn and perform on the job.

©️Digital Product Expert

It's still not working!This is not the first time, it's the hundredth time and still counting...After all the efforts yo...

It's still not working!

This is not the first time, it's the hundredth time and still counting...

After all the efforts you've put in. Thinking about it makes you cry.

You feel like killing yourself.

Well, Before you do, know this👇

"Failure doesn't mean you're a failure. It just means you haven't succeeded yet".

I thought I was crippled!😭😭I tried getting back on my feet but could not.I tried again but fell down with a heavy thud o...

I thought I was crippled!😭😭

I tried getting back on my feet but could not.
I tried again but fell down with a heavy thud on my bed!😟😟


What's wrong with me, why can't I lift my body even one bit, I started lamenting.🤔🤔

I didn't feel like this yesterday, atleast, not before I slept off.☹️

I only started feeling this way after I woke up this morning.😰

There's definitely something wrong somewhere. I started reminiscing!😔😔

Then I got hold of it.😤

I had been on my laptop all day trying to figure out coding using git as part of my software engineering training.🥱🥱

Out of the six tasks given, I was able to finish three while I was stuck at the fourth one.

After repeating the steps over and over again, and trying another different way of doing it, it still didn't give me the right outcome.😰

My checker was so eager to remind me of my errors and how I can't proceed.☹️☹️

I checked the time, it's was already past 4am in the morning, that's today o😲😲

I decided it was time to catch some sleep while I still had some left. My brain needed the sleep anyway.

I staggered into my bedroom and dozed off immediately.🥴🥴

Fast forward to this morning, my brain cells already sent signal to my body that it's time to wake up.🤥🤥

My body said no😹😹

Did I add that I was coding in my sleep? ALX Africa has successfully taken over my dream world 😏

Just a subtle reminder of other tasks yet to be completed and the thought of the new ones for today because while men slept, Alx be dropping projects, made me sprang to my feet.😹😹

"I've got this, here we go again, I need to research more, or I need time off to get back to this again", have become my catch phrases.💪💪

Because to become truly successful as a software engineer, online influencer, coach, expert, brand, etc you have to be gritty.

To be continued...

Brain Pickers! What are They Part- Two..So I became very sympathetic. But then it occurred to me, sympathy won't foot my...

Brain Pickers! What are They Part- Two
..So I became very sympathetic. But then it occurred to me, sympathy won't foot my bills. Guy, I have responsibilities and Considering the fact that I was putting in so much to show up everyday online, my energy, time, and resources, I needed more money except I wanted to run out of business and I had just quitted my teaching job then to concentrate on my expert business.

I needed money and money I got. I created an irrefutable offer and was able to drive sales organically o! No ads whatsoever.

When my Brain Pickers saw this, they had only two options: either to jump into the moving train or be left behind.

I'm not saying Brain picking is wrong. Of course there are days where I throw the bag open, such days you can ask me anytime and I'll tell you everything I know about it.
What I'm saying is, don't be a perpetual Brain Picker. Appreciate people and help their businesses grow too by paying for their products and services.

You'll be doing yourself more good than harm also.

Because researches have shown that the importance you attach to a particular thing is based on the price you paid.

©️Digital product expert






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