MY POEMS To make people be united



By Aliyu Ahmed (Smartest)

My first year in the university was somehow a traumatic one, having met some misfortunes of academic failures for the indefinite nationwide strike the Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) went on, when the Nigerian Government fails to fulfill their demands. During the nationwide strike, I decided to build a career in fiction writing, where I wrote many fictions, yet ASUU didn't call off that strike on time.

Nigerian students also threaten to embark on riots but all their attempts were in vain. The Nigerian public universities indeed are at the verge of destruction. Huh! They demand the government to improve the academic activities of both the students and lecturers; for they do not have enough classes, lecture theatres, infrastructures, and other academic facilities, but the authorities turn a deaf against their issues.

So, as time goes on, I got tired at home being idle. Then I remember one uncle of mine who lives in Lafia, the capital of Nasarawa State. I told my father I would be going there and he agreed. I started packing my things, as it would be my longest journey to date.

As I hoped, I enjoyed the journey. It was a nice one. That was on Saturday morning my trip began but I didn't reach my destination till 11:00pm. What a whole day journey. I successfully landed at the company lodge he works and informed the employees about me. Abbaty, a nice guy whom later became a friend, was the first person I meet at the lodge's premises, and lodged me in his room.

Earlier in the morning my uncle called me. Unfortunately, as I tried to pick it up, the phone shutdown. Then I asked someone to call him for me but he didn't pick up the call. I waited for him outside for more than an hour.
One employee named Bala asked me, "what are you doing here young man?"
"I'm waiting for the manager, I am his nephew from Yobe state", I answered politely. Then he brought some drinks and bread for me. I really enjoyed his generosity.

When I finished, my uncle arrived and took me to his office and introduced me to his subordinates, where I met Oga Ibrahim and Mallam Habu. They were very nice people too. Later I realized that my uncle wasn't the manager of the company, the manager was Oga Musa. So, my uncle was the general manager of five companies in Lafia city, what an astonishing.

Life was easy those days, my uncle's wife, Aunty Khadija was very nice. She used to give me food and everything. You know traveling is my hobby, so I like following people to Benue, Abuja and within Nasarawa state, I see the beauty of nature. One day I followed Gaddafi one of the company goods distributors to Lafia city GRA, and suddenly met a beautiful young lady. I swear I never see a beautiful girl like her. I was totally confused.

Gaddafi understood my situation and even encouraged me to talk to her. As I headed to where she was, she started walking swiftly. I said, "Assalamu Alaikum", which literary means "peace be upon you", and luckily for me she responded politely.
I cleared my throat and decided to begin, "Excuse me young lady, I want to talk to you if you won't mind please"
"I'm sorry, I can't attend you right now, but this is our house" she said while pointing a big mansion, then she gave me her phone number.

When I went back home, I called her and introduced myself to her, and she also did same. She told me her name, Rahama.
"Well, I'd like to welcome you to my life, but I'm sorry to say, I'm already taken”
Her last statement causes so much pain, but I endured and congratulated her, saying "congratulations dear, if there's no problem can we be friends?"
Then she accepted my request without a doubt.

I used to care for her, chat frequently and have fun. Gradually, Rahama fell in love with me. I got to know by realizing the changes in her, even though to was nice to everyone.

One Saturday night, while having a phone call with Rahama, she gave me her attention to discuss seriously about her life.
"Aliyu do you truly love me I mean will you marry me?", this question didn't amazed me the way I thought it should've, because of the changes I experienced in her.
"Yeah, Rahama, why not? But how is this possible?"
"Just come to my house tomorrow and ask my father's permission to date me, pretend we didn't know each other" Then I thanked her for the chance and ended the call when my heart was beating so fast.

The next day in the evening, I went to Rahama's house and met her father. After greetings, I asked for his permission to date his daughter as she requested. Fortunately, he commended my idea as it is the first requirement in the Islamic religion when seeking for marriage. I was so excited that moment, and immediately informed my heartthrob after leaving.

But there's one guy dating Rahama, he was Saleem, but he don't even give her attention. Saleem met Rahama's father and told him about me, that he loves her and wanted to marry her. Then her father called me about the issue, saying, "I'm sorry Aliyu take heart Rahama is already taken" I was hurt. I immediately told her about it, but she said we should make a promise and endure any inconvenience as long as it is for sake of our love.

Rahama and I love each other so much, even beyond expectation. Life without her would be tasteless. Saleem, my rival was a kind of jealous person who could no longer hide his feelings. So, he always tries his best to go ahead of me.

Getting these problems, I decided to meet her father at the second time to discuss with him thoroughly about the love I hold for his daughter. Unfortunately, that attempt was good enough to make her father change his mind. He said our relationship would be unachievable, because Saleem was Rahama's cousin, so the matter was not under his control and could not do anything about it.

Gradually, I came to realize that no one supports me in their family, then felt I disappointed and decided to just give up. It's been a while I hadn't heard from Rahama, until one night when I received her text from a new number, informing me about her phone was seizure by her dad. She lamented the issue about missing me.

But on the other side, Rahama attempted to disown Saleem, telling her father she loves me and wants to marry me, and no one else. To her misfortune, he turned her wish down, even though she remained obstinate on her points. When her father realized that she use to chat with me with another phone, he never allowed her to go out of the house.

Being the follower of the Tijjaniya sect, Rahama's father adheres the doctrines of the renowned cleric, Sheikh Ibrahim Inyass, so they use to celebrate maulid nabiy —which is the birthday of the Holy Prophet every year. On this occasion, Rahama invited me to her house to celebrate it together. Her father wanted to celebrate the whole night but when he noticed my presence there, he ended the event around 12am. Though, Rahama was glad to see me.

A week later, my school call off the strike so I had to go back home. Like two days ago, Rahama got her phone back. We used to chat as usual. But she faced her father's wrath when he discovered she still use to chat with me.

Rahama was mangled by her father. Then she decided to run to Gashua Yobe state to escape from her father’s rage as well as family trap. I was shock when I heard that Rahama is in Gashua, as I reach home I saw her with my siblings. I said, Rahama what’s wrong? I wonder why you come here. She said “love is blind I was confused if daddy love me now” no matter how blind love is you shouldn’t do this, what if your father discover you are here? The aftermath would not be good for both of us, I tried to explain. Perhaps she didn’t understand me, but am in deep trouble, I suggested.
Beside her family check everywhere but couldn’t find her. Her mother’s first suspect was me, so she told Rahama’s father. They asked where possible but all was in vain. Her father called me saying that I should bring back his daughter or I’ll face the consequences, but I insisted that I don’t know where she was. I was panic, even though we shared the best moments ever. Mom was back in the morning, I told her everything. Then she sent her home.

When Rahama reached home, her father was very angry. He force her to show where she was slept for 2 days. He called two policemen to accompany him. Rahama take them to a friend house in the city, they convinced him.

Later, her father called me and told me that he would talk to his siblings about my relationship with Rahama, he will ask me to send my parents soon. I was excited I tell my mother and Rahama too, that was very surprised. In the next day, having phone call with Rahama in the morning, I heard her crying saying her uncles didn’t agree, I was perplexed. I don’t know when ties start pouring down my cheek, we cry out till mtn warns me.

Rahama was at the first stage of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), life becomes difficult for me. One of her uncle came up with the idea to take Rahama’s name to one cleric Sheikh that can uses charm and logical ways to change her mind, and her father agreed. It’s doesn’t take long time Rahama agree to marry Saleem. That charm really worked on them since they truly believed in it.

After a long time I went to supermarket with my friend, Rahama had eyes contact with my friend as I didn’t see her, she quickly run out of my sight. Why love is not a winning game? I deserve to marry Rahama, but love always fail me. Such questions remained unanswered. Whenever I feel alone I use to listen to Rahama’s song everyday.

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Sociology vs Law

Lawyer is intellectual
Who win logical argument
Man of his words
Who drawn conclusion based on facts

I'm also scientist
I'm doctor of society
I'm master of ethnography
A wise that unenthralled others

Who lead to truth
Adorable and simple to relate with
Exceptional, charismatic and superior
Barrister never die but vanish

We shine like sagittarius A
We build, and advocate peace
We urges and make things right
I dedicated myself to humanity

Law above everyone
I judge best possibility
I banned emotional aversion
I'm a good barrister with no prediliction

I'm elements principal
Captain of psychology
Guru of philosophy
I'm nicest, lovely and subtle

By: Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


I'm a poet
Who seek truth feelings
Slave of love
Bank of words
Reservior of knowledge
Sttong as stone

I nourished my heart
I express my feelings in words rather than reality
Oh beloved, i luv you more than my ability
You won my heart stealthily
Accept my pure love



Pure love

Her dazzling eyes star
Her smiling face like moon
Her sweetest voice like guiter
Her indescribable height
Her beautiful shape unpredictable

We look lovely in color dress
We live like cloud in the sky
We love each other to the peak
We use to play in a bay
We hold hands in the beach

She's the one i wanna spend the rest of life with
She's like an angel
She's supra-beautiful
She deserve to be respected
She's the most sheenful

You are precious gift
You are too scarce
You are priceless
You are in my blood
You are always in my heart

I Love you with all my mind
I Love to the extend and highest point
I Love you now and forever
I Love you for many reasons..........
Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Having lackadaisical on corruption
Nation to procrastinate wrong doing
Leaders with scintillation of stealing
Citizens suffered everywhere
People are distraughted
A great sadness especially of a thoughtful
The nation become undeveloped

Looting debase one's personality
Looters painted their family black forever
Corruption is the best weapon to destroy a nation
Spreading venomous and hateful among people
Corruption is termite with poisonous bite
Killing stealthily, undercover

Selflessness one's
Are willing to build for better tomorrow
Let burst the ring of corruption
Amending of people's behavior
Lifting the nation higher
To buy security to support the citizens
May Nigeria succeed 💪

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)

COLOR OF MY BLOODYour name In every neuron of my brainYour memories all over my mindYour blood runs for my sake Your gaz...


Your name In every neuron of my brain
Your memories all over my mind
Your blood runs for my sake
Your gaze looks earnest
You are the color of my blood

My heart beat calls you every second
My purest love for this innocent soul
My peaceful nous captured yours
My heart connected yours rootless
You are the color of my blood

You're sheenful queen ever
You're styleworthy princess
You're genteel and elegant
You're too scarce soulmate
You are the color of my blood

I will be loving you till the end
I will connect you wirelessly
I will hold whenever you need...
I will keep touching your heart
I will retain happiness in your face
You are the color of my blood

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Singer, a short story by Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)

Being a singer was my aspiration since childhood I really admired it, gradually I began to write some music during my secondary School days' I am ready to face any form of challenge both locally and internationally.

Due to my society, many people misunderstand music, they rather consider it as something prohibited. As a young like me who is in love with music that was a big challenge.

I don't have such problem with relatives, so I set to sing on my graduation day, my song entitled "The day" as my graduation song , bunch of people appreciated including my teachers too.

All my life ambition was to become a singer, I have the talent nd am passionate,I started walking on my dream to achieve my goals,my first album was accepted and appreciated by many people,that urged me.

Without much time, world start to listen to me, people even wait upon my music,I gained awards and recognition.I wonder,but I believed all this success depends on my hard work. I lived peacefully with little I earned,I become popular in the city.

One day,I was invited to the wedding party of senator Alhaji Abubakar Siddeq's son to entertain the wedding-goer.The hall was very nice,as I began to sing my sweetest voice calls everyone's attention,I stare intently she was as very beautiful lady dancing beside me, I swiftly recalled one of qoute"Godfather or boss's daughters are above my class,I charge my duty and run away" then I controlled my eyes.

When the party was over,I received many gifts from different people. I was about to then I heard a call,it was that girl "why again"I suggested, she came directly and gave me a letter.

Well,am back but still doubting and even confused “what written in the letter” hard question of the time, I just decided to open and see it.

The letter started "Assalamu Alaikum genius I hope you were landed safely,I was impressed by your music,more talent I wish,I dont want to be with you in just a party" this sentence delete half of my brain, she continued"dear,I'm fatima, daughter of Alhaji Abubakar Siddeq" when I come to this sentence I heard thunder started pouring down, save me God. What a stupid girl,you wanna put me in trouble impossible, I suggested.

I can't accept her love not because I don't need her but she is not my class, rich kids should mingle with rich kids and allow us to live in peace.

Two weeks ago, she visited me in the studio unexpectedly,the way I couldn't escape.I take her to my side “why didn't you respond to my proposal" as I couldn't tell my reasons I just kept mute,she asked again "it's my mistake to love you? when I looked at her I noticed a warm tears started pouring down her cheeks.

I really pity her,sorry Fatima,I can't date you,you are above my level,you are from a very rich family while I'm paternal orphan from poor family.

"Love doesn't discriminate between rich and poor" she walked out upsettedness.

She was very nice, beautiful and smart, approachable to relate with, I can say she is every man wish. She don't give up on me even though she was madly in my love,the way she love me attracted me and her motivational speech that melted my heart.Frankly I loved her too.

I decided to accept her,in the midnight I called her, she quickly picked" Assalamu Alaikum Kabir" with a sweet voice.Fatima I love you too "what a surprise" she laugh cheerfully and said that was her prayers, and asked me to meet tomorrow.

Our love at the beginning was very nice, overjoy, happiness and blissful,we do things together and have fun.

When her family discovered our relationship, they asked her to invite me. Upon my arrival she introduced me to her family. That day was unforgettable; her parents humiliated, criticize and teased me to the peak.
They rejected me and cursed my career, “how dare you to marry my daughter? Over my dead body! Useless people”

On my way to home, her father assigned a gang to beat me black and blue like a stone. We were disappointed. We cried and my heart was broken.

What's really happening with my career?
As a singer, do not I have the right to love?
Am I a sinner?
Is singing a forbidden business?
My young heart was broken, and nothing can heel my pains.

My society is totally unfaithful to singers, after all this Fatima can't live without me 11th June in the midnight she take poison and unfortunately die, I was fainted unconscious as I received this gist, I was in hospital for some months, now that I feel better, music caused to lose my habibty I decided not to sing again or enter the studio, bye music.




Death is inevitable
Oh death what are u waiting
I rather die than to live
My love bad luck
Regret grief of alas
World without you is like sky without stars

Today you disappeared
I can't see you anymore
How can I live without you
I'm incomplete alone
Sad to hear ur death rattle
My like is like tea without sugar

My life is blocked on one end
I offers no hope
Love blindness
Loving you is all I had
You will last forever in my heart
Why you leave me baby

You will never die in my mind
You are irreplaceable
Our love is unforgettable
One day I will visit you
Take coffee and have fun
You are my happiness

A thin curtain between us
Any time am ready to die
I will be glad to meet you again
My heart is small world only for you
We will live forever
I love you

I am all for you always
Death have separate us
Death will bind us again
I'm coming today or tomorrow
I missed your sweet voice....

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)...


Birthday poem

Exactly, today is queen birthday
Beautiful sky shines
I portray sheenful queen
Stand out as being better
A mark of honour, higher rank
Happy birthday shey

Different from one another
Vividy, bright and powerful
Approachable nd simple to relate with
Natural harmonious
Happy birthday shey

Brilliant nd compatible
I wish u brightest nd luminous future
I wish u success,talent nd happiness
Happy birthday shey

By smartest


Aisha, a short story by Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)

Once upon a time, I fell in love with a young brilliant girl, her name was Aisha, and we were young in love. I proposed her on 15th Ramadan 2020 around 8:30pm, luckily, she accepted me respectfully.
Our love was full of joy and satisfaction, I feel like I could not live without her, to be sincere my love for Aisha is pure and true. She used to call me “blood” same way as I.

Whenever I visit Aisha, 130km away from my village, I find her more beautiful than how she appears on pictures. Her siblings were very nice people, especially Fatima, indeed their hospitality was too scarce.
That day no words could define my happiness, as I can read from Aisha's eyes she felt the same.

Our love began a new step; texting, gifts, loving, caring and promises, I can remember some promises made by Aisha but now I consider them as fabrications.
One day I asked Aisha to exchange our Facebook passwords and agreed without any objection. I went through her chats where I found out that she has two boyfriends. Awfully, I was disappointed, I could not express how I felt at all.

Fortunately, I have a best friend that I reckon him the world best ever, he guides me, and helps me to understand life.
Some moments later, I talked to Aisha and she proved that guy was also her boyfriend. She frankly said that she love all of us —that itches my heart too much.

I was very jealous. I might not continue dating Aisha, I asked her to choose one. I was confused when she chose me and said she could not leave my rival.

Then I decided to leave silently, but she trapped me back —she expresses her love for me and told me that she had broken up with my rival, so we can continue, I still love her then I agreed.
Later on, I discovered that she lied to me, she was still dating him, and unfortunately that breaks my heart again. I felt worthless, I left and decided not to come back again; fake love.

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Best Fool 2, a short story by Aliyu Ahmed (Smartest)

Honesty, that moment, I was so perplexed to the extent that I could hardly believe she was a human being. Oops! Being mute, at the same time, my heart melts –It was longing, pumping faster too. To cut it again, even her foe, no matter how much amount of envy they hold, would crown her the most beautiful human they could ever see in the entire universe.

I almost faint –for surprise, when she noticed my situation and suddenly cut off my thoughts, “hello” she called my attention. I couldn’t reply to her –not for surprise or fear, but honestly, I was out of control all those moments. My little brother replied, “hi” and her chatters with her sweetest voice could be heard.
She went into the mart directly, as I keep staring at her until she got lost in my sight.

I spent 168 hours at home busy singing for that amazing creation –as I couldn’t eat, drink nor talk –I was in this mood for 7 days.
Guess what? I was in love!

Aliyu Ahmed (Smartest)


Best Fool 1, a short story by Aliyu Ahmed (Smartest)

My mind keeps reminding an incident that happened during my holiday. It was one morning when I was about to enter a supermarket, then my phone rang. As I tried to pick, it was Salman –my amiable friend. In seconds, my attention was attracted by a very expensive car that was about to pack near me, as I was talking to my friend on phone –my eyes were on the car as if I could jump over it, “wow” I uttered in surprise!
A lady of a young age came out from the car.

Her beauty, out of exaggeration, cannot be described with few words. My breath was laboriously and convulsively; I could have lost my consciousness as I keep staring at her. Out of guess and doubt, I could have fallen at first sight! Huh!

Her name’s Ameerah.
She’s tall and slim.
Her dress was neat. She has a very nice dimple.
Her olive skin shines like a flower.
Her sexy eyes shine like a galaxy.
She is beauteous and stylish.
Let me cut it; she’s the best example of supra-beautiful.
I rank her the most beautiful creation on planet Earth. Her smile gives me joy to even imagined being with her in Heaven.


Pleasurable feeling

I feel love again
I will be with you always honey
I am all for you beloved
I can fight for you sweetie
I can't live without you darling
I said no one like you blood
Is you always dearie
I will come to you any time

You shine like Sagittarius A
You are source of my happiness
You are mine forever
You are shining like milky way
You means a lot
You are my princess
You are the color of my blood
Your beauty cannot be define
You are my secret
You are the reason of my breath
You are my number 1
You are my pain and the cure

World best dresser
We will die together
World most beautiful girl
No one can separate us
Be by side always
Fine a place for me beloved

Our love is invisible
My feelings is indescribable
My words are not enough
A minute with you is like a thousand hours
I love you forever

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Romantic Anguish, a Short Love Story by Aliyu Ahmed

I once attended Woke Soyinka Literature Competition, which is held every year. To my surprise, I won the second position. The judges set to give an award to every contestant and a certificate of participation. It was scheduled for all contestants to defend their work in Abuja, to prove the authenticity of their talent.
On that day, as usual, the programme started around 10:00 am. The contestants had to introduce themselves before the examiners start questioning –a form of a query to criticize or challenge contestant on their work.

As an extrovert, I met Samira, a young brilliant girl; whose beauty, cannot be described in a single sentence. She met me personally and introduced herself to me, “I am Samira Abdullahi, and I’m very impressed over your work.” She lived in Abuja, and I got to know that she was my fellow poet. We had a good discussion before exchanging phone numbers.

After the programme, my friendship with Samira took a new step. She was very kind. We use to chat on phone and have fun together. As our friendship continued, she proposed her love to me on my 19th birthday. I always remember that her love proposal was one of my best gifts in life.

Samira loved me to the extent that words cannot express it, either my pen. She was generous. Her kindness was indeed indescribable. My friends often say we were the best lovers in the world. Oops! As one author says, “love itself is love, and it comprises fight” –so we fight and reconcile ourselves.

Suddenly, yesternight, Samira told me they were going to Kaduna to visit her grandparents. The next morning, I missed her call, but I didn’t call her back. An hour ago she called again, then I swiftly picked the call waiting to hear her voice,
“Assalamu Alaika I am Khadija, Samira's sister. I’m very sorry to let you know that your heartthrob got an accident along Abuja-Kaduna highway, she’s seriously injured, and she wants to hear your voice”
I had nothing to utter than “Innalillahi wa’inna ilaihi raji’un”, which is literary translated as “to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.” That was very shocking news. I was perplexed and had nothing to do. I hurriedly picked up my phone and head to Kano.
But when I was about to reach Kano, Khadija called again. I didn’t pick the call as I feared hearing devastating news from her. But I had to because I was too eager to hear Samira’s voice.
“Innalillahi… take patience Aliyu, we lost her” as I heard the moment I picked the call.
I cannot imagine how confused I was at that moment. Samira couldn’t survive. Her death was very painful. The pain itches my heart to the extent that I decided not to date any girl again.


It is ineffable painHeroes never die in vainHero never die at all but disappearHave a good memories of our heroesSuperior military officer You played like an angelYou are unwilling to … Read More


Black Friday

It is ineffable pain
Heroes never die in vain
Hero never die at all but disappear
Have a good memories of our heroes
Superior military officer

You played like an angel
You are unwilling to give up
You deserve to be respected
Accept my salutations dear sirs
You are full definition of hero

The country have reckon you
As heroes now and always
Your efforts to suppress terrorism
Your sacrifice is unforgettable
The whole country appreciated
Intellectual and superhuman

Death and destructive
Never define a hero
But to die depending others
Then we see you as hero
Everyone is struggling to succeed
But soldiers are busy in jungle
Your sacrifice is priceless

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Lonely night

It is indeed sad
without you by side
I don't feel you touch
And hearing your sweet
Voice that keep smile
On my face

Today I really miss
That single word
That touch my heart
What a ordeal
My heart has cried
And my tears have dried

I have to reckon this
night as mischievous
I really want to contrive
With you dear
You are source of my

Missing that palpable text
Whenever you miss me
Just look up the sky
And say you love me
Am yours now and always.

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Forever in my heart

You are worthful and priceless
Can't heart you less
No matter you been careless
I will never be loveless

Our youthness doesn't come to stay
I don't care what others say
Let have fun and rest in bay

You are indeed like friend
I will love you to the end
You are more than girlfriend

Being with you was so nice
Can't forget how we play dice
We dance and painted bice

Can't let you go
You are my oojiboo
Me love you too

You are in my dream
Follow me to the stream
You are my forever gleam
Let us beam

When ever you try to leave
I will trap you back
I'm madly in love
Plz take me into your loving heart
I never change my feelings on you
The trust I have in you will never fade.

Aliyu Ahmed (smartest)


Chamaeleonidae family

Chameleon was born without parents,no support in any condition,no one to fight for them in their life.But they are hopeful and strong,ready to face the challenges and struggle of they life.

They are concise orphan, but the most interesting part of their life is, they have good future they become successful at the end.

Chameleon success depends on her good heart ❤️
Chameleon is not jealous to any other animals
Chameleon didn't kill animal for food, they eat leaves and plants
Chameleon doesn't cheat, they have a pure heart
At the end chameleon never retaliate.

Learn lessons from chameleon.

By Aliyu Ahmed (smartest).



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