Pavillion TV

Pavillion TV Pavillion TV is an independent Media platform established to promote news and other social activities

BLISSFUL BIRTHDAY CEREMONY, WILLIAMS FAVOUR. Friends and online followers  , join me to celebrate my namesake/ course ma...


Friends and online followers , join me to celebrate my namesake/ course mate, Williams Favour , whom God Has graciously added another year to her age...

Williams Favour is one of the dedicated and industrious students of Department of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria, Nsukka...

Going by her originality, she is a native of Ugbawka Community in Nkanu East Local Government Area of Enugu State...

Happy birthday, elegant and industrious Jacksonite, Williams Favour...

Ya kpotuba!

Williams Ejike Nwodo
CEO Pavillion Tv .

LAND PROPERTY FOR SALE AT NSUKKA.As our currency is being devalued on daily basis and cognizance to the xenophobic attit...


As our currency is being devalued on daily basis and cognizance to the xenophobic attitude exhibited against us even in the same country and beyond, I wish to suggest that we should choose on burying our money in ground by investing on landed property back home.

In the light of the above, therefore, I wish to inform the public that I have seventy three (73) plots of land for sale and the location is immediately after University of Nigeria Nsukka, Staff Estate, Eziani Obimo Nsukka

The size of the plot is 60 by 100 each. Attached herein is the surveyed plan of the plots in question.

Note that one is allowed to buy even one plot or more and I assure you that linking roads have been mapped out in the surveyed plan.

Interested buyers should urgently contact me on 07034915616 for the price.

Thanks for your anticipated patronage.

Williams Ejike Nwodo
CEO Pavillion TV

THANK YOU ALL FOR CELEBRATING ME ON MY BIRTHDAY. Mr. Onuh James  ( Ikuku) CEO Romeo  & Juliet Hotel Ogrute  in Enugu-Ezi...


Mr. Onuh James ( Ikuku) CEO Romeo & Juliet Hotel Ogrute in Enugu-Ezike, Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, wishes to express his immense gratitude to all his friends, associates, and indeed, allies who came from far and near to celebrate him on his birthday ceremony.

The event started at TS1 field, around 9:45am with football competition between Youths Umuasanya Ogrute, home and abroad.

The match ended in no victor no vanquish as the score was one is to one.

The celebrant, Ikuku and his wife , shortly after the end of the football competition, proceeded to HRF Motherless Babies Home Nsukka for prayer session.

By and large, the birthday ceremony was graced by distinguished personalities at *Romeo* and *Juliet Hotel* Ogrute, where money was used to slap the two chicks of the celebrant, Mr. Onuh James .

During the reception of the birthday, Onuh James, thanked his friends for their assorted gifts and prayers and gave each of the two football team fifty thousand naira in fulfilment of his promise before the match.

Addressing the celebrant, during the birthday reception, Prince Anyika Izunna , CEO Anyika Tv, congratulated Onuh James and described him as an industrious son of Umuasanya, Ogrute.

Congratulations, Mr . Onuh James ( Ikuku)

Ya kpotuba!

Williams Ejike Nwodo CEO Pavilion Tv .

BLISSFUL BIRTHDAY CEREMONY Mr. Onuh James (Ikuku) CEO Romeo and Juliet Hotel Ogrute is thanking God for adding another y...


Mr. Onuh James (Ikuku) CEO Romeo and Juliet Hotel Ogrute is thanking God for adding another year to his age and invites the general public to witness his birthday ceremony on February 14th, 2024, at Romeo and Juliet Hotel, along Japan road, Ogrute in Enugu-Ezike.

*Activities For the Day:*

* Football Competition between Umuassanya Ogrute home and abroad at TS1 field by 9:45 am. Winner to take home #100,000.00.

* Prayers session with H.R.FMotherless Babies Home, Nsukka by 12noon.

* Watch the activities emanating from the event on the pages of Paviliontv, Nwodo Williams Ejikeme and Nze Williams Ejike Nwodo , respectively.


Nze Williams Ejike Nwodo (Ebubedike)



Stakeholders from the various (20) twenty political wards in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Council Area of Enugu State, on 13th January, 2024, trooped to Onicha Enugu-Ezike in Umuozzi Ward VI to witness the official commissioning of projects executed by Hon.Collins Chibuogwu Idoko , Councilor representing Ozzi ward Vl.

It is worthy to note that Umuozzi Ward VI is made up of four communities in Enugu-Ezike which include; Onicha Enugu-Ezike Nkpamute-Ulo , Ugwuattama and Okata .

Hon. Collins Chibuogwu Idoko , a native of Onicha Enugu-Ezike community, councilor representing Umuozzi Ward VI at Igbo-Eze North Legislative Council, within his first tenure has demonstrated capacity by having successfully executed four projects within his ward and empowered pupils at Community Primary School, Onicha Enugu-Ezike .

The projects include the installation of two Solar Street lights at strategic positions at both Ugwuattama and Okata Communities , construction of Security Post within Afor Onicha Enugu-Ezike market square , Construction of Security Post at late Chief Alifem Junction, Onicha Enugu-Ezike and construction of Security Post along Alexander Uramah Street, Onicha Enugu-Ezike .

Officially addressing Hon. Engr.. Williams Ejike Itodo , Executive Chairman, Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area, his entourage, Elders-in-Council Onicha Enugu-Ezike, HRH Igwe James Idoko, his cabinet members and the Representatives of Cabinet Members, Nkpamute Ulo Autonomous Community, Hon. Collins C. Idoko, thanked his people for having elected him as their Councilor during the last Council Election in Enugu State. He therefore, presented his score cards and pledged his readiness to do more, most especially within Nkpamute-Ulo, if he is given a second chance.

Mrs. Josephine Nweze, Head mistress, Community Primary School, Onicha Enugu-Ezike, through her representative, Mrs. Beatrice Uramah, commended the legislator, Hon. Collins Chibuogwu for the provisions of studying materials for the pupils and wished him good in his future endeavors.

In the light of the above. Hon. . Simon Chukwuemeka Atigwe, PDP candidate for Igbo-Eze North/ Udenu Federal Constituency Rerun Election, moved a motion for vote of confidence on Hon. Collins Chibuogwu Idoko which was seconded by Hon.Ejike Eze, Chief Whip, Enugu State House Of Assembly, and applauded by all sundry.

Hon. Prince Williams Ejike Itodo , Executive Chairman Igbo-Eze North Council, while commissioning the projects expressed his explicit satisfaction for the leadership qualities of Hon. Idoko , Councilor representing Umuozzi Ward VI and maintained that he would not hesitate to convey the message to the Executive Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency, Barr. Peter Ndubisi Mba.

ENUGU: RERUN ELECTION, HON. AGBO'S VICTORY, A SURE BET.It is no longer a news that the Appeal Court has cancelled (176) ...


It is no longer a news that the Appeal Court has cancelled (176) one hundred and seventy six polling units results out of the (532) five hundred and thirty two polling units results that produced Rt. Hon. Dennis Nnamdi Agbo (FCA) as a member of 10th National Assembly.

The cancellation was as a result of a petition filled by Hon. Oby Arji, APC candidate for Igbo-Eze North/Udenu Federal House Of Representative for non inclusion of her party name in the result sheets.

The judges in their wisdom and in accordance with the law, nullified results in the (176) one hundred and seventy six polling units, where such negligence occurred and ordered INEC to conduct a suplimentary or rerun election within (90) days, effect from the day of judgement.

Come what may, the incumbent's victory is not in doubt as majority of the voters continue to clamour for him based on his score card from 2015 till date, INEC having slated the Suplimentary Election on February 3rd, 2024.

Agbo, an accomplished banker cm a distinguished entrepreneur was beckoned by the former Governor of Enugu State, His Excellency Hon.(Barr.) Sullivan Chime , to contest for Igbo-Eze North/ Udenu Federal Constituency in 2015 General Elections, which he ( Agbo ) contested and swept majority of the votes cast and was as a result declared winner by the INEC.

As an experienced banker and entrepreneur, he embarked on unprecedented leadership, characterised by infrastructural developments and human capital empowerments across the two Local Governments that made up the constituency in Enugu North Senatorial Zone in particular and Enugu State in general.

Igugu Technical College in Udenu Local Government Area, Five hundred (500) seats capacity examination hall with examiners' office and a store at Community Secondary School Aguibeje, rural electrifications within Udah, Inyi, Ugbaike, construction of classroom blocks at Aji High School, Community Secondary School, Udah, distribution of scholarship to constituents that passed their JAMB examinations, empowerment of the Constituents with Tricycle ( Kekenapep) motorcycles and domestic grinding machines were achieved by Hon. Agbo within 2015-2019.

Agbo's above giant strides were, however, misconstrued as an affront by some highly placed politicians, who became jealous of him, which metamorphosed into using party machinery to deny him ticket during PDP primary election for 2019 general elections.

In the light of the above, Agbo committed all that played out into the hands of God and gave his businesses attention.

Being radiated by the zeal to use public office to ameliorate the lives of the Constituents, most especially the downtrodden, Hon. Agbo , defected to Labour Party (LP) and won the party ticket for House Of Representatives, Igbo-Eze North/ Udenu Federal Constituency and came out victorious in the concluded 2023 general elections.

Few weeks after his inauguration as 10th National Assembly member, *Agbo* in his usual characteristics, kicked the ball rolling by having executed (5) five projects within his constituency, which include;

(1.) Construction of four classroom block at Community Primary School, Umuogbo-Agu in Enugu-Ezike. Furnished and handed-over.

(2.) Built a School block at Community Secondary School, Udah Community in Enugu-Ezike.

(3.) Installation of Solar Street lights at Obollo-Eke in Udenu Local Government Area.

(4.) Intervention on rural electrification in Umuadonuowo Autonomous Community by giving them 300KVA transformers.

(5.) Intervention on rural electrification in Umuagbedo-Agu by giving them 300KVA transformer.

A check within the constituency proves that majority of legible electorates within the (176) one hundred and seventy six polling units have decided that it is Agbo or nobody as they will reciprocate his giant strides by voting massively for him during the rerun.


ENUGU: Pastoral Visit, Bishop Onah Dedicates Parish House, Lauds Dr.Chukwurote Odo. Ikpu-iga community in Enugu-Ezike, I...

ENUGU: Pastoral Visit, Bishop Onah Dedicates Parish House, Lauds Dr.Chukwurote Odo.

Ikpu-iga community in Enugu-Ezike, Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State was agog yesterday, 17th December, 2023 following the Pastoral Visitation of His Lordship , Most Rev. Prof. Godfrey Igwebuike Onah , Bishop of Nsukka Diocese, who officially dedicated St. John's Parish House to God and installed Blessed Sacrament.

It is worthy to note that Ikpu-iga Community is the country home of *Chief (Dr.) Chukwurote , CEO Chukwurote Ogadinma Empowerment Foundation.

Dr. Odo has used his foundation and demonstrated capacity in different ways. He has singlehandedly built houses for individuals, various parish houses for churches, given out cars and other assorted gifts to individuals within Enugu State and beyond.

It is not hyperbolical to express the fact that the Parish House of St John's Parish was singlehandedly built and furnished by the first class philanthropist in the history of Enugu-Ezike, Dr. Chukwurote Odo (JP)

Similarly, the Parish House of St . Jude's Parish, Ihe-agu Nru Nsukka which was dedicated to God, precisely on 20th November, 2023 was courtesy of the kind gestures of Dr. Odo , who left no stone unturned to ensure that a well furnished duplex and bungalow were built and given to the Church for the services of God.

Interacting with Pavillion Tv yesterday at his compound, along Chirote Street, Obi Na- Etiti in Ikpu-iga, Enugu-Ezike, Chukwurote Odo , expressed that he feels fulfilled any time he alleviates problem/s from the shoulder/s of humanity.

Hear him " My name is Chukwurote Odo. I am a native of Ikpu-iga Community here in Enugu-Ezike. God created me to project and empower people for better positions."

"I feel happy and fulfilled each time I help people out of their predicament. I thank God for always using me to touch lives" he said.

Most Rev.Prof. Godfrey Onah , while dedicating the Parish House, commended Chief (Dr.)Damian Chukwurote Odo(JP) for allowing God to use him and urged others to emulate from Dr.Odo's gestures.


INVITATION! INVITATION!! NVITATION!! Mr.& Mrs. Agbo Osita Afam, CEO Osile Tailoring Enterprise , cordially invite you, o...


Mr.& Mrs. Agbo Osita Afam, CEO Osile Tailoring Enterprise , cordially invite you, our friends, associates and indeed, the general public to be our special guests on the funeral ceremonies of our beloved father and mother, late Chief Lawrence Agbo and late Lolo Christiana Agbo , as follow:

* 4th January, 2024 ( 5:00PM, Wake-keep at the deceased compound, Umuossai in Igogoro-Agu)

* 5th January, 2024( Funeral ceremonies continue at the same venue. Note that the deceased had been buried long time ago)

* Featuring:

1. Pavillion Tv.

2. MC Nna Nwa Jesus.

3. NSK Connect.

4. Noble Brothers' Club Of Enugu-Ezike.

5. Dynamic Club Of Enugu-Ezike

6. Beloved Club Of Enugu-Ezike

7. Nze Williams Ejike Nwodo.

Ya kpotuba!

. Agbo Osita Afam.

Breaking ... Mrs. Oby Ugwu of Ozzi Osegbe, was elected the Woman Leader of All Farmers Association of Nigeria, AFAN FCT ...

Breaking ...

Mrs. Oby Ugwu of Ozzi Osegbe, was elected the Woman Leader of All Farmers Association of Nigeria, AFAN FCT Chapter, today.

Congratulations, the pride of Enugu-Ezike.

Ya kpotuba!




By Chike Udechukwu

Hon. Chijioke Jonathan Edeoga has always been a winner right from time immemorial. As a local government chairman under the defunct UNCP, he won by a landslide defying the then Abacha government's 'government candidate' machinery, which largely determined who won or lost election under that brutal regime. A man of the people, Edeoga initiated grassroots projects including daily markets, schools, health centres, culverts and water facilities all of which marked him out as an uncommon visionary who could have done much more had he lasted beyond 14 months in office. It would be recalled that Gen. Sanni Abacha's death in June 1998, led to the termination of the dictator' s wobbly transition programme and the collapse of democratic institutions.

A golden fish they, say has no hiding place. The stakeholders in the post Abacha order, once again spotted Hon. Chijioke Edeoga as the man to beat, if the newly formed PDP could win the Enugu East| Isi Uzo federal constituency in the general elections. Edeoga was offered the ticket and he won by a landslide and represented the constituency in the House of Representatives between 1999 and 2003.

When due to an internal agreement, the federal constituency representation moved to Enugu East in 2003, Hon. Chijioke Edeoga, nonetheless, became a toast for strategic federal appointments, including that of Special Adviser to former President Goodluck Jonathan, among others. When his party, the PDP lost the presidency in 2015 , Edeoga heeded the clarion call to return to his state to serve in whatever capacity required of him to rebuild the fledgling state. That call he graciously heeded, becoming the shining light in Ugwuanyi's administration until his resignation in March 2022 to contest the governorship election. Many today say that former Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi only began to lose direction and focus after Hon. Chijioke Edeoga resigned from his government.

The moment Chijioke Edeoga declared his governorship ambition, the entire state went agog, as his appeal, goodwill and pedigree easily dwarfed those of his co-contenders, including Ike Ekweremadu who was then considered his main rival in the governorship race. Very little was then known about Peter Mbah who unknown to many, was Ugwuanyi's secret candidate, strategically kept in limbo , despite his unpopularity.

As the primaries of the party drew near, Ike Ekweremadu quit the process, having discovered to what extent the former governor was prepared to go, to frustrate his ambition. The coast was then clear for Chijioke Edeoga to pick the ticket since there was no other aspirant capable of matching his popularity. That was not to be as Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, openly manipulated the primaries held at the Nnamdi Azikiwe stadium, in order to impose Peter Mbah, an unknown quantity on the party members. It was revealed to the former governor that the plot won't be easy as majority of party delegates came to the stadium to elect Chijioke Edeoga and no one else. To push his plan through, each delegate was not only paid the sum of N400, 000 to vote Mbah but also monitored by a local government chairman stationed right in front of him, to ensure that he or she kept to the bargain.

That was the first election Chijioke Edeoga won as a gubernatorial aspirant of the PDP but which was denied by ungodly forces. It is a fact that denying a highly popular candidate victory in an election, always comes at a huge cost and Edeoga's case was no exception. Because of the indignation and bad blood the manipulation of the primaries caused in the PDP, Chijioke Edeoga was openly beckoned by PDP members to join another party without hesitation, to enable them follow him.

Although the Eha- Amufu born political tactician, hesitated before joining the Labour Party, about a month thereafter, his defection almost totally collapsed the pillars of the PDP as virtually all that mattered in the party either joined Edeoga openly to his new party or stayed back to sabotage the party as a way to register their resentment.

In the Labour Party, Chijioke Edeoga picked the gubernatorial ticket unopposed , but the evil and petty Ugwuanyi and Peter Mbah would still not let him be. They planted one surrogate called Odengene to attempt take away the ticket he already had but the Labour party refused to fall for any of Ugwuanyi's intrigues. The party formally announced Chijioke Edeoga as its gubernatorial candidate after its primaries held on 4th August, 2022.

Still unwilling to give up, Ugwuanyi and Mbah began a long drawn legal tussle to retrieve the ticket from Edeoga up to the Supreme Court but all to no avail. They shamefully lost alongside their puppet Odengene. But why was Ugwuanyi and his co- travellers too desperate to stop Edeoga? They knew that allowing an Edeoga on the ballot unmistakably meant his election as governor, taking into account his popularity, widespread acceptability and support base across the state. It was therefore a typical case of prevention being better than cure. That carefully woven plan was however aborted by the Supreme Court.

Having no other option, Ugwuanyi braced up to meet Chijioke Edeoga at the polls with his jaundiced and encumbered candidate, who aside from being relatively unknown, presented a forged certificate to the Independent National Electoral Commission.

After the March 18 polls, it was common knowledge that the Labour Party and it's governorship candidate Chijioke Edeoga beat the PDP hands down. Before the March 18 election, the Labour party had in February, taken the PDP to the cleaners, winning overwhelming majority in all the federal constituencies in the state. At about of 19th March, 2023, all but the results of Nkanu East Local Government Area had been received and collated at the INEC's collation centre and which showed that the Labour Party was leading with over 11, 000. votes. That was about to be the second election which Chijioke Edeoga won in this dispensation but was denied by forces of darkness. The clueless, good-for- nothing governor, colluded with Mr Festus Okoye , the then National Commissioner for INEC , to impose Peter Mbah as winner despite the recorded observation by the whimpy Returning Officer Professor Maduebibisi Iwe that there was no correlation between the votes cast in Nkanu East Local Government Area and the number falsely manufactured for the local government area, and upon which basis Mbah was declared winner. That collusion with INEC was said to have cost Ugwuanyi the sum of N1 billion.

The impostor, Peter Mbah has ever since been governing without the mandate of the people, something that is despicably intolerable in a constitutional democracy.

Having taken his case to the court of law in search of justice , Edeoga, expected nothing else other than the nullification of the victory of Peter Mbah having been procured by fraud, but the courts have so far disappointed the Enugu electorate who stood in the scotching sun with a view to ending PDP's 24 years of misrule and impunity. From the overwhelming attendance of Labour Party members at the tribunal, the preponderance of evidence tendered, appearance of the NYSC witness, among others, it was clear to everyone except the heavily compromised election panel that Chijioke Edeoga and not Peter Mbah should have been sworn in on 29th May, 2023.

The same thing happened at the Court of Appeal where the panel members could not even read the judgement which took them two months to prepare and instead read another which they hurriedly put together just to deliver Peter Mbah and give their reasons later. Yet again, Edeoga won but was denied.

At the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land where a precedent is set with every single judgment delivered , many are of the opinion that Peter Mbah's cash and carry time is over.
Aside from Edeoga having an impeccably genuine case, the imminent destruction of the National Youth Service Corps, if the the Supreme Court also decided to ignore evidence and facts, is one many stakeholders think could have grave implications not only for the organization but also the nation's electoral justice as a whole. This is so because if official witnesses subpoenaed to give evidence in tribunals, will have the same evidence rejected for not being front-loaded before the court order was given, such witnesses will naturally stay away from election tribunals in future, making the quality of justice dispensed without them, nothing to write home about.

The stakeholders are of the opinion that if they failed to intervene to defeat the evil forces led by Peter Mbah, both the country and her jurisprudence will suffer for a very long time.

PHILANTHROPY AT ITS PEAK, MESSIAH N'NSUKKA TAKES LEAD.Nru Nsukka and its environs in Enugu State was thrown into jubilat...


Nru Nsukka and its environs in Enugu State was thrown into jubilation and merriment last weekend, following the official parking into a brand new Parish House ( Duplex ) at St. Jude's Parish , Ihe-agu Nru Nsukka , single-handedly built and furnished by Dr. Damian Chukwurote Odo , titled "Messiah N'Nsukka"

It was gathered through Pavillion Tv correspondent that Dr.Damian Chukwurote Odo (JP) expressed that he always feel happy whenever he alleviate a problem from the shoulder of an individual or society.

Hear him "My name is Dr. Damian Chukwurote Odo , Messiah N'Nsukka. I am from Ikpuiga community in Enugu-Ezike, Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State. My parents were poor and I experienced a lot of hardship while growing up before God finally blessed me."

"I am the founder and progenitor Ogadinma Empowerment Foundation. I have used this my foundation to touch so many lives positively. By the grace of God, I have built compounds for people. I have given out assorted brand new cars to individuals within Enugu-Ezike, Nsukka and beyond. Today, 19th Nov. 2023, am happy that I have successfully completed this project of St. Jude's Parish House , Ihe-agu Nru Nsukka and have added it to the ones I have achieved before. I drive joy and happiness in helping others so that they will not experience the hardship I experienced while growing up." he said.

Rev. Fr. Lawrence Ikechukwu Idoko , Parish Priest, St. Jude's Parish, Ihe-agu Nru Nsukka , who was flanked by other Parish Priests, thanked and poured blessings upon Dr. Odo for his philanthropic gestures towards mankind.

Prophet Festus Onyebuchi from Umuida in Enugu-Ezike who also graced the occasion, testified that he has in several occasions benefited from Dr. Chukwurote Odo ( Messiah N'Nsukka) Prophet Festus testified that Messiah N'Nsukka has given out brand new Toyota Land Cruiser and Coaster to him.

Chief Simon Idoko , a native of Ikpamodo Community in Enugu-Ezike, therefore, applauded Dr. Damian Chukwurote Odo for his gestures.


Reminder! Reminder!! Reminder!!!You are cordially and most respectfully reminded of my (41) forty one year birthday, 10t...

Reminder! Reminder!! Reminder!!!

You are cordially and most respectfully reminded of my (41) forty one year birthday, 10th year Medical Practice, House Warming, Marriage Anniversary and thanksgiving ceremonies, tomorrow being Sunday, 26th Nov, 2023 as follow;

* 9:00am-- Holy Mass at St. Joachim and Ann Parish, Ogrute in Enugu-Ezike.

* 11:00am--House Warming, 10th Medical Practice, Birthday, Marriage Anniversary Ceremonies continue at my compound at Ngboro Street, off Japan road, Ogrute in Enugu-Ezike.


* Chirote/Ogadinma Empowerment. Foundation.
* Moving Train Club Of Enugu-Ezike.
* Royal Club Of Nsukka.
* Pavillion Tv.
* Old School International Band.
* Nze Williams Ejike Nwodo.
* Sonez Video Coverage Ltd.

Oliver C. Mamah ( mRRBN mARN, PDG CT )



Greetings the good people of Igbo-Eze North/Udenu Federal Constituency. I come in peace. Please, I wish to use this medium to thank and appreciate all of us for the massive support and votes we gave to Labour Party Party and its candidates on the 25th February and 11th March, 2023. God will reward each of us accordingly.
Even though the appeal court nullified the election of Dennis Agbo and ordered for a rerun election. It wasn't as a result of election malpractices or irregularities but the fault of the electoral umpire the INEC. Dennis is only sacrificial lamb.
As a result, this is another time for us to come out with our PVCS and repeat what we did on the 25th February, 2023 by voting massively for Dennis Agbo of Labour Party, where you have Joseph, Mary and our saviour Jesus Christ. The holy family. (Papa, mama and pikin)

Dennis Nnamdi Agbo is credible and a refined man with human face and only one worthy of our mandate.

Dennis Nnamdi Agbo at NASS 2015-2019.
Dennis was never been a parochial, a sectional or a selfish leader as was in vogue between 2019-23.
Between 2015-19 when he represented us at NASS, he never concentrated on his state Constituency alone. You can attest to what happened between 2019-23 in our Federal Constituency and strike the balance. The difference is clear.
His Political Dictum has been, the power we seek is power to do good.. Dennis is a true scholar of Enye ndi ebe a, Enye ndi ebe a.
During the period under review, he picked his Senior Legislative Aide from Igbo Eze North Constituency one. Barr. Stev Idoko from Amaja. LAii from Udenu and PA from Constituency two.

All his projects were equitably distributed among the three state constituencies in the Federal Constituency.
At Igugu one solid storey building of ten classrooms, with Principal's office, staff room and rest rooms was constructed, finished, furnished and commissioned, hence the Technical college Igugu. It was really one of his signature projects.

At Imilike Etiti, also in Udenu, 7km electricity project, with HT, LT was constructed. 300KVA transformer was installed, energized and commissioned. He never bargained for solar street lights with expiration date. Like who? The question for the gods. Who killed Dele? Na Baba, if you put Gida you're on your own.

At CSS Aguibeje, he built a brand new solid 500 capacity Examination hall for the school. The said edifice speaks for itself at CSS Aguibeje. Please, permit me to let us know that Dennis Nnamdi Agbo doesn't go for any thing cheap or fake. Integrity always bargain for integrity materials.

DNA extended rural electrification to Akamangbo Ugbaike, opened an access road to Amaokala Ugbaike with full drainage system on both sides. The access road is of the RAMP stardand. Integrity for quality.

Because of the respect he has for HRM Igwe S.O Itodo, a borehole was sited and completed at Umuonehe Aji.

He built five and three classroom blocks, well furnished and commissioned at CSS Uda and Aji High School Aji respectively.

DNA was born into a Christian family, as a result he never believed in any deity or shrine before reaching any agreement with any of his constituents. He never forced any of his subordinates to swear an oath of loyalty or trust and of followership.

He never sent any Youth on an illegal or dirty deal or errands, e.g hijacking trucks loaded with petroleum products and off load them at his petrol station for his own selfish gains.

He has never been involved any criminal acts or criminalities either directly or indirectly. He never used undueadavantages against the less privileged in his community.

Between 2015-19, DNA never interfered in the selection of councilors in any of the wards in Igbo Eze North including Ezzodo ward. We can recollect what happened in 2021 during the councilorship election. Some councilors were imposed on the ward by the so called Leader.

DNA never medelled with Local Government Administration. He never disturbed the Local Government Chairman. He was using his money to support the Government of Comrade Uwakwe Ezeja. Uwakwe can attest to it.

Between 2015-19, under his watch as the leader there was an absolute peace in Igbo Eze North.
Imagine what has been happening in Igbo Eze North from 2019 to date.

Dennis Nnamdi Agbo is the only option for the coming rerun election for Igbo-Eze North/Udenu Federal Constituency.
*Say no to Tyrants!
*We can't go back to Egypt.
*Dennis Nnamdi Agbo is the answer.
*Vote wisely
*Vote Labour Party






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