1 Peter 1:4 (KJV) To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
And that 'lively hope' in not a physical or carnal package, it is a spiritual and holy, incorruptible package.
Christ took our dead hope, He didn't change the hope, the hope is still the same, what he did was to change its location, He took the earthly, carnal dead hope to an heavenly, Holy atmosphere and it was transformed from a "dead hope" to a "lively hope"
Do you know that spiritually speaking, location determines the nature of any element? Anything located on earth is considered by the scripture as being "temporal and corruptible", so everything on earth though patterned after the image of the Immortal will be destroyed, why? It's location.
John 3:6 says "He (Everything, any element) that is of flesh (located on the earth realm, patterned after the glorification of Satan, existing to suit the desires, ambitions, purposes of Satan, whose nature is Satanic) is of the flesh (will perish, end like Satan).
The location of anything determines its character and virtue. Every location has a kingdom and every kingdom has a king and king has rules and regulations that he use to run his kingdom, everything in that kingdom is operated based on the rules in that kingdom, while in some kingdom, chew gum is used for recreation, some kingdom consider it a threat to life, cleaniness and sanity, and so in the first kingdom it is a useful commodity and legal, in the other it is a waste and illegal, the chew gum didn't change by itself, its location changed it.