Who is your friend?????? Choose your fri£nds wise£y and don't all0w th£m to ch0ose y0u.
Quest for qu!ick weálth and riches am0ng Nigeriàn y0uths.!!!!!!!!!
#bbcigbo #IgboAmaka #asusuigbo #trend #video
Sh0cking! A y0ung man f0und 0ut after his wed^ding that his wife was thr£e month pregn@nt for another mañ.
What will you do if you re this man?
Please share your vi£w.
A man in te@rs as he f0und out on the £ve of valentine day that he wasn't the biolo^gical f@ther of his 4 childr£n .
#bbcigbo #IgboAmaka #asusuigbo #viralvideo
Video credit ! Soniaofficials.
Evangelist Ebuka Obi pr0phecy Don sc@tter her family and marri^age. She is calling on him to interve*ne and rest0re p3ace bàck to their f@mily.
#IgboAmaka #asusuigbo #bbcigbo #viralvideo #trend #fypシ゚ #reels #video
4 tbings every man sh0uld av0id in lif£, if th£y w@nt to be succe$$ful.
A single father cri£d-0ut out! My teen@ge d@ughter is always fighting me and calling me n@mes!
Please guys àdvice him.
#fypシ゚ #IgboAmaka #asusuigbo
Fear w0men! A lady ďump£d her fiancé after tr@ining her in scho0l for 7 yèars.
Breaking! A former house repres3ntative member in Delta State âllégèdly slùmps and dieeeeeeed while watching AFCON 2024 semi- final between Super eagles of Nigeria and Bafana Bafana of South Africa yesterday.
Single men! Don't make the mistaàke of ģetting m@rried with0ut any stàble source of income no matter the pre§sure .
#fypシ゚ #IgboAmaka #bbcigbo #trend #asusuigbo #viralvideo #video #reels
My advice to Single ladies! Pleàse listen
Before you Japa ask que§tions bec@use Many Nigeri@ns are suffe^ring in differ£nt f0r£ìgn c0untries .
My husband irrit@t£s me! I g0t marri£d to a man I d0n't lov£ bec@use my p@rents forc£d me.to do that. After giving birth to 2 kids , I h@te him with pas$ion.
Plea$e advice her on wh@t to do.
#fypシ゚ #IgboAmaka #bbcigbo #reels #video #trend #viralvideo #asusuigbo
She did a cha^rm 😔😘to attr@ct m£n which unfortun^tely attr@cted on own br0ther who ha$ be£ w!ping her over 6 m0nths with0ut kn0wing😭😭😭
#fypシ゚ #asusuigbo #trend #reels #IgboAmaka #bbcigbo #video #viralvideo
My new year @dvice to single ladies and sinģle men.
Please 🙏 🙏 listen to this messàge .
#trend #fypシ゚ #asusuigbo
My advice to abroad bàsed men! D0n't leàve yoùr wife in Nigeria to àvoid tbis .
#reels #video #IgboAmaka #trend #viralvideo #fypシ゚ #asusuigbo
What her ya^h00 broda did to her.
#reels #video
Her yah^00 br0ther us£d her for m0ni R!♧ual.
Tbings dey happ3n.
#bbcigbo #IgboAmaka #trend #asusuigbo #viralvideo
Are you intere§ťed in traäveling to abroad? Please do these things before àpplying for vi§as....
#bbcigbo #IgboAmaka #viralvideo #asusuigbo #trend #bbcigbo