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A Critical Assessment of Governor Uba Sani's Political Strategy in Kaduna State: The Challenge of Populating His Party w...

A Critical Assessment of Governor Uba Sani's Political Strategy in Kaduna State: The Challenge of Populating His Party with PDP Leftovers

By Admin Kaduna Citizens Forum

Political strategies play a crucial role in determining the success or failure of politicians and political parties. In the case of Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State, his approach of incorporating former members of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) into his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC), has raised questions about the effectiveness and fairness of his strategy. This article aims to assess the viability of Governor Uba Sani's political strategy, considering the PDP's reputation for inclusivity and fairness and the allegations of electoral malpractice against the APC.

Governor Uba Sani's Political Strategy:
Governor Uba Sani has embarked on a strategy of assimilating former PDP members into his party, the APC. While this may seem like a tactical move to gain experienced political personnel, it raises concerns among the supporters of the APC and the electorate. The PDP, known for its inclusivity and fairness, has attracted a diverse range of politicians and grassroots support. Aligning with the PDP does not necessarily guarantee the same level of trust and inclusivity for the APC.

Challenges and Implications:
One of the major challenges Governor Uba Sani faces with his political strategy is the perception among APC supporters and the general public. The APC has been historically viewed as a party prone to electoral malpractice, including allegations of stealing gubernatorial elections. By incorporating former PDP members into his party, skeptics argue that Governor Uba Sani may be compromising the principles and values of the APC. This could potentially lead to a perception of the APC as a party that attracts members known for their previous affiliations with electoral malpractices.

The Need for a Strong Political Strategy:
To address the concerns surrounding Governor Uba Sani's strategy, it is imperative that he develops a robust political strategy. This strategy should focus on fostering inclusivity, transparency, and fairness, which could serve as a counter-narrative to the allegations of electoral malpractice that typically surround the APC. By demonstrating a commitment to good governance and ethical leadership, Governor Uba Sani has the opportunity to reshape the image of the APC in Kaduna State.

Governor Uba Sani's political strategy of populating his party with PDP leftovers is not without challenges and implications. The PDP's reputation for inclusivity and fairness, coupled with the APC's perceived association with electoral malpractice, may hinder the success of this strategy. To overcome these obstacles, Governor Uba Sani must prioritize the development of a strong political strategy that fosters trust, inclusivity, and transparency. Only then can he effectively address the concerns of his party supporters and the wider electorate, and potentially reshape the perception of the APC in Kaduna State.

Monday 6th, November, 2023**Examining the Merits of Isah Ashiru Kudan's Candidacy and the Quest for Stolen Mandate**Admi...

Monday 6th, November, 2023

**Examining the Merits of Isah Ashiru Kudan's Candidacy and the Quest for Stolen Mandate**

Admin PDP Department
of Social Media

The recent electoral contest in Kaduna State witnessed a heated battle between Isah Ashiru Kudan and Uba Sani. Consequently, concerns have been raised regarding Uba Sani's leadership capabilities and the alleged imbalance in his team. This article aims to shed light on the reasons why Isah Ashiru Kudan is preferred over Uba Sani. However, it is important to approach the topic with objectivity and respect for all parties involved.

1. Experience and Track Record:
Isah Ashiru Kudan's extensive experience in politics positions him as a strong candidate to lead Kaduna State. Having served as a federal legislator for several terms, Kudan has demonstrated a deep understanding of governance and leadership. His track record showcases his commitment to grassroots development, education, and healthcare, providing citizens with tangible benefits.

2. Inclusive Leadership:
While allegations of an imbalance in Uba Sani's team have been raised, it is crucial to prioritize a leader's ability to embrace diversity and foster inclusivity. As governor, Isah Ashiru Kudan could promote an inclusive environment that takes into account the diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural fabric of Kaduna State. By doing so, he can bring together different segments of society and promote unity and mutual understanding.

3. Building Trust and Addressing Concerns:
A key concern voiced by the citizens of Kaduna State revolves around the alleged theft of their mandate. Addressing this concern is of paramount importance to restore the people's trust and confidence in the democratic process. Reinstating Isah Ashiru Kudan and Ayuba as governor and deputy, respectively, would signal a commitment to addressing these concerns and rectify any perceived electoral injustices.

4. Capacity for Effective Leadership:
Leadership requires the ability to inspire, make sound decisions, and effectively manage resources. Evaluating a leader's capacity should be based on their previous achievements and ability to articulate a vision for the state's development. Citizens believe that Isah Ashiru Kudan possesses the necessary leadership qualities to drive positive change and progress in Kaduna State.

While the preference for Isah Ashiru Kudan over Uba Sani in the Kaduna State governorship race is understandable, it is vital to engage in a fair and unbiased evaluation of both candidates. Citizen satisfaction hinges on addressing concerns and ensuring the integrity of the electoral process. Ultimately, the decision on who should govern lies in the hands of the electorate, who must consider a candidate's experience, leadership capacity, and commitment to inclusivity and development.

Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi's Plea for Opposition Unity: A Missed Opportunity27th Friday, October, 2023Written by Vic...

Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi's Plea for Opposition Unity: A Missed Opportunity

27th Friday, October, 2023
Written by Victor Bobai

Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi, a prominent figure in Nigerian politics, twice the governor of Kaduna state ,former national caretaker chairman of the PDP and former senator, has long advocated for opposition parties to unite and confront the ruling party, the All Progressives Congress (APC). In the context of the 2023 general elections, Makarfi made a heartfelt plea for a coalition of opposition parties to come together and wrestle power from the incumbent. Unfortunately, not all opposition parties grasped the significance of his message, resulting in a missed opportunity for a potentially different political landscape.

The Importance of Opposition Unity:
Makarfi's call for opposition unity was rooted in the belief that a fragmented opposition would struggle to effectively challenge the ruling party. He recognized that by joining forces, opposition parties could pool their resources, expertise, and support base to mount a stronger challenge in the electoral arena. The power of unity was seen as a potential game-changer in altering the political trajectory of the country.

Makarfi's Vision for Change:
Having witnessed the political landscape and the ruling party's dominance, Makarfi foresaw the need for a united front to counterbalance the APC's influence. He understood that a divided opposition would allow the ruling party to exploit the weaknesses and capitalize on its incumbency advantage. Makarfi's vision was to build a coalition that would present a credible alternative to the ruling party, giving voters a real choice and enhancing the democratic process.

Opposition Parties' Response:
While some opposition parties recognized the value of Makarfi's call for unity, others failed to fully understand or embrace the idea. Political rivalries, personal ambitions, and ideological differences often stood in the way of forming a cohesive front against the ruling party. This fragmentation weakened the opposition's ability to effectively challenge the APC, resulting in missed opportunities and a less competitive political landscape.

The Consequences:
The consequences of the opposition parties' failure to unite were felt in the 2023 general elections. The lack of a strong, united opposition allowed the ruling party to maintain its grip on power relatively unchallenged. The absence of a credible alternative limited the choices available to voters and hindered the democratic process. Makarfi's plea for opposition unity, if heeded, could have potentially altered the outcome and provided a platform for a more robust democratic dialogue.

Lessons Learned:
Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi's call for opposition unity serves as a valuable lesson for future political endeavors. It emphasizes the importance of setting aside personal agendas and ideological differences for the greater good. By coming together, opposition parties can present a formidable challenge to ruling parties, providing voters with genuine alternatives and fostering a healthier democratic system. Makarfi's plea should be a catalyst for future collaboration and cooperation among opposition parties, reminding them of the power that lies in unity.

Senator Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi's plea for opposition parties to unite and confront the ruling party was an important reminder of the potential for change through collective action. While some opposition parties failed to fully grasp the significance of his message, the missed opportunity should serve as a lesson for future political endeavors. By heeding Makarfi's call and forging unity, opposition parties can create a stronger democratic landscape and offer voters a genuine alternative to ruling parties. The power of unity should not be underestimated, and its realization can shape the future of Nigerian politics.

PRESS RELEASE Atiku’s Aide: Like He Did With CSU Records, Tinubu Wants To Stall Release Of FBI FilesFormer Vice Presiden...


Atiku’s Aide: Like He Did With CSU Records, Tinubu Wants To Stall Release Of FBI Files

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar’s Special Assistant on Public Communication, Phrank Shaibu, has lambasted President Bola Tinubu over his fresh attempt to block the release of the details of his criminal investigation by American authorities.

Earlier in the week, Tinubu’s lawyers in the US filed motions to appear in an ongoing freedom of information action brought against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where records that may help answer questions about Bola A. Tinubu’s real identity and decades-long endeavours are domiciled.

Christopher Carmichael, one of the lawyers who represented Tinubu in the recent Chicago State University (CSU) records case, filed the motion, dated October 18, 2023, stating that he was a lawyer in good standing to appear in the case in the FOIA lawsuit underway in Washington D.C.

Reacting to the development, however, Atiku’s aide said Tinubu’s constant attempts to hide details of his sordid past were unbecoming of a man ruling over 200 million people.

He said, “I think it is time for all Nigerians to express serious concern about this man named Bola A. Tinubu, if at all that is his real name. Some members of the Tinubu family led by Rafiu Tinubu, a former Lagos State Head of Service, claimed they don’t know him. Some schools he attended denied him; he has now kept mute over the primary and secondary schools he attended, and he has refused to reveal the identity of his father and even his past.

“He refused to come clean on the details of his settlement with American authorities amid his drug trafficking probe. Now, an attempt is being made to reveal the true details of the criminal investigation, but he has gone ahead to try and block it.

“His surrogates led by Mr Festus Keyamo had said during the electioneering that the drug investigation launched against him back in 1992 was a tax related matter. So, if that is the case, why is he afraid to let the FBI release the documents? This is indeed shameful.”

Atiku’s aide called on US authorities to see themselves as the last hope of Nigerians since most Nigerian courts had blocked all attempts to expose Bola A. Tinubu.

He added, “Tinubu is a corn-man. He has been able to deceive Nigerians by keeping his past as a secret. Sadly, every attempt by well-meaning Nigerians to expose him has been blocked by the courts. In Lagos State, where he has ruled as Lord of the Manor for decades, the state has refused to honour FOI requests.

“Nigerians are now looking up to US authorities to do the needful so that they can, at least, have the true information on the man who is presiding over their lives. We call on American authorities not to be persuaded by this corn-man. Enough is enough! His criminal files must be released.”

Shaibu said back in 2007, Rafiu Tinubu, a former Lagos State Head of Service, authored a book entitled , ‘Onijumu Wura: The Tinubu Dynasty of Kakawa’, in order to expose Tinubu as an impostor.

“Unfortunately, shortly after that book was launched, all the copies were miraculously mopped up. Till date, no one can find a copy of the book. The holy book says it is only the wicked that runs even when no one pursues them.

“It is time for the mask of this impostor to be unveiled once and for all. Nigerians deserve to know who Bola A. Tinubu truly is.”

Nigerians have a right to know about the past record of their president. Unfortunately, each time an opportunity comes up for Nigerians to have a full glance at the character of the man they call president, Tinubu makes a shameless attempt to block such discoveries.

We recall that when his purported academic records at the Chicago State University were to be released, President Tinubu said such discovery would cause him irreparable damage.

Thanks to the CSU discoveries, Nigerians now know that their President is a certificate forger, who not only fabricated the documents he gave to the Independent National Electoral Commission in the run up to the 2023 Presidential election, but that he has been a forger as far back as 1970, when he forged the secondary school certificate of the then non-existent Government College Lagos.

Bola A. Tinubu is, yet again, playing the stalling games with the decision of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to release documents on his past while he was in the United States.

Bola A. Tinubu must behave like a statesman and be decent enough to know that each time he comes around to frustrate a discovery about him, he embarrasses a country of over 200 million people.

Phrank Shaibu
Special Assistant (Public Communication) to former Vice President Atiku Abubakar (1999-2007) and Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (2023).

19th October, 2023

The Perils of Mandate Theft and Unfair Treatment of Kaduna Citizens by the APC GovernmentTuesday October 24th, 2023Kadun...

The Perils of Mandate Theft and Unfair Treatment of Kaduna Citizens by the APC Government

Tuesday October 24th, 2023
Kaduna PDP, Department of Social Media.

Democratic process stands as the cornerstone of a just and equitable society, where citizens have the right to choose their leaders through free and fair elections. However, recent events in Kaduna state have shed light on the dangers of stealing people's mandates and the unfair treatment being meted out to its citizens by the All Progressives Congress (APC) government. This article aims to discuss these issues and raise awareness about the implications they hold for democracy and governance.

1. The Consequences of Mandate Theft

Mandate theft refers to any act that undermines the will of the people, manipulating or tampering with election results to ensure the desired outcome. This dangerous practice not only erodes faith in the democratic process but also denies citizens their rightful voice in choosing their leaders. When people's mandates are stolen, it compromises the principles of transparency, accountability, and good governance.

In Kaduna state, allegations of mandate theft have been raised against the APC government, suggesting that the electoral process has been compromised through voter intimidation, suppression, and irregularities. These actions undermine the fundamental principles of democracy and sow seeds of discontent among the populace.

2. Unfair Treatment of Kaduna Citizens

Beyond mandate theft, the APC government in Kaduna state has also been accused of unfair treatment towards its citizens. This includes instances of oppression and deliberate undermining of voters rights abuses, clampdowns on freedom of speech during electioneering campaigns, and neglecting the social welfare needs of the people. Such actions not only violate the rights of individuals but also perpetuate a culture of fear and intimidation.

Key concerns include the government's handling of security challenges, educational disparities, and economic opportunities. Many citizens argue that the APC government has failed to adequately address these issues, leading to increased levels of insecurity, a widening education gap, and limited economic prospects for the people of Kaduna state.

This unfair treatment only exacerbates the existing socio-economic divide, leaving vulnerable communities further marginalized.

3. The Implications for Democracy and Governance

The danger of stealing people's mandates and subjecting citizens to unfair treatment goes beyond Kaduna state alone. It sets a precedent that undermines the democratic process nationwide and erodes public trust in governance. When governments prioritize their own interests over those of the people, it leads to a breakdown of accountability, transparency, and democratic values.

Additionally, perpetuating unfair treatment towards certain communities engenders a sense of marginalization and fuels social unrest. This can create a breeding ground for discontent, protests, and even conflict. To ensure stability and sustainable development, it is vital that the voices and mandates of all citizens are respected and that fairness and justice prevail.


The dangers of stealing people's mandates and the unfair treatment of Kaduna citizens by the APC government highlight the urgent need for safeguarding democracy and upholding the principles of good governance. The implications of mandate theft and unequal treatment extend far beyond Kaduna state, threatening the very foundation of our democratic institutions.

It is crucial for citizens, civil society organizations, and international stakeholders to raise their voices against such practices, demanding transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. By doing so, we can work towards a society where the will of the people prevails, ensuring a brighter and more equitable future for all Nigerians.

Kaduna PDP, Department of Social Media.

Isah Ashiru,John Ayuba and others mourns 28 Nigerian citizens killed by bandits on Sunday night in Malagum 1 and Sokwong...

Isah Ashiru,John Ayuba and others mourns 28 Nigerian citizens killed by bandits on Sunday night in Malagum 1 and Sokwong of Southern Kaduna communities and razed their houses in Kagoro , Kaura Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

Over 7,500 Kaduna Teachers Owed 7 Months’ Salaries, Other Entitlements By Governor El-Rufai Administration, School Tutor...

Over 7,500 Kaduna Teachers Owed 7 Months’ Salaries, Other Entitlements By Governor El-Rufai Administration, School Tutors Lament Hardship

December 13, 2022

The affected teachers were hired by the administration of Governor Nasir El-Rufai in July 2021 after approximately 62,000 applicants took an aptitude test, out of which 14,000 were later screened as prospective teachers by the Kaduna State Teachers Service Board (KSTSB). 7,600 candidates were ultimately recruited from this group.

Some public school teachers in Kaduna State have lamented that over 7,000 of them are being owed salaries and other entitlements.

The affected teachers were hired by the administration of Governor Nasir El-Rufai in July 2021 after approximately 62,000 applicants took an aptitude test, out of which 14,000 were later screened as prospective teachers by the Kaduna State Teachers Service Board (KSTSB). 7,600 candidates were ultimately recruited from this group.

It was also learnt that the teachers were not assigned to their various jobs until ten months after being hired.

“We were given letters of appointment in July 2021 and we stayed at home doing nothing for 10 months after that. It was in May this year (2022) that we were posted to our schools to start work and since that time, the government has not paid our salaries.

“It will be seven months of working without salaries and other entitlements on December 17 (this month),” one of the affected teachers told SaharaReporters on the phone.

Another teacher, who spoke to SaharaReporters on the condition of anonymity, said the situation has forced him to have a side job to pay his bills, which is affecting his teaching job.

“The situation is no longer funny. When I got this job, I thought my financial income would now be stable and I would be taking care of my family without ‘wahala’ (problem). But this is December, the government has not paid a kobo. How do they want us to survive and continue working without our salaries?

“This was why I ventured into something else to take care of my family. Even though I love my job as a teacher, I can only go to school if I have money. And this is affecting my job as a teacher; too much distraction,” the teacher said.

He added that the lack of communication between the state ministry of education and the new teachers has worsened the situation.

An incident like this is why Kaduna is one of the states with over half a million pupils who do not attend school.

In July, A coalition known as Kaduna Basic Education Accountability Mechanism (KADBEAM) said the state contributes 654,990 to the number of out-of-school children in Nigeria, with the girl child constituting a large number.

Meanwhile, SaharaReporters reported in September that a law to forbid underpayment of wages, pensions, and other emoluments, as well as late payment of salary, was approved for a second reading by the lower chamber of the National Assembly - the House of Representatives.

The proposed law aims to make it illegal for employers to owe wages and other benefits. Such employers are subject to the punishments outlined in the statute.

For instance, if wages are unpaid for more than 60 days, the employer faces a 30-day jail sentence.

According to Section 2 of the bill, “Every employer of labour in Nigeria, whether private or public, and whether it is employing any worker on permanent or contract basis must ensure that all payment of wages, salaries, pension and all benefits to workers are paid promptly without delay weekly, fortnightly monthly, quarterly or yearly as may be agreed by parties in the contract of employment of the additional individuals”.


If we could erase one thing from Nigeria, what would it be?

APC bad governance and poor leadership styles.



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