Thank you Jahdiong Asanga for constantly adding value to our community through awarenes of issues concerning women . #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
Pitch video
This is a pitch video we made for our Global Good Fund Fellowship application. With our Founder Jahdiong Asanga (Edidiong Asanga) as our representative. Wish us well please
What happens after birth ?
Watch this short video and hear what happens after birth
What Experts say 👇🏾
Women with COVID-19 can breastfeed.
They should:
👉🏾 🤱🏼Wash hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub frequently
👉🏾 🤱🏻Wear a medical mask during any contact with the baby
👉🏾 🤱🏾Sneeze or cough into a tissue
👉🏾 🤱Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces touched
Repost from World Health Organization (WHO)
Video credit Medical Aid Films
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While most people think of labor and childbirth solely as the process of a child being born, most do not know or realize that the process is not complete when the child is born.
Rather, the final stage of labor (third stage) involves the placenta being expelled from the uterus after the birth has occurred. In most cases, this occurs spontaneously 5-10 minutes after the baby has passed through the birth canal.
Retained placenta is an uncommon delivery complication (1-3% of live deliveries) that occurs when the placenta does not come out on it's own 30 mins -1hr but rather remains inside the womb after the baby comes out.
If this occurs, doctors / midwives must intervene to manually manipulate the placenta out of the womb. Otherwise, if the placenta is left in the womb, a very serious and potentially fatal infection can develop.
Manual placenta removal is the evacuation of the placenta from the uterus by hand. It is usually carried out under anesthesia or more rarely, under sedation and analgesia. A hand is inserted through the vagina into the uterine cavity and the placenta is detached from the uterine wall and then removed manually. This most be done immediately, as delay can cause the cervix to close, making it inadmissible to the hand.
A placenta that does not separate easily from the uterine surface indicates the presence of placenta accreta.
Who are at risk of this retain placenta?
A woman with 👇🏾
1. Previous retained placenta
2. Poor contractions during labor
3. Conceiving by In vitro fertilization (IVF)
4. Giving birth many times
5. Previous surgery in the Uterus.
📌If you have had any of the risk factors above, please tell your healthcare provider soon as you begin your antenatal visit.
📣N/B This is why adequate, quality care by trained professionals during childbirth is essential or prompt referral by trained TBAs.
Have you seen Manual placenta removal before, or have you handled it before,
What you should know about the
Delta variant of COVID -19.
Video Credit World Health Organization (WHO) Science in 5
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Are you a pregnant woman or are you planning to get pregnant ? Are you worried about contracting covid-19 ?
Here are things you should expect 👇🏾👇🏾
Video credit World Health Organization (WHO) Science in 5.
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#womeninglobalhealth #pregnantwomen #maternity #maternalhealth #maternalmentalhealth
A video that all women should watch
Have you ever wonder what those tiny bumps around your nipples or areola are? No they are not pimples, there are called "THE MONTGOMERY GLANDS"
They are not quite visible until a woman becomes pregnant. And when a woman is pregnant and the breast enlarges to prepare for breastfeeding, the Montgomery glands also becomes larger . They may become so prominent and looks like pimples.
How many Montgomery glands does a woman have? 🤔
The number of these glands differ from one woman to another. Each areola can have anywhere from 0 to approximately 40 tubercles with an average of 10-15 on each side . They are more at the upper outer areola than the lower.
What are the functions of the Montgomery Glands? 🤔
The Montgomery glands are a combination of milk glands abd sebaceous glands. They can release a small amount of breast milk, but mostly produce a natural oily substance that cleans the nipple and areola. This oily substance contains antibacterial properties which protects the breast from infection and prevents the growth of microorganisms.
The Montgomery glands are believed to play a vital role in getting breastfeeding off to a good start, attachment and bonding. They give off a good scent that can help newborn find the nipple and encourage the baby latch on and breastfeed immediately aftef birth.
Studies show that babies of women with more Montgomery glands find the breast and begin breastfeeding faster than those with fewer Montgomery glands .
More Montgomery glands are associated with better newborn growth.
Video credit @Ardobreastpump on Instagram
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