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Social Media Plug helping small business owners get more customers and make more sales.

Many people think business growth on Instagram is all about videos and reels, but the truth is that it's not!Whether you...

Many people think business growth on Instagram is all about videos and reels, but the truth is that it's not!

Whether you're posting videos, reels, carousels or even single images.

What truly matters is consistency.

Social media algorithms tend to favor accounts that post consistently.

When you do this, algorithms are more likely to recognize your content as valuable and relevant, leading to better visibility in users' feeds.

This can result in increased organic reach, meaning more people see your posts without needing to rely heavily on paid promotion.

In essence, posting consistently on social media isn't just about staying active; it's a strategic approach to building and nurturing your online presence, connecting with your audience, and ultimately achieving your business goals.

If you're a business owner on Instagram and you currently struggle to post consistently on your page...

Click the link on the flier to see exactly how I plan and create 1 month of contents for myself and my clients in less than 1 hour.

Join My WhatsApp Training Now, It's Totally Free!

The 4 key formula for creating a perfect social media post can be broken down into four key componentsI call it the HCTA...

The 4 key formula for creating a perfect social media post can be broken down into four key components

I call it the HCTA.

Hook, Context, Takeaway, and Action.

Here’s a breakdown of each element:

1️⃣ Hook:

This is the attention-grabber that captures your audience’s interest right away.

It’s the “hook” that entices them to keep reading or watching.

It could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, a compelling quote, or a captivating image.

The hook’s goal is to stop users from scrolling and make them curious about your post.

2️⃣ Context:

Once you’ve grabbed their attention, provide context to help your audience understand the significance of your post.

Explain what the post is about and why it matters.

This could involve sharing a brief story, giving background information, or highlighting a problem that your post will address.

Context helps your audience connect with your content on a deeper level.

3️⃣ Takeaway:

Offer something valuable or insightful to your audience.

This is the main point of your post that you want them to remember.

It could be information, tips, a solution to a problem, or an interesting perspective.

Make sure your takeaway aligns with your audience’s interests and needs, and present it in a clear and concise manner.

4️⃣ Action:

Encourage your audience to take a specific action after engaging with your post.

This could include liking or sharing the post, leaving a comment, visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase.

The call to action should be aligned with your post’s goal and should guide your audience on what to do next.

So, before you post your next content check whether it has all this 4 components.

I hope this helps.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

In case you don't know.I rely heavily on 2 applications to fulfill my social media manager duties to my clients.1️⃣ Chat...

In case you don't know.

I rely heavily on 2 applications to fulfill my social media manager duties to my clients.

1️⃣ ChatGPT for getting content ideas, developing, polishing and getting images ideas


2️⃣ Facebook Business Suite to plan and schedule the posts.

With these 2 tools which are actually free to use, I can create and schedule 1 full month of contents in less than 1 hour.

It's actually very easy to do.

If you have a small business and struggle to post consistently on your pages...


You want to start creating content for small businesses and start getting paid for it.

This is what I have for you...

Pay only 2k into

Michael Fatokun

And I'll let you in on my mini-course.

More details about it on the flier.

And the price increases to 5k soon, so take action now.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

Ever wondered why some posts on social media catch your eye right away, while others just pass like breeze? 🤔 Well, it's...

Ever wondered why some posts on social media catch your eye right away, while others just pass like breeze? 🤔

Well, it's all about the hook – that interesting beginning that pulls you in like a hook in a fish's mouth.

Let's break down why a good hook is so cool:

1️⃣ A strong hook grabs you from the start. It's like a friendly tap saying, 'Hey, you don't wanna miss this!'

2️⃣ When something's curious, you can't help but want to know more. A well-done hook makes you think, 'What's the story? I need to find out!'

3️⃣ Hooks make a connection. They make you feel like the post is talking right to you, like a friend spilling a secret.

Imagine you're scrolling on Facebook and then you see this:👇🏾

"Guess what? I just found a secret ingredient for jollof rice that will blow your mind!"

That's a killer hook!

You would want to stop to check out the post, because it makes you curious about that ingredient, right?

That's what a good hook does.

It catches you and doesn't let go!

It's like when you hear interesting news in a crowded place – you just have to know more.

So, next time you post something, start with a hook that's as tempting as puff-puff at a party.

Make it capture your audience’s interest right away and entice them to keep reading.

It could be a thought-provoking question, a surprising fact, a compelling quote, or a captivating image.

Whether it's a funny story, a business tip, or even some hot gossip...

Make that hook exciting and watch your post light up like fireworks.

Hope this helps!

Yours Truly,

The Sales Michael

Are you struggling with what to post on your business page? Don't worry, you're not alone.I've been there too, and I'm h...

Are you struggling with what to post on your business page?

Don't worry, you're not alone.

I've been there too, and I'm happy to inform you that I've cracked the code! 😊

But before I spill the beans...

Here's why you should do your best to make sure you post quality contents on your page consistently.

When you post consistently on your business page, you position yourself as an expert in your industry.

It builds credibility and trust among your followers, making them more likely to turn to you for your products or services.

It also shows that you’re dependable and committed to your business and that you're active and operational.

Now back to the spilling...

I'm hosting a free WhatsApp Training this weekend.

In this Free WhatsApp Training, you will learn how to create a full month's worth of compelling social media content in LESS THAN 1 hour.

You will finally say goodbye to the "what-to-post" dilemma!

Here are the things you will learn in this free class.

✅ 3 Reasons Why You Must Post Everyday
✅ 4 Secret Formula To Create Engaging Posts
✅ 5 Different Angles to Create Content From
✅ How To Research For Quality Content Ideas
✅ How To Create an Effective Content Calendar
✅ 2 Apps That Will Help You Post While You Sleep

As a bonus, you will be getting my New Ebook titled:

✅ DAILY CUSTOMERS MAGIC: How To Start Getting Steady Paying Customers To Patronize Your Business Every Single Day!

This Ebook is selling for N2,500 but you will be getting it for free if you attend this WhatsApp Training.

But here's the bad news!

Spaces are very limited in this free training, once the number of attendees reaches 100, you won't be able to get in again.

So don't miss your chance to be part of this game-changing experience.

If you are interested in learning all that I've discussed above.

Click the button below to join the class now.

Do it now!

Steal my content creation secrets!If you've ever been stuck while brainstorming what to post on your wall...Here’s a sim...

Steal my content creation secrets!

If you've ever been stuck while brainstorming what to post on your wall...

Here’s a simpler breakdown of the five secret content pillars I use for my social media posts:

1️⃣ Promotional Content: This is when you talk about your stuff, like products or special deals. You’re telling people what you have and why they might like it. Just make sure it’s interesting, not just about selling.

2️⃣ Educational Content: This is about sharing useful stuff. You can teach people something related to your business. Like If you’re into beauty, you might give tips about skincare or makeup. People like learning new things.

3️⃣ Inspirational Content: This is like sharing positive vibes. You can post quotes that make people feel good or stories that motivate them. It’s about lifting spirits and making your followers smile.

4️⃣ Engaging Content: This is when you ask questions or do fun things to get people talking. You could do polls, quizzes, or contests. The goal is to get your followers involved and chatting with you.

5️⃣ Personal/Cultural Content: Share a bit about yourself or your team. You can also tie your posts to events or holidays that matter to people. It’s like letting your followers know you’re human and you care about what’s going on.

Using these content pillars helps you mix things up and keep your social media interesting for your followers.

For example, if you're like one of my clients Goke Goke who sells organic skincare products, you might...

⚫ Post about a new skincare product (Promotion)

⚫ Teach how to use it (Education)

⚫ Share a motivating quote (Inspiration)

⚫ Ask people about their skincare routine (Engaging)

⚫ Show a pic of you doing your skincare routine. (Personal)

This way, your posts cover different things your followers like to see.

I hope this helps you in planning what to post on your profile or page, and never run out of content ideas.

In my upcoming free training, I will share more updates, tips and tricks ok content creation for small business owners.

Watch out.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

Just try to be valuable.Once value becomes your watchword, profit will follow.I've tested it in the past. It worked.I'm ...

Just try to be valuable.

Once value becomes your watchword, profit will follow.

I've tested it in the past. It worked.

I'm planning to do it again.

This time around I'll be sharing everything I know about consistent content creation for small business owners on social media.

I'll be teaching them how to plan and create 1 month of contents on their page in less than 1 hour

And as usual, I'll do it for free.

I'm working hard behind the scene

Once it's ready, you'll be the first to know.

See you in a bit.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael

What does the following have in common?JagunJagun, Anikulapo, Black Panther, The Woman King, and so on.It's very simple....

What does the following have in common?

JagunJagun, Anikulapo, Black Panther, The Woman King, and so on.

It's very simple.

Good Story.

We all have a very good feeling when we're told a good story.

Your audience on social media loves that feeling too!

Storytelling is like sharing an adventure with your followers.

It grabs their attention and takes them on a journey – right into your business world.

Take Ada for example. (Not real name)

She is a fashion entrepreneur from Lagos.

She wanted to show off her new collection, but she didn't just list her products.

Instead, she shared a story about how she got inspired while watching the sunrise at Lekki Beach.

She talked about the colors, the breeze – everything that made her collection special.

And guess what?

Her post sparked a wave of engagement!

People related to her experience and felt a deeper connection to her brand.

Some even shared their own sunrise moments in the comments.

How can you be like Ada?

Think about a moment that inspired your business.

Maybe it's how you started, a funny behind-the-scenes incident, or a problem you solved for a customer.

Bring that moment to life in your post.

Use simple words and let your personality shine through – as if you're chatting with a friend.

The magic happens when your audience feels like they're part of your story.

So, grab that storytelling wand and give it a try!

Remember, your stories don't need to be perfect – they just need to be real.

Your audience will love getting to know the person behind the brand.

I hope this inspires you.

Yours Truly

The Sales Michael.

Alex Hormozi is a wizard.Just took time now to watch the replay of his book launch.It's worth the time and hype.This oyi...

Alex Hormozi is a wizard.

Just took time now to watch the replay of his book launch.

It's worth the time and hype.

This oyinbo guys too sabi this marketing thing.

Did you also joined the book launch?

Let's chat in the comments.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

Enjoy your weekend and have a blast!Yours Truly.The Sales Michael.

Enjoy your weekend and have a blast!

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

As a small business owner. Stop selling on credit.You're borrowing them from your business capital.We both know that the...

As a small business owner.

Stop selling on credit.

You're borrowing them from your business capital.

We both know that they might not pay you eventually.

This is Nigeria where borrowed money equals a gift.

If you keep giving credit up and down.

Your business will suffer in the long run.

Here's my suggestion instead.

Check those people who have been patronizing you for the last 6 months and are paying in cash.

What similarities do they have.

If they have some certain qualities in common.

Jot it down.

Do the same for those people who always ask for credit.

Properly advertise your business to the group of people who buy with cash.

And repel those who ask for credit.

It's much better that way.

Because you only attract those who have money to pay you.

Remember you are not Santa Claus.

I hope this helps you.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

Want to minimize credit risks for your business?Let's explore 9 vital steps for a safer ride.When extending credit to yo...

Want to minimize credit risks for your business?

Let's explore 9 vital steps for a safer ride.

When extending credit to your customers, protect your business with these smart moves.

1. Clearly Define: Make credit terms crystal clear.

2. Initial Check: Ensure their ability to repay.

3. Ink It: Put agreements on paper.

4. Gentle Nudges: Friendly reminders work like a charm.

5. Rewards Await: Early payers deserve a little extra.

6. Punctuality Matters: Emphasize timely payments.

7. Open Conversations: Solve issues through talking.

8. Call the Pros: Taking legal steps might help when things get complex.

As you chart your business journey, remember that credit isn't a one-size-fits-all solution.

Reflect on your business's readiness, financial health, and long-term goals before embracing credit-based strategies.

If you want to level up credit safety, employ these steps.

I hope it helps.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael

Ever heard about the power of Consistency?For small business owners using social media, it's really important.Because wi...

Ever heard about the power of Consistency?

For small business owners using social media, it's really important.

Because without it, a lot could go wrong.

Imagine Bukky, a baker who just came to social media to sell his cakes.

He had trouble selling his products because he didn't understand the value of consistency, so he doesn't post a lot.

But once he understood the cause of his low sales and started sharing his cake pictures and baking stories consistently, something cool happened.

People began recognizing his cakes when they saw them online.

They even talked about how much they liked his style and tasty flavors.

Bukky's steady posts made his business stand out. People asked him to make cakes and told others about him too.

That is the power of consistency.

Want to be like Bukky?

Plan what you'll post and stick to a regular schedule.

You don't have to post all the time, but disappearing for a long time is also not good.

If you need help with it.

I can help you make a plan for your posts, pictures, and even help you write them.

This way, people will notice your business more and want to buy from you.

I'm looking to help 5 new businesses this month.

If you want in, send me a message.

Best of luck with your business!

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael

Being seen as an expert is more than just a fancy title. It's like shining a bright light on what you know and your bran...

Being seen as an expert is more than just a fancy title. It's like shining a bright light on what you know and your brand's reputation.

When you show that you're really good at something, you stand out online. People trust experts and listen to what they say. This makes you more believable, and your brand gets stronger.

Imagine a lady in Nigeria who just started her own skincare stuff. She's all about helping people get nice skin.

On her social media, she shares easy tips about skincare, makes complicated routines simple, and explains how things in the products work.

This shows she really knows her stuff in a nice way.

When people trust her advice, they're more likely to buy her things and tell others. This makes her brand better and more people stick around.

If you want to show you're really good too, share useful stuff!

Tell a quick tip, share what you know from your experience, or tell a story that shows you know your stuff. Talk like you're having a friendly chat with them.

When you do this, people will think you're smart about your field. They'll want to know what you think, and your brand will be trusted.

Remember, getting famous in your field takes time. Write your posts carefully because they all add up to how much people trust you.

Use what you know to make your brand better and stronger.

If you want more ideas, just tell me in the comments!

Hope this helps!

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

Here's a topic that's seldom discussed because it seems small yet the value it holds in your development as a small busi...

Here's a topic that's seldom discussed because it seems small yet the value it holds in your development as a small business owner is very significant.

And that is your "Social Media Bio".

Some people believe it's just a few lines, but trust me it's more than that.

Think of it as your business introduction to the online community.

It's like a virtual handshake that invites visitors to explore further.

And crafting a bio goes beyond words – it's the art of distilling your business essence into a few carefully chosen statements.

With each choice, you communicate your brand identity, purpose, and what sets you apart from your competitors.

Now, here's a trick you can use to craft a very compelling bio:

1️⃣ Identify your target audience – who are you speaking to?
2️⃣ Showcase your value – what solutions do you provide?
3️⃣ Express uniqueness – what makes your business stand out?
4️⃣ Call to action – what do you want visitors to do next?

So if you are a vendor selling kitchen equipment for instance. Your Facebook bio might look like this...

I sell high quality kitchen equipment that will make your cooking more effortless as a stay at home mom. DM for pricelist.

Here's how we used the above questions to craft the bio.

1️⃣ Target Audience: Stay at home mom's.
2️⃣ Value: Effortless Cooking
3️⃣ Uniqueness: High quality kitchen equipment
4️⃣ CTA: DM for a price list.

With this formula, regardless of what niche you are in, you can craft a killer bio in a matter of minutes and showcase your expertise to prospective customers.

Hope this helps.

Yours truly.

The Sales Michael.

Got a small business & want to get more customers on Facebook?Check the fliers to see how I can help.Send a DM now to wo...

Got a small business & want to get more customers on Facebook?

Check the fliers to see how I can help.

Send a DM now to work with me...

And let's unleash the DAILY CUSTOMERS MAGIC together.

I'll be waiting for you.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

A lot of new business owners who are considering running their own social media advertisements by themselves always have...

A lot of new business owners who are considering running their own social media advertisements by themselves always have the challenge of choosing between platforms, especially when they have a slim budget.

At one point or another in their journey they might ask questions like: where should I run my ad, Facebook or Instagram?

As someone who has spent a large part of the last decade doing digital marketing and running advertisements for both myself and other businesses, I’m going to shed some light on the issue in this post.

Although both Facebook and Instagram are both owned by the same mother company (Meta), they have quite a bit of difference.

Facebook is a community-oriented platform, and it mostly uses heavy text content. If your content is more varied or includes more written content, then Facebook may be better for your business.

Instagram on the other hand is a visual-first platform. That’s why videos and pictures are the most common contents you find on it.

If you have strong visual content to spare for ads and your business can build trust with it, then Instagram will be your better choice.

Facebook ads tell your audience about you, Instagram ads show them.

Facebook also has a wide audience reach while Instagram has better engagement and an audience with high purchase intent.

Now the question again: where should you be running your adverts, Facebook or Instagram?

The answer here again is — it depends.

Mostly I advice people to test which works for them better, by running ads on the two platform.

However, if you are short on resources and have to pick one – go for the platform where your audience is. If it’s a wide audience that you target, you’ll find Facebook ads useful when it comes to Facebook ads.

Another interesting thing to note is that you can run ads on both platforms through Facebook.

I hope this helps.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

The key to getting regular paying customers who visit your business every day is to understand and guide potential custo...

The key to getting regular paying customers who visit your business every day is to understand and guide potential customers through a well planned journey.

This journey ultimately leads to gaining their trust.

This important structure, often called a "Sales Funnel," is like a roadmap for businesses to effectively turn strangers into paying customers.

The sales funnel takes people from the initial stage of learning about your business to the point where they make a commitment to buy from you.

In this carousel, we show a real life example on how it can be used as a vendor.

I hope it helps.

Yours truly.

The Sales Michael.

👋 ~ Follow to see more helpful tips on how to grow your business online.

👆🏾 ~ Click the link in my bio to see how I can work with you.

🔔 ~ Turn on post notification to be notified when I post tips like this

Small business owners need to realize that because their products or services are good, doesn't necessarily translate to...

Small business owners need to realize that because their products or services are good, doesn't necessarily translate to customers chasing them.

While excellent and quality products and services are a part of the equation, it’s never enough.

Customers only find out the quality of your products after they buy it.

The advantage of having quality products is just because of customers satisfaction and retention.

If your products are great, they will come back and even refer more people.

That is the reason why your ultimate starting point should be marketing.

The more people you attract the bigger your customer base expands.

Hope this helps.

Yours truly.

The Sales Michael.

👋 ~ Follow to see more helpful tips on how to grow your business online.

👆🏾 ~ Click the link in my bio to see how I can work with you.

🔔 ~ Turn on post notification to be notified when I post tips like this

So far, who is the biggest person you've worked with?Me: I interned with his brand last year, and the industry insight I...

So far, who is the biggest person you've worked with?


I interned with his brand last year, and the industry insight I gathered from his years of experience has left a profound impact on my life.

While many people know Damola as an all-round marketing consultant, I see him as a productivity coach.

Working under him as thought me how to prioritize and focus on only the things that truly matters while delegating secondary things to others.

He also thought me how to let go of things that are no longer adding to the overall success of your business.

If you're seeing this boss, it's a casual shout-out from your boy that I truly appreciate those times and things I learnt from you.

Yours Truly.

Michael "Grateful heart" Fatokun.

Oyekunle Damola is currently hosting a webinar where he will show you his 4-Step Framework For Running Consistent Profitable Facebook Ads Campaign in 2023

Click the link in the comments to join now!

I have tons of valuable life changing contents in my head right now.These informations will not only make your business ...

I have tons of valuable life changing contents in my head right now.

These informations will not only make your business thrive more...

But will make you a customer magnet.

Sometimes I want to post it and forget.

I'm a human after all.

That's why I've packaged the ones I could clearly articulate, in a way that wouldn't bore you or seem too complicated for you to comprehend.

I've done that with my new book:

DAILY CUSTOMERS MAGIC: 7-Step Framework To Start Getting Steady Paying Customers To Patronize You Every Single Day.

It's my wish that every business person on my list gets it, because I'm certain there's a thing or two to learn from it...

Regardless of whether you've been doing business before I was born or you just started today.

Or you haven't even started at all, but are thinking about it.

Get it now 👇🏾

If you're a small business owner who sells physical products or services and you want to acquire and retain plenty custo...

If you're a small business owner who sells physical products or services and you want to acquire and retain plenty customers online.

Here is how I can help you.

1️⃣ I teach small business owners like you how to position themselves as experts online and get new customers to patronize them everyday, with or without spending money on advertisements.


2️⃣ If they are too busy, I help them do all the work involved while they just focus on the other parts of their business.

I do this by...

1️⃣ Posting educative contents every day that teaches in simple language how you can acquire and retain new customers.

Check this one for example 👇🏾

2️⃣ I wrote a book titled: DAILY CUSTOMERS MAGIC: 7 Step Framework To Start Getting Steady Paying Customers To Patronize You Every Single Day.

You can get it here 👇🏾

3️⃣ I also work with them directly to...

- Organize their profile like a real expert and optimize for more customer acquisition and retention.

- Create and publish engaging posts that will convince customers to patronize them.

- Run targeted advertisements that keep generating new customers to their business day-in day-out (if they have the budget).

If you're that small business owner who wants to start getting steady customers to patronize you every day..

Click this link to work with me👇🏾

Once again, I welcome you to my profile and look forward to working with you.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

One thing that might be standing in your way to getting daily customers is this...You are not aware of your audience sop...

One thing that might be standing in your way to getting daily customers is this...

You are not aware of your audience sophistication level.

Here's what I mean by that.

For any given market, anywhere in the world.

There are only 3 levels.

1️⃣ Hot - Those who are aware of their problem & want a solution

2️⃣ Warm - Those who are aware of their problem but are not aware of a solution

3️⃣ Cold - Those who are not aware of their problem at all.

And the sophistication level of a particular customer will determine how you address them in order for them to patronize you.

Here's why most business owners struggle to make sales.

They target only the first level (Hot)

And here's the problem with that.

Almost all your competitors are doing that already.

Take a look at your environment.

Look at Google & Facebook.

Every other person online is forcing their products on us and screaming "Buy Now"!

Meanwhile the only set of people who will ever respond to those type of messaging are those in the Hot category.

And the people who fall into that category are very little compared to the others in the 2 bottom category.

Now you are all struggling to get those same small set of people.

But if you want to be smart and address this business game differently, target the "Warm & Cold Audience"

It's true you won't turn them into customers as soon as possible, but it's possible you turn them into long-term high paying customers if you approach it the right way.

Instead of you to shove your products down their throats by force, what you should do is to...

⬆️ Lovingly address their problems

⬆️ Educate them about why they should seek solution

⬆️ Inform them of the dangers that are involved if they don't seek the solution

⬆️ Tell them the benefits of getting the solution

⬆️ Show them the available solutions.

⬆️ Proof to them why you're the best person to offer them the solution.

If you can do this...

You would be surprised about the difference this would make as they would come to like and trust you more.

If you keep following up on them, you might keep selling to them over and over again.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.

Read this if you want your posts to gain more visibility...No matter how good your products or services is, nobody will ...

Read this if you want your posts to gain more visibility...

No matter how good your products or services is, nobody will patronize you if you don't talk about it often.

And what better way to talk about it than creating content around it.

For me, I prefer written form.

That's why I post a lot of written content about my product and services here on Facebook and sometimes include the product or landing page links to the posts.

But here's a problem.

Facebook is a very jealous company.

And you can't blame them for it.

They don't want users to leave their platforms.

That is how they make their own money.

More reason why they reward creative content creators that keep users on their platform with more visibility...

And don't like creators who direct users away from their platform.

That is why you shouldn't add links to your posts!

Here is the reason why...

If you make a post without a link in it, plenty of people will see it and interact with it.

Maybe drop a comment or even save it.

But if you include an external link in it, people might click the link and go out of the platform to check it out.

This will make people spend lesser time on Facebook.

And that is why Facebook hides posts with external links...

Because they want users to stay on their platform.

So, if you're a business owner and want to include product links in your posts, do this instead.


And remember to add a "call to action" to remind your audience to check for the link in the comments.

I've seen this work for me and other top gurus.

I hope it helps you too.

Yours Truly.

The Sales Michael.






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