Daddy's Love

Daddy's Love Am a lover of nature. contact me for your palm oil, female footwears & handbags.


No matter how you love, value and want them in your life always remember God's choice for you is the best.

At times who you want to spend your life with is not who you need to spend your life with.

Learn not to stress yourself much when they come and go cos yours will come, stay and work things out with you


No body just wakes up one day and break up with you, they already had it planned waiting for that one reason to hold hand and deplay their mind there by trying to make you look like the bad person most times


In This life know when you are needed and when you are not needed.
Understand when the red flag shows up without them telling you.
Understand when it time to go even without them telling you to go.

It important not to assume things to avoid heartbreak.


Onye oma cy in her voice ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


*This poem is beyond all relationships*
*But made for us all*

**When I'm dead.*
**Your tears will flow*
**But I won't know*
**Cry with me now instead!*

**You will send flowers*,..
**But I won't see*
**Send them now instead*

**You'll say words of praise,..*
**But I won't hear..*
**Praise me now instead!*

**You'll forget my faults,....*
**But I won't know.....*
**Forget them now, instead!*

**You'll miss me then,...*
**But I won't feel...*
**Miss me now, instead*

**You'll wish...*
**You could have spent more time with me,...*
**Spend it now instead!*

**When you hear I'm gone, you'll find your way to my house to pay condolence but we haven't even spoken in years....*
**Pls look for me now!!*

*Spend time with every person around you, and help them with whatever you have to make them happy!! your families, friends, acquaintance....*
**Make them feel Special. Because you never know when time will take them away from you forever''..*

**Love all and Forgive all.*
*No matter how many times the teeth bite the tongue, they still stay together in one mouth. That's the spirit of*
*Even though the eyes don't see each other, they see things together, blink simultaneously and cry together.*
*that's "UNITY.*
*May we practise the spirit of forgiveness and togetherness*
*1. Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'Talk'*
*2. Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can 'Celebrate'*
*3. Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh'*
*That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations. We are nothing without each other*
*Destiny Ahead Will Take Care*

*The razor blade is sharp but can't cut a tree; the axe is strong but can't cut the hair.*

*Everyone is important according to his/her unique purpose. Never look down on others unless you are admiring their shoes.*


Women you are powerful.
Take good care of yourself.
Don't let anybody detect your happiness.

Don't allow anyone make you feel inferior.


Don't take the silence of a woman for granted.

When a woman is silent is very dangerous.
Majority of women use silence to express to their pains .
Majority of women use when they are hurt.

When a woman is silent, is either she is over thinking, she is tired of the whole situation, she is falling apart or she want a break from you.


If you are ignoring your woman cos you guys are have issues and you think you are suffering her๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ let me open your eye my brother, you are only teaching her how to live without you and when she have already learnt how to live without you ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ my brother you are finished.

Just know you are dating yourself cos if you mess up next time she will not care.


Don't wait till you loose it before you discover it worth


Know when you are no more needed and take a walk


Learn to invest in yourself trust me you will never regret it in future.


He is calling you my princess and you are jumping up ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ my dear cool down and ask him who the Queen is ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I'm coming ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿšถ๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ


I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿค—๐ŸŽ‰


When you don't get early morning standing ovation as a man, its time to start getting worried about ED


Eating raw garlic is a Natural antibiotics that works multipurposely, it kill strain of bacteria like which has become resistant to modern antibiotics.



"After our wedding a sister started calling my husband. She will even pray for us on the phone and advise him like a good sister. Some weeks later my husband asked me to follow him to a friend's office, that the friend wants to give us our wedding present because she missed our wedding. I followed him to her office, we spent hours and she was just running Helter skelter, opening and closing her drawers till we finished the soft drinks she offered us and left without any wedding present as she promised.

One evening my husband asked me to follow him to some where, that a friend invited him over. So we drove to town. To my greatest surprise it was the same sister in the Lord, in her dimly light room with the blues playing and her anointed body hug. That day she didn't even offer us any drink and no meaningful conversation. She was just fiddling with her phone all through then we left. She reduced the rate at which she calls because each time she calls my husband will make sure he gives me the phone to greet her even though he did not explain anything to me, I already caught the joke and was so proud of him.

Finally, we were sleeping one night around 11pm. This sister called, that she was stranded on the road with 5 other sisters that the anointing program dismissed so late and they could not get transport back to town that my husband should please help them. I heard her clearly in the loud silence of the night. My husband got up, sat for sometime before tapping me. He begged me that I should please accompany him. Honestly it was a very big disturbance to my sleep but I just had to get up.

As we got close to the junction she mentioned, I was busy looking out for a group of ladies only to see one person standing there like a ghost. She was even carrying her very big sized Bible. Immediately my husband stopped, she rushed to hop into the front seat where I was perfectly glued. My dear husband then directed her to move to the back seat. As we dropped her at her gate, she was so furious to the extent she couldn't say thank you and bluntly refused to respond to the goodnight I managed to greet her. I watched my husband as he silently smiled till we got home. Since then she has not called again" from her story she thought us that

1. It is not easy for these our husbands especially the ones that are good looking and can feed themselves.

2. it doesn't matter how sanctimonious the sister might pretend to be, the devil can use anyone.

3. Don't overgeneralize that all men just love cheating, some of these ladies never give up easily.

4. When you don't pray for your spouse, expect anything in your marriage.

5. Be there for your spouse always, you don't need much arguments and accusations all the time, just your companionship is enough in most cases.

Some of us might conclude that she was just lucky to have such a dedicated husband, but believe me, you too are lucky. So always pray for your spouse and be there for him or her.

May our husbands never fall into the traps of strange women ..

Don't forget to share if you find the post helpful.



โ€ขThe reason some people have turned against you and walked
away from you without reason has nothing to do with you. It
is because God has removed them from your life because
they cant go where he is taking you next. They will only
hinder you in your next level because they have already
served their purpose in your life. Let them go and keep
moving. Greater is coming!!
โ€ขJust like you wouldnโ€™t give a book to someone who doesnโ€™t
know how to read , Donโ€™t give your heart to someone who
has continuously proven that they donโ€™t know how to love.
โ€ขSometimes you block your blessings by allowing people be
in your life that should have been gone a long time ago.
โ€ขWhen God sees a relationship won't lead to marriage, he
breaks it to save you for your future right partner.
โ€ขNonetheless, when he sees a marriage is of great menace to
you, he breaks it for your own good(safety) because your life
is worthier than that marriage!! God's plans are better than
our dreams and heart desires.
โ€ขLet go dead relationships and marriages!!
Let go that arrogant and egocentric partner.
Let go people who don't add value into your life...
Don't force things happen.
Don't force people stay in your life.
Don't force people have time for you.
Don't force communication.
โ€ขYou deserve the best, someone who looks beyond your
imperfections and sees your potentials.
โ€ขLets be in healthy relationships.
โ€ขLets find partners who add value to our life and who wanna
bring out the best in us...

Don't forget to share If you gain something....


Great Lessons

1. It takes a lady with a difference to make a difference. Nothing happens until someone or some person makes it happen.

2. Never live an epileptic prayer life as a single. There is nothing impossible for a lady who knows how to kneel, so make the secret place a hobby.

3. How you manage your singlehood today will determine your legacy tomorrow.

4. S*x is worth waiting for and proposal is not lo******ng. Do not exhaust your honey meant for your honeymoon.

5. When Purpose is not discovered people live like a joker or fools. Living without purpose is the worst thing that can happen to anybody on earth.

6. When there is no purpose there will be no vision and abuse is inevitable.

7. Singlehood is a period of investment so avoid every form of waste.

8. The word of God is your sure manual in your singlehood. A wordless lady is a worthless lady.

9. The prayer life of a priceless lady is the hallmark of her relationship with God. If you cannot build a solid prayer life now that you are single, it might be difficult when you marry.

10. Some ladies have been born again for several years yet their wardrobes are not. Your identity must affect your wardrobe.

Thank you for reading.

I would like to know what number stood out for you.

Don't forget to share



In case you mistakenly transferred Money to the wrong account and the owner blocked you? or you are duped thru your bank account? and then later realized that you have been scammed or a mistake on your part? And the receiving bank is not cooperating?


Please read carefully and learn.

Many people don't always know what to do, so today am sharing with you things you do when you realize a page you paid for a service or goods is ghosting you:

1. Write out the Full name and account number of the page or person.

2. Go to the last notification your bank sent you after you made the payment (via mobile app or text) and copy out the "TRANSACTION ID NUMBER".

3. Go to any branch of the scam artist's bank (the bank you transferred to), and ask to see the CUSTOMER SERVICE in charge of FRAUD.

While you are there, send an email to SCAMMER'S BANK or the d bank u wrongly paid to and copy CBN FRAUD DESK ([email protected]) n also [email protected]
& [email protected], this will ginger the bank to take it up fast.

What should you expect from this? The culprit/suspect's account will be PLACED ON HOLD. His BVN will be blocked permanently. No account will ever be opened nor will he be able to transact banking business in that name until he clears himself with the bank.

Meaning he/she cannot transfer or withdraw until they visit the bank, and when they do, the bank will contact the police, and the suspect when proven guilty will sign a waiver allowing the bank to refund your money.

Endeavor to Share with Friends and Family because you never can tell who it might help God bless you all.



The liver is an important organ in the body that performs a wide variety of functions, from removing toxins to producing and excreting bile to activating enzymes. Some other functions of the liver include:

Production of essential proteins and cholesterol
Storage of minerals, iron and vitamin A
Destroy old red blood cells
Break down and metabolize alcohol and drugs
Some signs that indicate a damaged liver include frequent allergies, malnutrition, lack of appetite, fatigue, irregular digestion, discoloration of the skin, acid reflux and heartburn. Poor eating habits like consuming junk food, fried foods, sugary foods, and alcohol make the liver overloaded and overworked. A liver detox can help relieve many of these problems.

Turmeric is the wonderful spice that helps in the detoxification of the liver. It helps stimulate enzymes which can flush food toxins from the body. Consume half a teaspoon of turmeric with a pinch of pepper with a glass of lukewarm water in the morning.

Avoid table sugar and other added sugars. Added sugars inhibit your body's ability to produce certain enzymes necessary for the detoxification process and cause blood sugar levels to rise and a significant release of insulin. Keep your daily sugar intake at 20-30 grams or less.

Processed foods are full of preservatives, synthetic ingredients, and chemicals that can weigh down your system, making it progressively more difficult for it to function properly. Start eliminating processed foods like breakfast cereals, frozen foods, and bacon from your diet!

According to various health claims, avoid alcohol because it is bad for your small liver. Drinking alcohol places a heavy detox burden on your body, especially your liver.

This combination works well to detoxify the liver and remove toxins from the body. In a glass of lukewarm water and add the juice of half a lemon. Mix well and drink it in the morning. Drink 10 to 12 glasses of lukewarm water a day.

Dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, arugula, mustard, bitter gourd, and chicory contain cleansing compounds that help naturally detoxify the liver by flushing toxins from the body.

Green tea is rich in plant-based antioxidants that help clear the build-up of fat in the liver and promote liver function. Start consuming 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day to reduce the risk of fatty liver disease.

The sulfur compounds in garlic activate liver enzymes that help flush toxic substances from the body. It contains high amounts of compounds like allicin and selenium which help protect the liver from toxic damage. Have two cloves of garlic at night every day before going to bed.

According to various studies, drinking coffee in moderation can protect the liver by preventing the build-up of fat and reducing the risk of liver disease. You should limit it to two cups a day and consume it without sugar or milk.

Amla has been used extensively in Ayurveda to support liver function and help flush toxins from the body. It also helps to keep the liver functioning at its optimal level. Mix a teaspoon of dried Indian gooseberry powder in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning for best results.







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