Justine Watch

Justine Watch I make content to entertain people with relationship matters, I will draw your attention with pencil

You meän the säme God who creäted us näked will sënd us to hëll firë for drëssing hälf näked?🤣🤣🤣🤣                       ...

You meän the säme God who creäted us näked will sënd us to hëll firë for drëssing hälf näked?🤣🤣🤣🤣

womän who opëns her heärt to love, even after it's been brokën by it, is the strongëst and brävest womän you will ever m...

womän who opëns her heärt to love, even after it's been brokën by it, is the strongëst and brävest womän you will ever mëet. 👌👌👌


Slim girls

I stärted feäring womėn from the day i found out that my four sons are nämed after her exës. 🤣🤣🤣                        ...

I stärted feäring womėn from the day i found out that my four sons are nämed after her exës. 🤣🤣🤣

When he/she promisëd to treät you like an ëgg but he/she didn't mëntion thät it's a boilëd one. 🤣🤣🤣                     ...

When he/she promisëd to treät you like an ëgg but he/she didn't mëntion thät it's a boilëd one. 🤣🤣🤣


Man and woman bathing

A reäl män will bùy you a gift and give you monëy and housë without expëcting sëx and thät man is your Fäther not us. 🤣🤣...

A reäl män will bùy you a gift and give you monëy and housë without expëcting sëx and thät man is your Fäther not us. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

A man was stärved of sëx for months becäuse of his wifë had put to bed throúgh caesärean sëction.One day, the wîfe said,...

A man was stärved of sëx for months becäuse of his wifë had put to bed throúgh caesärean sëction.

One day, the wîfe said, My love, I know how you múst be fëeling becäuse of my condîtion, pleäse takë this 200 dollärs and look for somëone, häve sëx and sätisfy yoursëlf. 🤸🤸

The husbänd collectëd the monëy and left, but returnëd äfter 40 minútes.

The wife säid, Haba! So soon? And the husbänd änswered, I no go far, i just entër this our nëighbor house, Mama blëssing in pärticular. 😂😂😂

The wife äsked, I hopë she no collëct monëy? 🤣🤣🤣
The husbänd said, why not. 🤣🤣🤣

The wîfe säid, Abi she dey cräzy ni?🤣🤣🤣 Abëg hold this pikîn for me, 🤣🤣🤣 mäke i go mëet the Idîot 😂😂😂 "The time wey she born pîkin , I help her husbänd for free 🤣🤣😂😂....why she go collect monëy from you? 🤣🤣🤣😂😂

Relätionship is äbout sëx, that is why you äre not däting your fämily mëmbers.😂😂😂Mäke una no dëy find wëytin no løst.😂😂 ...

Relätionship is äbout sëx, that is why you äre not däting your fämily mëmbers.😂😂😂

Mäke una no dëy find wëytin no løst.😂😂



A womän who knøws how to päy her own bîlls and brîngs føod to the täble isn't afräid to live älone. 👌👌👌                 ...

A womän who knøws how to päy her own bîlls and brîngs føod to the täble isn't afräid to live älone. 👌👌👌

If pënis was mäde for one womän, it would have been cälled pëni. 😂😂😂Anything that cärries ''S'' is pluräl. 😂😂😂          ...

If pënis was mäde for one womän, it would have been cälled pëni. 😂😂😂

Anything that cärries ''S'' is pluräl. 😂😂😂


Ask before shaving


If you are using medicine for kerewa watch this video

Thøse friënds âdvising you to lëave your spóuse won't pick your calls when things get tøugh. 👌👌👌                        ...

Thøse friënds âdvising you to lëave your spóuse won't pick your calls when things get tøugh. 👌👌👌


Stop using saliva

Sëx is a sensätion cäused by temptätion whën a män puts his locätion in a womän destinätion do you gët my explänation or...

Sëx is a sensätion cäused by temptätion whën a män puts his locätion in a womän destinätion do you gët my explänation or do you nëed a demonsträtion?

MORNÍNG MÉDICINÉ.Mäid wänted a sälary increäse.😂Madäm wänted 3 reäsons.Mäid:= I can cook bëtter thän you?Madäm:= Who tol...

Mäid wänted a sälary increäse.😂

Madäm wänted 3 reäsons.

Mäid:= I can cook bëtter thän you?
Madäm:= Who told you thät?😂😂
Mäid:= Your husbänd told me!,😂😂
Madam:= Ok, sëcond reäson
Mäid:= I can iron bëtter thän you
Madäm:= Who told you thät
Mäid:= Your husbänd told me😂😂
Madäm:= Ok, and the third reäson?
Maid:= I am also bëtter in bed thän
This time mädam was furioús and She was gëtting
Reädy to breäk her heäd😂
Madäm:= Did my husbänd say that?
Mäid:= No the drivër told me that
I'm bettër in bëd than you😂😂
Madam:= Pleäse lowër your voicë
I will increäse your sälary.😂😂


Bokku bread with Ghana coconut, always sweet

Girlfriënd and a boyfriënd areFÃKE becäuse:1. If a LADY refusës to have sëx with her GUY, the GUY will quîtThe relätions...

Girlfriënd and a boyfriënd are
FÃKE becäuse:

1. If a LADY refusës to have sëx with her GUY, the GUY will quît
The relätionship. Is that love? No it's a Fäke Love.

2. If a LADY is not beäutiful GUY will not däte her. Doës love
Meäns to be atträcted to beäuty? Fäke Love.

3. If a GUY is not händsome a lady will not däte him. Is thät love???
Fälse Love.

4. If a guy häs no monëy LADY will rún awäy from him. Fäke Love.

5. LADIES only däte guy that häve good Jobs... Stúpid Love.

6. A GUY is atträcted to sëxy LADIES with nice curvës and pointëd Boøbs... Nonsënse Love. Indëed true Love is vëry scärce. This is why there is breäkup, Heärt Brëaks. Etc Peøple are just decëiving themsëlves.

When you are däting an educäted and civilizëd womän who has cläss and ämbition, you get tëxts such as thëse: 😂1. Morning...

When you are däting an educäted and civilizëd womän who has cläss and ämbition, you get tëxts such as thëse: 😂

1. Morning Deär, Hopë you häd a wondërful night. How are you todäy? wäke up get reädy for work. Don't forgët to sënd your applicätion for the job I told you äbout yësterday.

2. Yes Därling, I miss you so múch, I hope you're ënjoying your däy, I am heäding out for lúnch. Tälk läter. Take cäre of yoursëlf. Love you.

3. Yes deär I am at the shop doing grocëry for the housë, nëxt time I am coming with you.

4. Don't put yoursëlf under prëssure my love, I know you will ächieve your goal, you häve my full súpport.


1. Morning bäbe, sënd me some äirtime, pleäse bäe.😂😂

2. Hello swëet bäbez i am coming over for some Pizza over lúnch? And somëone is sëlling nice perfumës can i take one pleäse. Love you so so so múch.😂😂

3. Hey händsome, buy me däta pleäse. Also wänted to tell you my nëighbor is sëlling skìnny jëans, nice shoës from U.S.A and bräzilian häir. You will let me know when you are reädy to get me thëse. Loving you lots.😂😂

4. Me and my friënds wänt to go to Cäfe javäs for drinks, I nëed some monëy.😂😂

5. Bäby I don't fëel like reäding, Can we chät.😂

FOR THÒSE OF YÒU THAT ARE IN LÒVE.My ädvice for yoú is that its not all äbout the good timës, but also how you fäce bäd ...


My ädvice for yoú is that its not all äbout the good timës, but also how you fäce bäd tîmes togëther. Stäy in love and täke cäre of ëach othër.👌👌👌

For thosë of you who are stîll in love with thëir Ex. If there's stîll a chänce and its worth fîghting for, set äside your pridë and mäke
a move (Bút I don't beliëve in fîghtîng for love, becäuse yoú will get täken for gränted), If thëre's somëone else, movë on deär. 👌👌👌

For thosë of u who are In a long-distänce relätionship, trúst ëach other, beliëve in the relätionship that yoú havë, and këep the
commúnicätion älive. 👌👌👌

For thosë of yoú who are confusëd, häppiness Is the bëst änswer. Just do whätever mäkes you häppy. 👌👌👌

For thosë of you who are singlë, don't rúsh things you will find it
Soon. ❤️❤️❤️

My Deär Brothers,When Yoúr Girlfriënd STÒPs;*Strëssing,*Gëtting jeälous,*Asking quëstions,*Tëxting you first,*Cälling yo...

My Deär Brothers,
When Yoúr Girlfriënd STÒPs;
*Gëtting jeälous,
*Asking quëstions,
*Tëxting you first,
*Cälling you first,
*Worrying äbout you,
*Crying ovër you,
*Argúing äbout smäll stúffs,
*Going throúgh your phonë,
*Asking äbout yoúr Femäle friënds.
and stärts SAYING;
*Am finë,
*It's okëy,
*It's cool,
*Am not mäd,
*No problëm,
Just know thät the "LAST TÉAR" has
droppëd and she no longër cäres.👌👌


Oil bean seed, ukpaka, ugba, Apara ,ukana is good for men

A girl in her first däte and she häve sëx with her boy ..not long she fëel wët throúgh her púsṡy so she toúch the flúid ...

A girl in her first däte and she häve sëx with her boy ..not long she fëel wët throúgh her púsṡy so she toúch the flúid and äsk her boy "whät's this" boy rëply "ah thäts what we cäll teärs of a joy. 😂😂😂😂

John and his girlfriënd on Whatsapp:Girlfriend:= HiJohn:= HelloGirlfriend:= Hopë you äre fine.John:= Yeäh.You?Girlfriend...

John and his girlfriënd on Whatsapp:
Girlfriend:= Hi
John:= Hello
Girlfriend:= Hopë you äre fine.
John:= Yeäh.You?
Girlfriend:= I’m good, deär. Evër since you slëpt
with me, you don’t cäll any morë, tëxt or even give
me monëy.
John:= Häve you ëver sëen the Prësident
campäign äfter winnîng the elëction?😂😂


Your time is now

Blëssed are you if you have a spoùse who ënjoys måking you ørgasm 👌👌👌                                                   ...

Blëssed are you if you have a spoùse who ënjoys måking you ørgasm 👌👌👌

Hùsbands, find out if your wife gets ëxtra hørny during ovülation. Attend to her becaūse unmet sëxual neëds can be frūst...

Hùsbands, find out if your wife gets ëxtra hørny during ovülation. Attend to her becaūse unmet sëxual neëds can be frūstrating. Wivës, blue bålls are uncōmfortable, sërve him 👌👌👌

You are pósting cøded messages on your WhatsApp status hoping your spøuse will see instead of dirëctly talking to your s...

You are pósting cøded messages on your WhatsApp status hoping your spøuse will see instead of dirëctly talking to your spouse about the issués. Solve issùes øffline 👌👌👌







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