If you are born into a rich or average family, your chances of becoming successful is high, you will have the opportunity to Leverage on your parent's networks & association,
Even from your school, you will meet children from privilege homes too, and that becomes another advantage for you.
But if you are born into a poor family, where no one has ever become successful, your chances of becoming successful by association is very thin.
Now, It takes high level of competency, brilliance and strength of character for a person born into a poor family to be able to break into the superior class.
You cannot be born into a poor family and be living carelessly, you need to work very hard, you need a distinguished knowledge advantage.
A son or daughter of a poor man that has the opportunity to go to school, should not be graduating with a 3rd class or pass. The same is true when it comes to mastering the rudiments of your business trade and honing your entrepreneurial acumen.
Don't let anybody deceive you that it is not about grade or business acumen. Good grades, excellent performance and strength of character is a leveller and also a huge advantage for the children of the poor.
To break generational circle of poverty, you need to be outstanding at all level and make God your number one priority.
Take it or leave it!