Happy Birthday To My One And Only Bestie In The World, Victory Solomon a.k.a Assurance, I join Hands And say Amen To All Your Prayers Made This Year, More Years and Prosperous Life to Live, More Money to Your Account, More Boyfriend for Your to Scam, I say There will be no Carry over in your Result throughout your Years in the University....
My Friends and Colleagues all over the World, Join Hands and celebrate my Number One Bestie For Life, The One After My Girlfriend, more Winning To You Sweety 💋 💋 💋
Michael O. Michael (Dat Stupid Boy that is not ashamed of Anything, your worry worry bestie, that boy that always come visiting at night, that quite Boy in class and the late comer at last, the boy that don't attend classes regularly)
Happy Birthday Akada of Biochemistry