Opubowatch Newspaper

Opubowatch Newspaper Provides cutting edge ,developmental news, views for a better Opobo kingdom.

OPUBOWATCH HAILS SIMs NEW ELECTRIFICATION FOR OPOBO...Time has a way of addressing issues. And destiny they say maybe de...


Time has a way of addressing issues. And destiny they say maybe delayed but cannot be denied. It's on this strength we want to comment the recent plans to provide Opobo with a durable and stable power provision after over 30 years of relying on power generating plants.

Since two years now, power provision has been at the lowest ebb in Opobo and satelite communities. Not only has the 2000watts generating plants gone comatose, both the infrastructure has gone below what is needed in present Opobo Town to supply power.

One can recall that last December and January during the Alali festivals power provision was totally absent, as members of the kingdom Owugbo society had to use phone torch to lead masquerades at the town square.

Council authorities had raised alarm that the generation plants were almost going extinct since most parts of the plant was either old and could not sustain power. This sad situation not only smeared the celebrations, but brought sour image to the council.

It was based on this that the chairman had to make a clarion call urging for long term solution to the situation. Hon CookeyGam in one interview with Opubowatch pointed out that the generating plants were no longer feasible hence, a better alternative through linking to national grid or installing a gas turbine.

Today we are happy that the call has been heeded to as the Rivers State Governor, Sir Siminialayi Fubara mandate State Ministry of Power to carry out feasibility studies on how to link Opobo to the national grid.

Though many believe that this is belated, we in Opubowatch consider this action as timely. It will not only save huge revenue sunk in fueling the generating plants in Opobo and over 15 satellite communities, it is our view that it will boost livelihood and economic activities in ONOLGA.

What is required now is urgent action. If the project is pursued with vigour, then by December it could be achieved. The power infrastructure in Opobo, especially those in the town cam help drive the speed of the new power project.

However, we wish to draw the attention of the authorities in charge of the project to take time and ensure that the shoddy job allegedly executed by the NDDC and National Power Commission stretching from Kpean to Opobo II should be discarded and reviewed. That job did not only fall short of standards but displayed high level of poor supervision and jerry built materials.

We therefore thank our dear governor and Opobo son, the council chairman, Opobo Alapu Council and indeed the Opobo Elderstatesmen for SIM for lobbying and ensuring that the project is approved.

Governor's Wife, Queen Consort, Others join Opobo/Nkoro PDP Women Prayer Network Thanksgiving...Appreciating God mercies...

Governor's Wife, Queen Consort, Others join Opobo/Nkoro PDP Women Prayer Network Thanksgiving...

Appreciating God mercies and grace for the peaceful conduct and success at the elections of Rivers State governor, Sir Siminialayi Fubara a conglomerate of christian women in Opobo kngdom today had a thanksgiving service at St Paul's Church ,Opobo Town.

In attendance was wife of the Executive Governor, Mrs. Valerie S Fubara and Queen Consort and wife of Amayanabo of OPOBO Kingdom, Mrs. Dandeson Jaja.

Also the Executive Chairman of Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area, Rt. Hon(Dr) Enyiada Cookey-Gam Balolo of Opobo joined the PDP women prayer network to thank God

Chairman of ONOLGA said thanksgiving is an invitation to God to do more, saying that a grateful heart is a wise man. Anytime God does something for you and you come to say God thank you, you're inviting more of his blessings.

Adding that"Gratitude leads to altitude and increase, you can't be grateful to God and not be blessed."

He enjoined the women not to relent in their prayers and intercession for the success of the administration o of Sir Fubara and that of Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area.

He said," to see that we succeed. I will never take your prayers for granted. I will always appreciate and work with the women prayer network. I bring you greetings for your support to me and my family in prayers we are grateful to God and you the women.

In her remarks Leader of the women prayer grpup Mrs Sotonye Toby Fulton said, "On behalf of the PDP Opobo/Nkoro Women Prayer Network, I wish to most graciously thank the creator of the entire universe for the opportunity to have successfully organized this epoch-making occasion. I pray for journey mercies for all who made it to the event grounds. I will not end this appreciation without thanking our maker."

 When I say Tourism and Culture is our biggest sell in Opobo I mean it. The world has turned into a global village, wher...

When I say Tourism and Culture is our biggest sell in Opobo I mean it. The world has turned into a global village, where each country and people are using thier comparative advantage to improve themselves and economy.

During the period of our great grand fathers Oil Palm was their comparative economy and foreigners came to buy from them.

Today the NWAOTAM, OWU masks, DANCES AND COLOURFUL FESTIVALS can be sold to attract a new economy. Its not enough that we use it to entertain ourselves and after two weeks we leave the kingdom empty for old folks children to stay.

Lets harness these unique culture. What is the LG authorities doing? What is the Alapu and War Canoe Houses doing? How do we reorganise our festiival calendar to attract tourists?

Remember we have a road now and besides that we have the ultimate political and economic advantage, our son the governor now. NOW IS THE TIME.

RSU 87TH INAUGURAL LECTURE:PROFJAJA MAKES CASE FOR HYDROPONIC FARMING...One of Opobos foremost female academic and exper...


One of Opobos foremost female academic and expert on Plant Physiology, Prof Emylia Jaja has advocated for adoptionhydroponic farming in parts of the country where land is scarce.

Prof Jaja who delivered 87 inaugural lecture of the Rivers State University said the farming method would reduce clashes between herdsmen and land owners.

Jaja said she was worried that alternative farming methods was not being sought and hence making altercations between land owners and herdsmen common.

The university don, who was former Chairperson of ASUU in the university expressed worry over poor research funding by corporate bodies to agriculture and plant development hence food scarcity.

Jaja spoke on the topic-Plant: Enablers Of Sustainability and Growth of Man , sought for adoption of renewable energy through plant growth and resource exploitation.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof Okogbule was full of praises for Prof. Jaja, noting that she has added to knowledge and development of the state through research.

Why Opobo Needs new power source than Generator, By Chairman

Why Opobo Needs new power source than Generator, By Chairman

Opobo Needs New Power Supply... ONOLGA Chairman
..assures of power supply February Ending...

As lack of power provision persists in Opobo for the past two months, Chairman of the Local Government Area, Dr. Enyiada Cookeygam says what the area needs either a national grid or a gas turbine.

Speaking exclusively to Opubowatch over the state of power supply in Opobo and environs, Cookeygam said acquiring a new power plant is like postponing the evil day.

Though assuring that engineers have started servicing the plant which broke down on 2nd January during the new year festivities.

"This coming week they will start coupling the parts together. We are lucky that the engine did not knock. And we were advised not to start it again until a total overhaul age is carried out."

He insisted that Opobo needs a long term electricity source than purchasing a higher power plant that may also fail in the future.

Currently, the local government headquarters runs on 2,000 KVA plant donated during the Amaechi administration, but the chairman said the power plant is obsolete and can't meet the need of the LGA considering the rising built environment, and town expansion over the years.

Cookeygam said," Opobo has gone beyond using a lister, or generating plant. Before now the number of welders in Opobo were few. The engine is just 2000 KVA and it served well. Currently it can't carry again, you can see the new houses, and virtually every house has an aircon with other heavy appliances."

On how to achieve a long term power supply to the LGA, the chairman said,"we believe that by Gods grace after the elections we will have a permanent solution. Once our son gets to power. "


Opobo Needs New Power Supply... ONOLGA Chairman..assures of power supply February Ending...As lack of power provision pe...

Opobo Needs New Power Supply... ONOLGA Chairman
..assures of power supply February Ending...

As lack of power provision persists in Opobo for the past two months, Chairman of the Local Government Area, Dr. Enyiada Cookeygam says what the area needs either a national grid or a gas turbine.

Speaking exclusively to Opubowatch over the state of power supply in Opobo and environs, Cookeygam said acquiring a new power plant is like postponing the evil day.

Though assuring that engineers have started servicing the plant which broke down on 2nd January during the new year festivities.

"This coming week they will start coupling the parts together. We are lucky that the engine did not knock. And we were advised not to start it again until a total overhaul age is carried out."

He insisted that Opobo needs a long term electricity source than purchasing a higher power plant that may also fail in the future.

Currently, the local government headquarters runs on 2,000 KVA plant donated during the Amaechi administration, but the chairman said the power plant is obsolete and can't meet the need of the LGA considering the rising built environment, and town expansion over the years.

Cookeygam said," Opobo has gone beyond using a lister, or generating plant. Before now the number of welders in Opobo were few. The engine is just 2000 KVA and it served well. Currently it can't carry again, you can see the new houses, and virtually every house has an aircon with other heavy appliances."

On how to achieve a long term power supply to the LGA, the chairman said,"we believe that by Gods grace after the elections we will have a permanent solution. Once our son gets to power. "


Amaopusenibo Dag...to be laid to rest...

Amaopusenibo Dag...to be laid to rest...

A day of Tributes, Tears as Bro Dag goes home...Anyone who must have met Amaopusenibo Dag Andrew- Jaja would take away o...

A day of Tributes, Tears as Bro Dag goes home...

Anyone who must have met Amaopusenibo Dag Andrew- Jaja would take away one thing about him- his down- to -earth personality. He resonates with humility and human sympathy, while disarming you with his smiles and laughter.

Unfortunately, Amaopusenibo Dag Andrew Jaja passed on last December(29th,2022) throwing tears and pain amongst family members,friends, his mates and the entire Opobo kingdom.

Born 73 years ago to JekiOpusenibo Emmanuel Andrew Jaja and Mrs Mary Andrew Jaja(New Accra Jaja), Dag was the second and beloved hence was named after his dad. He grew up in Opobo, but later went to Kings College and University of Ife, now Obafemi University Ife, where he studied to become a chartered accountant in the early 80s.

His career life spanned over 40 years as both public and private practitioner within and outside Nigeria.

On returning from England in the early 90s, Dag pioneered Montessori education, as he joined forces with his wife Dabota Andrew -Jaja(New Cookeygam) to establish Grove School in New GRA, Port Harcourt but that was passing passion- to educate people and build people.

He later became head and Chairman of Osunju House, a position he held until his demise.

Dag's service to Opobo kingdom earned him the title of Amaopusenibo"- Opobo's elder man. And he championed the development of Opobo through his service, philanthropy and leadership.

In Osunju House, he made sure the youths were encouraged to study, skilled and empowered to a level they could be independent.

His social life was massive, as a member of various clubs, including the Masons, where he grew to be influential. He was Opobos truest gentleman, affable, and amiable.

Yesterday at Groove School, a special day of Tributes was held in his honour and many of his friends and family members, and others paid glowing tributes to him.

Foremost Senior Advocate of Nigeria(SAN), OCJ Okocha, Amaopusenibo Bobo Brown and Igoni Park all gave glowing tributes about him.

Okocha said he was a friend and brother. Amaopusenibo Park recalled memories of their childhood days as chorrister in St Paul's Church, Opobo.

For Amaopusenibo Bobo Brown , the late Dag was unassuming, deep and intelligent with love for people.

Dag will be laid to rest in Opobo on the 3rd of February after a wake keep and Masonic service.

OPOBO NEEDS UTILITY PROVISION/ CLEAN UP THIS NEW YEAR!!!As the new year wore on with festivities still ongoing in ancien...


As the new year wore on with festivities still ongoing in ancient kingdom of Opobo, it has become imperative for a communal clean up .

This is so because Cholera and Diarrhea is impending on Opobo and environs. Inshort, as we write we have had not less than 10 cases of cholera in the town.

On the 3rd of January a young man slumped and his life could not be saved due to lack of medicare, since most emergencies are rushed to Bori Gen Hospital-30 minutes from Opobo. The Healt Centre and Gen. Hospital at Opobo we were informed do not have facilities and hence high fatality rate in the area.

It has become worrisome that during the festivities when the kingdom is highly populated with fun seekers and tourists , the people are left to their fate as possible pandemic of cholera worsened by poor water supply and near absence of infrastructure-power and potable water stares at their face.

Most significant is that we are aware that there is an ENVIRONMENTAL AND SANITATION COMMITTEE set up by the LGA, but so far they have not done their work, or perhaps waiting for them to be urged to do so.

The issue of power supply is already a challenge since 2nd January till today 10th January as power supply have been absent due to failure of the generating plants, which we learnt are in bad shape.

We at Opubowatch are worried that the authorities have not not been proactive in this situation, and hence this alarm to put them on the alert.

Our stance is purely community and developmental based, as we urge those in authoriy to swing into action now before the situation deteriorates.

Finally, there is need for the committee to clean up the town, and also need to fasten repairs of the power plant or possibly new power generating provided.

Culture, Tourism-Opobo torchlights in the new year...

Culture, Tourism-Opobo torchlights in the new year...

Bishop Emmanuel Oko Jaja thanks God for Enthronement, as Amayanapu of Bonny and Opobo wax historical...

Bishop Emmanuel Oko Jaja thanks God for Enthronement, as Amayanapu of Bonny and Opobo wax historical...

Amayanapu Commend Bishop Emmanuel Oko Jaja Enthronement Silver jubilee Marriage Thanksgiving...Saturday 11th December re...

Amayanapu Commend Bishop Emmanuel Oko Jaja Enthronement Silver jubilee Marriage Thanksgiving...

Saturday 11th December remains unique in the life of Bishop Emma Oko Jaja, 7th Bishop of Niger Delta Diocese and second Opobian to ascend the bishop of a diocese which gave birth to many Anglican churches in the Delta.

Amayanabo of Opobo and that of Bonny waxed historial and excited that again an Ibani son has ascended the bishophood of a diocese which started in 1861 with King William Dappa Pepple embracing christianity and disowning Ikuba, the god of war.

Amayanabo of Bonny maintained that his ancestors embraced christ and laid the foundation for missio and spread of gospel.

By 1864 according to King Jaja V , Bishop Ajayi Crowther had started new church at Bonny when the two kingdoms were together at Bonny.

But five years later Opobo exited and Jaja established at Opobo to welcome only white missionaries.

Bishop Enyindah who is the Bishop of Niger Delta Province and Ikwerre Diocese reminicsed that the history of Anglican church in the Delta is tied to Ibani kingdom and cant be changed.

On his part, Bishop Oko Jaja said he is elated and that it sets forth hope for new begining and revival for the church.

Opubo Cookey- Im in the contest to change the narrative.

Opubo Cookey- Im in the contest to change the narrative.

SIM 2023:THIS IS OPOBO's BEST TIME..why he would win- Senibo Aaron JajaWarisenibo Godwin Aaron Jaja is no new face in Op...

SIM 2023:THIS IS OPOBO's BEST TIME..why he would win- Senibo Aaron Jaja

Warisenibo Godwin Aaron Jaja is no new face in Opobo/Nkoro politics for the past five years he has been in the quest to reposition his Ward 7, which is the largest in Opobo/Nkoro.

His aspiration did not materialise in 2018, as he was asked to step down for a lady for the councillorship. In 2021, the same played out, since Iwowari area, which he hails from had done a former tenure and it was turn for kpokpokiri area.

Today he is the Special Adviser to the Council Chairman on NGO and Intergovernmental Affairs. Warisenibo Aaron Jaja barred his mind to Opubowatch on many issues concerning the LGA and the governor ship ambition of Opobo's son, Amaopusenibo Siminialayi Fubara.

Asked what he felt of Amaopusenibo Sim Fubara governorship chances he said,"In 2015 one of our son Dr. Dakuku Peterside was in APC but this time we have our son who is in PDP, which Rivers State party. Remember since 1999 PDP has been ruling the state. So Rivers state is predominantly PDP and that is why I'm very sure SIM is there already."

He dismissed the view that SIM is not experienced and a civil servant arguing that such arguments is cheap and petty," how do you wave a man off who has been working with the governor since 2015. SIM has worked with Wine and has understudied him. I believe that he would even want to achieve more than that."

Warisenibo Aaron -Jaja said as much as he knows Amaopusenibo Fubara he has shown sterling leadership quality and humane," he SIM is our leader in Opobo/Nkoro and since he assumed leadership there has been no problems."

Responding on why people should not be harassed and persecuted for being in other parties, Warisenibo Aaron Jaja observed, " every patriotic Opobian should be in PDP considering what we have gained from the party. From the road, hospital and other things we have gained from the party over the years."


Prof Toby says we can transform our economy through effective monetary fiscal policies...

Prof Toby says we can transform our economy through effective monetary fiscal policies...



SIM WILL BUILD ON WIKE SUCCESS-Dr Sam Sam Jaja..saysOpobo/Nkoro is commited PDP enclave

Balolo of Opobo kingdom and former Chairman of the Rivers State Independent Electoral Commission-RSIEC says he is confident of ability of PDP guber candidate to consolidate on the achievements of state governor, Chief Nyesom Wike.

Speaking to newsmen on the sidelines of a reception held Wednesday for two Opobo/Nkoro sons appointed into the State Executive Council, Dr Jaja said Opobo/Nkoro has confirmed itself as PDP stronghold.

With ardent support and loyalty to the PDP, Dr. Jaja said the appointment of Alabo-elect Chris Finebone, and Amaopusenibo Ben Daminabo into State Executive Council is a testimony that the local government is 100 percent PDP.

Asked whether Sim Fubara can drive the leadership of the state considering his background as a civil servant, Dr Jaja argued that Fubara is experienced senior civil servant who was an engine room of the success story of Wike, and as such is fit and capable to lead the state.


PROF. TOBY SETS AGENDA FOR NATIONS NEW BANKING POLICY..says overhaul of banking is key for economic revivalOne of Opobos...

PROF. TOBY SETS AGENDA FOR NATIONS NEW BANKING POLICY..says overhaul of banking is key for economic revival

One of Opobos brightest and Dean Post Graduate School in Rivers State University, Professor Adolphus Toby has proffred measures in which the Central Bank of Nigeria-CBN can finetune the nations monetary and fiscal policies to get out of the woods.

Speaking at the 81st Inaugural lecture of the institution tagged, EATING WELLL AND SLEEPING WELL IN FRAGILE FINANCIAL MARKETS: THE BANKING AND TRILEMMA AND CORPORATE FINANCIAL PUZZLES, Toby said bank customers and the public are hard hit than ever.

He averred that despite the recession that was worsened by Covid 19 the banks were more stable and sleeping well while the public was at the recieving end.

The way out of the trilemma in the view of Toby was to curb this distress to a zero level through a monetary and fiscal policies aligned such that it will cushion pains of the public.

As far as he was concerned the current CBn policies are unstable and seem to help the banks to the pains of its customers.

He opined that savings is currently at its lowest ebb and therefore recommended a council of regulators, which imcludes the CBN and other key economy players.

In addition he adduced that if the economic varibles are effectively manipulated it will reduce challenge of bad performing loans to the barest minimum, and spark fresh quest for investment and savings.

SIM WILL BUILD ON WIKE SUCCESS-Dr Sam Sam Jaja..saysOpobo/Nkoro is commited PDP enclaveBalolo of Opobo kingdom and forme...

SIM WILL BUILD ON WIKE SUCCESS-Dr Sam Sam Jaja..saysOpobo/Nkoro is commited PDP enclave

Balolo of Opobo kingdom and former Chairman of the Rivers State Independent Electoral Commission-RSIEC says he is confident of ability of PDP guber candidate to consolidate on the achievements of state governor, Chief Nyesom Wike.

Speaking to newsmen on the sidelines of a reception held Wednesday for two Opobo/Nkoro sons appointed into the State Executive Council, Dr Jaja said Opobo/Nkoro has confirmed itself as PDP stronghold.

With ardent support and loyalty to the PDP, Dr. Jaja said the appointment of Alabo-elect Chris Finebone, and Amaopusenibo Ben Daminabo into State Executive Council is a testimony that the local government is 100 percent PDP.

Asked whether Sim Fubara can drive the leadership of the state considering his background as a civil servant, Dr Jaja argued that Fubara is experienced senior civil servant who was an engine room of the success story of Wike, and as such is fit and capable to lead the state.


MY AMBITION BORNE OUT OF SERVICE- Hon Uranta...urges voters to be thoughtfulFormer two term Chairman of Opobo/Nkoro Loca...

MY AMBITION BORNE OUT OF SERVICE- Hon Uranta...urges voters to be thoughtful

Former two term Chairman of Opobo/Nkoro Local Government Area, Senibo(Hon) MacLean Uranta left office in 2014, and since then has been into business and quietly playing role in All Progressive Congress (APC).

He however resurfaced some few months ago, as he won his party primaries to fly its flag for House of Representatives for Andoni/Opobo/Nkoro Federal Constituency.

He spoke to Opubowatch at his expansive office in Port Harcourt where he adduced reasons why he is contesting the seat in next year federal elections:

He said" I have been off the political sphere and into business though I have been playing behind the role in my party APC.

"You know the PDP is in charge of the state, and you are aware of what has happened over the years. Politically it has not been easy for the opposition, but thank God we are up and strong again".

" Before I became chairman of the LGA, I was chairman of the PDP in Opobo/Nkoro and I know the problems of the area. So when finally I became chairman of council it was easy to push for the interest of the people.

I did a lot in human capacity building. I can still remember those who through pur effort while in office were able to go to university, some were able to get their school certificate (SSCE).

Now take for example of the scarcity of teachers in our LGA. Immediately I became chairman I went to NYSC and asked for posting of corp members. In The first batch we had 50 of them posted to our LGA. The magic was that we gave incentives of #5,000 and this was a time had no road. We made available hostels for them and even rented houses for them. And so during my tenure almost all the schools in the LGA had teachers.
During the next batch we had 150 volunteering to come to Opobo/Nkoro and at that point we had to take about 30 because accommodation became a problem.

Remember when I came on board, the LGA was facing huge security challenge. Many of the elites and chiefs left the area. Recall the robbery at the council twice. But I stayed put and within six months we turned around the LGA.

Again recall that the secretariat at Opobo New Layout was abandoned and was not functional. We swinged into action built the concrete road to the new secretariat. Thereafter we commenced rehabilitation and expansion of the complex.



4 Ikwerre Road
Port Harcourt


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