(A shot story of Sam)
Me and Oliver had fun that day we played and played and played that very day because our parents were not around
I was even flogged to go and bath that night before I will be giving food. Then I went to bed after some time
I found myself with Oliver again playing then I told Oliver I want to
p*e my dear it was as eve the p*e don't want to finish so I can go and continue my play I tried to wrap up nna the thing no gree ooo
Till I received one kind wicked stroke from this side of the world chai that one enter me ooo
that was when I realise I was in the garden of eden I was just called back
Getting back to the real world guy check me out na I have been Baptist by the holy spirit with water and water and water again
My brother that day no be small flogging ooo I hear shege na that time I know say na for bed I dy do the thing