The Leader Newspaper - Assumpta Press

The Leader Newspaper - Assumpta Press The Leader is published by Assumpta Press Owerri Nigeria.

THE LEADER is an online edition of The Leader Newspaper, a high reputable local tabloid by the Assumpta Press Limited founded August 15,1956 by the early Irish Missionaries who worked at the Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri. It covers church and circular news stories, articles and features, and circulates in almost all the south eastern states namely: Imo, Abia, Rivers, Anambra., Enugu, (Nsukka in E

nugu state) and recently it has opened its Abuja Route.The Leader has a strong local base and maintains a grass root focus. Recently, The Leader’s popularity and profile has soared due to its honest and objective reporting in social, economic and political issues.



1) Palm Sunday marks the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, where the people greeted him with palms, which signifies victory. Interestingly, ever before Christian missionaries introduced the Palm Sunday celebration amongst us, the importance and significance of the palm tree/fronds have long been established in many parts of Africa, where it symbolizes peace, fertility, victory, joy, sorrow, sacredness, and so on.

2) In Igboland, the palm tree is as old as the settlement of humans in the area. Fragments of palm kernels found in Igboland date to 2555-130 B.C. Researches conducted by Ezike (1987) at Ogbodu Aba in Udenu, Ezike (1988) at Aku in Igbo-Etiti and Chikwendu (1975) at Ugwuagu Afikpo point to 5000 – 2000 BC. (Cf Agu and Okeagu, Nsukka)

3) Apart from its economic values, the palm also has sacred and symbolic functions in Africa. In Igboland, its product, palm wine, is used in religious and social functions like marriages, initiations, oath-taking, covenants, feasts, burials, and so on.

4) In those days in Igboland, after the birth of a child, the umbilical cord of that child is buried at the foot of an oil palm tree, which is dedicated to the baby. This demonstrates its (palm tree) fertility/life aymbolism and its long existence and significance among Ndigbo.

5) The tender palm frond "Omu" also performs cultic functions. It is often used to decorate shrines or grooves of oracles. This signifies sacredness and also that entrance into such areas in question is forbidden except for the priests or those he authorizes to do so.

6) Despite the multiple significances of "Omu," any true Igbo or African is able to decode its significance at any given instance. Thus, among all the Christian feasts and celebrations, none moves Ndigbo/ Africans like Palm Sunday because the mere presence of the palm, especially when it is held in the hand by so many people at the same time, always awakens their spiritual consciousness. It tells them that the matter in question is a serious one.

As Christians mark Palm Sunday, which begins the Holy Week tomorrow, I wish them a happy celebration.

- Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu

Orlu Diocese has an auxiliary BishopVery Rev. Msgr. Thomas Obiatuegwu, the parish priest of St Joseph parish Umuna, has ...

Orlu Diocese has an auxiliary Bishop

Very Rev. Msgr. Thomas Obiatuegwu, the parish priest of St Joseph parish Umuna, has been appointed the Auxiliary Bishop of Orlu Diocese

The the pronouncement was done during the course of the dedication of Queen of Apostles Parish, Urualla today being January 5, 2024

To God be the glory

Long live Orlu Diocese



Exactly 104 years ago, on January 6, 1920 Reverend Father Paul Obodoechine Emecheta was ordained as West Africa’s first indigenous Catholic priest. Emecheta was a native of Ezi, in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria, located in the present Issele-Uku Catholic Diocese.

~ Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu

News from the VaticanAppointment of Auxiliary Bishop to the Apostolic Administrator sede vacante of Ahiara Diocese (Nige...

News from the Vatican

Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop to the Apostolic Administrator sede vacante of Ahiara Diocese (Nigeria)

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has appointed Rev. Msgr. Simon Okezuo Nowobi, C.M.F as Auxiliary Bishop of the Apostolic Administrator sede vacante of the Diocese of Ahiara (Nigeria); assigning him the titular See of Rusgunie.

Curriculum vitae

H.E. Mgr. Simeon Okezuo Nwobi, C.M.F., was born on 25th March 1960 in Eziama Oparanadim Ekwereazu, in the Diocese of Ahiara. After joining the Congregation of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians), he undertook studies in Philosophy at the Claretian Institute of Philosophy Maryland, Nedeke, and later in Theology at Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu. He made his Perpetual Profession on 11 September 1988 and was ordained a priest on 21 July 1990 for his Congregation.

He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration from Enugu State University of Science and Technology in Enugu, a Licentiate in Missiology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a Master's Degree in Public Administration from the National Open University of Nigeria.

He has held the following positions: parish priest at St. Anthony's in Igbo-Ora (1990-1992); Bursar at the Claretian Theology of Enugu (1992-1997); Director of the Department of Spirituality at the Claretian Institute of Philosophy Maryland, Nedeke (1999-2000); Professor at the Bigard Memorial Seminary in Enugu (2000-2009); Prefect of the Apostolate at the Claretian Provincial Curia of New Owerri (2005-2010); Parish priest at St. Paul's in Nekede (2006-2010); Provincial of the Eastern Province of Nigeria of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (2010-2022).

Fr Obumse: The Winner of the Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year                                                  ...

Fr Obumse: The Winner of the Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year

One of the interesting aspects of the sacred priesthood is its unity in content, mystery, and meaning and its diversity in expression. Priests operate within diverse socio-religious circumstances; it is a text with multiple contexts. As embodied representatives of Christ on earth, priests bring their gifts and talents to bear on the work. Through those skills and competencies, they labour for the reign of God, integrating stole and towel, or rather service and sacrifice. The priesthood is a divine project, exemplifying leadership as a society-serving, self-bearing and soul-saving mystery. It is a mystery through which moral agents in-personify and typify the mysterious mercy of God and become stewards of sacred treasures and saving mysteries. In short, the priesthood of Christ is a versatile mystery with the sole vocation of being the agency for the holistic redemption of creation. Like other priests, Reverend Father Anthony Obumse deploys his gifts to realise this universal project.

Super-eminently endowed with enviable academic excellence and distinguished delivery, Fr Obumse received the honour of African Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year. The transformation in Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank from the interplay of Fr Obumse’s knowledge, administrative dexterity, discipline and courage running on the leadership fulcrum of Archbishop Valerian Okeke is phenomenal. With three bachelor's degrees in Philosophy (Rome), Theology (Rome), Management (UNN Enugu Campus) and a Master's in Business Administration in Accountancy (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka), a Doctor of Business Administration (Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka), and professional qualifications, Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) and Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Fr Obumse took the Microfinance banking sector by storm. For example, he grew the shareholders' fund from N167.7 million to N2.9 billion, total deposit liabilities from N329.6 million to N4.9 billion, and total assets from N507.3 million to N8.3 billion, among others, within a short time. Furthermore, he introduced ATMs, Online money transfer and the Bank’s mobile app, which never existed. So, there is no wonder that Fr Obumse has graduated from being the Best Graduating Student in Management (B.Sc) and Accountancy (MBA) to being the Microfinance Bank Personality of the Year by the African Leadership Review, Excellence in Corporate Enterprise and Leadership Awards.

Indeed, in the exercise of the priestly ministry, each person donates himself with his human assets and liabilities. Fr Obumse, in his turn, came into the priesthood with an exceptional capacity for discipline, probity, integrity and focus, helping him to manage financial institutions to an enviable standard and profitability. Indeed, through his ministry, this One Word of God (Jesus Christ) definitively spoken continues to be infinitely spoken with an undying echo in financial institutions. During his formation and tutelage under Archbishop Valerian Okeke, the Metropolitan Archbishop of Onitsha and the then Rector of Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Tony manifested a singleness of purpose that excludes any duplicity of character. Such a virtue became a major assurance that he imbibed the formation, which readied him for the priestly ministry.

The assignments carried out by Fr Obumse contributed in no little way to developing his potential. From being appointed by Fr Valerian Okeke (now Archbishop Val. Okeke) as the First Auxiliary of Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Fr Tony was schooled for the greater task ahead. After his ordination, he was appointed the Accountant/Auditor of the Archdiocese, a stint in a parish pastoral setting as a Vicar at St Mary Onitsha and later the Financial Administrator of the Archdiocese. His stellar performance encouraged the Archbishop to appoint him the CEO of the Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank as part of the holistic reform of all sectors. Fr Obumse did not disappoint. He revived a poorly performing bank and grew it to be the leading Microfinance Bank in the South East geopolitical zone and one of the country’s best banks of its cadre. With the support and guidance of the Archbishop, he took the Bank from a moribund status with no branch to a flourishing bank with ten branches across Anambra State, recording a harvest of awards, success stories and stellar accomplishments.

His performance validates that priests do not take up certain offices in the spirit of wannabe but to pe*****te the world with the ‘kindly light’ of the Gospel of Christ as an instrument of grace. Yes, it is for its evangelical propriety and exemplary value to serve as a light (cf. Matt. 5:14), salt (cf. Matt. 5:13) and catalyst (cf. Matt. 13:33) for a positive transformation. It is one of the various ways of expressing the motherhood of the Church as one who cares for her children and teaches the essence of such establishments. Through Fr Obumse’s managerial and entrepreneurial acumen, Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank is living abundantly within expectation in the framework of Christ’s manifesto and Archbishop Okeke’s motto: “That they may have life in abundance” (Jn 10:10). It creates wealth and employment, offers credits to small and medium enterprises, supports the works of the apostolate, carries out corporate social responsibility projects and empowerment programs, supports rural evangelisation and promotes the common good. Fr Obumse has, through this assignment, proved to be an outstanding and exemplary gatekeeper of spiritual wares and a gatekeeper of people’s treasures and funds.

Tony has demonstrated himself a disciple who drank from the well of Archbishop Valerian Okeke’s rich virtues: discipline, financial integrity, singleness of purpose and undying pursuit of excellence. As an administrator, Tony excels. As a financial manager, Fr. Obumse excels. Think of accountability, priestly integrity, first-class managerial discipline, and Spartan bank executive, think of Fr Anthony Obumse. Scoring first class in the workplace has antecedents and parallels in his academic pursuit both in the seminary and universities.

Undoubtedly, one must be a highly disciplined fellow to achieve this feat. Discipline is an indispensable capital for the ministry of the priesthood, life of sanctity and pursuit of excellence. No discipline, no greatness! Discipline expresses discipleship, for it spells the necessary quality for salvation. Precisely because holiness of life has faces, facial marks and features, one notices diverse and unique facial marks on the faces of the disciples of the Lord. While these sanctity marks take forms and shapes differently from one face to another, charity remains constant and characterises all these marks. Charity is so fundamental that it can be a synonym for sanctity. Without charity, there cannot be any claim to holiness. And though discipline predominates on the face of Fr Anthony Obumse, there is an immense oasis of charity in his heart, which fuels the generosity of his life.

As we felicitate Fr Anthony Obumse, the Co-ordinator of Financial Services of the Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha, we wish him more grace to minister in the financial sector of society. Congratulations on leading Oluchukwu Microfinance Bank to a model for the triumph of courage-led, result-oriented visionary leadership. Your leadership dismantles barriers, takes risks, innovates, implements, and delivers on the goals.

Article by Fr George Adimike
[email protected]

 You are invited Corrigendum: Nkuzi Odenigbo @ 10am instead.

You are invited
Corrigendum: Nkuzi Odenigbo @ 10am instead.

  A PASTOR MAKES CALL TO HEAVEN See Zimbabwean church minister, pastor Paul Sanyangore of Victory World International ma...


See Zimbabwean church minister, pastor Paul Sanyangore of Victory World International making a direct phone call to heaven to the excitement of his church members.

Please who knows the telephone code he used in dialing heaven?

Another minister from Nigeria even claimed that he commanded angels before the camera to send money to the bank accounts of some of his members and the angels did, also to the excitement of his church members.

Africans what has happened to your God-given brains? Why have we lost the sense of reverence for the divine, of the human dignity and decency?

I will continue to say this: the real enemies of christianity are not the so called unbelievers or non Christians but the agents of prosperity gospel and miracle seekers. They make caricature of the faith and make Christianity look like a scam.

Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu

A former National Vice Chairman (North West) of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Salihu Mohammed Lukman, on M...

A former National Vice Chairman (North West) of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Salihu Mohammed Lukman, on Monday wrote an open letter to President Bola Tinubu, listing what he described as disturbing signals in the early months of his administration. In the letter titled, “Disturbing Signals: Open Letter to President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu,” Lukman accused the President of imposing another Muslim-Muslim scenario on the party after winning the February 25 polls.

Homenews Your govt has crashed our expectations - APC Chieftain writes Tinubu byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0   A former National Vice Chairman (North West) of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), Salihu Mohammed Lukman, on Monday wrote an open letter to President Bola Tinubu, listing w...

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abbas Tajudeen, has explained why it has become a difficult task to nip corrupt...

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abbas Tajudeen, has explained why it has become a difficult task to nip corruption in the bud in Nigeria.

The Speaker made this known while speaking at an event held by the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission Policy Dialogue on Corruption, Social Norms, and Behavioural Change in Abuja on Tuesday.




The journalist, Chinonso Uba, popularly known as Nonso-Nkwa, was arrested on July 27, 2023, by the police after he finished anchoring a morning programme on Ozisa FM, a radio station in Owerri, the Imo State capital. Ozisa FM, where the journalist works, is owned by the Catholic Archdiocese of Owerri.


The release of the ministerial portfolio by President Bola Tinubu has dominated discourse on social media. President Tin...

The release of the ministerial portfolio by President Bola Tinubu has dominated discourse on social media. President Tinubu settled for 33 main ministers and 12 ministers of state; however, the distribution of the powerful portfolios has been the main talking point.

Homenews Major talking point on ministerial portfolios byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0   The release of the ministerial portfolio by President Bola Tinubu has dominated discourse on social media. President Tinubu settled for 33 main ministers and 12 ministers of state; however, the distributio...

As sufferings and penury continue to worsen, a 3-man daredevil gang of armed robbers operating on a motorcycle stormed O...

As sufferings and penury continue to worsen, a 3-man daredevil gang of armed robbers operating on a motorcycle stormed Orieagu Market Ehime Mbano LGA Wednesday, August 9, 2023, shooting sporadically before dispossessing terrified traders of cash and valuables at about 7pm at gunpoint. READ MORE>>

Homenews 3-man armed robbery gang attack traders at Ehime Mbano byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0   - Magnus Ibe As sufferings and penury continue to worsen, a 3-man dare devil gang of armed robbers operating on a motorcycle stormed Orieagu Market Ehime Mbano LGA Wednesday August 9, 2023, shooti...

The joy and jubilation of the indigenes of the Akwakuma Uratta Community, in the Owerri North Council Area knew no bound...

The joy and jubilation of the indigenes of the Akwakuma Uratta Community, in the Owerri North Council Area knew no bounds when on Saturday,5th August, 2023 Rev. Fr. Augustine Odinakachukwu Iwunze was ordained a priest by His Grace - the Most Rev. Dr. Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji, Catholic Archbishop of Owerri.

Homeevents Akwakuma Community jubilates at Ordination of First indigenous Catholic Priest byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0  Eze Onuegwunwoke handing the key of the car to Fr. Iwunze… Presents Lexus car to himThe joy and jubilation of the indigenes of the Akwakuma Uratta Community, in the Ower...

Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide has described the allocation only of five Ministerial Posts to South East by President Ahmed T...

Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide has described the allocation only of five Ministerial Posts to South East by President Ahmed Tinubu as unfair and unjust to the people. The President General of Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide Chief Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu in a statement he released recently to newsmen across the globe observed that while other zones got 7,8,9,10 slots, South East was given only five slots adding that such a treatment is highly disturbing.

Homenews Ohanaeze Ndigbo cries foul over allocation of 5 ministerial positions to South East byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0  Ohanaeze Ndigbo Worldwide has described the allocation only of five Ministerial Posts to South East by President Ahmed Tinubu as unfair and unjust to a people. The Pres...

When Senate President, Godswill Akpabio bared his teeth to make known the dirty game of the senate, at a plenary, the na...

When Senate President, Godswill Akpabio bared his teeth to make known the dirty game of the senate, at a plenary, the nation screamed. Two million naira 'token' holiday allowance for each Senator in a depressed economy!

Homeeditorial The real demons and cankerworms byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0   When Senate President, Godswill Akpabio bared his teeth to make known the dirty game of the senate, at a plenary, the nation screamed. Two million naira 'token' holiday allowance for each Senator in a depressed eco...

ARMY TO DEPLOY 2,300 SOLDIERS FOR IMO GUBER - INEC BOSS REVEALSAdmitting that the last Presidential, National Assembly, ...


Admitting that the last Presidential, National Assembly, and House of Assembly elections in the state were marred by irregularities, INEC urged the Imo electorate to avail themselves the opportunity to exercise their franchise come November 11, 2023, without fear of molestation by the non-state actors.


In my seventeen years of priesthood, I have had the opportunity to celebrate Mass with the prisoners two times. My first...

In my seventeen years of priesthood, I have had the opportunity to celebrate Mass with the prisoners two times. My first experience was at St Lazarus's Catholic Prison Chaplaincy Owerri, while the second one took place recently at St. Mulumba's Catholic Prison Chaplaincy, Port Harcourt Diocese. Both encounters left me with unforgettable imprints and reflections two of which I will share here.


In early April 1991, Pope John Paul II called a meeting of the world's cardinals to discuss the rise of Evangelical and ...

In early April 1991, Pope John Paul II called a meeting of the world's cardinals to discuss the rise of Evangelical and Pentecostal Churches. The cardinals had a lot to say about the spectacular growth of these churches which are attracting many Catholics. We need to face the embarrassing question of why so many Catholics around the world are finding a reality of Christian life in these smaller churches not find in their local Catholic church. READ MORE>>

Priests and parishioners of Maria Assumpta Cathedral Parish Owerri have successfully concluded this year's hosting of Ar...

Priests and parishioners of Maria Assumpta Cathedral Parish Owerri have successfully concluded this year's hosting of Archbishop Lucius Iwejuru Ugorji's pastoral visit, as their well-furnished new church edifice, adoration chapel, and Marian grotto were unveiled at the event, held last Sunday (August 13).

Homeevents Assumpta Cathedral Parish hosts Archbishop Ugorji byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0 Archbishop Ugorji heads to reception  … As 40 receive the sacrament of confirmation … New church, adoration chapel, grotto unveiled   - Gozie Ukasoanya Priests and parishioners of Maria Assumpta C...

Bishops in Pakistan have called for prayers after an angry mob vandalized several Christian homes and churches in the di...

Bishops in Pakistan have called for prayers after an angry mob vandalized several Christian homes and churches in the district of Faisalabad Wednesday following allegations of blasphemy and desecration of the Quran.

Homefeatured news Pakistan: Assaults on Christians over blasphemy charge latest twist in religious tensions byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0  Bishops in Pakistan have called for prayers after an angry mob vandalized several Christian homes and churches in the district of Faisalabad Wednesday fo...

  The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, (right, on red cap) on a boat with bishops, priests, and Suda...

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, (right, on red cap) on a boat with bishops, priests, and Sudanese refugees, as he visited the war-torn nation for a 4-day peace talk, August 12 - 17.

Considering our situation today, we need to deeply think about the relationship between our leaders and the society they...

Considering our situation today, we need to deeply think about the relationship between our leaders and the society they serve. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of blaming our leaders for all the challenges we face, and for the issues that burden our communities and nations.

HomeHow she lives Let's Do It Together byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0   Considering our situation today, we need to deeply think about the relationship between our leaders and the society they serve. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of blaming our leaders for all the challenges we fac...

We're on our kneels – Parents’ Association begs Tinubu over hardshipRecall that Tinubu, had in his broadcast to the nati...

We're on our kneels – Parents’ Association begs Tinubu over hardship

Recall that Tinubu, had in his broadcast to the nation in July, said the government was monitoring the effects of the exchange rate and inflation on gasoline prices, promising to intervene if and when necessary. Oil marketers on Monday projected an imminent price increase due to naira depreciation, against the dollar.


The sheer number of deaths and displaced persons bear testimony to this: six years of fighting amid the separatist war, ...

The sheer number of deaths and displaced persons bear testimony to this: six years of fighting amid the separatist war, according to the International Crisis Group, has left at least 6,000 people dead with over a million displaced from their homes.

Homefeatured news Cameroon: Calls for peace ring out on Feast of Assumption byThe Leader News -August 19, 2023 0  Bishop Nkuo Calls for peace rang out from churches across Cameroon as well as from Pope Francis himself, as Catholics in the Central African country celebrated the Feast of the Assumpti...



"The crowning part of our stay in Rome was taking part in the ceremony of the definition of the dogma of Mary's Assumption by Pope Pius XII in November 1950 in St. Peter's Basilica, an event I shall ever remember I life. During the ceremony, each Bishop taking part in the celebration was accompanied by a priest as Chaplain for the procession into the Basilica. Bishop J.B .Whelan C.S.Sp. asked Fr. Anthony Nwedo to go with him. But Bishop C.Heerey C.S.Sp had arranged with a Holy Ghost priest from Kimmage Manor to accompany him. But the priest was late. As the procession started Bishop C. Heerey C.S .Sp saw me and beckoned at me to join him. That wave of hand in silence was to me heavenly. Immediately, I rushed to his side, with hands piously joined in heavenly contemplation. Soon after, the young priest Chaplain appeared. But the procession was on course. He was late and his place had been taken. His disappointment and annoyance can only be imagined. Thus Fr. A. Nwedo and myself had the rare previlege of being very close to the alter in the Basilica of St. Peter on the 1st of November 1950, to hear from the Vicar of Christ those words:
"The Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory". That was my first and last witnessing of the glorious and solemn celebration in the old liturgical tradition of Papal Mass of dogmatic definition. With St. Peter's sentiment at the Transfiguration, my comment on that event: "Lord, it is wonderful for us to be here".
(Mt VIII:4 ). After the great event, we entrained in Rome and retraced our journey back to Kimmage Manor, Dublin". Culled Bishop Mark Unegbu, My Life (Owerri: Assumpta Press, 2002), 37.

Coincidentally, Owerri diocese was created the same year, 1950. That is why its cathedral at Control Junction in Owerri is named Maria Assumpta (the Assumption of Mary).

Till date the solemnity of assumption is celebrated every 15th Ausgust.

The belief in Assumption of Mary is dogma of faith, not a scientific revelation.

In our African Traditional religious history, there are many religious beliefs that dotted our social, religious, cultural, political and economic history. How many do we still celebrate? How many do you still know? Do not joke with religious landmarks. They carry more than you can ever imagine.

I wish my fellow Catholics and "lovers" of Mary a happy solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Angelo Chidi Unegbu

VATICAN APPOINTS NEW APOSTOLIC NUNCIOThe Holy Father has appointed Archbishop Antonio Guido Filipazzi, titular of Sutri,...


The Holy Father has appointed Archbishop Antonio Guido Filipazzi, titular of Sutri, until now apostolic nuncio in Nigeria, as apostolic nuncio in Poland.

  Archbishop Emeritus of Owerri, Most Rev. Anthony J.V. Obinna in a courtesy visit to Pope Francis at the Vatican, Rome,...

Archbishop Emeritus of Owerri, Most Rev. Anthony J.V. Obinna in a courtesy visit to Pope Francis at the Vatican, Rome, Saturday, 29th July, 2023.


Lead stories July 30, 2023

Lead stories July 30, 2023


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The Leader was established in 1956 by the Irish Missionaries who worked in the then Owerri Diocese. The Leader is published by Assumpta Press Owerri Nigeria. It covers church and circular news stories, articles and features, and circulates in almost all the south eastern states namely: Imo, Abia, Rivers, Anambra., Enugu, ( Nsukka in Enugu state) and recently it has opened its Abuja Route.The Leader has a strong local base and maintains a grass root focus. Recently, The Leader’s popularity and profile has soared due to its honest and objective reporting in social, economic and political issues.