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Join the New Creation Teaching Program today as the man of God Pst Peace Emmanuel reveals our true nature as christ; A teaching series that will uncover all ...


Welcome to the New Creation University: In this teaching session the Spirit of God unveiled the answer to the most asked question in the mind of every believer and non believer which has caused a lot of confusion in doctrines. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the knowledge of the richness of God's Grace, and our unfathomable liberty in Christ Jesus.

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Welcome to the New Creation University: In this teaching session the Spirit of God unveiled the answer to the most asked question in the mind of every believer whose hunger is for the Lord but yet struggles with the sin nature. Don't miss this opportunity to explore the knowledge of the richness of God's Grace, His unending Love for us and our unfathomable liberty in Christ Jesus.

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Beloved, It is very possible and rightful that you can offer your body to God willingly. When God created man, He gave h...

Beloved, It is very possible and rightful that you can offer your body to God willingly. When God created man, He gave him the earth as an inheritance to dominate. The Bible told us that man lost that kingdom out of disobedience but God retained his original idea, which is, expanding his spiritual heavenly kingdom to his physical earthly kingdom under the rulership of man.

When a man is born anew in Christ, he is a new creation in the spirit, a citizen of the kingdom of God, but his soul and body must go through a transformation program, a kingdom colonization that only the Holy Spirit of God can offer. This transformation will help him become a son of God; metamorphosed into the fullness of Christ, but the Holy Spirit needs his full cooperation, so he ask for the body to be given, without any blemish or unholiness, a reasonable service.

Beloved, I beseech you today like the Apostle Paul, give your body wholly to the governorship of the Holy Ghost; give him the privilege to impact you with all of heaven, your life will never be the same.

Roms 12:1, 1 Cor 6:19, Col 1:13

If you have been blessed by this message and you want to give your life to Christ, renew your relationship or would love to receive the Holy Ghost, please feel free to send us a dm. God bless you.

 #4 KINGS ARE LORDSThe word lord is a royal word that means master; it also mean 'owner', that's why you call the owner ...


The word lord is a royal word that means master; it also mean 'owner', that's why you call the owner of the house you pay rent a landlord.

JESUS IS KING! Hallelujah

He is Lord! The maker and owner of the heavens, the earth and all that's in it. I guess you already know that, but do you know that our Lord Jesus is the owner of your life and all you posses especially when you are in the kingdom of God. Your house, car, children, all of your money and assets belong to him. The reason you have those things is because He gave it to you.

It's time to relinquish every right or hold you have over material things, children, family including your life and allow our Lord Jesus to rule completely. You will never regret it.

DEAR Y.O.U.T.H.SI would love you to know and understand more than anything else in this world that YOUR LIFE IS NOT YOUR...


I would love you to know and understand more than anything else in this world that YOUR LIFE IS NOT YOUR OWN. It is legally documented in the Bible (the official kingdom law book) that the LORD God made all things and by Him it was created with no exceptions. (John 1:3)


The word Lord means: one who has power and authority over others. A ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due; an owner of land or other real property.

A king is the lord of his kingdom. Everything and everyone belongs to him. He doesn't need anyone's consent or opinion to exercise his will because he is the power and authority in the kingdom.

With the influence of the democratic system of government around the world, human have developed a high mentality of rights; a government run by the decisions of the people for the people. It might sound absurd to hear that Satan the ruler of the worlds system, planted this form of government so humans can totally lose the idea of kingship. Now with everyone vying for their rights and privileges, the world has gone mad with satanic agendas such as, wild s*x, lewd dressings, lgbtq madness, religious manipulations etc.

Your life belongs to God and you must give account of it in judgement. God is not a mean King. Whatever is in his jurisdiction is save and secure. He is a benevolent King that takes care of his own and never allow his citizen to suffer. Due to the sin of Adam, you lost your citizenship and dominion in his kingdom but by His gracious love, He sent his son Jesus the anointed King to restore back the kingdom to you.

Reconnect back to the LORD my friend and enjoy the kingdom benefits under the rulership of our King and Lord Jesus. He still loves you.

UNDERSTANDING THE WORD OF A KINGDEAR Y.O.U.T.H.SOne of the major principles of a king is his word. The word of a king is...



One of the major principles of a king is his word. The word of a king is law. It constitute his will. Unlike democracy or other forms of government, it doesn't go through a debate because when a king speaks, his words become the constitution.


a) The word of a king is law
b) A king's word can be sent
c) A king's word represents the king himself
d) A king's word embodies his ability and power to perform it
e) A king's word is one with the king
f) A king is obligated to fulfil his word

Your word, Lord , is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. ~ Psalms 119:89 NIV

God is the Eternal King! The scripture above bore witness to the fact that his word stands firm and are eternal. God's word represents him (John 1:1 - 3) and it's one with him. More than 2022 years ago, God sent his Word to restore and established his kingdom back to Man and He fulfilled it through his death on the cross, after teaching Man the Gospel of the kingdom of God.

My friend, I want you to understand that God's word concerning you stands firm and unshakable. It must be fulfilled in your life. Please cease from worries, doubt, stand up and break the shackles of depression, be full of Joy because the King never goes back on his word. Jesus is the word of God and he has fulfilled all of God's wonderful plans for you on the cross. He desires you to come into his kingdom and let him rule and manifest God's beautiful Will in your life.

God bless you.

Please share this message to your contacts, family and friends, let's build someone's Faith with the Gospel.

UNDERSTANDING THE GLORY OF THE KINGDEAR Y.O.U.T.H.SBefore you delve into this revelational knowledge, please note that t...



Before you delve into this revelational knowledge, please note that the word 'Glory' in terms of rulership and authority is attributed only to kings; not to a president or a prime minister. Now with that in mind, let's advance into the message.

The word Glory is from the hebrew word KABOD which means true nature, essence and honour; therefore a king's glory is that which expresses his true nature or gives him honour, and the best way kings show their nature (glory) is through their acts, implying that the works of a king displays his glory (Psa 19:1).

God is a King! When you look around you, all you see is His glory in all He created. The trees, oceans, animals, plants, fishes, all gives honour to His name, glorifying Him through productivity. By the reason of kingdom expansion and management, God created Man, full of His Glory to rule over all of His creation.

You must understand that you are God's handiwork created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of giving glory to the King and living for his Glory (Ephe 2:10). You bring glory to God by producing results with what He put in you (His very nature to rule). By the Spirit of God, you must discover your area of rulership, whether in business, ministry or career and dominant; expressing the King's culture and reflecting His nature as you execute only his Will, not yours.

Please read again and meditate. Please share, to enhance the Gospel.
God bless you

DEAR Y.O.U.T.H.SI understand that the society has changed you and has influenced you with the mindset of independency, r...


I understand that the society has changed you and has influenced you with the mindset of independency, rights and liberty (the bedrock of democracy), and has modified your thoughts and actions by the means of its system, but I truly assure you, you must understand the system of monarchy before you can truly love, understand and serve God.

Here are some principles of kings i wrote down for you as we advance in this teaching series so you can get a clear knowledge of monarchs.

1. Kings are legal owners of property(s)
2. Kings own whatever is in their kingdom
3. Kings don't govern people, they own them
4. Kings command and control everything in their territory
5. Kings wealth are measured by the wealth of their kingdom

My friend, God is the King and legal owner of the whole three kingdoms of glory: the celestial kingdom, the terrestrial kingdom, and the telestial kingdom. He owns you and all you have belongs to him by creative rights. His words are law; never to be subjected to debates or argument by anybody, group or organization in all the kingdoms.

God loves his children and desires greatly that they know and love him too, hence He's talking to you through this message. Please relinquish any rights you've placed over your life; trust God the rightful owner and King to take care of you as your Father. His wealth is measured by your wealth and goodness, that's why He desires more than all things to see you prosper, it brings glory to Him.

God bless you.

DEAR Y.O.U.T.H.SBefore we advance, I will love you to understand that the Bible is not a spiritual book. It is a legal d...


Before we advance, I will love you to understand that the Bible is not a spiritual book. It is a legal documentation of a mighty King Eternal Monarch, His kingdom and his royal family whom he made to rule his new territory. Have this in mind when studying the Bible and you will never misunderstand it, God or yourself again.


A king is the governing influence of a kingdom. He is the source of the kingdom; impacting it with his will, to intent, plan and purpose, producing a citizenry of people who expresses his culture and reflect his nature. He is the rightful owner and ruler of a domain (territory); never appointed to rule or govern by vote or people's privileges, but a Lord over everything in his kingdom.

With the above definition of a king, replace the word 'king' with God, then spend time to meditate on it, you will understand how bad a job we have done in serving God, and be grateful for the wisdom and light the Spirit of God is shining in your heart today

Dear friend, I want you to understand that God is king. He never existed to serve your needs and tend to your problems, rather He owns you and it's your responsibility to live by His Will and on his terms and plan only.

I understand that due to the fact that you were born into a democratic system, and your thoughts have been shaped with the ideas of self rights, privileges and opinions, you tend to unapologetically bring that system into your service to God. It's wrong, REPENT TODAY and fill your thoughts with the TRUTH that God is King!

Stay with us this week on the topic of KINGS, the Spirit has a lot to open your eyes to. GOD BLESS YOU!

This will change your perspective about Christ🔊🔊

This will change your perspective about Christ🔊🔊

TO THE Y.O.U.T.H.SFrom our previous post on this subject, the Spirit of God blessed you with the understanding that Man ...


From our previous post on this subject, the Spirit of God blessed you with the understanding that Man was created as a king, lord and god, an ambassador exactly like God to govern a new colony (Earth) for the King of creation, Elohim.

There's an appointment ceremony that happened in Heaven after God created Man (please note, a man is a general word that houses both the male and female). He call them together, blessed them, then He charged them to be fruitful, multiply, replenish and subdue the earth: He gave them total authority over everything on Earth; the King Elohim made Man king over the new colony to lord over it, represent and influence it with heavens ideas, culture and nature. Note this appointment happened in Heaven before God sent Man into the earthly suit He made for him (Gen 2:7)

My friend, you are originally from heaven, created in God's image and likeness; an ambassador charged with the governance of God's new kingdom (Earth). When God is called the King of kings, Lord of lords, God of gods, is because of His sovereign authority over you: you're the king, lord and god in that appraisal. You're special, you're bigger than you think and there's nothing ordinary about you.

This is big! this is the truth! This is God's big idea for man even before the creation of the world (Ephe 2:10 ampc). God's original plan for man was King-Domination. He created man and made him a ruler, a king over the earth; but what really happened to Man, how did he lost this beautiful kingdom and authority given to him? Did he ever got it back? All these will discuss in full but first for the next seven days will be discussing KINGSHIP, so you understand what and who a king is; that'll help you know YOU.

Repent (change your mindset)! You must start thinking royalty. Emancipate yourself from mental slavery and stop accepting a role given to you by the world's system instead of being who you are. REPENT!!

God bless you

WHY DID GOD REALLY CREATE MAN? Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule ...


Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Genesis 1:26 NIV


Many a times, after reading this scripture, we always think that Man's semblance with God has to do with the fact that he has a spirit and soul, look exactly like God outwardly or maybe because God gave him a choice. NO, you are understanding it in a lesser perspective because animals also has those features: they have a spirit, soul and body (Eccl 3:21), they also have a choice; I know this because i have a dog at home that prefers water over Pepsi and poos far outside the compound because he knows I'll tear the dog meat off him if i see a drop of poo in the house, and finally no one has seen God physically to fully certify the fact that we look exactly like him in body shape (remember we have heavenly beings of many shapes and forms). So what understanding is the opening Bible verse really bringing to light?

Remember above all things that God is a King and Lord and I told you that all things belongs to Him and influenced by His Spirit (if you've not read that post/message pls click on the link you see at the end of this post). Also note that a great King is known by the expanse of his territory. So God with a territorial expansion idea in mind created a terrestrial kingdom (Earth) which he intends to colonise with the ideas, culture, intents and nature of Heaven. Remember there's no real colonisation without a colonial master or a representative to govern the new colony: Hence God created Man.

Man was God's original idea of a governor over His new colony earth (read our opening verse again), so He made him just like Him, a king, lord and god, with all the heavenly qualities and ideas, just a little lower than the angels. (Psalms 8:5)

I'm so full of the Spirit right now I'm restricting myself from writing a very long message that I have to stop where i did. Please don't miss the part 2 tomorrow because I want you grab hold this message, it will change everything you know.

Follow, like, comment and share! You will live a long life of peace 😁👌

God bless you

THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS IN ALL HE CREATED - Part 2TO THE Y.O.U.T.H.SWhen you watch how the sea understands its boundaries,...



When you watch how the sea understands its boundaries, how the hibiscus flower closes up for the night to wake in the morning, how the fruit trees understand their season and bear fruits accordingly, you will by no means doubt that the spirit of God dwells in them; influencing God's idea, will and purpose. That's kingdom! (remember our definition in our posts).

The center of a kingdom is a person (the king) first, before it's lived out in administration. The king is the source of the kingdom, meaning that everything in the kingdom reflects the kings nature and expresses his ideas, purpose and Will. The King's words are law.

So, in the kingdom of God, His Spirit holds everything He created (including the foundation of the earth) and impact God's will in it. (Gen 1:2, Psa 75:3)

If so that God's Spirit is in all He made, that means God is in them too. So when you look at the beautiful trees, you've seen a manifestation of God to you, the whole heavens (sun, stars, rainbows..), and earth, He craftily design to show how beautiful He is; the promptness, accuracy and productivity of the fruit crops proves He's a prolific God; the times, seasons and weather, validates Him as an excellent God.

How amazing it is to know that God is not far from us. He's closer than you think and easy to know and understand.

As you open your beautiful windows, walk down the lawn or even going to work, take your time to admire God in all He created. Worship him with praise and thank Him for always being there for you.

God bless you.

THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS IN ALL HE CREATED - Part 1Have you ever heard the phrase 'the walls have ears'? Well, what if is t...


Have you ever heard the phrase 'the walls have ears'? Well, what if is true, what if is really true that everything made by God has a level intelligence and reacts to our words and energy. Please stay with the Spirit on this topic, let's discuss.


Yes! it is hundred percent true that all things created by God has a level of intelligent in it and respond to our words and energy towards it and I will prove it with an experimental example and with the scriptures.

Sometimes back, a group of spiritualists practicing the effectiveness of words, placed two basins of fresh clean water in their church compound. Every morning they spoke words of blessing to one and cursed one. In a matter time, they found out that the cursed water became dirty and full of water germs while the blessed water remained fresh and clean thus strengthening their believe in the use of words.

Let's look at the Bible book of Genesis 2:4‭-‬6:

This is the history of the heavens and of the earth when they were created. In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens– When no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not [yet] caused it to rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the ground, But there went up a mist (fog, v***r) from the land and watered the whole surface of the ground–

What this scripture is clearly revealing is that, even though God has finished creating the earth spiritually and calling it forth with THE WORD, nothing was physically manifesting because He hasn't sent 'rain' and no man to till the ground. The RAIN here means the physical manifestation of the Spirit of God. The writer of Genesis was telling us that God has not physically manifested in His spiritual creation.

So it continued to tell us that a mist (fog, v***r) from the land watered the ground: what does this mean? How can a v***r, a fog water the ground? This was clearly the Spirit of God physically inhabiting all that God created, metamorphosing them into a being that reflects Gods nature and has a level of His intelligence in it.

I need you to come to the revelation knowledge that God is in all that He created. Please stay connected to the part two of this message tomorrow, don't miss it.

Give Glory to God.

FOR HIS GLORYThe Kingdom of God is the governing influence of God the King Eternal Monarch over all He created: Impactin...


The Kingdom of God is the governing influence of God the King Eternal Monarch over all He created: Impacting it with His will, purpose and intents for His glory.


The word ‘glory’ has been used so many times in the Bible that it has disoriented the scriptural exegesis of many. There are at least two words translated glory related to God in the scriptures and I will simplify it by using the term 'give glory to God' and 'the glory of God', so you can have a better understanding. For example:

Give glory to God

Joshua 7:19 Then Joshua said to Achan, “My son, I implore you, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and give praise to him; and tell me now what you have done. Do not hide it from me.”

And we can see the glory of God.

Exodus 33:22 and it will come about, while my glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.

The term ‘giving glory to God’ uses the Hebrew word ‘kabod‘ essentially meaning ‘to honor’. However “seeing the glory of God” as Moses did on mount Sinai is the Hebrew word ‘doxa‘. This word essentially mean heaviness, or weightiness, or the brightness of his presence, or his nature and image.

Now, with an understanding of the word glory and its usage at heart, let's go back to the definition of the kingdom of God on our opening text. The word 'glory' in that context represents the two definition of glory as explained above, 'kabod' and 'doxa'.

Now you see, GOD MADE ALL THINGS INCLUDING MAN TO GIVE HIM GLORY AND TO LIVE FOR HIS GLORY. He desires that you, not only will give Him praise, but will exist for His praise. That's His governing influence over you.

Evaluate yourself and ask this vital question: Do I give glory to God in all things? Do I really live for His glory? What should I do to please Him?

send me a dm if you really want answers to these questions and by the Spirit of God, I will help you discover or rediscover yourself in Him. God bless you.

(pls share)

COMMIT AND TRUST WHOLLY IN THE LORDTHE PLANS of the mind and orderly thinking belong to man, but from the Lord comes the...


THE PLANS of the mind and orderly thinking belong to man, but from the Lord comes the [wise] answer of the tongue.- Proverbs 16:1 AMPC


We are already in the last week of the year 2022. First, I want to thank God for His grace given us in Christ that has sustained us this far, and I congratulate you for not giving up. You truly are a soldier and should appreciate and thank yourself for defeating 2022 alive.

Now we gearing up for 2023, how prepared are you? To many, this is the time they access old strategies, set new plans and goals with attainment times and make budgets, while others simply do nothing but hope for a better year: then there's this category of people who have already given up on planning due to their inability to achieve their previous set goals. Whichever category you find yourself, you are still human and breathing, don't get too hard on yourself. Moreover the Lord Jesus Christ died for the world (everybody) and He gave authorizations in his name to ANYONE THAT BELIEVE over sickness, diseases, demons, and the challenges of this world, and that gives you a chance to try again, this time in Christ.

The Bible says "Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed" (Proverbs 16:3 AMPC).

God will make all of your plans agree to His will for you but He wants you to trust in Him. Don't give up on God, He's not given up on you and never will.

Take a day or two out of this week to praise God for His goodness in your life this year (they are plenty, just look within), pick your pen and paper, then prayerfully plan for 2023. When you done, commit it to the Lord and trust Him to align your plans with His will for you.

God bless you


Dear christian brethren! Because you've never heard a revelation from your papa in the Lord doesn't mean it's not true.

Be alert! A generation is coming!! The eleventh hour generation!!! They will know things God didn't reveal to your papa... Look out for these ones💯



Don't overlook this parents.! Satan is planning and executing highly demonic plans to destroy the purity in these childr...

Don't overlook this parents.! Satan is planning and executing highly demonic plans to destroy the purity in these children; depriving them access into the kingdom of Heaven.

*Good morning King's and Priests! Please watch this life video🙌🏼*🤍🤍🌥️🌥️🌥️ Gospel means is...

*Good morning King's and Priests! Please watch this life video🙌🏼*🤍🤍🌥️🌥️🌥️

The Gospel means is a news that's too good to be true. What other news can interpret this definition other than the message of the undying Love our Lord and King Jesus Christ has for us and has demonstrated through His death on the cross to save us from the shackles of death and sin; establish and restore back to us the kingdom of Heaven. This is a great news! Not only are we saved, we now kings and priests in the kingdom of God. Glory!!! Hallelujah!!!

Please pray that the Holy Spirit gives you a deeper level of understanding before you start listening to this message and be open to receive.

God bless you

The Gospel means is a news that's too good to be true. What other news can interpret this definition other than the message of the undying Love our Lord and ...


THE TRUTH (Nov 27)

PART TWO - King Lawrence

The last time we discussed about the real meaning of being born again. We started talking about the processes you must go through to be a productive kingdom citizen. You can check our profile for the PART ONE of this message. Now we going to discuss the 2nd part and from the same bible verse below:

I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.
John 12:24 AMPC

This is the part of the process that's more crucial but yet very difficult for many to do, even the very known Christian brothers and sisters in your church. Why is this difficult? Well, at this stage, you must kill all that you are in this world.

In the Bible, Mathew 19:21, Jesus had a discussion with a young man that wanted to know what it will cost him to have eternal life: Jesus told him to keep the laws; he said he has been keeping the law from his childhood but when Jesus told him to sell everything he has to the poor and follow him, he was disappointed and he left.

For you to live the Life God has purposed for you, you must die to this world and it's system. Your will, desire, ambition, selfish goals, lust for money, every bit of you must die when buried into Christ, only then can you resurrect, a new Man, formed in Christ; then out of you will flow rivers of living water (out of you will flow Life). You will become productive and always fruitful because you are planted on the right ground (Christ).

God has great plans for us and this plans are encapsulated in His Will. You can't function in His Will by doing your own things. You must die to SELF and live by the Word of God everyday, so you can function greatly in Him.

i. Help me Father by the Holy Ghost to abide in Christ and be reborn in Him.
ii. Help me Father to humble myself into death (to SELF and the system of this world), so I can live in You and fulfill your purpose here on earth. In Jesus Name, Amen.







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