To the deputy Governor of Akwa ibom state, am ashamed of you....
1.No light in your local government
2.No good road in your street where u build your house.
You came and did your daughter traditional marriage, people were kîlléd at Oro.
The only empowerment you can do is to buy bikes to your families members not even a poor boy in the street.
From plaza to ekpene ukim there's light everywhere, but immediately u turned and enter Oron road it looks like you are going to evil forest.
Deputy Governor of Akwa ibom state I am ashamed of you, I cannot get ten Kobo from and heartless person like you.
Ravin's are taking over iquita where you married from and you are quiet, Akwa ibom state polytechnic SUG president this turn is for Oro but u said if not a lady you will not do anything about it, while young brilliant boys are in that school looking for a way they can be sponsor and supported yet u refuse to give them attention. Go to hélll...