God's Generals Media Tv

God's Generals Media Tv The purposes of this Page is to Impacts into the Life's of many and to bring Gospel to your door step

~Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche~God’s servant, Papa Oyedepo, said that when they were given the certificate for the opening of ...

~Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche~

God’s servant, Papa Oyedepo, said that when they were given the certificate for the opening of the Covenant University, everyone was rejoicing, but he refused to join others in the excitement until he had confirmed that God was behind it. So, he held the certificate in his hands and said, “Oh Lord, are you in this, or we just went to open a university? If you are not in it, I will tear this certificate now!” And God said, “I am the one. Go ahead.”
You see, the attitude of enquiry is a character of great men.

My counsel is, refuse to embark on any project until you have received approval from God.

Don’t be in a hurry to do anything until you have received an approval from God.

The grace to enquire from God be released upon you in Jesus Name.


HOW I GREW UP || APOSTLE AROME OSAYIA strange thing took place in my family, and it came to pass when you arrive at the ...


A strange thing took place in my family, and it came to pass when you arrive at the age of 21, something terrible happens to you. For those of you that are in the Medical line, our first born, when he got to 21, he was a Medical student in one of the universities in Nigeria, he came down with a psychiatric condition called schizophrenia.
When the second born was 21 years, she stepped on something that we are yet to discover, and her right leg became two times as fat as her left.
When our third born came to the same age, he had a condition that could not be diagnosed. London was one of the places they brought some samples to test.
I watched my immediate elder brother run mad, before my eyes, because I was the fifth born, and I knew that at the age of 21, satan was coming for me. I have news for you -witches keep time, necromancers keep time, occultic people keep time, but Christians don't. So I knew I had till 21, to get set for priesthood.
So I started learning how to fast and pray in the night, and true to satan's promise, on my 21st birthday I was on campus running to our prayers that starts 12 midnight, and unfortunately for me, I was late, and you know how a campus walkway is, it's busy, day and night, but that day I was alone and an owl appeared to me, not flew to me, it did what? (Laughs - tells the London congregation, 'I know you won't believe it, these Africans have come again').

I grew by warfare, yes. That's my own growth pattern, it was by.... I'm not a gentleman, I fight in the spirit, I am gentle in the natural, but not in the spirit, because the circumstances did not allow for gentility. God had to open the chambers of my spiritual gifts, my perception, so that I could be equipped to fight, and God was preparing me but I did not know, there was a strange appetite to fast, I couldn't explain why, I could not understand it, but God knew I had an appointment at 21............
Apostle Arome Osayi

HAPPY 66TH BIRTHDAY TO BISHOP FRANCIS WALE OKENational President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of NigeriaFounder and Pre...


National President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria
Founder and Presiding Bishop of Sword of Spirit Ministries

We celebrate a father indeed, our flag bearer in the army of the Lord. A man who has stayed consistent in his preaching and doctrine of holiness and consecration over the years.

You have shown us the pathway of humility, we thank you for being a father to us in the Body of Christ in Nigeria. We also congratulate you Daddy for the 40 years of successful testimony of the Sword of Spirit Ministries. Thank you for your anointed teachings of instructions, corrections and directions.

We pray that you will receive the greatest blessings of the Lord and your light will never go dim, it shall perpetually shine brighter and brighter as the days go by.

May the Lord grant you good health and may He continue to move you from strength to strength in Jesus name.

You have been a father figure to the Body of Christ and our prayer is that you will ever remain a father figure to us

Happy birthday Daddy.

We love you Daddy!
We honour you Daddy!
We celebrate you Daddy!
We aggrandize you Daddy!
We salute you Daddy!

Congratulations and God's Multiplied Blessings

From all of your children at God's Generals Media Tv...Kindly Like and Follow our page!!!

THE HOLY SPIRIT: THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD.I started my journey with God not looking for fame, not looking for power,...


I started my journey with God not looking for fame, not looking for power, not looking for ministry. It was a blind but a sincere pursuit. That if there was more in God, then peradventure my life could be a revelation of that more even to a generation.

I went to church and I found out that while preachers preach, they preach powerful messages and while they were preaching I saw sick people, while they were preaching I saw confused people, oppressed people and yet they open scriptures, they spoke intelligently about the love of God, they spoke articulately about the power of God —His power to heal, to deliver.

And when they share the grace, I saw sick people walking back sick. We ended the average church service like this: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we said, then we say the love of God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and we confess that it should rest and abide with us and yet people walk as though they were leaving a funeral.

Where was the power, where was the grace? Something is missing somewhere. I had the opportunity to meet a few veterans of the gospel. I asked them questions about the Holy Spirit. They waved it with some theological answers and I said no, no!

One day I picked a book called God's Generals. I opened it and couldn't close it again. It was as though I was reading about my relatives. I said this is it! This is what I've been trying to seek. Men who subdued kingdoms, shut the mouth of lions. Then I began to study the history of the church in Nigeria. And I came across strange men like Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa, men who shook this nation. Men like Apostle Babalola who carried power with God. And I said something is wrong with your body oh God.

When did we reduce the power of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit to a theological decitation, where did we hide the demonstration of His power? We call it the house of God, we claim God is there and yet people come and they are not changed.

Today we have written books about the Holy Spirit and yet we do not know Him. We have organized conferences after His name, yet we do not know Him. We have packed crusade grounds and we're utterly disappointed. And revealed from our flaws, the disconnect as far as our relationship is with Him. To the point where do not even know His power again.

We see Him move and we're not sure He's the one. And yet I read from scripture and I studied from history that He was the force behind the rising of people. He was the one who lifted politicians like Daniel, lifted men like Joseph, empowered women like Mary, strengthen men like Elijah. How would we want a great destiny ignoring His ministry and presence?

God did not give us a religion, it was an experience — it still is. An experience introducing us to this personality that has been misunderstood. We call Him a bird, He is not a bird. We call Him wind, He's not wind. We call Him fire, He's not fire.

The Holy Spirit is God. Why is He so important that Jesus had to wait for His arrival to begin His ministry. Jesus, the logos of God remained so impotent until He the Holy Ghost arrived. Having mentored His disciples for three and half years, Jesus said, tarry. Do not use zeal to start. Tarry until He comes. He's so important, wait until He comes.

If everybody that was nightly used of God happened through the Holy Spirit then even our generation must carry His presence in order to live a life worthy of God's calling.

BETWEEN SALVATION AND ETERNAL REWARDS. The Gap between Salvation of your Soul and the Heavenly Reward is very Wide. Salv...

The Gap between Salvation of your Soul and the Heavenly Reward is very Wide.
Salvation is Free and is by Grace. But REWARDS in Heaven is not Free. YOU WORK FOR IT HERE ON EARTH.
SOME SHALL BE SHAMEFULLY SAVED...They shall be in Heaven without a Reward FOREVER.
Your Lifespan in this World is too Short to be wasted on frivolities.
Everything in Heaven is EVERLASTING!
If you are SMALL in Heaven,
Depending on your Eternal Rewards.
If after you gave your life to Jesus Christ, you continue to live with Carefree Attitudes and not living for Souls and not Serving the Lord but serving your self, NO PROBLEM!

Revelation 22:11-12 NKJV
[11] He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still."
[12] "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.


PASTOR BENNY HINN REVEALS THE DANGER OF BEING ANOINTED— Pastor Benny Hinn Reveals Benny Hinn, a Christian televangelist ...


— Pastor Benny Hinn Reveals

Benny Hinn, a Christian televangelist who is most known for his recurring miracle crusades, has revealed the danger of being anointed.

While talking about "The danger zone for ministers", the man of God said that anointing can be transferred to clothes, woods, and shadows. He specifically said, "The danger with an anointing is that if Jesus leaves your life, the anointing stays." He said that when the Lord leaves an anointed man, the gift in the man will remain. This implies that he will be performing miracles and healing the sick, but the presence of God has departed from him. Benny Hinn also said that it is possible to be anointed, but if the anointed man is not living right, he will be rejected. He further said that without the presence of the Holy Spirit, the gift will become corrupted. While making allusion to King Saul, he said that when Saul, who was anointed as the king of Israel, fell into sin, God dismissed him from his memory. He said, "It is possible to be gifted and rejected."

HOW I MET MY HUSBAND DR PAUL ENENCHE – DR MRS BECKY ENENCHEI was in the same university with my husband, in the same med...


I was in the same university with my husband, in the same medical school; I was in my fourth year and I had never seen him. I didn’t know him. I didn’t know if I had ever came across him in another part of the campus. We were both in the medical school but in different classes. I didn’t recognize him.

I went to a fellowship in one of the long vacation where it was only medical students that were left in school because we don’t have holidays and he was the one that was preaching that day. I sat there and I was listening to the preaching and I was like, “who is this guest minister? Where did he come from?” Because I had never seen him. Of course he knew me because I was the professor's daughter. My father taught all of us in physiology in the medical school. They knew the professor’s daughter.

He had made this call, “if you want to go deeper in your relationship with God come…” and I wanted more fire so I had come out with other people. He prayed for all of us. After that meeting that day, he said “sister have you ever prayed in tongues for one hour at a stretch?” I said “can any body pray in tongues for one hour stretch?” He said “definitely… this is your assignment, you go do that”. One thing led to another and then, cut long story short, here we are, married today.

After we got married, three months later, we had a little quarrel - Apostle Michael Orokpo I told myself '' what? This l...

After we got married, three months later, we had a little quarrel - Apostle Michael Orokpo

I told myself '' what? This lady that saw me and was relating with me as an Apostle is now having quarrel and arguing with me 😊?

I went back to understand what was going on. I kept on asking myself '' like she's arguing with me? A whole Apostle of Jesus Christ? After three months? My God! I was ranting '' Do you know me? Me that can lock myself up without talking to anyone for three months. Do you know me ''? You will suffer here o ' ? 😂

In the Evening, I sat down and saw her walking towards me, I pretended to be reading something 😃. She came to where I was and knelt down and apologized. 🙆🤦

It looked like I was the Devil. 🙆 I now discovered that I was more carnal than her 😂. I felt so like a demon. I became ashamed. From that day, I tried to avoid every problem, until I manage this carnality. I discovered ego was high in me. Nobody taught me that I was full of ego, I saw it myself 😂

You are not a man because you boss around. The person who say sorry is stronger. Because the way Jesus showed strength was to die. I learnt something that I didn't read in any book. I've read alot of books, it wasn't there. So God began to teach me.

Dominion Mandates

WHAT IS REAL LOVE ALL ABOUT?By: Dr. Paul Enenche1. Real Love originates with God (1Jn. 4:8)Outside of God whatever is ca...

By: Dr. Paul Enenche

1. Real Love originates with God (1Jn. 4:8)
Outside of God whatever is called love cannot stand the test of time

2. Real Love intensifies in the company of God (Prov. 13:20)
The closer your relationship with God, the more intense the love becomes

3. Real Love seeks the best of others

4. Real Love brings the best out of others
Real love turns trash into treasure, waste into wealth and raw material into refined products

5. Real Love shields and protects others
A real lover cannot withstand the pain of the loved

6. Real Love adds value to others
Those who use people devalue them but those who love people envalue them

7. Real Love touches lives; it makes a mark on people that they can’t forget

8. Real Love waits; it is patient
Everywhere impatience is found, real love is lacking

9. Real Love is principled
Real love maintains standards and follows guidelines

10. Real Love feels
Real love feels the pain and hurt of others; it has empathy

11. Real Love gives (John 3:16)

12. Real Love forgives
Anytime people make the past to permanently remain as the present, they kill the future
Forgive means releasing people from your heart, but you must exercise wisdom so that you don’t get hurt over and over again.

Apostle Joshua Selman been prayed for by Daddy Wale Oke and some leaders of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) ...

Apostle Joshua Selman been prayed for by Daddy Wale Oke and some leaders of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) shortly after ministering at the 40th anniversary of The Sword of Spirit Ministry. Join the fathers and drop a prayer in the comment session for our Father and Mentor Apostle Joshua Selman. We love and celebrate you.

©Koinonia Global

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HAPPY 32ND BIRTHDAY TO MINISTER MERCY CHINWO BLESSED.Today we thank God Almighty for his wonderful works in your life an...


Today we thank God Almighty for his wonderful works in your life and in your ministry. May his name be praised forever.

We thank you for accepting the call of God. For modelling Christ across the globe. For representing the body of Christ through your call as a music minister and through modesty. Thank you for the spirit filled songs.

We Join the host of heaven and everyone across the globe to celebrate God's grace upon your life. Indeed you are a blessed woman loved by God. An encouragement to others in the faith.

We pray that God's favor will continue to follow you. May the goodness and mercy of God never cease in your life. Your relevance to the body of Christ will never cease. Greater heights we ask of the Lord and may your well of inspiration never dry In Jesus name. Amen

We at Naijasermon Media celebrate you Ma

I'VE MADE A LOT OF MISTAKES IN MINISTRYJohn 13: 1-13"1: Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus KNEW that his h...


John 13: 1-13
"1: Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus KNEW that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.
2: And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him;
3: Jesus KNOWING that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God ''

• Jesus KNEW that the father has committed everything into his hand

• Jesus KNEW that He was come from God

• Jesus KNEW that He was going back to God

The first Spiritual sense is called the KNOWING OF REVELATION. Jesus KNEW almost everything about his life, but we've been in church for so many years and we know nothing. There's no witness of the Holy Spirit that has grounded us in the realities of God. So when we are faced with Bokoharam, we become beggarly. We don't know what to do🤦

70% of the communications of God is in the Knowing of Revelation. And we call it the KNOWING OF REVELATION because it's a knowing that you know and you don't know how you know. This knowledge is brought by the knowledge faculty of the Holy Ghost upon your Heart. It doesn't pass through your brain, it comes straight from your heart. It's not something you can learn, it's not something that can be taught, it is something that is GIVEN.

You know Paul was speaking and he said '' Henceforth know we no man after the flesh'' that a time must come when you can know men in the spirit. I've made a lot of mistakes in ministry, by not knowing people before I accept them.

And guess what happens? You will experience several things that God Did not ordain for you to experience. And when you come back to Him, God will bring Izal and Dettol and He will help you clean the wounds. And when He's cleaning the wounds, He'll tell you ''This journey you went for, why didn't you involve me''

Most times, you're going to be learning about God when you make mistakes, you know why? Because you were so stubborn, you were so strong. And you believe that this your small brain by which you became an Engineer through UNIBEN can solve so many problems, and I don't doubt that it can't, I'm just saying that there are several issues that are orchestrated from the realm of the spirit, that your brain will be incapable in such matters. Things that have their roots in the spirit realm, will require a spiritual solution, then you will see the need for spiritual knowledge.

Know God now there is time. A night is coming when no man shall work.

Believers Update

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT DUNSIN OYEKAN.OLUWADUNSINProphetic worship Minister and convener of the Code Red Worship Expe...



Prophetic worship Minister and convener of the Code Red Worship Experience Dunsin Oyekan is a singer-songwriter, producer,multi- instrumentalist and gospel recording artist popularly referred to as The Eagle.

Dunsin Oyekan was born in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, on November 5, 1984 to Mr. Gbadebo Oyekan’s family, Dunsin was the only son of his father.

Dunsin received his primary education at the Airforce Nursery and Primary School in Ilorin. He began his secondary education at Federal Government College in Ilorin and completed it at Baptist Model High School in Ilorin during a six-year period.

Dunsin continued his education at the University of Ilorin in Kwara State, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry. He met his wife at the University of Ilorin in Kwara State, where he was studying.

Dunsin married his late wife on February 2, 2013, and they had two children together.

Dunsin Oyekan was married to Adedoyin Oyekan until her death on Saturday, May 18, 2019.

Dunsin Oyekan’s ministry began because of his father’s passion for music. His father persuaded him to learn to play the bass guitar when he was a child. He complied, and by the age of ten, he had mastered the instrument, sparking an interest in music. He became a member of the local choir in his church, and began his journey into the music industry.

Dunsin Oyekan is a professional music producer who began his musical education with the guitar and currently performs a variety of instruments.

He was the music director of the COZA choir, Avalanche of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly at one time (COZA).

Dunsin was nominated as one of the 100 Most Influential People in Christian Ministry in Nigeria by Ynaija because of his effect in the gospel music industry. In 2019, his song, Imole De, was nominated for the Africa Gospel Music and Media Awards (AGMMA) Song of Excellence.

Thank you Jesus for keeping Minister Dunsin Oyekan and his crew safe. We forbid any accidents in the body of Christ in this nation and all over the world. We receive perfect soundness for everyone in Jesus name!.”

© God's Generals Media Tv

In case you're looking for that mantle of influence Pastor Enoch Adeboye carries, it is not inside Redemption Camp...The...

In case you're looking for that mantle of influence Pastor Enoch Adeboye carries, it is not inside Redemption Camp...

The ageless spiritual depth and consecration of Pastor W. F Kumuyi is not in the Deeper Life Bagada H.Q...

I will tell you where to find it...

The Davidic Mantle of raising valiant men which we see in Apostle Arome Osayi is not inside that RCN Embassy Makurdi...

Time has proven that these men touched real substance...

These men travelled to a place called THE SECRET PLACE and they where not in a hurry to return...

If you think it's by going to touch their shoes, you will grow old touching shoes without receiving genuine impartation...

These legislate affairs in the realm of mortals, operating from that immortal realm...

You think such comes by laying of hands?

All these things are completely useless if you cannot travel to where they travelled and remain there (THE SECRET PLACE).

Sir, the Secret Place is the place of making...

The secret place is the place of Power...

From the secret place, spiritual men legislate affairs in the earth realm and see real results...

Have you noticed that flawless Grace of Knowledge of deep spiritual things in Rev. David Ogbueli that has made his message relevant for several years now?

Even when most of his contemporaries no longer have valid Kingdom Messages for this Apostolic generation, Papa David Ogbueli is still speaking burdens to hearts like a burning youth...

How does these come?

All the transactions happens in the secret oh...

Meditation on the Word and Prayer...

See what Peter even said concerning the secret place...

"And Peter answered and said to Jesus, Master, IT IS GOOD FOR US TO BE HERE..." Mark 9:5.

If you have found this place called the Secret Place, TARRY THERE, it is good to be there...

It is not good to he running aimlessly seeking impartation from every Hand, both fake and genuine... It is not good, it has serious repercussion.



It won't take long from now before YOU TOUCH SOMETHING.

Believe me!


It is time...

If you can hear my voice,

It Is Time To START TRAINING Those Knees...

Credit: Christain Nwoke

Just spoke to my brother !  And He is sounding powerful ! We even blasted tongues together.From what I heard and saw fro...

Just spoke to my brother !
And He is sounding powerful ! We even blasted tongues together.
From what I heard and saw from pictures and videos, NO MAN COULD SURVIVE SUCH IF NOT BY THE MERCY OF GOD!
Satan wanted us to wake up obituary pictures. But God turned it around to another massive kingdom testimony ! God showed us MASSIVE MERCY

“For indeed he was sick almost unto death; but God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:27‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Ha! The LORD does save His anointed
Come and Join me sing HALLELUJAH !

©God's Generals Media Tv



— Dr D.K Olukoya Reveals

Dr Dk Olukoya is the founder and General Overseer of the Lagos-based Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries. The cleric renowned for intense and fervent prayers has taken to his verified page to share the video of a message in which from 0:23 time of the video, he shared what happened to a Bishop who warned him against praying the kind of prayers they pray in the church so that they would not lose all their members.

As shared by the cleric, in a message delivered as he exhorted members against conformity to the ways of the world, he has shared the story of what happened to the bishop of another church, when they moved to the present location of the church over two decades ago. According to the cleric, the bishop noticed the aggressive and intense prayers they do pray in the church, having been concerned, he approached the cleric and advised him against such prayers. As shared by the cleric, the bishop said that, he stands to lose all his members if he is not careful with the level of prayers being prayed in the church.

But, contrary to his expectations, as years went by, three-quarters of the members of his church are now also praying the prayers he advised him against; as they have also pitched their tents with the ministry. This the cleric has shared purposely to dissuade people from following unprofitable advice.

Do not conform to the world and its ungodly ways. Those who do unconventional things are those that stand to experience outstanding results in their ways. The ways of the world are against the will of God. You stand to lose a whole lot if you chose the world against the ways of God.

Stand to be different and you would start to experience different achievements.

JESUS IS MORE THAN GOLD 🎶As important as money is,as thankful as we are for the financial blessings He rains,we know we ...


As important as money is,as thankful as we are for the financial blessings He rains,we know we are only STEWARDS. So when we have to choose,we choose THE OWNER.

Edit: As I read the comments,I’m seeing even more that this post isn’t just about comparing JESUS to just anything. I know Jesus lives in the one who has received His life. It might not be money for you. But this post is addressing something; CHOICES IN THE FACE OF COMPROMISE. Compromise even in the least and most deceitful appearance. It could be that we choose gist time with friends over quality time with Jesus. It could be that we are at the brink of selling your soul for some stipends or even huge stipends. . It’s about your choices in the face of compromise. It’s about your daily choices now that you’re in Christ. Is Jesus who you really choose in the face of compromise?

Many of us would or are presently in the face of compromise… let this meme you were only supposed to just laugh about be a reminder, JESUS CHRIST loves you. HE WANTS TO BE YOUR FIRST CHOICE ALL OF THE TIME.

Why pick a cent when the owner of the bank is MY FATHER?


⚠️ THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND ⚠️The events and happenings all around the world today are clear indications that th...


The events and happenings all around the world today are clear indications that the Lord’s return is approaching, sooner than many can imagine. We’re in the last days. In Luke 21:25-26 Jesus said that in the last days, there’ll be perplexity of nations, men’s hearts failing them for fear: “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear….”

When the Apostle Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:6 admonished us not to sleep, he wasn’t talking about physical sleep. He was talking about spiritual sleep; when you’re so deep into worldly things that you become unaware of, and oblivious to spiritual realities around you. Jesus told us to watch and pray, “…for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh”

Now this is the year of the gathering clouds, the period that was given to the church before the rapture is almost rounding up. Remember Jesus gave us an assignment to preach the gospel to all the world before he returns. We haven’t done that yet, the lord will not be excited with us if he returns and we haven’t covered the whole earth with the gospel as he instructed.

WHY CHRISTIANS NEED TO GET INVOLVE IN POLITICS. - Pastor Chris oyakhilomeDon't criticize any of God's people about the s...


Don't criticize any of God's people about the strategy they may be imploring. Don't criticize them, just leave them.

If it's not inconsistent with the word, leave them alone. Don't say what is a Christain doing in politics. What do you mean what is a Christain doing in politics?.

Go and read about many of those who are in the politics. If we leave the whole thing for the devil, what do you think will happen?.

They will keep making decisions you don't like. Sometimes it's good to out pressure. You may not win but you will become a pressure first. Then you will be able to get into the Arena where decisions are made.

That's why some of you need to go into politics. You become representatives, you have a voice in there. They will consult you because they will need to form a forum and they will need you.

And they kept buying you because you have already been bought with a price. So it's about time. There are different strategies God will lead you into and as He leads you, just joyfully go in and others will support you.

This is the day of victory, this is the day for us(Christains) to win on every front and we are winning everywhere by the power of the HolyGhost.

The church is not a baby Church of yesteryears. No, there's alot that we have been learning. It's just like eagle 🦅 when it's about time for her to kick, she kicks it out like Go-fly.







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