God's general with T.E.B

God's general with T.E.B History brings you face to face with God's generals who had once moved the earth through humility.

I am been reading about this particular General whose name is William BRAHAM. He made some crucial mistakes that is stil...

I am been reading about this particular General whose name is William BRAHAM. He made some crucial mistakes that is still affecting many people now.
I don't want you to condemn but learn from his mistake.


Branham began a healing ministry in 1946 and as a faith healer made a number of incredible, high-profile claims that were later disputed or refuted (as the subjects of the healings died). He said that the same angel who followed the Israelites in the wilderness followed him—he even claimed to have captured this angel on film. The photographic “evidence” shows a kind of halo over Branham while he was preaching. In the mid-1950s, his following began to decline, and with the decline came more and more controversial and sensational teachings.

On Christmas Eve 1965, William Branham died as a result of injuries in a car accident. At first his followers thought he would be raised from the dead, and his burial was postponed. Finally, he was buried on April 11, 1966 (and has not been heard or seen since, except for messages recorded before his death). Branham is buried under a large pyramidal tombstone in Jefferson, Indiana. On one side of the tombstone are the names of the seven churches in Revelation, and on the opposite side are the names of the churches’ “angels,” which Branham and his followers interpreted to be various ages of the church and the primary minister to the church in that age:

The Ephesian Age – Paul
The Smyrnean Age – Ireneaus
The Pergamean Age – Martin of Tours
The Thyatirean Age – Columba
The Sardisean Age – Martin Luther
The Philadelphian Age – John Wesley
The Laodicean Age – William Branham


As evidenced by his tombstone, Branham saw himself as the seventh angel to the church of Laodicea—the apostate church of the end times.

There is no single “Branhamite denomination” or central headquarters. In fact, Branham taught that members of denominational churches had taken the mark of the beast. There are a number of groups today that still follow William Branham. These range widely in belief in practice.

One group, “Branham Christ” goes so far as to say that Christ is the “Alpha” and William Branham is the “Omega” and that Jesus is the “Only Begotten Son” and William Branham is the “First Begotten Son.” It is clear from their official website that they see Jesus and Branham as equal if not equivalent. Another group believes that Branham will be resurrected first and then call for the return of Christ. Another group listens to the recorded messages of William Branham as their only teaching. And there is at least one group that has great respect for Branham’s teachings but has attempted to correct them.

The teachings of William Branham are a bit jumbled and contradictory and difficult to categorize. But some of the most controversial doctrines are as follows: modalism (God exists as only one Person but reveals Himself in different modes), baptism in the name of Jesus only (believers baptized using the Trinitarian formula must be re-baptized), the serpent seed doctrine (Eve’s sin in the Garden was having s*x with the snake), annihilationism (hell is not a place of everlasting punishment), Word Faith (sometimes dubbed “name it and claim it”), the idea that the zodiac and the Egyptian pyramids are equal to written Scripture, and of course his own exalted place in the plan of God and the history of the church along with his exaggerated claims to miraculous revelation and healing abilities.

Added to Branham’s occultism and heretical, anti-Trinitarian teaching is his false prophecy. Branham made a “personal prediction” that the end of the world would occur in or before 1977. The teachings of William Branham are a jumble of bad theology, twisted Scripture passages, and personal pride. Christians would do well to steer clear.

Got question ministries




Characters that should never go into the new year with you.

* Chatting while driving
* Removing the name of the author of a post and replacing it with your own name.
* Packaging during prayer meetings
* Envying your destiny helpers
* Wasting time on social media without tangible achievement
* Being in love with a person you know you have no future with.
* Procrastinating what you ought to be prompted to.
* Watching Zee World during fasting
* Asking for urgent 2k from friend you just met on social media. "Apostle of urgent 2k"
* Withdrawing your children from a school because of debt and enrolling them into another with cash.
* Dating 4 brothers/Sisters together. "
* Attending only cross over service in church on 31st and thereafter JAPA sinu AYE.
* Going to bed without bathing.
* Being in a local church without doing any work for kingdom advancement.
* Nagging towards your husband.
* Taking drugs and alcohol
* Going late to church services
* Beating or molesting your wife
* Looking nice and your children looking unkept.
* Gossiping about your pastor.

Alawode kayode Femi

MY PRAYING GRANDMOTHER!!! My praying grandmother has been praying for over 36 years now She never missed her 3' o clock ...

My praying grandmother has been praying for over 36 years now
She never missed her 3' o clock prayer every afternoon.
She observes her daily vigil every day..
She once told us of how God opened her ear to listen to a bird praising God in its language.
She was on a missionary trip to a foreign land when news got to her that one of her son died,but she never forsake God.
Never underestimate the grace of God in the lives of God's generals who has walked with God and still walking with God even before you were born.
We cannot receive the kind of grace they received if we cannot" SERVE FAITHFULLY"
# 's pen # #
# 's general with TEB # #


Sisters!!! Marry a man with character and not a tongue speaking man only ooo because tongues will not sustain the marriage ooo
Only character sustain the marriage.
# 's pen # #


George Müller is said to have read the Bible more than 200 times, many of which on his knees. Before his death, asked by a reporter what he would still like to do, he, on his knees, replied, "To read more of the Bible because I know too little about the excellence of Christ."

This was an Evangelical Christian, director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, where he cared for 10,024 orphans throughout his life based on God's promise found in Psalm 68:5 “God is a Father to the orphans them"

Known as a figure wholly involved in the education of the children he cared for, he was even accused of providing an education beyond the usual norm for those times. He founded 117 schools that offered Christian education to 120,000 children, many of them without parents.

He said, “If I, a poor man, can build and administer an orphanage without asking anyone for money or assistance, only through prayer and faith, this, together with the blessing of the Lord, could encourage God’s children in faith, being, also a powerful testimony to the unbelievers about existence of God. "

The famous writer Charles Dickens himself visited the parliaments of George Müller to see himself the treatment offered to children. Dickens was so impressed that he wrote articles for several newspapers, an advertisement money can’t buy.

Thus, even after the age of 70, Müller traveled intensely, reaching 42 countries, speaking even to White House authorities, sharing with others his rich experience with God.

On the day of Müller's funeral, the Bristol factories shut down. Thousands of people came to pay their last respects to the man who was transformed by God from a thief who betrayed his closest friends, to a man who put himself at God's disposal and raised the equivalent of 180 million dollars would through prayer and faith in Jesus.

Müller wrote of his conversion: “When I surrendered myself totally to God, the love of money was gone, the love of a home was gone, the affection of wealth was gone, the Love of worldly things was gone. God has become my everything I found everything in Him, there is nothing else I wanted. And I stayed with Him, a happy man, a very happy man, seeking to only accomplish the things of God."

Many more lives have been transformed because of Müller's faith and courage. Even if he is no longer among us, the work initiated by him still exists, and Müller's message echoes today: "God is real, He is a God in whom you can trust!"

“It is sufficient to trust in the living God, Müller said, “and not worry about earthly things, for the beginning of worry is the end of faith; and the beginning of faith is the end of worry.”

WILLIAMS BRAHAMCHAPTER TWOSAVED FROM A FREEZING DEATHThe providence of God was with Branham fromhis birth. His father, w...

The providence of God was with Branham from
his birth. His father, working as a logger, had to be
away from home for long periods of time. When
Branham was only six months old, a severe
snowstorm blanketed the mountains, trapping the
young child and his mother inside their cabin. With
firewood and food supply gone, death seemed certain.
So Branham's mother wrapped herself and her baby in
ragged blankets, and then they laid hungry and
shivering in the bed to face their fate.
But "fate" cannot change God's plan. He was
watching over them through the eyes of a neighbor.
This neighbor, concerned that smoke was not coming
from their chimney, trudged through the heavy snow
to their cabin and broke through their door. Quickly he
gathered wood for a warm fire and waded through the heavy snow back to his own cabin
to get food for the Branhams. This man's goodness and alertness saved their lives.
Soon after this ordeal, Branham's father moved his family from the backwoods of
Kentucky to Utica, Indiana, where he went to work as a farmer. Later, the family moved to
Jeffersonville, Indiana, which would become known as the hometown of William

Although the family had moved to Jeffersonville, a moderately sized city, they
remained extremely poor. At age seven, young Branham didn't even have a shirt to wear to
school, only a coat. Many times he sat sweltering in the heat of the small school,
embarrassed to take his coat off because he had no shirt underneath. God never chooses
between the rich and the poor. God looks upon the heart.
School had just ended for the day, and Branham's friends were going to the pond to
fish. Branham wanted to go with them, but his father told him to draw water for that evening.
Branham cried as he drew the water, upset that he had to work instead of going
fishing. As he carried the heavy bucket of water from the barn to the house, he sat down
under an old poplar tree to rest.
Suddenly, he heard the sound of wind blowing in the top of the tree. He jumped up to
look, and he noticed that the wind was not blowing in any other place. Stepping back, he
looked up into the tree, and a voice came saying, "Never drink, smoke, or defile your body
in any way, for I have a work for you to do when you get older."
Startled by the voice and shaking, the little boy ran home crying into the arms of his
mother. Wondering if he had been bitten by a snake, she tried to calm him. Failing to
soothe him, she put him to bed and called the doctor, fearful that he was suffering from
some strange sort of nervous disorder.
For the rest of his childhood, Branham did everything he could to avoid passing by
that tree.
As strange as that experience may have been to Branham, he found that he could
never smoke, drink, or defile his body. Several times, as a result of peer pressure, he tried.
But as soon as he would lift a cigarette or drink to his lips, he would again hear that sound

of the wind blowing in the top of the tree. Immediately, he would look around to see, but
everything else was calm and still as before. The same awesome fear would sweep over
him and he would drop the cigarette or the bottle and run away.
As a result of his strange behavior, Branham had very few friends as he was growing
up. Branham said of himself, "It seemed all through my life I was just a black sheep
knowing no one who understood me, and not even understanding myself." He often
commented that he had a peculiar feeling, "like someone standing near me, trying to
say something to me, especially when I was alone." So Branham spent the years of his
youth searching and frustrated, unable to answer or understand the call of God upon his
Although Branham had received supernatural manifestations in his life, he was not
yet born again. When he was fourteen, he was injured in a hunting accident that left him
hospitalized for seven months. Still, he didn't receive the urgency of God's call that pressed
upon him. He had no idea what was happening to him. His parents weren't familiar with
God, so he had no encouragement from them. All he had was his own limited knowledge,
so he resisted the call of God.
At the age of nineteen, Branham made a decision to move, hoping that a new location
would relieve him of this pressure. Knowing that he would meet with disapproval from his mother, he told her he was going to a campground that was only fourteen miles away from
his home, when actually he was going to Phoenix, Arizona.
With new surroundings and a different way of life, Branham secured a day job on alocal ranch. At night, he pursued a professional boxing career, and even won a few medals.
But try as he might, Branham couldn't run from God even in the desert. As he looked out
upon the stars at night, he would again sense the call of God upon him.

One day, he received news that his brother, Edward, who was closest to him in age,
was seriously ill. Branham felt that, in time, everything would be all right, so he continued
working at the ranch. Just a few days later, Branham received the heartbreaking news that
his brother had died.

WILLIAMS BRAHAMNOTE:( This is more than a story ,it is a deep study about the life of this great general)CHAPTER ONE(A W...

NOTE:( This is more than a story ,it is a deep study about the life of this great general)
Just as morning dawned on April 6, 1909, a small, five-pound baby boy was born in
the hills of Kentucky. Pacing the dirt floor of the old cabin, the eighteen-year-old father was
dressed in his new overalls for the occasion. The baby's
mother, barely fifteen years old, held her new son as
they decided his name: William Marrion Branham.
With the light beginning to break through the
early morning skies, the grandmother decided to open
a window so the Branhams could better see their new
son. It was here the first supernatural occurrence
happened to young Branham. In his own words, he
tells the story as it was described to him:
"Suddenly, a light come whirling through
the window, about the size of a pillow, and
circled around where I was, and went down
on the bed."
Neighbors who witnessed the scene were in awe, wondering what kind of child had
been born to the Branhams. As she rubbed his tiny hands, Mrs. Branham had no idea those
same hands would be used by God to heal multitudes, and lead one of the greatest healing
revivals to date.
Two weeks later, little William Branham had his first visit to a Missionary Baptist Church.

William Branham's family was the poorest of the poor. They lived in the back hills of
Kentucky, with dirt as their floor and planks as their chairs. These people were totally
uneducated, as far as worldly standards go. So reading the Bible, or any book, was nearly
Living conditions were poor and there was little emphasis on serving God. The
Branham family had a general knowledge of God, and that was about it. Theirs was a
rugged environment, and they gave all their effort to survival. The Branhams went to
church mainly as a moral duty, or occasionally as a social event
When you understand Branham's background, it is easier to see why God used
sovereign and supernatural signs to speak to William Branham. He didn't know how to
read or study the Bible for himself. Branham didn't know how to pray, and throughout his
youth, he never heard anyone pray.
If you do not know how to read, then you can't hear from God through His Word.
If you do not pray, then you can't hear from your inner voice, or spirit.
If no one around you knows God, then there is no one to teach you.
In these kinds of situations God is left to convey His message to a person through signs
and wonders. It is rare, but God is not limited because of ignorance and poverty. It
happened then, and it can happen today. God will get His message to an individual, one
way or another.
In the Old Testament, a donkey spoke to Balaam. It was the only way Balaam would
hear the Word of the Lord.
God spoke to Moses through a burning bush. In the book of Acts, signs and wonders
empowered believers to turn a dark, "religious" world upside down.
God is not limited to the confines of educational theology. He is God—and sometimes,
He will call a person like William Branham to come along and break our religious molds.
Religion wants us to forget that the word "supernatural" describes God's presence. It
makes some people nervous when God breaks through the confines of their "religiosity."
It was God working through signs and wonders that caused Branham to know God, to
understand God's call on his life, and eventually to walk in it.


Good morning everyone.
Braham #
Biography dropping now.


William Branham was a humble, soft-spoken man familiar with tragedy, heartbreak,
and poverty. Semiliterate by worldly standards, Branham was educated through
supernatural occurrences. Gordon Lindsay, founder of Christ For the Nations, was a
personal friend of Branham's, and his official biographer. He said Branham's life was "so
out of this world and beyond ordinary" that if it had not been for documented truths, a
person could, under normal circumstances, consider the stories of his life and ministry
"far-fetched and incredible."
Simple in his reasonings and poor in his command of the English language, Branham
became the leader in the Voice of Healing revival that originated in the late forties. There
were many healing revivalists who came to the forefront during this era and each had his
or her own uniqueness. But none were able to combine the prophetic office, the
supernatural manifestations, and divine healing as William Branham did.

It's here again!!! One of its kind!!! Make do to view,read,like ,comment and share this inspiring biography of this grea...

It's here again!!! One of its kind!!! Make do to view,read,like ,comment and share this inspiring biography of this great man of God called # # WILLIAM BRAHAM # #. Don't afford to miss it. # 'S GENERAL WITH T.E.B # #

"In becoming an apostle ,it is not a question of rising high,it is a question of becoming low enough......... I do not t...

"In becoming an apostle ,it is not a question of rising high,it is a question of becoming low enough......... I do not think that I have reached a deep enough depth of true humility........of true abasement and self effacement,for the high office of an apostle......."... JOHN ALEXANDER DOWIE . These were the the words of a great general who God used to call down rain in a famine land... Humility is require in being an Apostle. Many people who are not yet apostle but still praying for the healing anointing sees themselves as a " GOD" .Many has forgotten their source because people have been calling you "daddy" "daddy". ... The key to accessing the depth of God is humility. .....remember the "Lord resist the proud but giveth grace to the humble". # 'S GENERAL # #.

"The world called me a fool for having given my entire life to one whom I've ever seen. I know exactly what I'm going to...

"The world called me a fool for having given my entire life to one whom I've ever seen. I know exactly what I'm going to say when I stand in his presence. When I look upon that wonderful face of Jesus, I'll have just one thing to say: "I tried ". I gave of myself the best I knew how. My redemption will have been perfected when I stand and see Him who made it possible... # KULMAN # #








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